� ���� .. =; _
<br /> - y_ _ - .�
<br /> • peri�Gti tA�t unaer�equi�e�. 'IiK inwi�u�:,:���::wali3{r�ils:.ltssur.ssa alt�!!N slxr_-n _���n'rr��r•►� u���k
<br /> � approvnl which a�Jl nd be unneuo�ay withixld. [f Bcxrower fril�to malnwin cover�e de;cdbed�bove,Le�der m�y.at
<br /> l,enderri opion,obuln covera�e w protxt Lender�dahts i�the Property in�cadaixY wlth�ph 7.
<br /> All inRUrnr�-e policltx and renewds aludl b��cceptabb to l.endrr w�d xtt�ll ioclude a sumdard imxtgage cl�uie. LetKk�
<br /> �hall huve the d�ht to hold the policks�nd e�eoewAlx. If L.enckr�uirc,.Hcxrower rhall pnrnptty�ive to l.enck��ll rocei��
<br /> of p�id prcmiums�nd Rnew�l naices. In the event of lo�x,&xrower s�hall�ive prompt ndica a the insurancx carrier and
<br /> ,.,�=�1--.-.--a-. l.sndrr, l.ander may m�kc�f uf Icnx if not mack�xrimMly by&xrawer. _.
<br /> Unlesa Lender ud Bartowe�wherwise ograe in writing,in+urance{mxredx shall be a{�+lied to rc+��x�ticx��r rcpair uf
<br /> the pn�eny d�maQod.if tlx nestoration or cepair is economic+ily fc�.cible anci Lcnder�recurity is ncx lesxned. If thr
<br /> re►torntion or rcp�ir ir:nctit rcaiomically feauibk or Lender�.ecunty wcwld be la�emd,the inxurarxe proceeda ahall be
<br /> appliod to the suma securod by this Secudty Instrument,whether cx aot ¢hen dur,whh any excess prid to Bcxruwer. If
<br /> Borrower�bandans the Property,cx�dc�es�t answe� within 30 dnys Y notice from l.ender th�t thc inwnuuY c�uricr hax
<br /> offercd to aenle a clalm.then I.ender mAy callect the insurnnce proceecls. Lender may use ttK proceeci�;ta reQuir or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums securod by thiF Security in►tn�ment,whether or not then due. 'Ilrc 3Q•duy period w�ll begin when
<br /> tlw notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Botrower otherwise agrce in writing,any upplicutian af�xoceed�to prirrnipul shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenis refemed to in paragraphs I and 2 or change Ihe:un�wnt uf tho pay.�nents. If
<br /> under puagraph 21 the Property is acyuirod by Lender. Borrowers right to a�iy inxurance palicies and proceeds resulting
<br /> frcxn d�mage to the Properry priar to the siccquisition slwil pass so I..ender to the cztent of the sums securcd by thix Security
<br /> instcument immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservstlon, MAintenanct and Protection ot the Property; Borrower's I.own Applkattoni
<br /> - - -- [,easeholJ�. Borrower�h�ll uccupy.cytablisi►,wid use the Prc►�erty as Borrawerk principal resi�^ncc within sixry dayy nRe�
<br /> the execution of this Security Instrument and shaU continue to occupy tt�e E'roperty ue Borrowert prir�cipal residence for ut
<br /> least one ywr after the dote of accupancy, unless Lender othervvl+e agrces in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> unmasonably�vithheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which:sre bcyond Bornawer!s control. B�xmwrr�:hall nd _
<br /> destroy.damage or impair ihe Property,allow the Property to deteriorute,or commit w:�ste on the Property. Borrower xhall
<br /> be in default if uny foifeiture action ar pooceeding,whether civil or criminal,is txgun that in Lender�good faith judgment
<br /> �t could result in forFeitun: of the Properry or otherwise materiatly impair the lien created by this Security Instn�ment or
<br /> Lender!�secutity interest. Bomowe�may cure such u defnult nnd�instate,a,provided in paragruph l8,by causing the action
<br />� or procecding m be dismissed with a�uling that,in Lenderl good faith determination,precludes forfeitum uf the Borrowcr's
<br /> interest in the Property or other material impairtnent af the lien cmrted by this Security Instrument or l.enclert security
<br /> - --- - intercst. Borrower shap ako be in defuult if Borrower, during the loan applicutio� process, guve matcrially fulse ar
<br /> inaccurate infortnation or statements to Lender(or fuiled to pmvide Lender with uny muterlul infortnatic►nl in connectian with
<br /> - - .
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, mpresentations c�erning Iiorrower's accupancy of the
<br />- Property:u a principal residence. If this Security Instrument ix on a teaxha�d,Horrower shA�i compiy with aii the prov�s�ons
<br /> of the lea.sc. �f Bomnwcr acquims fec titl�to the PropeRy.lhe lea�chold and thc fce title shall not meqte unless Lender agrces
<br /> I, tn the merger in writing.
