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<br /> � s. �e+i �r lti� l..rn.m.. 6onowr ,h.0 b�p the ieipriw.nnat, now exl�do�{ or i�ewMr a�xMa a�
<br /> rnoperty i�orated apint loM by An� Irra�iocluded withie�iw urm 'pc�e�ded oov�n�e" aad�q�r otlwr lrr�nk. i�cbdiy
<br /> — - -- - - ..--•-----...�
<br /> . f1oA�l�oc i14oG111��io�wi11q1��NIOer tquife�ieWi11�. t—fi'u iprranr�ca�orit ao.uri�:ai��e�i ju'w�o W�.�,w..�w�w�'�-v�r�+ -
<br /> , d�t 1�roquira. ??ro inwranoe¢ueiar pawiQir�the imunt�oe�11 be chosa�t by Borrower wbJect �o Ler�de�'i�pp�ovd
<br /> whkh dall nnt be unrr.�iorwibly rvithheW. If Boet�owor ttil�W mt{nWn oov+a�e dacribed�bove. LeaNr nry� �t Lader'�
<br /> optkn,obtain wve�e to protect L.ender'�rijhb in the Propetty in wrn�+d�nce with par�r�ph 7.
<br /> 'elll irounmoe polkia�ad�rnew�l��half be aocap�blo w I.axkr and �1 iuclude a�t�ndard awrt�e clw�e. L�eudor
<br /> _ � �hall luv��he ri�bc a Irotd we polkla and ronowal•.IP l.ender roquira.Horrowar�iu�ll PromptlY�ive to I.a�der tll roxipu af
<br /> piW praniums�nd ra�ewd ratka.In the eva�t of Icaa.Eon+nwer�ull�ive prompt notioa w the inau�moe anrier and[.eoda.
<br /> La�der m�y mike proof of Ioa if not m�de pronq�tly by Hormwer.
<br /> Unku L.et�der�nd Borrower ott�erwi�e a�roe in wridnY.insur�noe procoods sfull be applied to rcatoration or repair of the
<br /> Prope�tY dama�ed.if the ratontian or t�ep�lr i�ecanort�ically fa�ibk and I.ender's�ecurity i�not ke�enod.lf the reatoration or
<br /> nepair is na ecanornlcalty fauibte or Lender'�eocurity wauld be tea�cened.the inwnnca prc�ceeda�h�ll be�plied co the wmi
<br /> �ocurod by this Secudty Inattument. whether or not tha�dua. with �ny cxoac pid tu Botrowcr. If Borrower d�ndo�u the
<br /> P'rqxrty, or does not amwer within 30 dayi a notioe fnutn l.ender tt�at the imurance curler ha�offued to x�ttla a claim,tha�
<br /> — L�ender may collect tho insu�ance pr�ocxoda. Letder may uce the pracoods to repair or rawre the Proputy or W p�y wms
<br /> �ea�rod by this Secnriry Insuument,whether or not then due.The 30-day pertad will begin wha�the notja ii�tven.
<br /> Ude� I.aider�nd Borrower dlx�wloe a�roe in writina. anY application of pcnaeds to principal �IWI not extauf a
<br />•— postFwne the due datc of thc monthly paymen44 refemd to In pnrn,qnphs 1 and 2 or change the smount of the paymeirs. if
<br /> u�der p�ngniph 21 the Pro}uAy ia aoquirod by l.ct�der, Homower't rigM to any insurw�oe policiea and prooeeds�+aulting from
<br /> - da�ruigc to the Pmperty prior ta the�oquisition eludt pwss to Lada w the eatentof the eurn�waued by this Security inctrumait
<br /> icm�odiately p�ior to the�cquisttio�.
<br /> 6.Ooaiprncy.Pre�a�vallon,Mainter�ce aod Protectba o!tbe Properiy: lforrowu'c Lo�t Appllatloni I.ea�old�.
