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<br /> 7'OOerx8le wm�t dl�.impnwem.�w now or heratra aroctea on the propaty..oe d�w'�' • ,, n.nces.
<br /> _ _ _ �t nsar.�mw ar b�nahc a�t n(dM DroP�Y. All repi�cementi�nd�dditia�t�lull�w be awered by Ueis Secyrity
<br /> laWnaee�t. All of the fae�oin�I�nfarrea to In thi�Security in�wmeni a.w.'FrN,a+��+.' ,
<br /> 80RROWER COVENAMS cluit Barawer i�4wNlly rehed of the aate ha�cby oonveyed and Iw 1he ri(�ht b p�nt
<br /> and oonvey the Prope�tq�nd th�t the Prt�petty f�w�a�cumbenxl�exoopt for e�►cumbnuias af rocord. Bcrrower wartant��rrd
<br /> will defad�a�vly the Btle W the Propaty a��inrt tll cW rtn ard denw�d�,subjoc�w any arcumbnu�ces ot recond.
<br /> THIS SECURITY lN9TR.UMPNf oombines unlfam covetumu for mt1oM! we and na�-unitortn covaw�t� witb
<br /> �� —� -- Umited va�tiont by juri,�diclfo+i to cautilutc a un1[orm se�urlty Ituuument covMtt�teal pmperly.
<br /> �q�p�M,CpyENA[V'['S. Bamwu rnd l.dnder coven�utt and s{c+ee u fdbwc:
<br /> 1. Pqra�t at rr4�ctp.t..a taca+aR:�y�ana Late cluir�a. B«mwer shal�promplr par wna�aue the
<br /> p�inC�af pnd in�erest p�thc debt evidenced by the Note tnd anY pr+ep�yment u�d l�te chuge�due under thc Note.
<br /> Fy�da tq�'I�ca�d Lnnra�ce. Sub}ect W�pplicabk f�w a to a written wdver by l,ender.Borrower slwll pty to
<br /> I,endet on tha day monthlY paYmenu ue di:e under the Nate.undl thc Note is paid in fuil,a sum("Fiu�ds")for:(a)Y�Y
<br /> uxes and as�esat►cnb whieh tnq atwin p'ia'1tY ovcr this Secudty Inauument oc a lien on the Roperty;(b)yeuly kaseh�ld
<br /> pymenta or gmuad renw on th�e Pmpaty. if any: (c) Y�Y �� a P�P��Y insuiance prcmiva�: (d) Yearly flood
<br /> insurance p[emiuma. if�ny:(e)YwiY mattBage insurance prerrdums, if�ny: and (�any sums payable by Barowa to
<br /> 1�xM��In u,ocxdance with the ptovisians of paragraph 8,in lieu of the p�Ymrnt of rtartgage insurance prcmwms. 7Uese
<br /> itemc ue eal�od"F.semw Iums." Lender may,At any ame,co7ket and hold Funds in an uncwnt not to exceod the mauimum
<br /> �mount a kaxler fa�federnlly ralAted mortgage loan may roquire for Bortnwerl�escrow account un�ter the fedeal Real
<br /> Fstate Settlement 1Procedures Act of 1974 as amcnded from dme W t�me. 12 U.S.C.�2601 at seq.("RESPA").untess anaher
<br /> I�w ttu�t applies to the Fu�cets�lesser unount. If so.I.nxier may.at�ny time.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> - _.._.m�. exceed the fessa�su�munG L�ender may estim�te the Amount of E'vnds due on the besis of cwnnt data md reasaubk
<br /> eui�tes of expenditums of future Fscrow[tems or otherwise in accordu�ce with aPP�icabk�AW
<br /> 71�e Pbnds stwll be held in an institutian whose deposiu are inwced by a fedeal agency. insdumenWity.or entity
<br />- (incinding Lender.if Lender is such an institut3on)or in any Ftideral Home Loan Banlc. Leader stull apply the Fiuids to paY
<br />.. �:= Esrrow Items. i.endcr may rwt charge Borrower for holding and applying the Fvnds.annuxlly anAlyzing the escrow
<br />_ yccoun� or verifying the Fscrow items.wkss Lender pays Borrower interest on the Punds and appl+cable Ixw pertnits
<br />= Lender to make such a charge. However.Lender may requirc Borrower to pay a onc-time charge far an indcpendent rcal
<br /> - .�� estxu tau rcpocting service used by I.ender in cannect�on with this loan,unless upplicable law provides wlxrwise. Untess an
<br /> �_F� agroe�nent is m�de or applicabie Iaw roquires interest to bc paid,Lender shall not bc requircd to pay Borrower any interest or
<br />_ - earnings on the Fimds. Hocmwcr and I.ender may agree in writing,however.that intercst shall be paid on the FLnds. Lender
<br /> Y:�� shall give to Borrower.without chargo,an annual accoundng of the FLnds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> -��, purpose fa which each debit to the Phnds w�s made. The Fw�ds are pled6ed as addltional security for all sums secuc+ed by
<br /> = this Security Inshument.
