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<br /> 'POCIBTHUt wPl7�t au che lm�ovanaiu now«na�wtter aected on the propaty..nd tl,oa�emenu,appurlenNCe.�
<br /> -- - �!M A-=-�±r�s�+w�r Iwwtrr a p�rt of tbe O�OQ+tY. AU�wd�ddidau�Il�!w be coverod by tWs Security
<br /> laununai� All o[the fa+egofr.R Is rcfarod w in this Security Luwment as the"Propecty." _-
<br /> $pR.ROW�R COVENANTS ttut Bon+ower i�I�wfully Yeired of the sstau hermbp convoyed and h�u the d�ht to gnnt
<br /> •nd caevey the Pcopaty and thu the PropeRy is unencumbered,exapt for encumbrar�ces of ceca+�. Barrawer warr�nts md
<br /> wUl defend Qarenlly the titk to the Ptaperty sQainst rll cl�im�u�d denw�ds,wbJxt to�ny encumbnux;e�of r�ecord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY lNSTRUMENT combtnes unfform rnvenuit� fix nationd uce u�d non-uniform covm�nts with
<br /> "� "�"�°—�'—'° Wnited vuiuions by juri�dicdon w constitute a uniform�a:urity insuwti�ent coverin�rral pn�pcity.
<br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS. Bomuwer and I.endu covenent and agrx as followa:
<br /> 1. Paymeat of I'rindpd u�d Intse+ati�P�Y�'at aad I.�te Ciwrga. Borrower siu11 promP�Y WY when due the
<br /> - - princip�l of md intarst on tMe debt evldenced by the Nota and any prep�yment and late chugas due under the Nate.
<br /> Z. I�titls for'[tius aad Iaar�na. Subject to applicable law or to a wcittcn w�iver by I.ender.Bocrower shall pay to
<br /> L.ender on tbe day monthlY paYma►ts ane due under the Nate.until thc Nato is pAid in full,a sum("Pundc") for. (�)Y�Y
<br /> wces and aasessments which axy stuin prioriry over thi:Socurity Insuument as a Ilen on the Praperty;(b)yearly le�sehold
<br /> P�Y�� a 8��rents an the Propaty. if any: (o) YeutY huard or Propertp insurance premiums: (d) Yeatly flood
<br /> insurance premiums,if Any;(a) yeariy mortgage insucance premiums,if any;and (� any sums payable by Bnrrower to
<br /> Lender,in xcoM�oce wlth the provisior�s of pacagraph 8.In lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> items are called'8scrow Items." l.ender may,at any time.collect and hold f'unds in an emount noc ta exceed the mazimum
<br /> amount a lender for a federolly celated mortgagc loan may cequire for Bomnwers cscrow account undcr the federul Real
<br /> _�.,�t,' Fsrote Settlement Proctdu�es Act of 1974 as aaxnded from Wr�e to time,l2 U.S.C.�2601 et uq.("RESPA").unl�ss enother
<br /> - law that spplies to the Funds scts a lesser artwunG If so,Lender may.at any timc,coUxt and hold E�nds in an nmaunt not to
<br /> _°-�- - T -°- exceed tt�e lesser anwunt. l.cndcr may estimatc the amount of Funds due oa the basls of curr�nt data and n,aconable __
<br /> �` eulmates of eapenditunes of future Escmw Items or othecwise in uccordance wtth appficable law.
<br /> �;;+I'�`i 'l�e Hinds shall be luld in an institution whose deposlts are insured by a federal agcncy.inswmentality.or endty
<br /> _':�;;;� (i�xluding Lender,if Lendcr is such an instituqon)or in any Federa!Home Loan Bank. Ler,dcr stull npply the Fh�ds to pay �_
<br /> -- the Fscrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for halding and applying the FL�ds, annuaUy analyzing the esccow
<br /> �==_��- � account,or vedfying the Escmw Items,unless Lender pays Bomower intenest on tl�e E'vnds and appNcable law permits
<br /> "��;��� i.ender to nwlce such a chugc. However.Lender may require Borcower to pay a one-time charge foc an independent real �;:
<br /> �::r�"�" estaie tex nporting service used by Lender in connection with thts loan,unless Applicuble law provides od�enwise. Unless an !�:'":�
<br /> �_-� agroement is madc or s►�pplicable law requires interest to 6e paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower an��interest or
<br /> : eamings on the Punds. Barrower and L.ender may ugree in wridng,howeve.r,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. l.cnder
<br /> ��}`- shall give to Bomnwer.wittaut charge.an annual accounting of t1�e F�nds,showjng crediGs and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the PUnds was�twde. Tt�e Funds are pledged as addltional socurity for all sums secured by =.
