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<br /> perjod�tlu�t I.endec tequira. The 1mu�aaoe carrbr pnylditt�thA inwun�nae�hap be clw�an by 8orrawer wbject ro Lendert
<br /> �pp�vvd which�tWl not ba�uu�ea�o�bly withbeW. If&innwpr f�ilF W m�intaia wvwa�c de�crlbed rbove�L�e+tder m�y��t
<br /> - � l.ender�optian.oaWn oovenje W prolecK La�dery d�ht�ih th�i'rr�x+rsy in�cconi�nca w��h paaQ�ph 7.
<br /> A 1l inwmce policie�uid renew�ls�tWl be {a tq Lnnc(ec ind�II includa a stAnd�rd mo�tiaQe cl�we. L.atcbc
<br /> �hall have tha right to hold the policies and tenew�l�axie,r nx�uine�,Banawer�luli P►omPUY�tve to L�ea�der all rocaiplt
<br /> of p�id prcmiumx uid rcnew�l nal�ea. In the event of la�s,�orniwor��Il�ive pumpt notloe to the in+uru�c�s c+ur{er aod
<br /> Larder. Lat�der rruy m�ke ptoof of las if nat made p�omptly br�A�xrower.
<br /> _ _ Unleis Lenckr and&xrower otherwlse agree in writing,Inteironoo pr000als�ull be applied to rcatoruion or ropair of
<br /> — �' the PropeKy d�maged.if the rectoration or�ep�ir io econamic.�lly feuible�nd l.endcrk xcurity ta na lo�aenod. if the
<br /> -- re�:torxtion cx repbir i�nut xoaomically feasibb or Lendc�r`�se�.�uricy would be leaened. the i�wrar�ce prooeala sFudt be
<br /> applied w the aums securod by this Se�urtty lnct�ument, whe�ttltpr or not thon duo,with any exceat ptid to Bacrower. If
<br /> Borrower�bandons the Property.or doec not an:wer wiihin.3a d�ya a notice from i.ender that the insur�nca carrier fus
<br /> offerod to seaie a cl�im.then Lender may collxt tha ins+urcuwo p�s. Lender moy uae the proceuls to�epair or rawre
<br /> the Propecty or to p�y sums acurod by thls Securiry Insttumemt�,wbetlwr or not thai due. '1]�e 34day penod will be�in whert
<br /> the notice ic gtven.
<br /> Unkss Lendu and Borrower otherwise agroo in wrltin8,xny application of procseds to principat shall not extend or
<br /> postponc the due date of the monthly payments refarn�d tn in:pwagraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the p�yments. IP
<br /> under paragraph 21 thc Propeny is acquired by Lender,Homnwerk right to any incursnce policies and procceda reaulting
<br /> fro�h dam�ge to ct�e Properry prior to the acquitition sh�ll pasa w Le�lo�to the extent of the sums aecuced by this Security
<br /> Inswmrnt immediotely prior to the acqu3sition.
<br /> _�. 6. Occupancy. Preservatloa, Msintenana and�Protection ot the Praperty; Borrow�er'a Loao Appikatiou;
<br /> Le�eholda. Horrower shall occupy.establish.and uce tlx,Ptoperty as Bomower�s pincipal residence within sixty days afur
<br /> — - the execution of this Seeurlty Instrurtxnt ant!chall wntinuo to occupy the E'roperty as Bocrower�princip,sl residence for et
<br /> lesist one year after the date of occwpancy, unloss Lendor atherwise agrces in wrItueg. which consent shall not be
<br /> - unreason�bly wlthhetd.or unless extenwting circumsta�x�ci exist which are beyond Bornowerk control. Bomower shall not
<br /> destroy,dan�age or impair the Properry.allow the Propen;r to detedarate,or commit wastc on the Property. Borrower shell
<br /> Ge in defvult if any forfeiturc action or proceeding,wFkdior civil or cdminal,is begun that in Lendor's good faith judgment
<br /> ,y could �+eault in fwfeiture af the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Securiry Inswment or
<br /> Lender�secudry interest. Borrower mAy cure such a dafuult And�einstate,as provided in paragreph 18�by causin�the action
<br /> " or proceedi�g to 6c dismissed wjth a ruling thtu,in Lendar s good faith detacmin�tion,precludes forfettune of the Bomower�s
<br /> "-�' intercst in t)ee Property or other material impiumxnt•of the lien created by this Security Insuumcnt or Lender�s securiry
<br /> "F'� interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Bomnwcr. during thc loan application process, gave mntcrially false or
<br /> inaccurate informallon or statements to Lender(or failtxf to provide Lender with any material informution)in connection with
<br /> _ the losut evidenced by the Note, including, but nc�t limited to, represantations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> ;,�:�,� Prnperty as a principal residence. If this Security Inst�ument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all tFae provisions -
<br /> - ° ui ihe Iease. if Borrower acquires fee dtie to dx Property,the ieasehoid and the fee tide shaii nat mertce uniexs Ixndor rgrcx� °° -
<br /> ' �!�+�:. to the merger in wnting.
