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<br /> - - -= - ey no be uirod,at tl�e uptlon of Le�er.if nwRga�e inaurnnce cove�a(i,t6e�d(�s��a paiod
<br /> WY� Y �li�+ ro4
<br /> thtl Lra�der �quin+)p'ovidad by�a Inwr+er�+toved by I.a�det�ain bxorna avdl�ble�ad I�obWued.D�on�nwK�hall�y -
<br /> �P�'��ro9�irod to m�inWn man�e iawrna in a�rr,ccc,oc iv���i:��i.;::�'.:a-r�u:�!!tls:.r�lr�x�brs�r='t�=
<br /> i�unxe ards in a000rdarkx Mith rny wdttan�reema�t batwaen Borrowa�od[�er�der or�pplic�ble 1�w. Lander�b�l!pve
<br /> !. Iu�pe�tioa. Lender or iu �ait m�y make ron�omble eotrka upon�nd(n�ectlorn af the Property.
<br /> Horrowu notla rt the time of or prior to an inspection�pecifylnQ nauo�u�ble awu fAr 1ho i�upocilw�.
<br /> 1�. C�ada�tbp. The proceed�of u►y �ward or cl�im tor dam�ea, direct or comequentl+d� ln oormectlon with a�y
<br /> `�- = rnndemu�tfon or ahsr trkl��uf ony p�rt of ttu: Pro�erty�or for conveyance in lia of ooMemnNion�+a'e herobY�f��
<br /> �tull be paid to L.ender.
<br /> [n the event of a wW W�in4 of tbe Pnopaty.the pro�oedf s�all be iPPlied�°the wma°°c�rod by thit Sowrity In�trumant.
<br /> wtkther or not then due. with any exoeac ptid to Borrowa. In thc eva�t of a p�utial taki�of the Proporty ln which thc f�lr •
<br /> mark�t vnlue of the Propercy immediately before the tYking is oqual to�r gteater than the unount of thc utttu eecund by thi�
<br /> Socuriry Instrument imrnediately Mefore the taking,unless Horrowa and Lender otherwise Agree in wdting,the wma secured by
<br /> this Sec�rity Instrument shall be reduced by the umount of the prnceeds multtpliod by the foUowing fraction: (�) the total '
<br /> artaunt of the wms secand inunodiauly before the t�ng, divided by (b) the fair market valuo of the Propetty imimdietely
<br /> befare the taking. Any balance shall be pxid to Borrower. In the eveot of a partial taking of tho Property in which tha fair
<br /> market value of the Property immediately bafore the taking is less tfwn the amount of the sums socured immediatcly befonc tho
<br /> taking,nnless Borrower ar�d[.ender otherwise s�groe in wdting or unless applicuble l�w othcrwise provides. tho procoeds�ttw�l
<br /> be appliai to the sums securod by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are thcn due.
<br /> � If tiu Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if,after noticx by Lcndcr to Borrowor thAt the condemnor offets w make an�
<br /> - � award or settle a claim for damages.Borrower fails ta respond to 1.endcr within 30 dxys after ttw datc the nodcc is �lven;,
<br /> �� Lender is Autharized to collect and apply the praceeds,at ha optton,either to rc,ct�ration or repair of the Propercy or to�wma
<br /> eecurod by this Secur�ty Insttument,whethar or not ti�en duo.
<br />- Uniess l.ender and Borrower otherwise agrec in writing. any appltcation of proceeds to principal shuU not extend,or -
<br /> — postpone the dut date of the monthly payments referrod to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tho tunount of such puymente•
<br />- � 11.Borrower Not Rdeased;Forbcarance By Lender Not A Watver.Exteru+ion of tha time for payment or modification
<br />;', of unortizatton of the sams securod by t�is Socudty Instrument granted by L.ender to any successor in intcrest of Borrowvr sh�il
<br /> °" not operate to release the liabiliry of the o�iginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.[.�nder shail not bc aquirsd to
<br /> �� commence praceedings agatnct any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or atherwlse modify amarti7tstion
<br /> - � of thc sums �ecurod by this Saurlty lnstrument by masnn of any demand made by tha original Botrower or 8onower's
<br /> �� wccessors in intcrest. Any farbeuance by I.ender in exercising any riglrt or rcmady shail aat be x waiver of or prcoluda�the
<br /> •`� � exercise of any right or pemody. `
<br /> 12. Sucorssors and AssiRns Bound;Joint s�nd Sever�►I Liabflity; Co-stgnere. The coverwntx and agreemante of this
<br /> ' � Secur�ty Inxtrument shail bind and bene�t the successors and atisigns of Lender and Burrower, subJect to th�s piavisions af
<br /> paragraph 17. Bormwer's covenants and agmemcnts shall be joint xnd scverol. Any Borrower who co-signs thi� Securlty
<br /> Instrumont but does not cxecute the Note: (a) is co-tiigning this Security Instrnment only to martguga. gcant s�nd canvey that
<br />= Borcowcr's ineerest in the Praperty u►Kler thc temis of this Sccurity Inuru�rknt;(b) is not personully ot►ligatad to pay the sums
<br />-' secured by this Security Instrun�ent;and(c)agr��es that L.ender uixl any other BoROwer may agrco to eztend. modify, farbear or
<br />= ��.�.::��•�r-y k;�: moke any accommodations with regurd to thc terms of this Security Inr:trumcnt or the Note without tht�Burrowcr's consent.
