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_ - . �.�i� �: . . _ _- ----- <br /> -._ . -- <br /> ^�.� . ..- -- =�.ir� <br /> I 3- �.oa5�� <br /> ---_ rnn�lmm�wkx�ar dher t�ici�u nf iuty�arrt uf Ihe Ptopeny,ar tot cnnvey�nce in lieu of c�mnation.arc herehy�sijned�nd <br /> shall be paid to l.coder. <br /> In ihe evsnt of u tdal taking nf tt�e P'roperty, the teds shwll be applicd to thc sumx KecurcJ by thix S+xurity <br /> In.uumen�,whether�x nol tha�duc. wiih ru►y exce�a p+ti to BnROwer. tn the evcnt af u puttial tukin�of thc f'�t+{�erty in <br /> wMch Iha fMi�market v�lue af the Property immediately 6efarc tbc tuking k cyuul to or grcater thun thc rnwunt of'ihe+ums <br /> Naurod by thic Sa:urity In�trunxnt immediately befae the tuking.unksti Borrowcr wKi I.cnder c>thrrwise�rce in wrltin�. <br /> _ ___� thr�ums sxun�d by thiti Secu�ity Inswment ahull be reduced by thr amaunt of the prckcti�ds multlplied by tt� followin� L <br /> - - fr+utic►n: (+�)the taul�►mount of thc sums securcd immaliutely brfure tl��k:d by(b)thc fair m:ulcet valuc of thr <br /> Propeny immc�iiately befarc the wking. Any bulwx�e shall be puid to Bormwer. In the event of++piutial tyking of ttu: - <br /> Propeny in which ihe f•rir murket value of thc Pmperty immediutely bef�xe thc toking i�Icsc thun thc •rmcwnt uT the sums <br /> - secu�ed immadiutely before the talcing, unlexs Borrower and l.eraier otNerwlx agrce in writing or unle..applicoble law <br /> __ utherwitie provides,the proceedr�stwll bc�{►plied ro thc sums secured by thi�:Secu�ty Inswment whcther or not the sums� <br /> then due. <br /> _ :� If the Pn�xRy i+abandoned by Borrawer,ar if,uRer natice by I..ender to Bom►wer that thc�condemnor offers to ma{ce <br /> an uward ar settlr a cluim far dumages.Borrower fails to rctipond to Lendrr within 30 duy.uGrr the dute the nrnicc is given. <br /> Lender is authorized to collect;u�d apply the proceeds,at it::optian,either to restcxution or rep�►ir af the Pcopeny or to�he <br /> sums�u�+ed by this Security Insuumcnt,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othervvi+e agree in writing,any�ppticution of proceeds to principul shall nat exte�id or <br /> pastpone the due date of the monthly paymentx rcferced to in parugraphx 1 and 2�x ehunge the umount of such payments. <br /> ll. Borrower Not Released: Forbearance By Lender Not � Wiu��er. Extensian uf tht time for puyment ar <br /> madificotion af amortization of the�um��ecured by thiz Security inun�ment Franted by Lender to any successor in interest <br />-- - of Barower shal! not operate to re{ea�e the liubility of the original Barower or Bcxniu�er`succeswn in inter+rst.Lender <br />''�.,`' shall not be mquired to eammenee proceedings against any surceswr in 9nterest or rcfuse to extend time for puyment o[� <br /> �'- � otherwise modify amortixation af the sums�ecured by this Security Instrument by reasan of any demacui mude by the original <br />''' , Borrower or BormN•er�cuccecs�rs in intemct. Any forbeurrnce by Lendcr in exercising any right or rrmedy shnll nat be a <br /> waiver of oc preclude the excrci�e of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Succes.