� 1 3- �.4A4'�„�,�a.oa
<br /> wndunawtkx�or citF�er ulcin�ot�ny p�rt ot d�e Proporty,or fa.ca►v�y�noe in Ifa,d ��Y
<br /> �U ba�id w LNwI�, -
<br /> _ _ _ (n the went af�tc�i t�kins o!the Propetty. thep�� �hrli be applied to ths wnr �ocuted by d�l� S�auity
<br /> Inwyment�whMhe�or not dbn due,with�ny ezoas p�id to Han►wot. In the eront ot��ctW ukinj of thc Propaty in
<br /> which the f�ir m�uket vdue of tha Penpeny(mmedi�te►y betae the ukln�i.equal a a�a.�er sh�n�he wna�u��ot�he wnu
<br /> aecurod by thiw Secudty Inawmem immediueiy betore tha aldnj�unku Borrower and Londer otherwiu��roe in writin=.
<br /> q�e sum��uned by�h��S�Cy lewument ahaJ�be roducad by tiw�mount of the proceedt multlpliod by tho fdlowin{
<br /> Mction: (a)tha total�mau�'utthe sums�ecurod immedi�ely betae the aicing.divided by(b)tho fair m�rket vdue ot the
<br /> i�operty iournxliMtefy bePurn the �ing. Any bat;uK:c sh�f1 bo pud w 8orropier. In the event of a putiel tnkin�nf the
<br /> propetty in whioh!he fdr m�rket vdue of the PtopeKy imrtwdWely befarc the t�kin�is ksr th�n tha�unount of tha wm�
<br /> secured imme�diately beicx+e tho tskinQ, unitu Borrower uid L.endrx otherwi�e ��ree in writin�or tu►Ieu appik:able law
<br /> od�erwi�e prav{do�.the p��ucoed�shall ba app{ied to the wmr wcurod by�hir Socurity Irutniment whahor or nat tl�a sum�are
<br /> ttbn due.
<br /> If 1he PropaRy i�+ahiutdoned by Botmwer.or it. �fier ratice by Lender to Borrower th�t tho condemnor offen to m�lce
<br /> an aw�cd or senla�c1Afm fa d�m��os.Barower failx w respond to Lender within 30 d�ys ttier tho dnto tho natico is�iven,
<br /> l,ender is�utharizal to colixt�nd appiy thC prc�xd�,at Ito option.either to rectoratior�or np�ir of tha Pioperty or to tha
<br /> sums rxured by thi�Securlty Imttument,whether a not then due.
<br /> Unleu I.ender and fiarower atherwlse aarce in writinQ. any applic�tion of proceeds to principal xhall rwt extend a
<br /> poetpone the duo date of the monthly p�ymente refemed to in parxgraphs 1 and 2 or change the unaunt of such paymcnta.
<br /> 11. �rower Not Rekased; Forbearanee By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of tha tima fa p�yment a
<br /> matification af anwrtixation of the sums securtd by this Secudty Insdument granted by I.ender to nny successor In inurest
<br /> of Borrower sh�ll nat aperacc to release thc liability of the orlgi►u�l Borrower or Borrowerl�successoca ln interost.Lender
<br />. sh�lt not be roqui�ed w com�rxnce proceedings a�anst any successor jn interest or rcfuse to exund time fa pAyment or
<br /> otherwise modify amortization of the sums sa:ured by this Socu�ry Instcument by resson of any demu�d made by tha ori�in�i
<br /> Bomower or Bor�+Qwer�s successors in inurcst. Any forbearmce by Lender in exercisin�any r��ht a remedy shdl not be a
<br /> _ — w�iver of or prcclude the exerclse of any right or remedy.
<br />" ' 12. Succeasori�nd Asti�ns Bound;Joint And Several Liability;Casigners. 7'he covenants and agrcements of this
<br /> Securiry lnstiument shall bind and benefit the succeasors and acsigns of Lender and Bomower.subject to the provisions of
<br />_ paragraph 17. Borrowerl covenants and agrctments shall be joint and reverrl. Any Borrower who co•signs thts Security
<br /> ' Insavment but doea not execute the Nae: (a)is casigning thts Security Instrument only to mortgago.grant and convey that
<br /> ' ' Borrower's interest in the Property under the tcrms of d�is Security instrument: (b)is nat personally obligated to pay thc sums
<br /> - securcd by this Security Insaument;and(c)Agrces that I.cndcr and any other Borrower may agrce to extend,modify.forbear
<br /> «mAlce any accommodatiAns with rcgiud to the terms nf this 5ecurity Insuument or the Note without thQt Borrower'�
<br /> canscnt.
