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<br /> -- trt���IMOilet 0�flN 1101t�t lll!tlNle O�t11!df��tion of d�iiritii�wini i�wi.��A.`,i�:tt�is::.��'lt••••wir�wliled _
<br /> by taw;t�)to df wa�s�cund by ll�S�curtty 1�utruawNti wd Ic)�ay�zcw b Ih�per�na or p�nonr M{�Ily MtNi�d
<br /> to if.
<br /> 22. RecoaveY��ce. Upon pAyment oP all xumx rxxurcd by thiw 5aurity In«�run�cnt, l.cixkr rh�ll royuesl 71vM��c tu
<br /> rccanvcy the Ropecty�nd sh�U sumndcr thiw Sxuriry Inrtrument �nd all nac�e�M�r�K�M�{dct+��curod hy�hi��ruri�y
<br /> lnurumcnt ta'Itustec. 7tucta shall rccanvey thc f'roperty withcw� wur�nty rnd witlxwt clu��e tu �he prnun ur pen�xir
<br /> —_ __ kgaliy entiticd ro It. Such person or per�cm��hnll pny nny rcti<�rdx�ion cns�R. _.. .
<br /> �j 23. Sub�tltute'Ilrustee. Lender,at it�option.may from time ta timc renwvc 7Yu�:tcc und np}x�lnt s�ucccsxor trustc�c W
<br /> any 7tustee appointed hercunder by an instrument recordeJ in the county in which thix Security Inxtrument ix rccordr.d.
<br /> Withiwt conveyance of the Propeny,the xuccesxor wstce sh�ll succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upan
<br /> 7tu:tec txreln And by applicable taw.
<br /> Z4. Request for Noticea. BoROwer requests that copies of the notices of defAUlt and r.ale be sent to BorrowerL udJr�srs
<br /> which is the Prcrperty Address.
<br /> 2S. Riders to this Sccurity Instrumen� If one or more dders nre executcd by Borrower:�ncl necorded together with
<br /> this Security lnstrument,the covenants and agreements of cach such rider shaU be incarporated inta und tihall amend and
<br /> supplement the covenants and agreements of this Secur�[y Instcument as if the rider(s)were u pwt of this Secudty In►trument.
<br /> �_� [�Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> -- �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider _
<br />� �Cr:tduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Ikvelopment Rider �Biweckly Payment Rider
<br /> +- �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Nome Rider
<br /> _� � �Other(s)[speclfy] Assignment of Rents Rider _
<br /> - BY S1�N[NG BELOW,Borrower aecepts nnd agrees to the terms and covenants contained in thic Security Instcument
<br /> _ — and in any rider(c)executed by Bocrawcr and recorded with it.
<br /> - - Wltnesses: _
<br /> - — .. , /� -,,
<br /> � -• _ - . _. . (.Ct/L.IC.�Q� Y �d'IcJQ� (Scat)
<br /> .. ��, Patricial J. Nvwak •Burtuwcr -
<br /> • . � ' Sacial Security Numbcr 505-70-9213 --
<br /> n,= .
<br /> - (Scul)
<br /> -Biwr�wrr
<br /> ,,. �, , Soclal Security Numher
<br /> � �
<br /> '� �`�' �'•`'%�' � STATE OF NEBRASKA, H811 County sx: -
<br /> —�;= �, . ,� '�' On this 26th d�Y�f October� 1993 .bcf'orc mc,thc unckrxigned,a Nutury Public
<br /> 1' dul commissioned und ualified for said count , non�ll cume
<br /> .' �� - ;a;,�;�,.,:s,�. Y q Y P�• Y Patricia J. Nowak (A Single Person)
<br /> �,��,�,�t ,ta me knoa•n to be the _
<br /> ��!`�'""�` � ' identical per.cons(s)whose nume(x)ure sub,crit►ed to the tiiregning in.trument and urkni�wledKed the ezecution then:of to _
<br /> � ��'�"' � � `" � bc heZ' voluntary act and dccd.
<br /> �_` `�" ' Wimess m hand and nowrial.rul at in said caunty,tho =
<br />- • ;a� � , Y Grand Island, ebraska ,�
<br /> :.�„`. datc aforesaid. ��fMY�11M M�IM�ti ,l,l,� � C IS •
<br /> �c.s:.,r. . My Commission expir =
<br /> �' �M4 rt�,�dq•Nunu�
<br /> ,�V � '�= �a� R RfiCONVEYANCE '�
<br /> �:
<br /> ,� . ` TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> r�-,��,:..,._• The undcrsigned is the holder of the note or notcz srrured hy this[h�d of Tn��t. Said nutc or notex, together with a►ll __
<br /> '� ;,..t . , other indebtedness secumd by thix Dced of'(lu,t,have txen paid in full. You ure Ix�mh�•dirccted ti�cancel tiuid note or noteti _
<br /> - � „ r and this Dcrd of'li�ust,which arc dclivemd hrreby,and to reromep.K91IlOU1 WBTfdlll�'.all thc estate now held by you under =
<br /> �� w .. . , this Deed of 7ivst to the pcnun or per,un,IegaUy�ntitled tlicrclo. �=
<br /> - . , .. . . -.
<br /> - Date:
<br /> _ � - ' FormJ02N 9/90 Ip.r.�re��)'A�ur.ri -_
<br /> v ;�� ' -
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