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<br /> �ppiic�ble t�w ary�pecifY far roin�a�a�)befaro�{eta� f, WopatY Purswnt ��Y P�'►wer of caaaJamd in 1!�
<br /> -- - A.ewi��e 1.w�r�1:a(bl.Mln!ot a iudw�t m1�oKC�n�i.1�ai11, .��� 1tY�c T6wa c�tdldom�re dwt�onr�wer: h1 =,
<br /> P�Y� L.ender�I! wm�whicb tba�would,be du4.,uq�rj[;thi?I�r�'��Y�� aed tfr iYde u if no sooaiw�iiw�
<br /> occurrod:(b)cur+a►�ny defwlt o[�ay otaer wv t�uo��o�r�h;�c)p�Yi�ll expeasea 1xurrod ia a�fotcio�tbis Secwiry
<br /> [maumen� inclNdjn�,but not Umitod to.rewwo�k,.�Ya'�1e�: �nd (d)takea wch�cdoa as l.aadar may neronrblY
<br /> requin w a�ctu�+e�t Uwe lien of thi�Security Lantrua�ell�.,�ti�.�u ia the Pro(xrty and Bamwer's oblig�hioa to 4�Y the
<br /> wau �ecured by tl�ia Security In�t:ument �11 caui�tMG•��. �pd UPon rcin�t�uarent by 8ortowa, thlt Securtty
<br /> Instrument and c}�e nWlgNiun�t te¢urod hercby shtll mem�it►�u11�Y oPft+�tive as if no�ccele:atia�had occurred. Howeva,tfif�
<br /> eiQht to rdnatue alNll not apply in the cue of�ccelentivq,ut�t P�#�P�17.
<br /> 19. S�M o[Nate: t,'Iw�e ot►Serrieer: 7'ha,NG�+e or�D�cdwl intecat in the Nda(w�etht with this Securiry
<br /> Inaavrnent)nuy be sold onG a more times w� t prloK no►ics w Barower. A �►te rrwy rault jn a chan4e ia the a�tiry
<br /> (known ati tl�e"l.out Secvker")tWt collocts ra��,4wYA��t�w�der tbe Note sad thi�Security Inttrument. T7�e[�e al�
<br /> may be ar.or ma+e ciwc��es of the t.wn Serviccr unr�tql to a ssk of the Note. lf thene is a change of the L.o�n Savicer.
<br /> Bo�mwer wiU be Qivan written aotice of the chulge i.n ac�ad�ncF wjth Parx�raph �4 above and applicable 4w• The notice
<br /> will�tate thc t�eme and address of the ncw I.oat►Servicer and dKS.�ddre�s to which payments Rhould be m�de. 'ft�e notice wlll
<br /> alm cant�in�ny other lnformadon tequiced bY aPPlkabk.lsw. e the sence.use.dis ct e.a ralease of any
<br /> 20. Ha:arda��Subaaocw. Bcxmwer shall not cause or petp►i pre P�• �►8
<br /> Hazardo��a Substances on or in the Piq�rty. Bamwer ghal! (,nor allaw anyone else to do.anythin8 affecdnC the
<br /> H+q�e�ty that is in vlolation of any Environmeqtallaw, 7'he ixocoding two senunces sh�ll not apply to the presence,use.or
<br /> atcxyge on the pr�opeity of small qwuttities of Hazard�ws Suibst�ylcGS ttwt at�e genemlly reco�nniized w be approp�iate to aam�l
<br /> resicknB�l uses and W�rwintenrnca of the�'W�m'•
<br /> Bwrowar shtll promptlY Bive I.ender written notice of any ipY��gation,claim,denwnd,lawsuit or other acdon by nny
<br /> _- govetnmental ar ngul�tory Kgency a•private party involvinB�R,�Pe�'a°d any Ha�.��Suhstance c►r Enviromm�tal
<br /> Law of which Borrower has actaal knowledgo. If BocmWG:lesuns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulataY
<br /> ,�. authority,that any removal or other�+emediatIon of any,H�zaru�ous Substance affectin$the I�q►enY is naxsw�'•H°n°wa
<br />_,� shall promptly take all necessiuy mmedial acl�ons in accordat�e with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in th[s paregraph 2�,'Haza�'dous Substar►�es"are Uase substancee def ined as toxic or hazerdous substances by
<br />_-- Environmental and the following substanccs: ga�:oline,kerosene,other flemmable or toxic petroleum products.coxic
<br /> pesticldes and t�erbicides,volatfle solvants,materials containing asbestw or formaldehyde, and radiaactive materials. As
<br /> • used in this puagraph 20,"Envirocunenea!�.aw"me�s fakral laws and laws of the jurisdiction wheoe the Property is located
<br /> �'� that relale w health.iwfety or enviraunental protecport.