�xs s�nd Assiens Bound;.loint and SeverAl[.iwbility;Co-signers. 7'tk ca�'enants und•rg�cements af this <br />`.!;. '� Security Inswment shull bind:u�d benefit thr succc�sors und atisigns af Lcnder•rnd Bortr�w•er,subjcct to thc provisions of <br /> � puragraph 17. Borrower�cavenunt+: and ogrcements shall be joint and sever�l. Any Borrower who co-signti this Security <br /> f' Insteument but does not execute the Note: (a)i�casigning this Security Imtrument only to monguse,grant and canvey thut <br /> Borrower's interetit in the Property under thc terms af thiz Security In+trument; (b)is not personally oblig:ued to pay the sums <br /> tiecured by this Security Instrumenk:u�d(c►usree.thut Lender und uny aher Borrawer may ugree to ex[end,mcxiify,forbear <br /> -- . <br /> or make any uccommadations with mgnni ta the term+of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Barower's <br /> .:,:a; conse�t. <br /> - 13.�n L'tu�r�es. (t thc loan:;cLara.�c'. !�, !ltis Securiiy ln�trument i��!�hject to a luw which xt�maximum Icui� <br /> :.�' charges,anJ thut law ix finally interpmted�o that tlx interest or other lo;u�rh;uges collected or to be collected in connectian <br /> t :�}�'':'�" with the loan exrc�d the�ttnitted limits,then: ia)any.urh loan rh•rrgr.hall t+c:reduced by the umount mcesyary to reduce <br /> ' �'' `� , the char�e to the permitted limir,and(bl uny sums alrc•rJy rollecteJ from Borrower which exceeded permitted limit,will be <br /> ';�"�""'`���" ~' refunded w Borraw•er. Lender may choosc to muke this refund hy reduring thr principul owed unde�thc Note or by mukinF u <br /> . K�)l.h.. ..` i. <br /> ;��i�!'''�:��;�t'��;�,::` • ' dircct p:►yment to Bormw•er. If a refund reduces principul,the n:duc[ion will tx:trcAted a.a p:trtiul propuyment without Any <br /> ' "' �- �� ��� �� "� prepayment char�c under the Notc. <br /> �: �c����Yi���i:i4:.. �::,�, <br />�_ ,};�,yr;,;;_�;�_ 14. NnNces. Any notice to Borr��wer provided f��r in thi�Security Imlrument �hall be given by delivering it or by <br /> � �;:���. .' : , mailing it by first cla�s muil unless applicublr law requtm�u.e of another mrthcxi.The noticr.hall he dirccted to the Property <br /> �����,�.i„ Addrcs��ir:►ny other addresx Biirtower dc�ignateti by nuticr to Lender. Any notirr u�Lendr��hull Ix�iven by firzt clazs <br /> _ �.,�,�V� mail ta L.endcr�addrr�s stated herein i�r uny other addre�,Lrnder detiignates hy notice to Bi�rtt�wee Any notice provided for _ <br /> _ -*�s;-- - ---- in this Security In.trumcnt �hull tx dcemrd to h:ive tken givcn to Borcowcr or Lendrr whcn �ivrn us provided in Ihis <br /> .<. -.�- -.�<r paragraph. <br /> ,,�,{'�'"�• ';-"� IS. Governing Law; Severability. Thi� Serurity In�tnttnent .hall ixr govcrned by federal law anS thc luw of thc <br /> ,. , ,ItV�t1�;�:u��.. <br /> , ,; .r�,,,�,�,.r,..