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..� �. ; ��l•.) � ^�. � <br /> ..� . � <br /> r� '. _�_"�.�.rr�� . <br /> g ��� <br /> S. Harsed or Proparty Ipwnore. Bomower �lull �ap the imprnvanaiu now eTil in� or bataflu�nct�d oa dr <br /> — Property inwrod�dnk lou by fire. haurd�Incivaeti wici�in tho ierm"aatc�wai w.e���sG�;a�r�. !�!'4�!� <br /> floads or floodin�, for which Lendcr roquira inwruice.Thie inwrancx studl be rtWnWned in sha amount�an�t tar the periodt <br /> thu l.ender rcquirea.The inmrance crrrier providing the inaunux�e etull be cha�n by Borrower wbja,t to l.e�der's�pprovd <br /> which shall not be unreaaonably withtxld. [f Bomnwer frtils to maintxin cover�c descrfbod abave, Let�der L.�ndet's <br /> option,obt�in coveragc tu protxt i.ender's rf�ht�in the Propercy in�coordance with panQr�l17. <br /> -- --- - Ail insur�ue policiu+wxf rc��ew�ls shall br, aceeptable to Ltncler and aheN inclade a et�ndud mortgage elwse. I.Crder <br /> atWi have thc right to hold thc policfea xnd renewrlr.If[.onder n�quirea.Bormwer�all promptly give to Lender�II noeipu ot <br /> paid prcmiumc and r�newd notices. iu 1he event of loss.Borrower�tull�iva Qrompt noda w the inwranco arrier+i+�d L.end°�• <br /> L.Mider m�y meko praof of Ioss if not made promptly by Horrowu. <br /> Unlcss Lender and Bomower othcnvlsc agree in writing�insurance prncoeds sluil be ApPlial to nator�tion or repir of the , <br /> prnperry dama�ed.if the rescorAtion or rcpair io ceonomically feasible sirr►d Lender's tecurity is not le�sened.If the rcstoratian or <br /> -- ��°-�— repair is not economically feasible or I.ender's sxurity wauld be lnsened,tha incurnncx Proceada�►all bo applied to the sumt <br /> socured by thia Socurity Inatrument, whether or not then due, with any exoess paid to Borrowu. If Horrawer �bandoro the <br /> Property, or does not anawer within 30 doys A notice from Lender that the insorance carrior h�s offeraf co settle a cl�im.thon <br /> Lender may colixt the lnsurance pracoods. I.ender may use the prnco��s to repair or restose the Property or to pay sums <br /> cecur�d by thi�Socudty Inawment.whether or not then dua The 30-day period wlll begin when the notice is given. <br />� Unless L.ender and Barrower otherwicc agree in wrttiag, any application of proceeds to principnl st�ll not extend or <br /> postpone thc due date of the monthly payments refcrred to in parngraphs 1 And 2 or change the am�wnt of the paymente- If <br />=k�� `�1°� under p�ragreph 21 the Property Is acquired by L,ender,9orrower's rlght w any insurance pa1{cicx�nd pcocttds resuldng iran <br />�;' dart►�ge to the Propecty prior to the Acquisition slwll pesr to Lender to the extent of the surtw securod by thic Sa�udry [nstrument <br />: immodiately prior to the acyuisitjon. <br /> 6.Occuponcy,PIY6l1'YAtI00�1NalntenAnce and Protection of t6e Property;Ibrrower's Loan AppBcation;I.easeholds. -- <br /> Borrower shall accupy.establish.and use the Property as Borrower's pdncipal residena within sixty dayx after the exxution of <br /> this Secur�t Instrnment and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's princip�l reaidence for at least one year after <br /> - Y <br />- ,' rwbl withheld,or unless <br /> shalt not <br /> be unrcaso <br /> the date of occupancy. unless I.ender otherwise agmes in wdting, <br /> which consent Y <br />_ ' extenuadng circumstances exist which are beyond Bonewer's controL Borrower shaJl not destroy. darr�age or impair the <br /> `,} property, allow thc Propeny to deter�orate.or commjt waste on the Propecty. Bomower shall be in default if nny forfeitun <br /> *= action or proceeding, whether cjvil or criminal. is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiturc of the <br /> -�� Property or otherwise matcrially impair the lion created by this Securlry Instrument or Lendcr's socurity interest. Borrower m4y <br /> � cure such u defAUit and reinstate.aa pruvidvd iu�uagraph t°,hy causiag iht�ctioa or pcnr.stling to b!��1iAmi�.ced with a ruling . <br /> � �,,r that. in Lender's good �aich detcrmination, precludes forfeiture af the Borrower's interest in the Property or wher materi�l <br /> Li,t...r, �. <br /> ,��t�r � impairn�ent of the lien created by this Securlty Instrument or [.ender's security interest. Borrower shall aiso be in dofault!f <br /> +•;'���"`���•'' '���� Borcower.during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate inforniation or statements to Lender(or failaf <br /> ,��¢.:,,.,-��. but nat 13mlted <br /> . y. ;��..