<br />- "'�'"' 7. Protection ot I.ender's R(ghts in the Pnuperty. If Borrower fails to perform the covenunts and agreements
<br /> ���'�+�'j�%�`�.'."' contained in this Security Instrument, or thtro is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lendar'.s rights in the
<br /> - :.}�b.^``�'�' Pfo rt SU
<br />_ ^-�;�;:���i�:;�tr����;t.:? pe y(. ch as a proceeding in bankruptcy,prob�tu,for condemnati�n or forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulutions).then _
<br /> ��� bt . t••• I.ender may do�nd puy fur whatever is necesxury ta protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. �,r,_
<br /> s`S��°; :.:;:„�' Lender's•nctions may includc paying nny sums srrund by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing -----
<br /> •-�r^�,s , .•:•.
<br /> ;-���•����•� '• °•,• in court,puying reasonablc attorneys'fees and emarring on the P►upeny to make repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> i �`� �,:.,,..�...:�;tF�
<br /> • ,:y�,..:;.,�i.. ;;EY,:,; ander this paragraph 7,Lendcr daes not h�ve ta dc�sa. — _
<br /> - .��{�f,:;�,�,,,.,,,,,,,�. � Any amounts diabursed by Lender under this parngruph 7 shull became additional debt of Borrower secured by this ----
<br /> -6--� .r,;.;��.;,:.. 1 5ecurity Instniment. Unless Borrowcr und Lenckr agree to other tcrms of puyment,these amounts shaU bear interest from the —�
<br /> -�� `�. ``>�•� -��=T' dute of disbursemcnt at the Note rate smd shall tx payable,with intenest,upon notice from Lendcr to Borrower rcquesting =-` �
<br /> .�
<br /> '� . - ,�ti�:•', payment. �=-
<br /> ' ' ' " !'�� .{ S. Murtguge InsurAnce. If Lenckr reyuiiod mongage insurunce:+s •r condition of mAking the loan securcd by this --
<br /> F" " Securit Inwt►ument. Borrower xhat! the remiums re uired to maintain the mort a e insurnnr.e in effect. If, for an —"-
<br /> iati : Y Pa3' P 4 s 6 9 �:.;-
<br /> � �.y . . , , reuwn, dte mortgage insurance coveruge n.�yuited by Lender lapxes or censes to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the
<br /> , , premiums requiRd to ofitc►in coverage sub:ttantially eyuivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost �,"'�_
<br /> •,"`,��:i� subtituntiully equivulent to the cost to Bormw•cr of the murtgage imurunce previou�ly in effect,from un ultemate monguge
<br /> ;`''� insurer npproved by Lendec If substantiall�•cquivalent mortFage insurnnce cavcrage iti nat uvailuble.Borrower shall pay to �i"�.,
<br /> ' -� ' Lender ench month a wm eyual to one-nvelfth of the yearly mon€agc insurance premium being puid by Botrower when the !���:
<br /> "� '^` insurance covcra�e lup�ed or crased to tx in effc�t. Lendcr will accept,use and retain these payments as a lo�s reserve in lieu °;i}.
<br />' � ' `�� of mongage insurance. Loss reserve paymenu may no longer be requir�cd,at thc option of Lrnder, if mortRage insurance �;t.-
<br /> �:vq:�?f`� � coverage lin the umount und far thc periad that Lerxier rcyuircs)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes �'
<br /> _a ;. �,., : avuilublc und is obtaincJ.Borcower shall pay the premium�reyuimd to muint�iin mortgugc►nsurancc in effect,or to provide a ',;;;i
<br /> �•� IOtiS Rti�fVC,until the n� uircment for rtx�ah a e invurance end+in uccordunrr with an a•ritten a reement belween Borrower "
<br /> , • 9 S g Y F �i.:_
<br /> �'� . ' '" • und Lenckr or nppli�ablc law.
<br /> ' 9, Inspection. Lcnder or its agent may make na.onabk entric,upon and imprrtintrs o!'ihe Propertp. Lender shall �-,
<br /> -s give Bormwer notice at thr time of or prinr to nn impection�pecifying rea�onable cauk tiir the inspection. �!-
<br /> � , 10. Condemn�tian. Thr prcx redti of uny award or rlaim fnr dumugeti,dirert or con�eyuentiul,in connertion with any ---
<br /> s
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