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<br /> �37'.`• , j -
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<br /> • , . . . �aia�u+r oF r���rn�ai� l0�'�.'�(J
<br /> YMIQ AdI11QNMRNT Of IIENt'8 RIDEp Is m�d��nd�x�out�d thl� 16t� d�y of �'�d��• ,to--93—_��^d I�
<br /> �' Mpprppr�l�d inla�n1 NMII b�d�rMd to am�nd and wppl�nMnt th�Matp�a DNd of 7rurt,h�nlnaft�r rH�►nd to a�th�
<br /> --- te�Vil�llr�1N1f{1w1�111�� 17i�IN NRN Wl�{��M�11 Y� 111� iiiiN���="jiw�� ri�i�i�11w}�0=.�..���.. �Q�.�.��lw��Awt{Iww��� IA YQllt�
<br /> �p���ndlbt��,Mnln�ft�r nf�rnd to a�th�•'Not�",to HOME f�0lRAL a11VIN04 AND LOAN A�iOCIATIQN 0�
<br /> . d1AND IeL1►ND,h�Nr►�Ne nl�nd to u tM"l.�nd�r",of tfN�dal��nd anvKinp 1h�Prqp�rty dNOMb�d In th�houMty
<br /> In�Nuniw+t�xf bwl�d�t:
<br /> 4030 Roth Rd. Grand I�land, iJE 68803
<br /> . _-�-�---- --- ------� (Prop�RY Addnts) --.
<br /> WITME88E7'N:
<br /> WHEREAS, Bcrrow�►and L.�ndar h�v�aqrNd that�ny r�nts and profit��ttributable to the propMy should aot�tltut�
<br /> additlau�t Mcunty to th�L�nd��for th�paym�nt ot th�Not�;
<br /> NWN,THBREFORE,it is�pre�d th�t th�S�ourity In�trurrNnt shati b��m�nd�d h�nby and d�sm�d to inalud�th�followinp -
<br /> .�, txovls�onc
<br /> 1. �sinnment of Rants and Lender Rentai Coltentton Riahtn.Bor�ower hs�eby ab�olute�y�nd unoonditionaliy asaipns all
<br /> nnt9, Issues xnd proflta ot the props►ty to Bsn4ticl�ry. L�nder sh�ll have th� rt�ht, powor and authority durinp th�
<br /> contlnuanc�of the S�aurity I�etrument to aollect the nnts,iasues and protlts ot ths propeRy and of any pe�son�l property
<br /> loa�ted th�non with or without takinp posasalon of the.property affectW hereby. Lander,however,hereby conaents to
<br /> -- gptmw�'�coliaCtion and retentlon of auch nnt�,issws arxf profits aa they aacsru�and beaom�payabls,so lon9 as 8orrowsr
<br /> ° is not,1►16uch tlme,in default wllh raspact to p�ymant o!�ny Indebted�sts s�ou��d h�nby,or in th�parform�nc�ot any
<br /> _^ apr�nant h�rsunder.
<br /> .'.�� 2, �ouointment o}_R� It any event ot defautf In rsspact to the Security Instrument ahAll have xcurred and be
<br />_ .,'��, cantinulnp,Lender,�e a m�tte�ot ripht and without notic�to Borrowe�or a�yone cialmtop under Borrower,and without
<br />="�A �i,r;;Yi npd►d to the value ot ths trust eotate or the inter�st of tM BUtrow�r th�reM,shail h�ve the ripht to apply to��y court h�vinp
<br /> '��`'-�' Jurisdiotion to appolnt�recelver of the prope�ty.
<br /> �.� 3, Rtoht to Poaseselon.ln oase of defautt in tha payrswnt of the sald prinalpal Note or inte�eat,ar any part thereof,as It
<br /> shaN m�ture,or in the case of fallure to keep o�pertorm any at the covens�nl8 or Apreemanta cantalned in the 3eourity Inatru-
<br /> ,=� ment,then tha Lander, Ita succeaaore or asatpns, ahall b�and Is hereby xuthorized and empowered to take immadtate
<br /> - .- poaaeaslon ot the s�id premises therein descrlb�d and ta collect Rhs�enta thorefrom,�nd to�pply the prxeeds theroof to ths
<br /> -•
<br /> ppyment ot ths Note.