������ to provide I.ender with any material infarmation)in cannection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including, <br /> '.�;•.;�;�^�;'�;�;:���' to,representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as u principal residence.If this Security Instrument ic an a <br /> :,�',•�,;,; ,,,�t;;.�:'.,. leaschold. &►rrowcr shull comply with all the provisions of tbe lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, the <br /> • • � .••+�': •.• Icasehald and the fec tide shall not mcrge unless Lendcr agrees to the merser in writing. <br />.. �;, �.�•�.,w�.,�.,�:n, ' 7.Protectlon ot I.ender's Rights i�the Property.lf Borrower fails to perfo�m the covenants and agreert►ents containod in <br /> � ��;�._.��A;;ti';.:�; this Security Iastrument,or there is a Iegal procoeding that m•ry significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (sueh as a <br /> �i .•�•' pracceding in bankruptcy,probate. for condemnation or farfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may dn und <br /> � •ai�..t,�l;;r a..;,..w;a.. ° <br />-- �'++�*�: `•�>'�i't" pay far whatever is neccssary to protcct the value of the Property and Lendcr's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br />- Y�?�arl•J.����I�.,:.; Y <br /> _� __.�i!,;�;, � •! jnclude psrying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over t his S e curity Instrumen t, appea ri n g i n c a u r t, p a y i n g <br /> . ..- �.. rcasc�nable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph <br /> ' . . �.;.;�'- � 7,l..ender dces not have ta da so. <br /> • �•."�'�'r.1t•�' Any amounts disbur.ced by Lender undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bonower secured by this <br />� � •'���'" Securiry instrument. Unless Borcower arui Lendcr•rgree to cuhcr terms of payment, thesc amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> :;:�: ��. .`������, ' date of dlsbursement at the Notc ratc and shall be payublc, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> ..;� _... paYment. <br /> 3 " '""`e: 8.MortgAge It�surance.If Lender required murtgage insurancc as a condition of m•rking thc loan secured by this Security <br /> , _ c .�_ �_ � <br /> Instrument. Sorrower shaU puy the premiums rcquirsd to m•rintain the mort�age insurAnce in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> - ��t"__�:;,,.,, mortgage insur3ncc coverage requircd by Lcndcr lap.tics or ccases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br />__M"� ! " obtain coverage substantially equivalcnt to the mortgagc insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantiafly equivalent to the <br /> �` `'"�' ,�r � cost to Sorrower of the mortguge insuruncc prcviously in effcrt, from un altemate mortgage insumr approved by l.ender. If <br />: � ��-Y;.::.. <br /> �:.� : substantially equivalent mortgagc insurancc covcrage is not available.&mox•er sliall puy to L.ender each montfi a sum equal to <br /> t�;.��*:;:.,.:., <br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insurunce premium being paid by&irrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ce�sed to <br />- • '' be in effect. Lender will accept.use and rctuin ttiese puyments as a loss reserve in lieu nf mortgage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> `'''� �_� Fom►30Z8 81p0 <br />.. - `��:�-:. Pap�3oi6 _.. <br /> �'y�lEii:,ts.d� <br /> ' ?i' �:� - <br /> ._. r .� - <br /> '�°+�Y.��'.:.�t�_. � � .1., . _ ' � . :� ,.-�'� - -•- <br /> _,�.i.`•.;iki��-l�'.1. . :�`�.le� `::d�'�Ri_r-1;.�—:,i.,ic•:�4^.s�i..»�_'i_, <br /> . . , <br /> _ • <br /> � ���- ; - - _ .- - � ------- -_.. . � ��. ,. ..- . .� .. _u� .-�._ <br /> ��;:�c�rs�,•.�� -r <br /> F r R. 't ' _' .. .�"i:.J.0. ..•;.... . <br /> °_- +o.�• .. . a.�• e�r•��.v.�'w�p.... . <br /> � i, . " '" . .. . ' ., �t}.•..,.,.. <br /> i" ��! - . . ._i_.tis.�_� i.ri'�1� • <br /> ,�K�f:J.I.�'i' . ., '. .-' .. � .. - .. <br /> � . ..�� •�{�., � � . _ �.��.,�-i:.�- � ' ' <br /> • '[ �.�iliJl%JMLt�J1tJ:' ` ; - r .._. . .. � �� ' � -1l�:.i�:L`.:..Y_���.1v1'��l�a�:_� '�. <br /> � t�.�e:. i .i4�:1' '�.�CLM'.�.��� ' �:�/ti• <br /> .�i,� --- - . ._ . . .. ..� _�x7�lrvrii,.. L� ° . ; ,..., . . <br /> fS...e.'wi.4A�Aw�o... ,.� • - _ ' . 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