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<br /> 17.Tr�p�ter at the Pru{xrty ur�Heneflclai lntere�t In Burrower. If All nr any part of thr Pn�perty nr ony interau in it
<br /> Ir r�uld ur tr�nwf'erred(or if a 6eneficla)Interest in Bormwc�ir u�ld or tranxferrod sixl&�rrower iw ncK p rwur�l perwn)wf�lwut
<br /> - L.ttKkr's pMett written ecmRent, i.encler tnNy, ot in option, roquire immodi�te �ymrui in i'uti �f rii .ur�: ::.,-u�-� :r� tltl: -
<br /> 5nrurhy Inat�vment. Ht1WCVC�,thir c�ptiun rhdl nW be ezerci�a!by l.ernler iP exer�lre i�pry�hibiteJ by fakrd IAw iw of�ho cl�te
<br /> uf'thiK Scxurity!n►�ruttxut.
<br /> IP l.c�Kler cxercltic+thir uptiun, l.eixlcr xFwll�ticc liurcower rxMlre�if�.ccler�Uon.The n�Hire Kh�ll pnwide w perial uf txK
<br /> Ic►►IFwn �U duyr fn>tn thc Jwte the �wxiru i. dclivcral �r mwflal within which F3��rr��wcr mu�t {wy ult xumA raxural by thi►
<br /> Security In�ttument. If��rniwer fWflx to�y tht►e�uma prior to ihe expiratian uP thi�pericxl, I.ernler nwy invoke rny romodia
<br /> - - - � pcnulttcJ by thi�S�:.:wlty tmtrw�u:�it without funhrr nnticc or dcm�nd on Hom�wcr.
<br /> 18. Barrawer'� Ripht ta Reln�tate. If &�rrower nxets rcnuln coixlilinnx, lwrrowtr ahull have thc right tn havc
<br /> - enforcenxnt uf this Securfty Inwtrument discantinuod �t uny time prio�tu the e:ulicr ul': (a) S dnys (or such other periad as
<br /> _. applicuble law may specify fiir relnstatemenU before �le of the Praperty pur�uant to uny power of x�le conwined in this
<br /> - Security Instrunxnt;or(b)entry of a judgment enfbrcing this Security lnstrumcnt.Those conditions are thut Borrowcr: (a)ps�yx
<br /> L.encier aU sumw which then would be due under this Socurlty Instrument and the Nate as if no ucceler�tiau had acurrUd; (b)
<br /> — cures any default of uny other covenariGc ur agreen�ents; (c)peys all expen�es incurred in enforcing this Secudty Instrument,
<br /> - --- _�=�_- including,but not limitcd to, rcawnablc attorneys'fecs; und(d)tukes such action es L,ender may re��nabty rcquirc to a.�sure _
<br /> _-� ihat the lien of this Securlty Instrument, l.cnder'ti rights in the Property and Barrowcr's obligation to pay the sums wcured by
<br /> ��.,,e. this S�x:urity Instcument shall continue unchnnged. Upon reinstnte►nent by &�rrower, this Se.curtty Instrument and the
<br /> ----'--- obligutions secured hcreby shall remain fully effectivc as if no s�ccclerution had occu�rcd. Howevcr, this right ta rcinstate shall
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleratian under parugruph 17.
<br /> 19, Sale ai Note; ChwnYe af I.axn Servicer. Thc Note ar a partial intcrest in the Note (tagether with this Security
<br /> � �� � Instrument)may be sald one or more tinxs without priar notice to Bnrrowe:.A sule may result in a changc ln the tntity(known
<br /> _-�,n.,�; ��-""—`� as the "l.nan Servicer")that rollects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security]nstrument.There ulw muy be one
<br /> - w ur mure rhanges of thc Laan Scrvicer unrclat�l w a sale of ti�e Note. If thcre is A changc of thc l.oan Serv►cer, Barrower will be
<br /> w gEven wrltten notice of the change in uccordance with paragraph 14 ahove and applicable luw.The notice will state the name and
<br /> '�� � �' address af the new Laan Servicer and the address to which a ments should be made.Thc notice will also contain any other
<br /> -k r t
<br />;.`,, =t��, ."+".;•`�� :,�`_ infam�ation reyuired by applicable IAw. p y
<br /> �', r � "' �i��, 20. Hazardous 5ubctpnee.s. Barca�ver shull not cause or permit the presence, use. dis�snl, stornge, ar release of'uny
<br /> ��A•, Hazardous Substances on or in the Pro rt BaROwer shall not da, nor ullow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> :+'• • "� ' .•`��',•,�t�4i`r P� Y•
<br /> ,c;,;. ;;� ,y t� �•�� Property thut is in violation of uny Environmental l.aw. The preceding two sentences shall nrn npply to the presenrc, use, or
<br /> `I ��°, . }f storase on the Propeny of smaU quandties of Huzardous Substee►ces that are generally recognized to be appropriate to nom�al
<br /> ;�,+�,,�,,,..��. �.,'.°�;,.t residential uscs unci to mnintenunce of the Property.