<br /> - 4, Aaollaation ot Rents.taauea and Protita.All rents cotlected by Lender or the receiver ehAll be app te irst to paymen
<br /> of the coate of m�►�apement of the property and collection ot rents,inctudinp,but not Iimited to,receivePa tees,premwms on
<br /> .,, _ _
<br />. �.. �.: ,
<br /> 5�,+'�� ��� .� receiver's bonda and reaaonabte attomey's fees,and then ta ihe sums secured by the Seour(ty Inatrument.Le�der and ths
<br /> ' �=,:�°.��`��'"•t+�� recsfwr ah�ll be Ilabio to acaount only for thode rents actuA�ty recaved.
<br /> .. ;•,y�.
<br /> .�- �' `�'�;�..''�. .:, 5, Conatruation of Provislons.Eeah of the proviaions contalned In this Aasi�nment of Rents Rider and the Security Inatru-
<br /> ;,a=--�,......
<br /> ",�..... ,•. �,., ment ehall,unl�ss otherwise epeclfiaaliy�equlred, be conatruad In �ccordancs with Nebraaka law,and In the event�ny
<br /> -- :�� w 4:r�;� y 1
<br /> ".�� : provision he►etn or tharetn contalned sha�l be determined b a coun o1 competent uriediotlon to be unenforesablo,the samo
<br /> ', ,+d;,.:,_:�••�i-�..,=.�=� sb1�11 be conatrusd�s thouyh suah unenforCeable provision were�01�part hereot or thereof.
<br /> �••�'j''-� ' �' � 8. Ettect ot Ridor.Except aa specitically modified by or inconelstQnt wlth this Assipnment of Rents Rider or by any other
<br /> __ :�aE:.�;:�*• :�':. appliCabt�rider,�II ot the tume and provlaione contal�ed in th�S�curity Instrum�nt shatl continue in tuil force and�fNct.
<br /> '=� `"`"�.,"':�z°:z':""k�' -
<br /> '�s:�: ��� -. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,8orrower hes exeauted thia Asslpnmmt of R�nts Ridsr on the date first noted above.
<br /> �' e+iie+►+,�r::ti+►.,.
<br />,. =�•� .... . .. ��,c, r' ?ZowQ,L
<br /> �''---` - - � Borrower
<br /> % �� °' Patricia J. Nawak
<br /> �c��F.. ..... . .
<br /> ' r --
<br /> eorrowar
<br /> -- �,. , STATE OF NEBRASKA)
<br /> - . . � , (ss:
<br /> i �;-;.�:•', COUNTY OF HAII )
<br /> ,,•..�.
<br /> ���•",i"' � ,'�'- � On this 26th day of October i9 93 �p�tpre�e,thsunder�f�ned a�Jotar�r P�blic duly commiselonsd and
<br /> r � `: quailtied for s�►id oounty,pereonaliy aame Yatricia ,1 ovak (n ngle ers n
<br /> ��� �'1�" �` ,ta be the ldentical person(s)whose name(s)lalere subscrlbed
<br />;`,�j�� � ,�•;�'�; ��'�� to the forepolnq(n6trument,and Aelshelthey acknowledqe the execution thereof to be hleJher/their voiuntary act and dead.
<br /> ..� ,
<br /> '� � Witness my hand and Notaria�Seai at._S3'wnd T c 1 end��:
<br /> . . .,,
<br /> �. • irt satd nt the date tor s�id
<br />��i 1'• 7�
<br /> - �.C,�l��.�C t V
<br /> �
<br />__ � � Nocary a�tiud
<br /> _ �'�Y4 M�Irl�b
<br /> My Commission expires: -
<br /> '�,��("t �!Si...t•� .� M/�G90RNQ! � ���
<br /> _-- i�
<br />-„t�. y� .
<br />' + , , .r
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<br /> 1�. __ .. . - . .. - _ - -- _� _-
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