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<br /> md fiatunx now oc I�ttet a pArt of.the prope�. All repl�cements u�d Addidau sh�ll alw b�oavaed by�his Securlry
<br /> Iawua�ent. All of tho facyofq�,ls cefernd ta fn t1�►�c,Securiry imwment�w the"Pro{x.rty"
<br /> BOKROWBR CUV�NAIV1'S Uuc Aorrower is lawfully isei:od of the eatato hereby convcyed u�d h�the dght to�rant
<br /> �nd convey the Pt+npMy aa1 that tht Amperty is unencumbered,except furencumbrnnces of rocord. Barowu wurants+u�d
<br /> will defend�eaenlly ihe dtk ta the Pmp�My a�alnk d�cla�ms�r�d dem�nd�,subjoct to any encumbr�aoa of roccxd.
<br /> —3��T--—' TH1S 5ECURITY 1NS7'RUM�NT�wnbines unifixm covciuu�tc far ns+tionui usa: a►kl non-tu�ifotm covcnants with �
<br /> --�� ��- Iimitod viriuioas by juricdice�on ta cautitute�uniform security inswment covedn�R�1 p[opecty.
<br /> UNIFORM COV�NANTS. H�tmwor uid l.endcr covenant and tigrce as follaws:
<br /> 1. PsymKat ot Princlp�l ant!Intee+at;Prepaymeat sad LAte Clt��er. Bomower shall promptlY pAY wlxn due the
<br /> priaci�a1 of and interest on the debt tvidenced by the Note and any prepaymeM und lAk charges due under the Note.
<br /> �� Z. Funda toe 7lsxts uwl Irtsut�utca Subject to applicabto law or to o written waiver by i.ender.Barower shall ps�y ta
<br /> _ .—_�__—___� i..e�der on the day manthly payments an due under Ihe Note,unUl the Nate is pnid in full,a sum("Fwids")for.(a)yearly _
<br /> taxes and acsessments which may attun priority over this Securiry Inswment as a lien on the Property;(b)yeuly leasehald
<br /> — _ payments or ground rencs oa th� Pmperty. if any: (c) yearly haz.ard or PrW�ertY insurance premiums: ld) Ytarly ftood
<br /> insurance prcmiums,lf any; (el y�lY mo�t8age Insurance premiums,if any;and(� any sums payable by Bamower to
<br /> Lender, in accordance with the pmvisEaas of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiumx. These
<br /> items aza c�llod"Es�mw Items." Lende�may,at any ume,coll�ct and hold Funds in un amount nat to exceed ihe maximum
<br /> emonnt a Irnder for a foderally rolutd moctgag,�e luut may require for Bo�rower's escraw wccount uexier the feden►1 Eteal
<br /> Estate Settlanent�Procedures Act of 1974 as ort�ended from time ta time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 et s�q.("RESPA").unless another
<br />;. ; - law that applics ta the Punds:scts a I�ser amount. If so,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to �
<br /> excc�d the I�sscr wtiount. I.ender may esdmate the amotmt of Fund� due on the basis of cwrent data and reasonable
<br /> estimate.s of expenditures of fulure Escraw Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable l�w.
<br /> Thc Pur:;tt stull be held in un i►t�titution who`e depoeits arc inwned by u federal agency. instrutnentulity,o�entity _
<br /> - (including Lender,if Lender is such an insutution)or in any Federrl Home Loan Bank. Lender shall app�y the Funds to pay
<br /> the Escrow Items. l.eioder rr�y not charge Borrower for holding and applying the E�nds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> � � s¢count, or verifyEng tb:Escmw Items, unless Lender pays Sorrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits =
<br /> - Lendec ta makc such a ctur�. Hov�•ever, I.endcr may requim Borrower to pay a one-time charge for sui independent real
<br /> � estato tax c�octing scrvice used by Q.rnder in connxdan with this loan.unlcss appltcable luw provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> , agraeme�t is made or applicable faw roquires Interest to be paid.Lender sh�ll not be required to pay Bocrowcr any intcrest or
<br />:-;�:��g�. camings on the Punds. Borrowcr and Lender may agrce in writing,however,that laterest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr
<br /> ��-��� st�ll give to Bomower,wEthout charge.an annuul accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> -`� - — pwpose for which each d¢bit•ta the Funds was made. The Funds ura pledged as additional secudty for all sums secuned by
<br /> - i�7`�' itus�eruriry Inswment�
<br /> y '+;r���- � if d�e Punds heTd by Gender exceed th� amounGs pemutted to be held by applicablc law. Lender shall account to
<br /> ,.cy�+yp;:•.
