�__....—�. 1 „ .
<br /> _—= .,
<br /> re.�,r,r�� ____ _ � � -.
<br /> �'° �V��Q7/ ..
<br /> p�iod�IINit L+lnde toqulre�. Th0 M�nc�CufiOr provldin�tiw iiwr�000 dMU b�clloletl by H01'rowe[wbjOCy b LendK�i
<br /> _ .�t�!'�'!:'!l�C�t!!!��!!!�!/�.MMrwMSM1�YM wi111M1d. If i11MN►MN[hll4 b 111�Fi1t�11 CUYen�e dBiCf�b!'�ibOYC.L.E�Idtl 111ty.�
<br /> L.mA�nl�aptia►.oM�ia co+recyo In�x�cwect t.a�darti ri�lw in dis�y in�ccond�oo�wkeh p�n�7.
<br /> Atll in�unu�ce polcie:�ad ttriowtls�11 be�cc�eptabk to rnd dMll Mclude t stwLid jmataq��all ra�efpte �
<br /> shdl httyn tho dQht to hokt ti►�p�lkios iwtd ttinawd�. If Lender roquba.�arowet�U prvmptly t
<br /> ot prid pnmium�+u�d renow�l nMkxr. In the evrnt oP las.BO�t`f►M�lf sI111II`'�YC pft1111�11 1Mllk4 b tI10���CM10f illd
<br /> L�far. I.endrr m�y m+�ke pmor.c�M�c it not m�de panpUY bY 1��.
<br /> - Unlcss l.et►der�►ncl R�+m���rr aixrwiKe�gree in writlnpt,insur�Y pn�nedr�II be applied to reb�oration or«palr of
<br /> the Prn�erty dartuiged. it tue nutanition ar repair i�a�onamic�lly (ea�ibk wtd Lender�c u�urfty ia not les.rened. If�
<br /> ract�xrtiai or oepwir i:rwt ceaterrka8y fesiibk or l.endery�ecwity would be ler�ened.the inwrmce pmceeds�h�ll be
<br /> a�liuA tu the sums secumi by this Security Inetcumea�. whahe�or not then due. with any excesu pwid to Bo:rower. ]f
<br /> &xrower rband�ns the Pr�upeA��. cx does not an�wer within 30 days a notice from Lender thu the inwrance carcier h�s
<br /> a(i�ncd tu sepk�claim,then 1.enAe�may coila:t the insurance procoods. L.ender may w�e the proceeds�to npair���when
<br /> tha Ptaperty or to pay�socutod by thi�Socurity InsttumeiN.whether ar not thm due. Thc 34d�Y Pt
<br /> thu natico is gtven.
<br /> Unlnss Lcnder and Born►w�er cxhenvise agra in writing,uny applicacion of procoed�to pcincip�l shall rat extend a
<br /> patpona tha due d�te of the n�►th1Y{wYmcnta rcfsrned to in par�rs�phs i and 2 or chw�ge the anount of the paymcnts. ]f
<br /> undur p�►ragr.�ph 21 the Property is acyui►ed by Ler�der,Bonnwer's rigbt to any insuruice palicies and procads resulting
<br /> from d�muge to ihe Prc�ehy pri�►r to the acqui��tion fhall p�ts to Lender to tha eztent ot the sums securcd by this Sec�uity
<br /> butcument immediately p�x tc►the skquisition,
<br /> 6. Uccupaacy, Preser��ti�� Msinten�ace aad Proteclba ot the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicatiou:
<br /> I,easeho�d�. Borrower xhall oa�upy.cstobiish,and use the Property us Ba'►ow'er's Exincipal residnx:a within sixty dayc after
<br /> � � tha ezeeution uf this Securit)Instrument and+iwil rW�iinue w occupy the P��perty ac Borrower�principa!trsidence fcx su
<br /> leust one year rfter the d�to of occupancy, unles.c Lenckr oUxrwise agree� in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> ! un�+eusonubly withheld,or unkss extenuating circumstunces ezi�t which are bu>ond Borrower's control. Bwrower shal!not
<br /> dcstroy,dam•rge or impatr thr lhopetty,allow the Nn�erty to ckt�rior•rte.or commit wztite on the Propecty. Borrower shall
<br /> be in default if any forfeituro acticx�cr proi:eeding,whe�ner civil or criminal,is begun ttwt in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> �� ,� could result in fcxfciture �f tt�e Property or otherwi�e materially imQair the lien created by this Secunty Instrument or
<br /> = I.cnder:security interc�t, &xr.�H•er may cum+ueh u default end reinxtate,a+provided in parrgraph 18.by causing the action
<br /> or pna;eeding to i+e dismi�sal H�ith•r nding th��t,in Lcnder ti good fuith determination,prcclucie+forfeiture of the Bortower's
<br />- intecctit in the Pn�perty cx�thtr material im}wirment uf the lien crerted by thix Security Insmiment cx Lender's zecurity
<br />'��.� intercst. Bortuwer +hall at� be in ckfuult if Bi�rn�wcr, during the loan •rpplication prae�c, gave materially false or
<br /> inuccurate infomiation or statcn�em�tu Lei�r lor fuiled to provide Lender with:my material information)in connection with
<br /> ; �' ` the luan evidenced by the NMe, includtng, Mut not limited ro, reprexentations ccxkeming Barower's occupancy of the
<br /> - �% Pro��eny s�s a Qrincipal rc.idence. If thix S�•curity in,irument ir on u Ieatiehold.Borrower sholl comply with all the prowisions
<br /> of the leuse. If Borrower:uyuire.fec tidc tu thc Prope�y.the leayehotd und the fa titie si►aii noc mergr unir��t.z�i3ec agrccs =
<br /> � to tho m��cr in N riting.
