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<br /> •' �ppUc�ble 4w may�pecify tor nein�tement)heforc wle of the PropettY purwmt to�$�wer ot��c�antititOd tn thia
<br /> -- Sr�wity in�u�wp;tx(1�j iwtt�y nf�J!.�a!!te!!i tstfB�{nj�li�ir Swauiir uisi+u��a�d. 'i i��conditlons are tlu�t Botrower: (1i)
<br /> p�ye L�er�der dl sums which tt�en would be due under this Security InWrurnent �nd the Note �s if no accelerulon had
<br /> occurnd;(b)cures my defiult of any other c4vemnb or�roemenq;(c)pay�all expenses incumed in enfacin�this Socurity
<br /> In�trument,including.but nat UmiteE to.rcswn�ble�tuxney�'fea: wid(d) Wces auch �cUon as Lender m�y re�orW�ly
<br /> requirc w�saure tlut the Uan af thi�Security I��trument,Lenderk dghtr in�he Property+ind Bornnwer�i obligatia�to pay the
<br /> wms ucured by thio Secudty Imtrumait sh�li cantinue unchu�ed. Upat rcimtatement by Borrower, this 5ecudty
<br /> :�-s�.-_----_r.T_.z-_� In�trument�nd thC obligeNena recur�cd henby�11 remain fully eftxtivc u if na accelerallon had occurred. Howaver,thle
<br /> _ �i�ht tn reinca�e shtll not�pply ln the caie of Acceler�tion under pangraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sde of Note;Ch�rt�r'dt Lou4 9a�wka: 11a Note or �{►artial intene�t in the Note(together with thic Security
<br /> Instrument)m�y be sold onc•ar more Nme� withvut prior notia to Bo�rower. A cale may reault in a chnnge in the entity
<br /> � (kiwwn as the"Lo�n Servlce� �thpt collectc monthly payment�due under the Note And this Security Insuument. There also
<br /> may be one or moro ch�ngac of the I..00n Secvica�unrelatcd to�s�lc af thc Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servlcer,
<br /> Bornower will be�iven wtltton notice of the chonge in accordance wlth pangraph 14 above and applicabk law. The notice
<br /> �..-�_�.��s wili state the namt end nddrass of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments ghouid be made. The notice will
<br /> Also conwin any other infarmstion required by applicable law.
<br /> ��J � ?A. Hazardous Sub�Utnces. Borrower shall not cause or pem►it the prcsence,use.disposal.storage,ur release of any
<br /> Hazardoua Subrtanccs on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor�Ilow anyone etsc to do,anything affecting the
<br /> Property that ic ln vlolation of any Environmental Luw. The proceding two scntences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> swrage on the Propeny of smaQ quandties of Hazardouc Subst�ncea that are generaily recogniud to be approprlate to normal
<br /> • ! reoldenti�l use�and to maintanance of the PropeRy.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation. claim.demand,lawsuit or ott►er acdon by any
<br /> _;=�: - -- --- - govenuuentai or regulatory agency or privatc party involvtng the Pcoperty nnd any Hazardous Substance or Environmental --
<br /> - ,�,: Law of which Botrower hae actuul knowledge. If Barrower Icarns,or is notified by any govemmental or rcgulatory
<br /> _= �::�,4� authority.that any removal or other remediation af any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessAry.9orrower
<br />_ �'�U� shall promptly take aU nceassary remedial actiona in accorciance with Environmental I.aw.
<br /> � As used in this paragrnph 20,"Hazardous Substances"ure those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ' -+.�y Environnxntal i.aw and tha following substnnces: gasollne,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products.toxic
<br /> �'s��. pesticldes and herblcides,volaule solvents, materials contuining usbestos or fortnaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> y` � ��;' used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"mcans federal lAws And lawt of the judsdiction where the Property is tocated
<br /> ' that rclate w health,safety or environmentel protection.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> " Zl. Accelerations Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower priar to acceleration followiog Borrower's
<br /> = breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleratWn under para�raph 17
<br />-"'?. • �,;. untese applicable Inw provtdes otherwise). The notice shall specify: (A)the defAUit;(b)the actfon required to cure the
<br /> .�t '' `P�� default;(c)a dnte,not tesa than 3U days iram the dAte the noiice is given io Borrower,by wbwh ii�n.�efi�uii n�st be °
<br /> ��;��;'��°""�"�• cured;snd(d)that failure to cure the defuult on or beforc the date specitied in the notice may result in acceleratia�ot
<br /> . r?;�x,i+.,;,,.: .
<br /> ' ' � ��;kt w.: the sums secureil by this Security Instrwnent and sale at ihe Property. The notice ahall turther inform Borrower ot
<br /> ., • �,1�•..�. the right to reinstate af�ar Acceleratton and the right to bring u court actio�to asscrt the non-existence of a default or
<br /> ��r��:^:�;�:�?��,r�.• xny other detense of Barrower to acceleration and sale. It the defAUlt tg not cured on or before the dAte specified in
<br /> `��1;�,-;•.;•.�� the notice,L.ender at its option may require immediate pAyment in tufl af alt sums secured by thts Security Instrument
<br /> ' � ��' �" '°'•�,r;�`�� without further demand and may invoke the power of s�le s�nd any other remedies permitted by s�pplicable law.
<br /> '� �.;:;:,�.
<br />-� ��,+'" Lender shall be entitted !o collect all expenses incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided in this paragr�ph 21.
<br />— iacluding,but not limited to.rea�mable yt torney!�'fers�nd custs��P title ev idence.
<br />--` .,.Ar:�:.d.���-,. •.•:-.: � lf t6e power oT salo is invc�ked,lYustee shall record y nodce oP defuult in each county in which any part of the
<br />�`�' »�x.�.x.�;��,..<•F�; Property 191ocated end shall mail copiesof such nattce in the manner prescribed by applicable lAw tu Borrower and to
<br /> -,�`�r,� ��=.�; the otder persons prescribed by Ap�1lcAble luw. After the time required by s�pplicuble Iuw,lYustee shall give public =
<br /> .�' ,..�-�,;y.,,h';�,.,, ' . notice of sole to the per.sons and in the manner presc�ibed by applica6ie law 1lrustee,without demand on Borrower, -
<br /> �--��;=•..,°•; •'•, sha11 sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at tbe tirne iand pl�ce und under the terms designAted in
<br /> �-ry-•r �1����3`.'"^�'�,, the nolice of sale in ono or more�arcelg and in s�ny urder'lirustee determines. Trustee may postpone sate of all or any
<br /> ,,,,.. .
<br /> • �y�,y,��;,;+t���� parcel ot the Properfy by public�nnouncement s�t the time ynd pl�ce of�any prev�ously scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> ,:••,,• �:4, ..� desiQnee mAy purchasc ihc Pruperty at any sule.
<br /> ' ' , Upon receipt of pa��ment uf the price bid.7Yuytee shall deliver to the purcbaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the
<br /> Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shull be prima facie evfdence of the truth of the statemen�s made therein. -
<br /> ��•• 'IYustee sh�ll apply tho praceeda of the sate in the fnllowinK order. (a1 tu ull costs and expenses of exercising the power =�=
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