-.,. juri:;diction in which thc Pm�xrty i.liKatrd. In thr cvrnt lh:u any provi�ion ur cluu�r of thi�Sccuriry In+trumcnt or Ihc Notc <br /> • . �,,� conflicts with applicablc law,such ronflirt yhull nut:d'f'cct��thcr provi,ionx of thi�Srrurity In�trmnem or the Nutc which can <br /> ''` "' bc: �ven effect without thr contlictin rovi�i�m. Ti►thi.cnd thr nwisiuttm of thiti Secu�7t� In�tn�ment and the Note are <br /> ;� :�;.�:.. ,:-.. s' F n r <br /> .', ��.;�i: '�• declarcd to bc scvcrablc. <br />`�'��' . , .. '� 16. Borrow•er's Copy. Burrawer tih.dl tx�iven une cunti�rnird rupy of thr Notr and ot thi�Security Instrument. <br /> 1`%��--••�� � �'�= 17. 1lransfe�of the Property or a BenePci:tl Interest in liorrower. It'ull c�r any part��f the Pro�:rty or any int�rc.t in = <br /> �' �"'�''� : � it i.sold or transferred lor if u henrticial interetit in Bum�wer i�wld or aun.frtted and Bunnwer i�not a natural penon> <br />`=i.�.'� . ,' withaut Lcndcrz prior writtcn ronx:nt.Lrndcr it��►ptiun.reyuire immcdi:ur paymrnt in fuU uf all aums scrured by <br /> ,, thi�Secw•ity In,trument. How•ever,thi.nption.hall not be rxerci.rd by Lender if rxerciu��hibited by tederal law us af <br />- - �� the date of this Security In.trumrnt. <br /> _.. If l.ender exercius thi+option.Lender tihall givr Be�rrower notice of uccelre►ti�m. The nuticr.hatl pravide u pericxi of <br /> �•�'"��',:F.� not le+s than 30 duy.t'rom thc datr thc noticr i.delivcreJ��r maitrd within whirh Burroaer mu�.i pay all.ums xccurcd by this <br /> �'"�� r'�. ' Seeurity Instrument. If Borrower fuil� to pay the�c sum� priur t�� the cxpirution uf thi. Exricxi. Lrnder muy imoke any <br />���' ,,.. �;,*��^� remedics permitted by thix Scrurity In.trumrnt w�ithuut furthrr nuticr ur dcmanJ on Borco��er. <br />�. - °' "�F��� 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstute. If 6orn�wrr mrct. rrrtain runditiun.. Borroµrr �hall havc thc right to havr <br /> _�-"'�`�� , enfonement of this Securiry Instrument di�rontinued at any time priur to thr e•rrlirr i�f: (ul 5 day�lor�uch��thcr period as - <br /> _,�'��� Single Frmily••F'�►nale N�e/FYeddk\tur G\Ih'(1NM Ititi"fR4�1F.M11'•• C'u�cnrm, 9190 ila��;r d nJ n�wgesl - <br /> �T <br /> -,� - <br /> - -- —- _-�i.ffi9l:^a7 w _._... -- -r°-. . .--� -:T"`_ .. . �1...��.��nr..P�-....: :�r^+.�- ' <br /> __ "�' �����-_.. - -. T � J..:.:. Y�f3�1k}����t*��ii?sf _ . <br /> --- a �y��� ��.�G tr,:.. <br /> ,._ � �:.�.="-".-_� r..,t�• -. . . . -ij 'ti�'IIid4��1�a�....rk:t'bi.W�Y� <br /> ' <br /> �'.,d e.�uai:;.l�.���uc'F.,w.h,t�"�i�'�'vir .,.,��� <br /> _ . _— ._ - :..:_,_ _�:. ..: _ .._ . . .. .. _f';__. .. .__..- � ----- - �.�.x' �� `� r.�..4-:..� � �----- --. <br /> � � ti. <br /> — S" itY!iaYY L�f:'�,wil.lwlins t .�: .6.M'��+s..l}� `�/ �.•s` ,.•t 1d� 4liy� * �•�AA+`_ �'•.. <br /> ' r.a.. .. ... .1� Nl�i (�.ti, r_ � '- <br /> 5,tc�-::a.���� _, ..+µt�- , �,..:�.. �;.. :r. <br /> .�..:i, - �`.:'- '. ' . . •.v� � i..!ycl�.:. . , . . .. .. <br /> i.t.: . . _ . , ..i .Q0.S�.. . .. . • •` ' <br /> _ '_�,«.' '` :':r�-. ,.. . ._.:_-•c:-'.'°:;;:""-::.ea, r.�wc�,.: ..•:. '. . _ ,_ -• <br /> - .,.a. .,,.. -.. ..-,t�:�++*��.1C4;.��d .�iyl`�" . �1'dla.irwa�• <br /> ��y t.1'iY�F�+. <br /> �.� �.-lL•�t'S'_n.i.- -- -- �µr�. .'r.',^.`�Slr. ���dL�_-.._..� .•au.- .• -' - - <br />