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`�,a��._.�I� ' - _ _ � __ . . ,�.`_. <br /> .�- = --_. .-- <br /> �..�..�u..::�._�-.,�r�tl �, „ . , . ,. ,.�. �i�... <br /> --..�____ ����ro 1��� the option of I.enda��it n�oR�a,e inur�noe wver�e(����� <br /> tlrt L� nqMfn�)pw�'Ided bY�o iaw!'w�PProved by l.e�xler eptn b�ana ar�lUibk uid i�obt�ined. �t+c�wr�hdf pry <br /> _ ��s�sts�tc su:.+�4��s!��j••y�•o.1a�(�iott nc m niuvidr a lan ro�xve.uaW tbe�in�1!wt iPr�a�i _ <br /> iewusae ead�in�ocadanoe with�ay written a�teema�t be�waae sarra�wr wd Lader or�ppHcable 4w. <br /> !. lMrp�t�o�.l.ande�or fq�eat rn�y m�lce rwonl�le akrirs upoa ad iropectiom af�e Pmperty. L�d�r�1!�ive <br /> Borr�nodon at tho time ot or pdor to an in�pectlon apeciyiq��awryble cauu for tho ln:pection. <br /> 1Q. Co�Mw.'I'he proc�eed�of�ny�wud or cWm for da�ru�a. diract o�coru�equakitl. in cannectlo+�with�dy <br /> oa�dem�tilion or attwr Wcla�of my put oi the Propaty.or tor ounvey�noe ta lieu of oa�d�ion.u�e ba�ebY w�ned md <br /> shall be p41d to Laider. <br /> 1n the evau ac.caal taki:�oP ux rroperty,t1�e proaea..�,al be,Qplba w tha.a,n.socui+ea ny t6i:sea�city In�tn,mmc. <br /> whqlkr or not tt�a�due. with�ny exa�s p�W to Borrower. In the cvau of a pertLl uking of thc PropeKy in whicf�the hlr <br /> e�r�et value of the PropatY imn�edialely befoa the t�kin�i:equtl to or�t�ater ttun thc anxxtnt of t6e wnta�xured by this <br /> Sxudty Insaument immodi�tcly befoce the tAkin�,unlw Borrower ux!�der otl�erwiae a�rce ia writta�.the wais�ecurod by <br /> this Sec�trity Inununent �11 be rrduoed by tha amount of the prooeeds muldplied by tlse followln� fnctlon: (a) the toul <br /> �unount of the wmc:oeurod inunodistety before tho uking.divided by(b)the fdr m�ricet vdue of tbe PropertY inuaedisteJY <br /> beforc tlx talcing. Any belAnoo ah�ll be paid to Bortower. In ttie event of a parti�l tAking of the PropeKy in which the f�lr <br /> market vdue of the Propecty immediatdy befor�the uking is lesa than the unount of the sunu sxured immediatelY befor�the <br /> taking, unless 8otrower and Lender otherwlse a�ree in writing or unlesa applicabic law othenvix provida.tbe proceeds�ull <br /> _ _� be appliod to the wms sxured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> if the Propecty is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after notioe by Lender to Borrowe�tNat the condemiwr offere to matco an <br /> -_ �«�_.Ta awa►d or settle a claim for damages. Horrower fails to respord to Lendet within 30 days aftu tF�e date the notjoe is given, <br /> Lender is eutlwriud to colloct and apply the procoeds,at it�option,either to restoration or repnir of the Property or to th�s�une <br /> sxured by this Savrity Insuument.whethar or rat then due. <br /> >�, Unless I.erwer and 8orrower otherwise agree in writing. any applicutian of proceods to principal shall not extead or <br /> _ po,gtpone the due date of thc manthly payments rcferrcd to in paragraphs 1 w�d 2 or changc thc arnount of such p�yments. <br /> — 11.Borrower Not Rdeaied;Forbcarance By Lender Not a WAtver.Extension of the time for payn�ent ar modification <br /> ±;, af amoriiution of the sums secured by this Socurity Instrum�:nt granted by Lender to any successor In interest of Borrower stwll <br /> not operate to relcase the liabiliry of the orfginal Barrower or Boirower's successors in interrst. l.ender shall not be requited to <br /> �:y commence proceedings ageinst any successor in interest or refnse to extend tinw far payment or otherwise modify amortization <br /> - of tlx sums secural by this Socurity Instrument by reasan of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br /> - succasors in fntere�t. Any forbearanoe by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy ahall nat be a w�iver of or preclude the <br /> :,. . <br /> -=- exerefse of any rjght or remady. <br />� I�{�� � 12. Successors and Acst�ns Bound;Joint �nd Severat Liability; Co-stgners. 