<br /> Borrower rtwll occupy,euabUsh.and use the Properry as Borrower's principal residence wlthln sixty days after the execution of
<br /> thia Securlry Inswment and slwll oontjnue to oocupy the Praperty as Borrower's principal residenoc for at least one year sfter
<br />- — - the date of occupanty,unkss I.u�der othenvise agnYS in wrlting.which consent sh�ll not be unreaconnbly withheld,or unless
<br /> � exienuating clrcumatonoes exist which arc beyond Borrower'c control. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the
<br />;y — Property, allow the Property to deterforate, or commit wASte on the Propecty. Horrower sFiall be in default if any forfelture
<br /> action or procoedirtg, whettitr civil or criminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could rault in forfetture of the
<br /> - _ Prc�perty or otherwise matcri�lly fmpair the lien crcatrd by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower muy
<br /> - — cuce cuch a default And relnstate.�sc provided in paregraph 18,by causing the acdon or pmceoding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />"�� _ th�t, in Lcnder's gaod tbith determination. procludes forfeiture of tIx Horrower'a inurest in the Property or ather m�terial
<br />�;, y: impairn�ent of thc lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security jnterest. Borrowcr shall also be in default if
<br />: • �E�� Bc�rrower.during the loan appljcation process,gave materislty false or inaccurate inforniatian or statements to Lender(or fa�led
<br /> 's+;j; to provide Lender with any material inforniation)in connection with the loan evicienceci by the Note.including, but not limited
<br />_„ , , to, represent�tions concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> � s�'^""' � leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrowef ncquires fx title to the Property, the
<br /> .,.. .. ,�, .�.• 'i�
<br />� fi� F*� .. _ �.,-• leasehold and the fa tiAe�ha11 not mcrge unless Lender agrces to the merger in wrlting.
<br /> u�W�q►'t��^,' 7.Protectbn of I.ender's Rlghts in the Prupetty.If Bonower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> '�''T"`"�"`"' �"�''?�'• this Security Instrument,or there is a Iegal praceeding that may significantly affvct Lender's r3ghts in the Property (such as a
<br /> ���"�``''+°�- proceeding in bankruptcy,probute. for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then I.ender tnay do and
<br /> - �:•i•.l+".�ti.M�..
<br /> -- r�'••`?'•r• • .•�•. : far whatever is necessa to rotect the value of the Pro ct and L.endcr's ri hts in the Pro rt Lender's actions ma —
<br /> �;T�.,;..:,;. PaY *Y P P� Y S {� Y• Y
<br /> J�;--;;�':• •. include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying
<br /> r-'� �':'"' reasonable attorne s'fces and enterin on the Pro rt to make re airs.Althou h Lender ma take action under this ara h
<br /> k .`; 9 8 Pe Y P B Y P B�P
<br /> ��<_ , 7.L.ender does not have to do so.
<br /> }.. ,���`�l'��•+'� Any amounts disbursed by i.ender under this puragraph 7 shall bccome additional debt of Borrower securcd by this
<br /> ' .�.�;'°.•,�`.. . • Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lcnder agree to other tcrms of paymcnt,these amounts shall bear interect from the
<br /> a`•��:v;d'�. �� "� date of disbursement ut the Note rate and shall be payable, with intcrest, upon noticc from Lcnder to Borrower requcsting
<br /> �d 2�s,•. `,,ti.;' paymcnt.
<br /> `'�"�:• � � 8.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required mortgage insurunce as u conditiou of muking thc loan secured by this Security _
<br /> ''�'.°M1i�"�.� � Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requir«i to maintuin the r►wrtgage inxurunce in cffect. If, for Any reason, the —
<br /> `°`� mortgage insur•rc�ce coverage required by Lender lap.ties or ceases to hc in effect. Borrower shull pay the premiums required to
<br />�` �.��y obtain caveruge substantially equivulent to the mortguge insurance previously in effect,at a cost subtitantially equivalent ro the
<br /> � • ' � cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in eff'ect, from un altemate mongage imurer approved by L.ender. lf _
<br /> '¢= � substantially equivalcnt mongagc insurancc rovcrage is nut uvrilable. Barrowcr shall pay to Lender euch mnnih u sum eyual to -
<br /> ��" one-twelfth of the yearty mortgage insurunce premium being paid by Borrower when the intiurance coverage tap�ed or ceased to -
<br /> be in effect.Lender will accept, use unJ retain these payments as a lass reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Lass reserve °
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