<br /> ',r 7, proRect�n of I.ender'c Righis in ti�e Pruperty. If Borrower fails to pedorm the coven:ints and agreements
<br /> �, ,� , c�xuained in this Security Instn�mrnt. or tixn- i+ a icgal pnxrcriing th•rt may.ignificantly uffect Lender's rights in the
<br /> �• ' ' Property(such as u proccrding in t+:►nkruptr)�,pmhale,for c�rxirmnation or forfeimre or to enforee laws or regulutions),1hen
<br /> + • i1i+a�:Fri�,,t� �•., �
<br /> t s; ' • Lender may do•rnd pay t'�x M•hatever i�nece�,ary tu pnu�tit the valur of the Property�nd Lender's rights in the A�openy.
<br /> ' �•+�`'rf'l,ti't'..:.:`i+ '
<br /> .-„�'..;:,�ii�xC..•-,.:. l.ender's uctianti may incluc6e paying any�um>.srcumd hy a lien which ha�priority over this Security instrument,appewnng
<br /> .iqx�,itti;r:���-•s�u;; in ccwrt,paying rcawnable attumey�'lec.:md rntering un thr Property w m:►kr repain. Although Lc»der may take action
<br /> `•,_.,• .y�,�;;:.; • undcr this par.�graph 7.Lr►xtcr duc.n��t hurr tu du,o.
<br />_ .��r.:,�:::;ri;.�+ Any am�wnh di.hurMV1 by Le►xkr utxkr thi+ pur•rgraph 7 +haD tkcomr addiuonul debt uf Borcower secured by this
<br /> — � •�,.::�'�'t�rf.•a..^�^f ' Sccurity Instrument. Unle.�Hnrruw•rr a�xt Lcndcr a�nx to uther trmi,uf paymrnt.thck amount.tihall bcar intercst from the
<br /> , dutc uf distwnrment at thc Ni�te rate uixl �hull t+c p.►yahle.with interrtit,u�x�n notirr from Lcnder to Borcower requesting
<br /> • • � . , puymcnt.
<br /> 8. Mnrt��Ae Insuranm. If Lrn�kr nyuimd murtga�,c in.un►nre a.u ciHiJitiun of mukin�; the lo;ui secured by thi�
<br /> •�� . Securiry Insttument. 13ortnH�er .hall pa� tfie pnmiuni.reyuind tu m•rintain thc murtgagr in,urance in effect. If,for any
<br /> rcution. thr morlgagc imtmuxc cavcragr nY�uircd by Lcndrr (ap+c� or crau. tu Ix in ct�fcct. Botrower shall puy thc
<br /> - , • . � ' �• pmmium� myuircd to uhtnin coveragc wh.ts�nti:dlt cqui��alrnt to thr mi�nga�e inwrancr pnviuusly in effert. at a cost
<br /> •'�`''� ,ub�tuntially ryuiv:►Icnt to tlw ru.t to B�muw•er ol the mungugr in,uranrr pnviuu.Iy in rffcrt.fmm an altema[r imxtgage
<br /> � •�`�t'''�. � " insuRr apprv�ed by l.end�r. If wlntantiaHy equirul�nt mnrtga�r in,uranre ruvcragr i.not availahle.Borcower shall pay tu
<br /> , . . Lrndrr rach�ncxi:h a�um cyu:d tu��ik-t�►clfth�d thr�earl� mortgage in.uranrr pr�mium bcin�!puid by Borrower when the
<br /> �''•i�.i,-
<br /> ;s4;.�� intiuranc�ruv�•r,�cr I:�p�cd ur rcatird ta h in cftert. Lrndrr will arre�x.uk:md rrtuin thc.r payment.uti a lo„re,erve in lieu
<br /> . . . .•;;;�t at'mcxlgag�'in.uttmcr. l.o..n,rn•c�x��m��nt.ma� nu lungcr Fx r¢yuircd.at thr upti�m uf l.cndcr.if murtgu�c inxuranre
<br /> :. ,�:���:� c�veragr(in the:nnount arxt ti�r th��xri�xl tliat Lendrr rryuirc.►pruciJed hy an inwrer appruveJ by Lender again become.
<br />-_ , «wr- J4:t1IJM1Il':IOII 1�Otlluincd.RurruH•cr�I�:tiU nu��tfx prcmiun�.rcquircd tu maintain nu�n�a_�in�urancr in�ffrct.ur to provick:a
<br /> 1 "`��'''r ,� ' los+re+en�e.un�it thr nqiiircment t�x nwngaee in•un�nre cnd.in arcardan�r aith anr•writtrn agreemrnt t+etwecn Borrower
<br /> . '- � and LCnder or a��licahla IaN�.
<br /> f�; ' 9. Inspec¢Nx►. Le[xi.r or it.:i�:rnt ma� make rca.�►n;�hlr entri�.u�xm and in,�xtitiunti ol thr Pri�xrty. Lender shall
<br /> ' give Borniwrr nutirc at tik time.�(ar priur U+an in,�x cti�m,�xrilj•ing rra,un:tbl�r:m�c ti,r Ihr in,�xction.
<br /> " � '�:, 10. Cundemnatiou. Thr pr�kecd,�.1 am a��anl ur claim ti,r damage,,dinrt ur a,n>ryucnte.�l.in connrrtiun with any
<br /> ,.�,`,.
<br />_ , , . �m�l�i�amd...Fupnie�Ix�F'nddk�I�c 1\IFtIR�t tVti 1'Rt J1E�'I'-l nU�mn Cn..•�r.uuti 9i911 qwtr?��f'�/Mter.�
<br />.. � ��at IJcr+Hwne+n Fanu.Ur ■
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