<br /> -- ` S�::y tf the h►nds hcid by Lr��� CMCc�d ti� amowst� �:m3..:d to!s�tseld b, aggllcablc lnw, Lenc�!�r shat� Pcr�wnt t� .
<br /> ��"`�•� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of ipplicable law. ]f the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> .r,�;t.;i
<br /> Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow ltems when due. Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> r } such case Bocrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the ekficiency. Bortower shall make up the
<br /> �: r•�;� deficiency in no more thnn twelve monthly payments,at Lender�s sole discretion.
<br /> ���; r��:.:�,.. Upo�payrtknt in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptiy�refund to Borrowerany
<br /> ,�J�'�•
<br /> ��y ��<,, �,.'��;�_�� E'vnds held by Lender. If,unde*paragraph 2t.Lender shail acquice or scll the Pnoperty,Lender,prior to the acquistUOn or
<br /> � ''�' � sale of the Property,shull apply any Funds h�ld by Lender ut the time af acquisition ar sale as a crcdit against thc sums
<br /> .'.ti�..�
<br /> .: ,� `��:;t�.7'�,�;., secured by this Securiry lnswment.
<br /> ,< "�x,.��.,; 3. Appliratbn ot Payments. Unless upplicablc taw pruvides otlx:rwisc,all payments rcceived by Lender under
<br />-__ �Ie�;�• •. :,•-.. paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due undet the Note;second.to amounts payable under
<br /> � ;,�.�..
<br /> ,�,�,y,,;r, ,., , paragruph 2;third,to interest due;fourth.to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> `• �'�"i'�••: 4. Ch�r�es; Liena Borrower shall pay all taxes, aetiessments. churges, fines and impositions attributable to the
<br /> ��.*�:.k�'r;7 .�:::� Property which may attuin priority over this Securiry Instniment,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> ... �:�. shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in pacavraph 2,or if not paid in that mnnner,Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> - . time directly to the person owed paymenc. Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under _
<br /> . this paragmph. If Borrowcr makes these payments directly,Borrower sBall promptly fumish to l.tnder receipts evidencing _
<br /> the payments.
<br /> ,,<.,�.,•,:.., Bomower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> '�:• in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte ta Lender.(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> I '�~' �'��` lien by,or defends against enfbccement of the lien in,legal prceeedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> �;,,;,,.•,. ,='.• cnforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from thc holder of thc lien an agreement sati�fnctory to Lender subor+dinating thc lien
<br /> 5;,�,�; •', to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Properey iz subject to a tien which may at[ain priority
<br /> - r" over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Bon-ower a notice identifying the tien. Borrower shall s�tisfy the lien or take
<br /> • � one a more of the actions�et forth above within 10 days of the giving of noticc.
<br /> � ' S. H�►�rd or Propere.1n�urance. t3orrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property insured against loss by fire,hazard,included within the tecm"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including
<br /> floods or flooding. for which Lender mquircs insurunce. This insurance �hall be muintuined in the amounts and far the
<br /> �
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