� _.,- __.__ _
<br /> — ------ - _ -
<br /> _ ,�. `r� i .
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<br /> 17.Tr�nder o�tbe P�'�opKtiy�r�BeadkW GM�'Nt in�'ro�r.lf d1 ur�y put of� �+ y orViny�r�at in lt
<br /> i�afd or mu�fenad(a it a ba�ef�W j�in Ho�oww i��old ur trwwfemed and Bon�c►wa i�not�nMUr�l penon)wit�out
<br /> l.eMer�s prior writan oomen, Lender mRy. at iu option. nqrire Irronedbw pymait in fuil c�f dl wm rea�rod by th4
<br /> ",.x,ss3t;Ia�.�st.Y.:.:.�:,;.,il�:a�3aa�n!!s�!���-�hJ L.��}f=t.es�fx}r gsa4!}l�4�!�±�;!wA..,�l law rt ol tbr dw ,
<br /> otthir Socurity Inucument.
<br /> If l.ender Gxorcisa this optioa,Lader�iuip ive Borrowe�mlic�s ot�cceletalioro.'I'he ndke�hallpm vfde a perlad of nd
<br /> la� than 30 d�ys from the d�te the notioe i�del�verod or mdkd wi�hin whlch ��rmwer muµ p�y a!I wm� sea�red by thi�
<br /> Secudty lnurument.If Hcrrawer tajls to p�y tliae�ums prior to the expfnti�in of 1hi�perlad. Leaxia m�y invoke Any retnodio�
<br /> patnittord by this Savriry InstiumerM wlthaut li�ril�er notice or dmrrnd iM Bormwer.
<br /> _ 18. Borrowa'� Rtaht to Rdtrfrte. If Bo�rowu moeq ar1�n cwxiitiun�+. Eurcuwer stwll IuvC �he dQht to htve
<br /> i � � cnforoement af thi�Secu�ity (nstrurrKM�iucontinued rt sny tirt��e prinr to the euilor ot: (A1 a d�ys (or wci� other perlad ae
<br /> applicable law may spxify for reinct�terr�t) beforo wde aP the Pro�erty pun�wnt �a any powu of�le oant�ined in Ihi�
<br /> Secudty Insuument;or(by entry of�judgma�t cnforcing this Sxurity lnctrumont.Tt►oco�rondilla�a arc that Eorrower.(a)p�y�
<br /> i,ender�Il sums which then wauld be due unde�this Secudty Instrumau�u�d the Nate a+if no�caler�iiu�r haci oocumeci;(b)
<br /> cu�s any default of any aher covenantc or�graments: (r)pay�al! expemea incurrod in enf�n:inQ this Seauiry Toan�n�rnt.
<br /> including,but not limited to,masonable attorneys' fees; wxl(d)taka iwch�Kian AA l.encier rrky raaorubly requi�+e to u►urc
<br /> thet the lien of this Socurity Instrument,L.er�der's rigbta in the Pmpeny md&�mowcr'�obligufon to p�y ttx sums ss�ocuraf by
<br /> this Security I�uuumcnt thall continuo unchan�ed. Upon rei�statement by Borrower, thin Security Inurument and the
<br /> obligations secural hercby shall remain fully effcetivc as iP no�ooeleration h�d�ocurnid. Howeve�,thi�ri�ht ta minaate sl�ali
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under parpgraph 17.
<br /> — 19. Salc of Note; Ch�e ot Lain S�rvicer. The Note or a partial inict+cst in thc Ncxc (together wlth this Security
<br /> Inscrument)may be sold one ar rnore tir�xs without prior natice t�8amuwcr. A culc may rewit in a ct�e jn thc cntIty(Icnawn
<br /> -- as the"L,oan Serviccr")th�t collccts monthly payments due under thc Notc and thit�Sccurity Instrument.Thcre also mry bc one
<br /> or more changes of the[.o�n Servioer unrclated to a sale of the Ncxe.If there ic�change of tho I.o�n Secvicer.�rrower will be
<br />- given written notioe of tix change in aoco�iunce with panigraph 14 above and applicable Isw. 'I1�e notioe wlll �tste the nune�nd
<br /> , address of the new I.oan Serviar and the addrcss to which pxyments should be m�de. The notice wiU�Iso conuin�ury al�
<br /> , information requircd by applicable lAw.
