•� �.i f�ti� �r .'- ._ .
<br /> v . .. _.. -- -� --. __- .
<br /> .,a_ .•.'_�=..o...rrrfL - . — --� - -°-� ---- -,T_. _.
<br /> TO(3BTHEit WITH tll the improve�r�a�u now a herafter erected on thc propecty,and tll a�au��ippur��tenurca�i.�nd
<br /> fiz�nue,t rtow or heraftu � prt oF the property. All ropl�oantnb �nd ydditioru �h�11 �I�o be covarod by thir Secutlly
<br /> lauurneot. All of the foregoin�is referrnd to in thi�Secu�ity Irutruma�t u the'Property.'
<br /> - --- = t�!Rr1WRR MVitNAN7'R thwr Arn[rw+s i�la�w(Wllp riyd oC tL�rtau i�nebY ooaY�y�d wd h�a Ih�ei�h!k+�r�t� -_
<br /> eonvry !he Property �nd that thc Propeny ii unak�umbered,ewept for encumbrnxa of rocord. 8orrower warrant� ard wUl
<br /> dded�or�nlly thc tide to the Praperty�Inu ril cl�ims and demards.wbject to any encumbnuwes of r000�d.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT oombinea ur.iform coven�nta for nations�!uFe uod ran•unifotm a�vpwut with liatited
<br /> v�riMioru by juddictian to ronstitu�e a unjtam savrity inuruma�t��averinQ rcyl PropertY•
<br /> _: � UNIFORM CnVBNANTS. Fbrrower wrd I,rnder a�vcmnt uKl�Rroe x►foliowc: 6_..
<br /> _. l. PMy�t at PHacipd�nd IMeceMi �i'me�t aod l.ate Clu�. Borrowor slwll Pr'����Y PoY when due the
<br /> prireipst of And intereu on the debt evideix�orl by the Note and any prep+�yment uxll�te chx�gec due uader�he Note.
<br /> 2. F�u� tor Taxes aad[nwr�na. Subjoct to�pplicable IAw or to p wrltten wwver by l.en�fe�, Horrower shall pay w
<br /> l.rnder on the day monthiy payme�ts are due under the Note,untll the Note is paid in full.A�um('Funds'y for:(a)yauly t�uces
<br /> _ �nd a4sessments which mAy attain pdo�(ty over this Secur�ry Instcument as r lien on the Proparty: (b)ywrly learehold paymerit�
<br /> or ground rantF on the Property,if any:(c)yculy ha�rd or property insuranoe premiuma;(d>yearly flood inrwrance premium�,
<br /> if any; (e) yeuly mortgagc insursuxe pnmfums. if any;and(�any sums payoblc by Borrowcr to Lendcr. in accardance with
<br /> the provlsianc af pac�grnph 8, in lieu of the p4yment of mortgage insurance premiums.These item.e are called"Facrow Itemc.'
<br />— l.ender may,at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceod the muximum wnount a lender for a foalerally
<br /> �elated mortgage loan may rcquirc for 8orrower's escrow account u��der the fcderal Rwl Estate Setdement Procodure.c Act of
<br />_ 1974 as unondod from time to time, l2 U.S.C. Soction 2601�r req.("RFSPA"),unless ac�other law ttwt applies to the Funds -
<br /> - sets� lesser amount. if so. Lendor may, at any time,collxt and hold Funds in an sunAUnt not to excoed the lesscr amount.
<br />°;r I.cndcr m�y cstimatc d�c amount of Fnnds duc on thc basis of currcnt data and re�conablc estimatca of expcndituras of future ---
<br /> - Eecmw Items or otherwise in accordance wjth�pplicable Iaw.
<br /> Thc Funds shall bc held in an institution whosc deposits are insurcd by a federe! agcncy, instrumcntality, or entiry
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an i!►stitution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.I.eitider sltull apply the FunJs to pay the
<br />- • Escrow Items.Lender may not chargc Borcower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow eccount.or
<br /> vcrifyi ng ttic Escrow Items.untess Lender pays Borrower i►�tcrest on the Funds u�d applicable law permits l.ender to makc such
<br /> , a chuge. However, L.ender may require Borrower to pay a onc-time chargc for�n independcnt rcal estate tax reporting scrvice
<br /> used by L.ender in cannection with this loan, unless applicablc law provicks othenvise. Unless un Agreement is mrde or
<br />__ applicAble law requires interest ta be paid, Lendcr shall not bc required to pay Borcower any interest or carnings on thc Funds.