<br />��� � ., S •�•-'��°�^ Banuwcr shall promptly give i.ender written notice af any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or ather action b any
<br />_._ "r :..�'�i::ss;:�:, ,
<br /> 'k1. ' n� ,•�r�,�;z';(+:4 Y3��, governmental or regulatory agency ar private party involving the Praperty and any Ha�ardous Substance ar�nvironmentu Law
<br />_c�,,. '" ;;""`�'�,�,���,;�� of which Borrower hus actuul knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governme.ntal or regulatory authoiity, that
<br /> '--� any removal or ather remediatian of any Hiunrdous Substunce affecting the Pmperty is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take
<br />�. - :,�_� ;..;. �� �i;;—' a�I ttrccenaty ro�i�Iinl ttCi7ou�in acculdsucC W�i�l�ilYifOiilii?iii8i Law. _
<br /> �;,.�;,•:�, As used in this par,agraph 20, "Ht►y_urdous Substunces" are thase substnnces defined As toxic or hazurdaus wbslances by
<br />� � - • `. Bnvironmenial I.aw und the following substunres: gasoline, kernsene, other ❑ammable or tuxic petraleum �roducts, taxic
<br /> � '''r�•'� � pesticides and herbiridcs.volutile tiulvents,matcriuls containing ast►estc�.or form•rldehyde,and rndioactive mutenals. As used in
<br /> . ' this pur�ruph 20, "Environmcntal Law" nxuns federal laws and luws af thc jurisdiction wherc the Property is laated ttu►t
<br /> Y. . =�r�•.. ; rclatc to hculth,sufcry or envimmncntal prutcction.
<br /> y: _ � ; ,� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr und l.endcr furthcr covrn�nt anci agrec a�foliows:
<br />_ � � 21.Accelerntion; Remedi�w.I.�nder shall�h•e nntice to Barroa�cr prior to�ccelemtic►n followinR Bor�nw•cr's breach
<br /> � of�ny covenAnt or a�reement in th(s Security Instrument (but not prl�r to acceleratton under pamRmph 17 unless
<br /> Appltceble luw provides otherwi.c�). 7'he nntice shull,perify: ta)the defs�ult; (h) thc action myuir�d to cure the defAUlh
<br /> � (c)a date. not less than 30 du3�s from the dute the notice is�iven to N�►rro�rr. by which the default must be cut�d; and
<br /> ;,;•,,,;.:,., (c!)th�►t failure to cure thc defwutt on or Fiet'ure the ds�te sp�rificd in the naticr muy� r�wult in accclerution c�f the sumti
<br /> ;.�� , . � ' ' . secured by this ticcurity Instramcnt und sulc of the Property. The nuticc shull further intorm &�rmK•er of the right to
<br /> �; reinstate atter ucceleratinn and the riRht to brin�; u cnurt uctlon to as.xrt the non-existe�xe oY a def�ult or any other
<br /> � .: .,
<br /> defense of Borrnw•er to ucceleratian und�ulc. If the deFault i+ not curcd on �►r txfore the date ti{xrifl��d in thc notitr.
<br /> � i.ender,at itti aption. m��� rcquire immedis�tc paymcnt in full of ull sum�s�rured b��this Security Instrument without
<br /> ?` ' further dem�nd And mpy tnvoke the power of sule and any othcr remedkw{xrmittccl b� appUcuble law•. Lender shzll be
<br /> ! ` � � `�' entiticd to collect all expens�w incurrcd in punuin�thc rcmedie.r•provided in this paru�;ruph 21.including,but not limited
<br /> „ i to�reatianable ottorncys'fe�h and custs oP tit(c evidence.
<br /> � if thepo wer of sule is invokcd. Trustee shait r�rord u notice of dcfuult in cuch county in which uny purt of the
<br /> , , . Property is located and shall maU copi��;of surh nottce in the manner prescribed b�• appNcable lu�r to Rorrnr��er nnd to
<br /> ., .��< � • •.,�,:;,;• the other pennns pr�.wcribed by upplicubte lu«�. After the time reyuir��d b}�uppUcabic lue�.Trust�r shell�tve pubiic notice
<br /> }� :�"�� , c►f sele to the peru►ny und in the manner prcwcribed U�•uppllruhlc law. '1'ru�tec. ���ithout demand on BorcoH•er,shall sell
<br /> j r��'' .. ,.--- • the Praperty s�t public auction to the hi};hetit bidder ut the time und pluce vnd under the terms dcsiRnuted tn the notire uf
<br /> � �� snle in one or more p�rcels and in uny order TeUSIM'determinc�. Trust�r mu�• p�►stpom �ule oP all or any purcd of thc
<br /> ' �� Propecty by public announcement at the ttme and placr nf un� previou�lc scheduled wle. l.ender�ir its de�ignee may
<br /> ;- , + ' purehuse the Property at any sale.
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