<br /> � 13. Loon Chacges. (f the loan securcd by this Security Insnument is subject to a law whfch sets mauimum loan
<br /> �, charg�,�d thst lsse is fina!!�iniespreies!so ihnt thc irN!�rrc�t M�hrr kwn charges coitected or to be collocted in connectlon
<br /> � with tha loan exceed the pem�itted limlts,then: (u)any such lot�nn charge shall be reduced by tho amount neces.gary to reduce
<br /> the charga to tha parmitted limit;and(b)any sums alreudy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> mfu�ded to Borrower. [.r.nder may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> dioect puyment to Borcower. If u rcfund reduces principal,the reductian will be treated us a partiul propayment without any
<br /> - prepayment cherge under the Note.
<br /> � 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instniment shall be given by delivering it or by
<br />• mail{ng it by first class muil unless applicuble law rcquims use of another method.The notice shall be directed ro the Property
<br /> •� I Address or any other address Borrower destgnate:s by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by�rst class
<br /> ��"-� . mail to Lender?�address stated herein or nny other uddmss Lender de�ignutes by notice to Borrower. Any natice provided for
<br /> in this Security instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given �.c providecl in this
<br /> -'� �,, � pnrag�aph.
<br />`�.., .,�"�j'� �.'•X�,�,•'� 15. Governing Law; Severabllity. This Security Instrument shall bc govcmed by federal law and the luw of the
<br /> ' {`•'�f'`';yi � jurisdiction in which the Propeny i,located. In the event that any pmvisiun or cluux:of thi�Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ;�;P,��.F..,.,,�,: i conflicts wlth applicable luw,.r•uch conflict shall not uffect other provision�of thiti Securiry Inuntment or the Note which can
<br /> >>, be given effect without the conflicting provision. To ihiti end the provisions of thi�:Security Instrument:u�d the Note arc
<br /> ,...:. . .�.a....
<br /> ���'•%��^.•�-�`` � declared to be sevcruble.
<br /> 3 �tp!!'�sr:e,�x;�,•_c�.. i
<br /> 16. Iiorrower's Copy. Horrowcr shall be givcn ane confonned copy of thc Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> _h'i;t::-:�=:•_. . 17. 71�ansfer of the Property or a BeneficiAl Znterest in Borrower. If ull or uny purt of thc Property or any interest in
<br /> :,.. 1,..:;t�, .
<br /> �a+��. . it is sold or transfcrred(or if a beneficial interest in 8ormwe�iti sold or trunsfemd und Borrower is not a namrnl penon)
<br /> ' `�� without Lender's rior written consent,Lender mu at itti c� tion,rc uirr immrdiute a ment in full oF all sums tecured b
<br /> ''�..:�n:•. p Y• ' p 4 P'Y y
<br /> i•` this Security lnstrument. Howevcr,this option shall not be excrciKd by Lendcr if cxercize is prohibited by tederal luw as of
<br /> ��r�' `''�'.''�.'�'�°�� � tha date of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> °��'� `"°'� `� If Lender excrcises this option,Lender shall give Borcower natice of ucccicrution. The notice chull provide u period of
<br />-- �`�� • not less thun 30 days from the d•rte the notice is delivemd or mi�iled within whirh Borrower mu+t p•ry all,ums secured by this
<br /> ' •;'�,�....... ..
<br />-,,:.,•. �t:..,. � Security lnstrument. If Bortvx•er fails to pay thex� sums prior ro the expirution of thi. period. Lende�may invoke any
<br /> _ remedies permitted by thi�Scrurity In,trumcnt without furiher noticc or drmund on Born�w�cr.
<br /> ,�,:;.},=:.�,.b,.wc.�.... l8. Burrower's Ri�ht to Reinstute. If Borrc+w•er mects certi►in cundition�. Bnrmu•cr �h:►ll havc the right to have
<br /> • enforcement of this Security Instrument diKOntinued at any time prior to thc rarlier uE la► S duyc lar�urh other pericxi as
<br /> Singlc F�unily--Faaak�1�e/FYeddk 11rc UNIFpR�t INti7'itl'11F KT--Unifam Covenw�r 9l90 (puRt 4 iJA pugesl
<br /> . i,:.,...
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