'I'he covenants and agr�eemeots of this <br /> . 5ecurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> � ' paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shnll be jofnt and several. Any Borrower who ca-signs this Security <br /> '1� Insttument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgase, srAnt and canvey thut <br /> -�� .. Borrower's interest in the Property under thc terms of this Security Instroment;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the yunu <br /> •; �; ' ;�^;,�~"�� uxurcd by this Sccuriry lnstrumcnt;und(c)agrees that Lcndc�:u�d any other Borrower may agrcc to extend,modify, forbear or <br /> :���r�t-:��••_�•� make any accommodations with regard to the terms af this Security lnstrument or tha Note without that Burrower's consent. <br /> ^•.,:t i•��� 13.I,cwn Ctu�rges.If the toan secured by this Securiry Im�rument is suhjeet to a law which sets maximum loan eharges. <br /> ,,,q,�,,,�^�,.:•:..:.�.:: . <br /> �� �. and thut law is finally interpreted so that the interest or nther loan churges collccted or to be collected in conncction with die <br />_�7fi �.„p:'� • � ' loan exceed the pern�itted liniits,then:la)any such luun rharge tihall tx rcducc�i by the amount necessary to reduce the churge <br /> to thc permitted limit: and(b)any wms already cullect�l from &►rrower which excceded pemiitted limits wiU be refunded to <br />. � �. • Borrowcr. l.endcr muy chcxisc t�i m;�kc thiti refund by rcJuring thr principal owcd undcr thc Notc ar by making u dircct <br /> •,`.• .. payment to Borrowcr. If u refund reducey principrl. 1hr r��iuctiun will bc trc•rted ay a partial prepuyment without any <br /> , , . <br /> ' � ' prcp�yment charge under the Note. <br /> . . ,; .'�• 14.Noticr�. Any nuticr to &�rrower proviJeJ 1'or in thi,Security Intitrument�hull he�iven Ny delivering it or by mailing <br /> .. it by first clnsc muil unles�applirablc law rcyuire. u,e of anuthcr mcthoJ. Thc noticc shall tm dirccted to the Prop�rty Address <br /> `�;� � �ir any other adJress Borcuwcr detiignatcti hy �x�tice tu l.endcr. Any nc,ticr to [xndcr �hull tx givcn hy f►rst clurs mail to <br /> _ :.Y'�•. Lcndcr's address vtated hcrcin ur any uthrr aJdre» Lcndrr dr+ignatcs My notirc a�f3��rro�•er. Any nutice pmvidecl for in this <br /> • "'*'� ';. Securiry instrumcnt tih•ril tk dcemcd a�havr bcen givcn to Burruti•cr ur Lendcr wlicn given us provided in this prragraph. <br /> �;,�,, ; •��,, IS.Governin� [.s�w: ticver�bility. Thi, Securiry fn+trument .hull tk govcrncd hy t'edcral luw arnl thc luw ofthe <br /> •�.•• w 4�' ;�.;,,�` ju�ixlirtion in which thc Property i. I�xated. [n the c�•rnt th:rt any pru��itiion ur rlau.r i�(thiti Scrurity Intitrument or thr Note <br /> �-"` conilicttiµ•ith applicuNle 1•rw..urh ranflirt.hail n��t alf�rt uthcr pruvi.i��m��t'thi.Scrurity In.trument��r Qu Ni�tc which ran Ik <br /> ' gi��en cffect without thc contlicting pruvi.ian. To thi�end the pr�rvi.riunti uf thi�Sccurity ln,trumcnt anJ thr Nntc arc declar�� <br /> to bcKVerablc. <br />;�� � � 16.Borrowcr's Copy�. Burru�cr tihull b��i�•rn�m�runtiirmcd cup�•uf thc yutr auJ uf thi�Srcurity� In.trumcnt. <br /> Form 3028 8190 <br /> J ; . PnY!4�i�( <br />._ j <br /> ? <br /> _ * <br /> -- . <br /> � i � ;. <br /> , <br /> , ..,: <br /> . . , .,, <br /> � �� - - -- - _-��. _-_--= - - <br />. . . 7. . ' -�`Pf7'�ri'W'w'+rf`.•�a:..; .... .. . - —.. . .� �. . .. .. . .. . . ... .r r , '>.'fY.^ ':'�SM�C!!L i+?pxicvr.r.xn.i�wF-s,:su�- _--_. <br /> _ r . . � � <br /> � '�'-`. f 'LLL.�___b,r..___,. - ..'_. . . • �x'__'.".__" . . <br /> . r_r1 .. . . . • .. - _ _. • . -. <br /> � � <br />. � <br /> -i . <br /> � � <br /> .. . y.. , � ' . <br /> ,. . . ,r �,• � �• 'r'�,p�v��+s�r!'' . <br /> A � . . . <br /> ,� � <br /> � � <br /> Gt�. - — <br />