<br /> '�:� NON-UMFQRM COVI'sht�NTS. Bamwer and ixnder further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> - 21. Acakratloia; Re�tdies. l.eader siwll give notke to Borrower prior to�cceleratioa toUowin� Borrower's
<br /> -= breach ot�ny covenaiot ar�W'u�ne�t ia tdi9 Security Instrwnent(but not prior to AccekrAtbn under parA�raph 17
<br /> • uoke�apQlkwbk la+v prnvide�otherwi�3. The notke slwlt rpecif�: (a)the defauit;(b)the action requtred to cure t6e
<br /> 'A:....� defaulti(e)a date.nM leas than 30 dNys trom the dAw the notice i�given tu b"i�r�o�er,by�htcls ihe dti3uli ms�s!!r.
<br /> ��;�(d1 W�t{�lq�q to cure the detault on or beforc ttie dwte speciffed in the notke may resWt in acceler�tbn o(
<br /> �� the suna►c secured by thi�Secu�rity Instrument and sAle of the Property. 7'he notice shaU further Inta�n B°n'°wer ot
<br /> ;��:��'''�� the cight ta rcinSWte after acceleration s►nd the right to b�ing a court actbn to�ssert the uonaxistence ot w defaWt or
<br /> �,....,_. ,
<br />; i���;�,�;,t''�>:' An�y oWer defeu�+at 13orrower to ucceleratbn And sale. If the defAUlt is not cured on or betore the date spedfled in
<br /> ;�-���,�-„•;-: ,,:•_.,;. the notioa�I.endtr at iks optfon mAy require immediAte pwyment in tull ot�il sums secured by thLs Secudty Instrumont
<br /> ��•"° ' � - wlthout turther de�twad and may imoke the power of swle And any other remedies permitted by opplicwbk law.
<br /> . _ - I,c�nder stwll be entitled to collect nll expensea incurred in pursuing the remedies provided In th(s paragrAph 21�
<br /> ������� . � ineluding,but not litu�ited to,reasonable Attorneys'[�s and costs of Ntle evWence.
<br /> '- ••��;�� If the powa�c�[sale is invoked,lYustee studl record a notice of default in es�ch county in whkh Any psirt of the
<br /> — �`"T•u• • • Property ts lo�ted ond shall maU copies of such notice in the manaer prescribed by Appikable law to Borrnwer And to
<br /> n
<br /> ''��' � the ot6�er Ixrs�ons prescr�bed by applics�ble Iww. ARer the time reyuired by applicable law,7Yustee sholl give pubpc
<br />� noRice�t sale to the persons And In the manner prescribed by applicuble Inw 7Yustee�without demsmd on Borroweq
<br /> "' • shall ae114ht Property At public auMion to the highest bWder At the time and place and under the terms desig�wted ta
<br /> the noticu ot sale in one or more parcels and M any order'I�ustee determioes. 7Yustee may postpone saie of aU or�nY
<br /> pprcel of the Property by public wnnouncement�t the time and plwce ot�ny previw�sly scheduled sale. Ixnder or 1ts
<br />�� ,1 de�i�►n�y purc6ase the Property at any s�le.
<br /> Upun receipt of payment ot the price bid,7Yustee stwll deliver to the purchaser 'It�u.stee's deed conveying the
<br /> Prop4rty. The recitals in the Trustee's deecl shall be prima tACte evidence ot the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> . � ' • '(1ruRtct�ss shall apply the proceeds of the sule in the tollowinR urder: (Y)to all costs and expenses of exercising the power
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