.y..,.� -s . . _ _
<br /> 1�3- �a�ss�
<br /> a�ndr+�lon or otl�Wciai��Y P�af�Prcpa�y.ar far uoawy�noe�n Ilw of oondiawUan,a Iw�bY wl��d nd
<br /> -- i�ll br p�W b LMrdar. �_ __._ �
<br /> ln iM evau d a wW ukin�at d�s Pra�perty,,�p� .ir�ii.,�.�ti...�t!�� �-."-�;;!� !��. , -
<br /> Inwu�w�t.wlMd�ar not dien due,wiih�uy�aoe�p�id�Barovwr. In tM evan of�pertW uicbK ot the Pno�arty ia
<br /> which the tair m�et value d the PropatY immedlately betoro the takln��eqwl to ar�raoer tb�n the on�owK of�be swpR
<br /> �ecurod by thi�Soc�utry lnWrumak imrnedl+tely beforc the takln�.ur�kss 84�wer wd l.ender aherwi�e qroe in wriUnr.
<br /> T- - — dro wnu secun+d by t6fs Sxurity InawaaK �hall be red�ical�.y thc an�auK o[iheproc multipliod by If�e fdbwLt�
<br /> franion: (�)the total amour�t of the wrns�ecurod imn►ediately before the Wcln�,divickd b�(b)the tsir mwket v�lue ot thc
<br /> — propeRY inrnedL�ely beforc rfu t�kln�. AnY�� �1 be pid w Huauwer. iti t!�evc�ti uf u�►rii�l t�klt�ot the
<br /> Prope�ty in which tlre fair m�cket v�lue of the PmpenY Gnn�ediatefy befane the takjn�le ku than tho x»ount of the�unN�
<br /> iecurod immedWely befa+e the takin�. unku lion�uwer�nd Lerder atherwise �ree in wridng or unle�s applic�ble ttvr
<br /> atiKrwi�e provida�.�proceeds�dl bo applied to the w�a��a.�wed by�his Saurity Insuument whether or not tha wmti�urr
<br /> tlaa dsie.
<br /> If tMe Praperty is abau�d«�ed by Bamwer.a if.�fter notice by Lender to iiormwer th�t the condemnor ot'fe�s to rtulsa
<br /> an award oc settk a claim for dsms�es.Borrower fails to recpond a i.erder within 30 day�afier the due the notice i�given,
<br /> Lender is authorized to coikct and apply the proceais.at ila option.either w rextaatwn ur rep�tir o[Ihe Property or to t4t
<br /> sum�securod by t3iis Security Insuument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Ixntkr and Borrower e�herwlse agree in writing,any application af procads to principtl ttt�ll not extend ar
<br /> poctpone the due date of the monthly pwyments rcferred to tn puag�aph►t and 2 cx ehange Ihe uncwnt of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Nut Reka9cdi Fw'� sJ' ��r Not a Walver. Extension of the time for payrnent or
<br /> modiflcuion of�nortization of the sums securcd by this Security Instrumeot grnnted by Lender to sny xucass�x in inteKSt
<br /> of Borrower shall na operate ta releASe the liabiliry of the origind Borrower or Borrowerk successora in intecest.Ls�r
<br /> - shalf not be nequired to commence procading�againr.t any successor in intercst or rcfuire to exteod time for pwyment.nr
<br /> otherwise modify e�mortizadon of the sums securod by this Security Instrument by�eason of any demand rtwde bY the orig�na�
<br /> Borrower or Bormwer's successors in interest. Any forbeanne�by Lender in exen:icin�any n�ht or remedy sh�ll not 6e a
<br />_ waiver of or pc�eclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> Y - 12. Succeasors�od Assi�ns Bound;Joiot awd Severai Liabiiity;Ca•st�ru.T,. The covenan4s and agrcemenu of this
<br /> .`� Socu�ty l�aument st�ll bind:u�d benefit the successocs and a�signs of Lender nnd Borrawer.subjoct to tha provlsians of
<br /> = paragraph 17. Borrower's covenat�ts and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who casigns this Stewity
<br /> Instrument txst das not execute the Nute: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mortgAge.g�ant and convey�hat
<br /> -- Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms c+f this Seeurity Instrument; (b)ix not pe►sonully c►bligated to pay the r�umti
<br /> �"= secured by this Security Instrumenr und(c)agttes that Lender and any other Borrower may a�ree to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> or make any accommodations with rcgard to d�e terms of this Security Insttument or the Nnte without that Borrower's
<br /> _ — consent,
<br /> .,•' 13. i.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrumcnt is subject to a Iaw which sets moucimum loan
<br /> • � � chnrger,and that iaw is finaliy inicrprCtc-�t,o that thc intcresi or ather loats chsrgts co!ltrtcd�x to M'ro��rctrd in connection :
<br /> with the lonn exceed the pertnitted limits,then: (a)su►y such loun chnrge shall be rcduced by the amount r�c�cessary to rcduce
<br /> s' . the charge to the pertnitted limir,and(b)any+ums already collected from Bo�mwer which exeeeded permitted limi4,will be
<br /> ��, refunded to Borrower. Lender mny choose to make this rcfund by mducing the prinripal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> ''�'°'� � direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will Nr tre•rtcd uti u purtial prcpayment without any
<br /> et��:�
<br /> ,c::,.