<br /> 20. H�zwrdous Suixtanoea. Borrower shalt na r�use ar perniit the prcscnoe. utse. diapowl, sto�ge.ar rcicase of u►y
<br /> '� . Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do. nor all�w nnyonc else to do. anything af'focting the
<br /> _ . Property that is in viotsuion of any Bnvironmental Law. The preceding two sentenceF shall not xpply to the prnsence,use,or
<br /> "�, ,� storage an the Property of sm�ll quantities of Hazardaus Subst4nces that arc�encrally rocognizod to be appropr�rue ta nom�l
<br /> rcsidential uses end to mainte�wnce of the Pnq�crty.
<br /> Bonower shall promptly give I.rnder written notice of any investigation.claim,denwnd,lawsuit or other ution by any
<br /> - govemmental ar regulatory agency or private purty involving the Property And any Htvandous Substencc or Envira►mental Lnw
<br /> :. af which Borrower has actual knowlodge. If Borrower leurns. or is rwtifiod by any governmental ar regulatory authority,that
<br /> ;i�^< <- any rcmoval or other remediatian of uny Hazardous Substance affxting the Property is necessary, Horrower shall promptly t�ke
<br /> ' `�`' .�, all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environnxntul Law.
<br /> �'��'� -- '� As usNd in thia�rApraph 20, "Hvarckws Substance.�" ere those substances defined as toxic ar hvatdous wbsmnoe:by .
<br /> ' � • � •`"'""'"����''�� Environmental Law and the following substances: ga.,oline. kerosene, other flammuble or toxic petroleum products, tozic
<br /> - pesticides and herbicides,volatile u�lvents. materinis containing acbestos or formaldehyde.and rodioactive materials. As used in
<br /> ' ' � � this pnragraph 20, "Environmental Lciw" mcans feder�l law� And laws of the juosdiction where tha Property is lacatai tFwt
<br /> • rel:tte to health,sAfety or cnvironmental prcx��ctiun.
<br /> `� ` NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS.&mowcr and Lender furthcr covenunt and agrcc as f�llows:
<br />• 21.Acceleration;Remedles. Lender shall give nutice ta&►rrower prlor ta Acccleratian follawing Borrower's brench
<br /> of any covenant or a�reement in thic Security Instrument (but not prior to accelerytion under ps�raRraph 17 unk�c
<br /> appilcs�ble law provides otherwise). The �wtice shall specify: (a)the defAUlt: (b)the nction required ta cure the defAUlt;
<br /> (c) a date,not Iess than 30 da�:s from tlx dute tt�nolice is�;iven to I3orrnKCr,by w•hich the default must be cured;and
<br /> �t�� � . (d) that failure to cum the default on or befnre the dyte specifk�d in the notice m�y r�ult in Aa�eleratbn of t6e sums
<br /> secured by this Security In�trument and tiale of the Property. The notice tihall further inG►rm&►rrower ot the right to
<br /> , reinstate after acceleradon and the right to brin� u awrt action to a�.cert thc non-ezistence of st default or Any other
<br /> � defiase of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the defAUlt is not cured nn ur bePom the dwte spocifkd in the �otke,
<br /> Lender. at its opNon� mpy requirc immediute pnya�rnt in full nf all sum+xtiured by thts tiecu�ity In�trument witliout
<br /> further demand ynd may invnke the power ui'sute and s►m•otber�emcdi�w{xrmittcd bv �►pplic�ble law.l.ender shall be __
<br /> ' � enNtled to collect WII expcnses incurred in pur+uinu the rem��di�w pr�►vided in this{N+rs��ruph 2l.includin�.but not limited
<br /> • � to� reasonable attorneyti'fees and co.ts o�titic evidence. _
<br /> ' ''� � If thcpu w•rr of zale is invoked,Trastec �lull record u n��ticr of default in earh rounty in whtrh any part of the
<br /> ;;'.,� Property is I��cated and shull rnaq copier of cuch notire in thc manner pre.xrilx�d b�• applirs�ble luw to Bo�roa�er and to _
<br /> ' the other perw�ns pr��uribecl by upplicable law.Ai'ter t1+e timc rcyuir��d b��upplicuble luw.Tnister shall gi�•c put►Itc natice =
<br /> oP sale to the pe��u►ns and in the munner pnwcrilxd M :�ppUcablc lu��.Tru�t�r. �sithaut demand an Bomi�cer.shuit sell
<br /> � the Property at public auctfon to the hiQhext liidder�t the time and plare und under the term�d�hipnut��d in the nntice ot
<br /> sale in onc or morn purcels und in an► ordcr Trust�ti detcrmin�w. Tru�tiY mu�• portp�m�wle of all nr ym• purccl otthe
<br /> . • Property b�� public unnm�ncement ut the time und place�►f�n� pnviuu+lr ticheduled suli. Lender or itr: d�.wi�nee ma,r
<br />_ . +; . purchase the Prnperty at um�sale. _
<br /> -
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