<br /> "'� this Security Instrument.
<br /> � If the ti�nds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitced to be heid by appiicabin 1uw, i.ender si�alt account io
<br />�;;�,,;:�; Borrower far the excess Funds in accordance with the reyuiremenis ai Applicable law. If the amount of th� Funds held by
<br />.;' ' I.ender at any time is not sufticient to pay the H.scrow Items when due,I.ender mny so notify Boaower in writing,and,M
<br /> � .� such case Horrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the def►ciency. Borrower shall make up the
<br />:T�; deficiency in no mon than twelve monthly payments.ut Lendrr'c sole discretton.
<br /> :ry— , .:M1�" .;r: Upon payment in fu11 of all sums sccured by thls Security Instrument,Lender shatl prompdy rcfund to Borrower any __
<br /> �r• �{� Fbnds held by Lsnder. If.under parrgraph 21,L.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> - � ' sala of the Property,shaU apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ncquisidon or sale t►s a crcdit against the sums �'"`
<br /> ' �� 'ro a� secured by this Secudty Inswmcnt. '°
<br /> '� '`' �' ' 3. Applkatioa ot Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, ull payments rcceived by I.ender under ` ;�
<br /> -_ paregraphs 1 and 2 shall be opplied:fint,to uny prepayment chazges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under �-�'
<br />�, , :...:�� •�-�:�' r
<br /> , :,�,,•V:.�', paragraph 2:third,to intercst due;fourth,to principal duc;:►nd latit,to any late churges duc undcr thc Note.
<br /> _ ,, r�� 4. Clu�rges; Uens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxcs. ar•scssments, charges, fines and impositions uttributublc to thc
<br /> -� �i�%�r%•� �:-y - Property which muy attain pciority over this Sccurity Instrument,and leasehuld puymcnts or ground rcnts,if uny. Borrower
<br /> • �,�#:�•;�.••;, ��,,.• shall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in parugruph 2,or if not prid in that munncr,aorrowcr shall pay them on _
<br />�;• -�ay:;°v � � . timc directly to the person ow�d payment. Borrower tihall promptly furnish to Lcnder•rll notices af umounts to bc paid undcr ���
<br /> �.: � ���r..�::..,:. .. this paragraph. If Borrower makes these puymentc dircctly.Borrower shali pramptly furni�h to Lender receipn evidencing ;��
<br /> .. .. , ,..,,:.�. ....
<br /> �'{�,r;, ti the payments. �r
<br /> �"�"��,��-�'r' " Bo�rower tihell promptly dis�:harge any lien which has priority ovcr this Security lnswment unless Bortower. (u)agrces -
<br /> �'��a`�'�- '
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation securcd by thc licn in a manncr acccptablc ta Lcnder:(b)conte�ts in gaod fuith the
<br /> '��' � lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lirn in,Iegal pracedinF�which in the Lender;opinion operatr to pmvent the .
<br /> ,it�..�,� -,�.�..• �,
<br /> W..�:;., ,,�a,tiy;�,;.:�,,. _ enforcement of the lien;or(c>securcs from the holder af the lien an�greement satisfuctory to L.ender subordinating the lien _
<br /> •'!? , to tliis Security Inswment. If Lender determiner that any part of thc Propem•ix suhject ta u licn which may attain priority
<br /> °���'''` �+' � �� � ovcr this Sccurity Instrument. Lendcr may givc Borrnwcr a noticc idcntifying the licn. Borrower shall sutisfy the lien or take
<br /> �"i''t {�' ' one or mnrc of thc actions sct forth abovc within 10 duys of thc giving of noticc. _-
<br /> ;t•� '.;�.� `n:• , : ;��`.�.; 5. Haa�rd or Property Insurancr. Bonower shall kccp thc improvcment.now existing or here•rftcr crected on►hc -`
<br />• •; � y,. . Propctty insumd against loss by firc,h:uurds includcd within thc tcrm"cxtrnded ru�•crugc"and nny othcr har.ards,including �� �
<br /> ���?� • � ' flood.i or tlooding, for which Lender rcquitc.r inxurnnce. This insurance shall he muintuincd in the amounts and for thc �
<br /> — ' J•h .�.�*:. .. �,��•r
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