<br /> � Borrower ior the excess Funds in accordUnce with the reyuirements of applicable law. If the amount af the Funds held by
<br /> 1 `,;'•�F��:� Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Itemti when due. Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,m
<br /> ' '�fy.��� such case Borrower sh�ll pay to l.ender the umount necessary ta m:�ke up the deficicncy. Borrower shall m�ke up the
<br /> " •�,,. ;t �''�•'� deftcicncy in no more than twelve monthly puyments,at I.ender e sote discretian.
<br /> `� 'a�.'�:ry Upon payment in full af all sums secured by this Security Insuumen4 Lender shall promptly refund to BoROwer su�y
<br /> SiI
<br /> ;s :��r���;��,. Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 2l. Lender shall acquire or cell the Property.Lender.prior to�he acquisition ar
<br /> z� • ;,,y�,��;;F, sale of the Property,shall•rpply any Funds held by Lcndcr at the time ot acquisition or sale as a credit against the xums
<br /> .�y�,;iqy�y^;+,�,�,- secured by thts Securiry lnstrument.
<br /> - 3. Applkation of P�yments. Untess applicable law provides othenvise. all payments received by Lender under
<br />__ ' paragrnphs( und 2 shall he applied:first,to uny prepuyment ch;uges uue under ihe Note;second,to umounts payable under
<br /> .,,F�,, ' pazagraph 2;third.to interest due;fnurth,to principa!due;and lust,to any lute charges due under the Note.
<br /> " �1�, ' A. Chnrges;I.teos. Borrower shull pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines und imposidons attributable to the
<br /> '4 .� ..
<br /> , Property which may attain pdority over thi�Security lnstrumcnt,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> {x;�,,:�yx shall pay Ihese obligations in the manncr provided in psu�graph 2,ar if not paid in that manncr,Borrawer shaU pay them on
<br /> ;�� � ,�,f��r.f, time direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrowcr shall prompdy furnish ta Lender ull noticcti of amounts to be paid under --
<br /> s . `�� 'a' this patagraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> �(+�;.-
<br /> ��,.;.:�.: ' the payments.
<br /> ,,ji,�, Bormwer shall prompdy discharge any lien which has prioriry ovcr this Security Instrumeni unless Borrower.(a)agren
<br /> "��,`a�:�`„ in writing to the payment of the obligation u:cured by thc lien in a m:mner acceprrble to Lender,(b)contests in good faith tha
<br /> - lien by.or defends again.et enforcement of the lien in,legnl proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prcvent the
<br />_ - ___�-!' enforcement uf the fien;or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien an agreement sutisfxtory to[.ender su6ordinating the lien
<br />� to this Security Inswment. If Lcnder dctermines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which mAy attuin priority -
<br /> _ � „a, ovcr this Securiry Inswment,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying thc lien. Borrower shall satisfy ihe lien or take =
<br /> __��,�'��; one or tnare of the xtions set fonh above within 10 dpys of the giving of notice.
<br /> — 5. Ha�rd or Property Insuranc�. Borrowcr shall kcep the improvcments now existing or hercaftcr erected on the =
<br /> --� Property insured against loss by fire,hazard�included within the term"cxtended coverage"and any ather hazards,including =
<br /> — -- --- floods or flooding.far which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall he maintained in thc amounts and for the
<br /> � _
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