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<br /> applicabV kw aKy�peclfy fa roia�t�tana�t)bef'aa wle ol tbe Propaty Purwrot to wer ot aie� in d�i�
<br /> S.sw K :;�.�,. � �ai a _ _....!���a��"^!�!y r�w.�ww». 7Un.a oadi�ioti aw IWt A4rrowr. (�)
<br /> . pay� 1�aKla UI t�una �wliich 1lia� �e undet ddi Sacuriqr Inanunent�nd tbe 1Vote �t if po �oa1��WoA laa
<br /> occurnal:tb)curo�a►y defiult of�ny othe�covauett a�neea�aks;(c)P�Y+al!expaNe�incumed ia a�forcias tbls secudry
<br /> In�tnpaent�includity.but not limiu�d to�nao�ble �worn�Ys'faes;�ad(d)tair�es wch�ctian�l.ender tnay�wort�►b1Y
<br /> requi�e w su�ue that the ik,�af ihi:Security Luwmeat�i..end�er�ri jhts in the t'r+oputy�nd Aarowerti obli�tlon w p�y d�e
<br /> aunt �ecutedby dtit SeCUrity GuWma�t �hdl continue unclwn�ed. Upon ceiaaatarient by Batower. dds Socu�ity
<br /> Inwunbnt�ad the obligKiana�xurod haeby shall�em�in fully et�ecdve ss if n�o a000tention hd uccurred. liowevar�thie
<br /> ri�ht W reinu�e dWl iwt apply in Me cau of�coeleratian wder p�r�ph 17.
<br /> 1!. S�le ol NMe=C4qe d LoM Servioe� 'llie IVate or a p�ti�l inta+est in the Note(to�ciha with this Secudty
<br /> Incuun�ent)may be�old one or mora times witfiout prior notia w Bonowe,�. A�le nu�y rewlt in s ch�nQe in the endty
<br /> (known�s the"Lo�n Savker")th�t coliects monthlY Wyrndiu due under the Note md this Security In:wment. There ua
<br /> msy be w�e a more ch�nges of the I.o�n Se7vkec wu+eWed co�a�le of d�e Nae. If ttkne ia a change of the i.wn Savlar.
<br /> Bonnwer will be gtven wriucn notia of th�ch�nge in�ccoMance with p�ca�nph 14�bove�nd applicabk Is+v. 'Il�e notke
<br /> will:t�to the nuna md addr+ess of the new Lwn Servicauxl the addreu to which�yments:lwufd 6e m�de. The notke wjll ,
<br /> al�o oa�tain u�y otfxr infam�ttan requirod by applicable law.
<br /> 21, l�csrdous Sub�tanoei. Barower sl�all not c�use or permit the presenct.usc.dispoRal.stoage.or role�se ot'rtiy
<br /> Harardnua Subst�nas on or in the Property. Bortowa shtll not do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting tha
<br /> Hnpeety thit ic in vlolation of any Faivironmp�txt 1,�►w. Trie pceceding two aentences shall noc apply to the pesenoo.uce.or
<br /> aumge on the Propecty of smpll qwu�tities of Hu�rdow Sub�tanas that are�ene�ly reco�nized to be�PProP��°�O��
<br /> n:idaipal uses aad w mninteit�nct of the Property.
<br /> Bor�nwer ahail promptlY give Lencfa written notia of�ny investigatlon.claim,demwd.Lwsuit or oti�er act�on by any
<br /> _.�___._,-� govanmeatal or regu�atorY aBeacY a private patty involvtng the Property and any Hazaidous Subatance or Fnvironmentwl
<br /> Law of which Borrower has actuai knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmenW or reRulatory
<br /> autiw�iry.thu any nmoval or other amedluion of any Haxardous Substance af1'xting the Property i�necessary.Bocrower
<br /> �h�ll promptlY Wce all necessacy remEdial acdons in accardance with Environmenta!I.Aw.
<br /> As used in this�wragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"ue those substances deCu�ed as Wxic or hs+zardous substanors by
<br /> EnvironmenW I.aw w�d the following substances: gssoline, kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,ioaic
<br />- pesdcides and hubicides,vol�tile solvents,materials conteining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioxtive materials. As
<br /> used In this puagraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal I�ws�nd laws of tt�e jurisdicdon where the Ptuperty is located
<br /> ttwt rel�te w health,safety or env3ronmentW protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomower and Lendcr funher covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Acce{entionj Remedi�. Leader siwll give notice to Sorrower prior to scccleratian tdbMing Borrower's
<br /> __= breacY ot�ny rnveannt or agreriment in this SecuMty Instrwneat(but not prtor to accekration under p�ragraph 17
<br /> � '�'° uale�s appqcttbk la�provWes otherwlse). The notice slu�ll spect(y: (a)the default;(b)!Iro actlon requfred to cure tYe
<br /> - _— �
<br /> dei'+�uif; (c)��ic,�ui iww i6��i 30�ii�ys t�i��►i�d�tE tbe aoifce is gtrea is Sarra�:cr,'�3 r.�htcl:l.,�s s�sfaelt�n��
<br /> cured;and(d)that fallure to cure the defAUlt on or before the date speci�d in the notice may rcsult u Acceleration ot
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument ond sale of the Property. The notiee shall[urtl�er iaform Sorrower of
<br /> the right ta rcinstxte nfter acceleraHon A�d the r(ght to bring A court action to assert the non�ezistence ot A defAUlt or
<br /> � any other defense ol Ba�rower ta accekratfon And sale. If the default is not cured on or betore the date specilied in
<br /> the notice,l.ertder at its optlon may requtre immediate payment in futl otall sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> � without turther demand and muy lnvoke the power ot sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law
<br /> Lender sluil be entitled to coilect all expenses incurred in pursuing the �emedies provided in this Qs►ragraph 21.
<br />_ - . y � including,but not limited to,re�.conuble attorneys'fees and costs ot title evidena.
<br /> _ It the power ot sale is invoked.Trustee shall record p nutice ot default in each county in whkh any part ot the
<br /> v Property tc located and shall m�il copies of such notice in t6e manner prescribed by applkabk law to Borrower and to
<br />� •�,;w.,. _, the otber pe�ons prescribed by apptic�bte lyw Atter the time required by applicabie law,llrustee shall give pubik
<br /> � � �;,.�� ;iT� notice of s�le to the persons and in the manner prescri6ed by applicable luw 11�ustee.without demand on Bor�ower,
<br /> �:� �. _�,.x,_;:7-.?,•._ shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> �s ,��. �-�,-' the notke of sale in one ur more ps�rcels and in any order Trustee determinew '(lrustee may postpone sale ot all or�ny
<br /> �;;.�.;��, parcel ot the Properly by public Announcement at tbe time aad pt�ce oi s�ny previuusty scheduled s�ir. Lender or iG4
<br /> desi��ce mpy purchASe the Propertv at s�ny sale.
<br /> � •'��s�}-�f�s�:;�' � - Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee sMall deliver to the purch�.ser 1Yustee's deed conveying the
<br /> .'.,�'.x;-�;';��f•`;','Ja`;'. � Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed 9hall be prim�i'acie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> � j k��:•;:`'!.. PP Y P R Pe
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<br /> �.ti:�r:��.;,..
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