<br /> ., Borrower and l.ender muy agree in w�lting,hawever. that interest slull be pstid on the Funds. L.endcr shall givc to Borrowec.
<br /> without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and dcbits to the Funds und the purposc for which exh
<br /> - .,�. drbit t4 the Funds wrs s�a.dz.The Funds�p(e�ged as sdditionu!secwdiy f��sl! sasns stcnstd b;this Ser3�sty Insisument. �
<br /> �:�,,.��-::: °
<br /> 4; • If the Funds held by I.ender excocd the amounts permitted to bc held by upplicable law,I,erufer shal!account to Borrower
<br /> � •�*��`'� "' for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicuble law. If the amount of the Funds held by ixnde�at any
<br /> . ,,.,.
<br /> :?�`•=� �':;" , time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br />_ ��_'� �.. . stwll pay to Lender the umount necess:►ry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall rtwke up tho deficiency in no more than
<br /> _ � ' �' twelve monthly payments,at Lendcr's solc discretion.
<br /> . A""'""}�' '""''' Upon payment in full of ull sums sccurcd by this Sccuriry instrunxnt, l.�:nder shall promptly refund tn Borcower any
<br /> '`''�''"��''-° ' '�"� Funds held by L.ender.If, under paragraph 3I.I.ender shull acquire or xell thc Propeny.[.ender, prior to the acquisition or sale --
<br /> � •'�. R-,_
<br />-_ '� �,;..,', of the Property,shall apply any Fundx held by[.cndcr at thc time of•rcyuisition or s:►le av a credit against the sums sccured by —•-
<br />""- � • ,,;�<,,......._
<br /> �,: , ;,.,,, this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> � � t;;�:•., 3.Appll¢ation ot Paymentc.Unless applicublc law provides otherwix,all paymems receivcci by Lender unJer par•rgraphs
<br /> , '?:,�•.; ' ' 1 and 2 shall bc applicd: first, to any prcpaymcnt chargc�duc unJcr thc Notc:s�rorxl,to amaunts pay:�bic undcr paragroph 2; -
<br /> ;a•����:;�4�•-�� tnird,eo intere+t due; fourth,to principat due:•rnd last,to uny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �
<br /> - 4.Charges; I.ienti. Borrowcr shaU pay•rit taxes,assrr.ments, chrrgcr, fine.a�xl imperitions attribuwblc to thc Property
<br /> which may anain priority over this Security In�trument, arxi leusehold paymentti or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay __-_
<br /> � ` • these obli�ations in the manner pravideJ in par;��;raph 2,or if nc�t paid in thut nwnner, &�rruwer tihall pa�•tfiem un time directly _,'--
<br /> . .,,. to the Qenon awed paymcnt. Bnrrowcr tih•rll prompdy furnish to Lendcr rll notices�if aroounts tci t+e paid under this purrgraph. _
<br /> � • � �.;i'•:'.�`_ If Borrower makc�thcse paymcntr dirertly. �rc��wer�hall pramptly furni�h to[,cnder nr�ipts cvidenring the payment�. --
<br /> '� " � '•�` � &�nower shall promptly discharge any lien whirh has prioritv uver thi+Security ln+trument unl�+s Barrower. la)agrees in «%n�
<br /> � ��'� writing ro thc payment of'thc obligation ,crurcd by thc licn in a manncr acceptablc to l.endcr,�h)rontr�t.in g�xxl faith thr licn
<br /> ' by. or defends ugainst enforcemrnt of thc licn in, Iegal prcxe��ling, w�hich in thr Lendrr'. upinion ��Enrate tu prrvcnt the
<br /> ,� !`� enforccment of thc lien;or(r)scrures from thc holdcr of ihc lien un ugrccnx:nt tiatisfactary ti�I.�nJrr tiulx�rdin•rtit�g thc licn to �
<br /> . this Security Instrument. II'[.endcr detcrminc+that •r�iy p�rt of'the PruEx rty is wbject to a licn whirh ma��uuain pri��nn uvcr �"�y
<br /> j this Securiry In�trumcnt. I..�nder may givr Barr�.wcr a notice identifying thr licn. B��rroµrr tihall .ati.t} thr lirn ur tale onr or �,.�
<br /> ^ , : � more of the actions set forth above within I O duys uf the giving uf nuure. �.a�
<br /> � � Fwm 3028 9190 �` "
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