<br /> = r.,
<br /> , . prepayment ch:uge under the Note.
<br /> _ ;�f►��,� _ 14. Notiees. Any natice to Borrower provideJ for in this Srcurity In,�rument shall be given by deliverins it cx by
<br /> '" ���Yt�i:.� 4`�' mailing it by first class m•ril unless applicuble law reyuirc+u,.:ot'anutlxr method.Thc nolice tihull be dir��cd to the!'roperty
<br /> ��a: •
<br /> �,,�,.+..H.�.,� +� Address or any othcr address Borrower designater Ny naticc tu Lender. Any noticc to Lendcr shall be given by first cluss
<br /> � 'J ' " mail to L�nder'x addretiz titutcd hercin or any othcr uJdre,�Lendcr�ksignatc+hy notirc to Bnrn�wer. Any noticc provided for
<br />- - �a�y�,�'��:;.;..• .,,., in thi,Security Instrument .hall be deemed ro have txen �ivcn to Bc�rrowcr or Lendcr when given as pmvided in this
<br /> + r ' .un ra h
<br /> u•y r�,5:;."„'..4►i��iElf P' b' p •
<br /> .�,.�`.:�::",:::.'� 15. Governing Law; Severabiiity. This S�curi�y In,trument ,ht0t tk guvrrnrd by federul law and the law of thc:
<br /> ���" .. juriuiiction in which the Propecty is locuted. ln thc event thut any prnvitii��n ur clautic of this Securiry Inxt�umcnt or the Note
<br /> .'i.LWw i,..� .
<br /> -�.�.n=' , amflicts with appiic�ble law.tiuch conflict shall nw affcrt othrr pro�•i�iimti��t'thi�Scruriry Imtrununt or the N<NC which cun
<br /> � --. . be given effect without the conflicting provisiun. Ti� thir cnJ the pruvi.ion+of thi.Scruriry Intitrument :uid the Note are
<br /> T•y, � decl:�red to lx tieveruble.
<br /> � � ,�.,�,. �' .;.� ; 16. Borrow•er's Copy. Borrowrr,hull tx givcn unc cunli�rnied rnpy uf thr Notr und of this Security Imtrument.
<br /> �':..� 17. 7lranst'er of the Property or a Heneficial lnterest in Burrawer. It�idl or uny pan uf thc Propen���x any interc,t in
<br />_ .,��';�,. ,� it i.sold or tr:unferred (or if a henetirial intems[ in Bcirrowrr i„oId ur tran�l'crrrd anJ Boiruwcr iti tiot a aatural per�on)
<br /> .;r without l.ender:prior written conticnt.LcnJcr may.au its uptiun.rcyuiro immrdiatc puyment in full of all.ums secured by
<br /> �`' ' •��,�;�'.. � . this Security Inxtrument. However.thi.optinn shull not hr rxercised hy L�ndrr if exerci.r i.pruhibit�J by federul law u�of
<br /> the ciate af this Scrurity lmtrumrnt.
<br /> �+�t,,.. �� If Lender exerciks thi,option.LenJer�hall givr Bonowrr nuticr at'acrrlrr:�tian. Tlie notice.hall pruvidc u}�ricxl of
<br /> not Icss than 30 days trom thc dutc thc notirc i.J�Iiv�nJ or mailcd�vithin w•hich H��rrowrr mu�t pay al)yumti secured by[his
<br />,j �. ' Security lmtrument. If Borrowcr fails to pay thr.c tium. prior to thc r�pir:tliun ��f thiti �xriixl. Lender nwy invokc any
<br /> ' remedieti pcnnitted by this Scrurity Imtrwnrnt withuut further uuticr or drm:►nd an Norruwrr.
<br /> �. , 18. Borruwer'ti Iti�ht tv Reinstute. If Hurn►w•rr nurt� ccrtain r�mditiun,. Borrower �hall hav� thc right tu havc
<br /> . enforcement of this Sewrity Imtroment di+cuntinurd:it any titnr priur t��the carlicr ot: la►5 Juy�l�,r�uch uthcr�xriixl u� _
<br /> - ;�, � •.`:.,::' tiiuglc hamilu-•Funnlc 1lrcifYeddk�1uc t'VIFORM IN�TRI'11F:�7'�-l�uU�vmc'a�cnant, 9�9Y l�k�,¢rJ�/n�x�.q�:.l
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