<br /> • 7. Protectton ot Lender's Ri�hts in the Propertv If Borrower frils to perform th�covenants and agrcement.
<br /> contained in this Security instrument, or therc is a Icgal praceeding thnt may signifir:uuly affert Lender:rights in thc
<br />- Prop:rty(,r•ueh as u praceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation ar fortciture a�to enforce laws or mgul�tior�s),then
<br /> - . ��. Lender may do and pay far whatever iz necctixury to pmtect the value of thc Property and Lender's rights in the F'roperty.
<br />` ;�sj�i�- I.endcr's uctions may includc puying wiy sums�cured by u licn whirh ha.priority ovcr this Sccurity In,trumcnt,appcari�g
<br /> � • � in court,paying �cau►nablc uttomeyti fecs and cntcring on the Piropeny to make rcpairs. Although Lender may take uction
<br />- °,'•�. . •:
<br />- � �M. under this p•rragraph 7,Lendei dceti not havc to do xo.
<br /> _� . Any+unounts disbursed b,y Lender under this parugruph 7 .hull (xcomr udditional debt of Borrower.erured by this
<br /> '; . � Sccurity Instrumcnt. Unless Borrower•rnd Lrndrr agrre to othcr tcmt.of paymcnt,thesc umounts shull be•rr interest from the
<br /> :y, �.�;,,, a date of dixbunement:�t the Nate rate und yhAll b�: payable,with interc�t,upon natice from Lcnder to BoROwer requesting
<br /> �..• � �r-_ payment.
<br /> '���� 'r�=^.'�-� 8. Mu�tgARe Insurance. If Lender rcyuired mortgage inwn►nce o.a rondition��f m�iking the Inan secured by this
<br /> , � � � Security Instrument.Borrowec shull pay thr premiumx requircd to muintain the mongagr insurance in effect. lf,for nny
<br /> `'.. ,; ,� reuson. the mortgage inxu�unre co�•er�ge reyuircd fiy Lendrr It�p,es or cease+ to tx in effect, gurrowrr shall puy the
<br /> ���`' remiums re uired to obtain covcra e xubstantiall c urvalent to the mort �+� in+uranrc rrviousl in effect, at n cost
<br />`,�'� �" P 9 F Y 4 � ' P��-' P Y
<br /> � =Y'`�'�':�' substantiaUy eyutvrlent to the cost ti�Borrowcr of thc mortgagc intiur:m�e previou.ly in rffcrt.trom un ultematc mortgage
<br /> �"���^� � insurer u roved b Lender. If sub.tuntiuU r uiv:dcnt mort�a r insur:�nrc c��vrra�r is not•rvailahl�.Borrower shull a to
<br /> ��.;::. . PP Y Y 4 b R b P'Y
<br /> r .. , Lendcr ruh monih u sum eyual to onc-twcltth of thc yc,uly mongagr in.urancc pnrnium bcin�puid by Borcowcr when the
<br /> �' ��• � � Y•� insur.u�ce covers+ge I�psed or ceased to lx in effert. Lender will arcept,utic and rotain thr.r paymentti u.u los�reurve in lieu
<br /> � _�''�""''�°"'`� af mortg�ge insurancc. Loss rescrvr paymrnts muy no I�mgcr tx rcyuircd,at thc option of Lcndcr, if mortgagc insurunrc
<br /> __,,� :.,�., coverage tin the;smount und for thc pericxl that Lrndcr myuim.►pnwided by an in�urcr appmvcd hy Lcnder ugain lxcomcs
<br /> — f �.., uvailuble and is obmined. Borrower shall pay the pmmiums rcquircd ro mxintain mcnt�:agr insur:mcc in effect,or to provide a
<br /> - -�ic.��.:�.-;i',•''
<br /> --.�,�a�s-c�4'.:: loss reserve,until the requircment for martgage inxur�ncr ends in accard�ncr with uny writtcn agreement between Borcower
<br /> _�::� ';�:,i and Lender or npplicublc law.
<br /> __ _��_,T'�, 9. Inspeetion. Lrnder or its ugent muy mukc rcuxonablc entries upon and im�x:ctiom of thr Pro�xrty. Lcnder shall
<br /> � give Bormwer notice at the time of or prior to an inspertion ti}xcifying musonable cuu.r for the im�xctiun.
<br /> j� �"'� 10. Condemn�tlan. The procecdx of'any awurd or claim for damager,Jircct or runseyurntiul,in connection with uny
<br /> %� ; Singlc F�mily••ELnnk Mu/hYeddk Mac UNIFORM INtiTNI'MEN P--llnie�um e'oven•rnt, 9/90 f/�rxr 3 r�jn rwR�.q
<br /> '' t'rnt l�tts tlu��as F'anM I�t.■
<br /> ...��� To Onkr C�-t�U0S30i703 D YAX Y1F79t•�t9�
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