<br /> ,•,.�
<br /> �➢`iA�l'�asr�'`�` 13.l.oan Ciwry;ea�. If the loun secur�d by this Security Intitrument is subje�:t to a luw which r:ets muximum loan churges.
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interetit or other loan charges cn l lect e d or to b e co l l u c t e d in cannec t i o n w U h t h e
<br />� ' " � �r� ` loun exceed the permitted limits,ihen: (•r)any surh loun churge+hall tx:reJuced by the amount nocessary to reduce the charge
<br /> f'' �.Y., , F, � `,;.J;. eo the pennitted limit;•rnd(b) any sums alrcady collectecl Fr�im Bnrrower which exceeded pemiitted limits will bi:refunded to
<br /> ,.,,r,;�s:�;-�,;,�.: Borrower. Lender may chcx�sr.tci nuke thi� refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by mnking a direet
<br /> - �:���,iii+wrr.y� puyment to &�rrower. if u refund reduces prinripal, the reduction will be treuted uti u partic+l prepayment without any
<br /> _ �•i.,_.._.
<br /> :�r��;,
<br /> t„ .. prepayment churge under thc Note.
<br />: � � •.�3 1�:�" `" '�'' 14.Notkes.Any notice to&�rrower providcd fi�r in this Scrurity Instrun�ent shall bc given by Jclivering it or by mailing
<br /> 'M it by first class mail unlc„applicable luw reyuircti uu�if�nother meth�xl. The noticc.hall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> ��yu:�::,-.,... ,
<br /> .. 4a�.�.. . .lh�t.•�I
<br /> or any othcr uddress &�rmwer Jc�ignateti by notice t�i l.endcr. Any tx�ticc to I.ender sha11 lx given by first cla�.� nwil to
<br /> .. - ' '�;z;n:,',.,A: Lender's addretis statcd herein or any othcr addnti+ I.cndcr dc+ignutcs hy nuticc tu Borruwer. Any notice providod for in this
<br /> ��-,� �°�. :'.-, Secutity lnstrumcnt shall bc dcemeJ to have Ix:cn given to Iiarrowc�or Lcnder whrn givcn u+prnviJ�d in this paragraph.
<br /> -.,,< :Fj+i,�+:. .',�.'
<br /> .�� �• • = ;•� IS.Governt�g Law; Seve�bilit�. This Sccurity Instrunmm shall bc g��vcrncd hy fcdcr:�l luw and the luw oft e
<br /> -- - yr`�`� ;:`.y� jur�sdiction in whirh thc Property i�Icxated. in thr cvcnt that any pmvixian or rlauu af this Sccurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> '-- , `: ' : conflictti with applieablr I�w. such confliet shall not affect uther provisium of thi.Srcuriq•intitrume��t ur Ihe Note which can be
<br /> .•'� .'����� '�, • given ct'fcct withaut the confliaing provision. To thi.r•cnJ the provision,uf thi.Sccurity Instrumcnt und the Nate ure declarcd
<br /> - �:'''•°`-��:..' to bc s�vcrablc.
<br />- _ ':fP�Y'_.':t`-; .
<br /> ..""""". i' ' 16.Borrower's Copy.SorrowCr shall be gi�•�n une contittnlCd Copy uf thc Notc and i�t thia S�curity Instrument.
<br /> A � r�,. '�r�`� Form 3028 9l90
<br /> _ �
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