,. �
<br /> =�� _.... �� .� .' ' , ,,,....�-'"_ _._.--.._. .
<br /> .Lr� • — —
<br /> __�.� W. ._r a�l�
<br /> l93- sa�u
<br /> �_ 1fN Prop�rty U�o Wnn or.o�map�d,l.wx3�r�1�11 hwo th�opMon�In ib wl�and ab�oluM dl�wMlon.b�ppiy�ii wai�'r�a�.wi.. '
<br /> a1M►d�duCynp qi�,Nrqm�II calt and�xp�n�(naurnd by It fn conn�ation with�uch P�ocNd�,upon any k�d�bNdn�M a�cw�d
<br /> h�t�py lu�d��wph pt�r��L�n�may dN�rmin�,or W apply�11 wch ProcNds,�hK�uch d�ducMom,b tlN rMtoMtlon of 1h�
<br /> prppKy upon wch condliltFn��L�nd�r may d�min�.My�ppibatlor►of Proc»d�to Md�bO�dnws shttl nat�xw�d o►poNpaiw
<br /> _ --- th�dw dd�of�ny p�y�+w w��Woa.a'aun�ny dNault th�►wnd�r a MrwndK.My unappll�rf funda�11 b�p�ld b
<br /> — - Trwbr.
<br /> --�--- - _ ----� A, weknM�nM Yy Lnrd�.Upon N►�occurnnc�of an Ev�nt of DMaulth�rwnd�r,or II any�ct i�trk�n or Ip�l procNdinp �
<br /> conim�nC�d whkth m�e�xWity��L�fd�r's Int�rNt i�th�Prop�ty.t.�nd�r rru�y in Its own dl�crNbn,but wltAout obllpatlon b do
<br /> ' �o,�d without nottot ta or•d«nrnd upon 7ru�tor and wllhout r�Na�inp Truttor trom�ny�obllp�Non,do�ny act wh�h Trwbr h�s
<br /> - _ prNd but taQ�to do snd maY alw do any othK act lt dNm�n�casary to prot�at th�wcurty h�r�ol.T�wtor sA�lt,ImmWl�Mly
<br /> upor►d�mmd th�rdar by LKW�r,pay to L�nd�r atl cats�nd�xp�nfe�Incurred and sums�xp��d�d by L�nd�r in conn�ctlon wMh
<br /> the�x�rpis�by L�nder of th�lorpolnp rlphtt,top�th�r wlth Int�rett ther�on at th�dd�uft r�te provid�d in th�NoM,wlNch�hall b�
<br /> �dd�d t�ttw IndsbMdt�at Nciwrd h�r�by. L�n�sh�A not inc�r any Ilabiliry b�c�u�ot�nythlnp It may do or omit ro do
<br /> hK�und�r.
<br /> - 9, H�r�dous MitMriKlw.Tru�tqr th�u keep ths PropWty In complf�nce with ali appfic�bls laws,adinanc���nd rpulatlono
<br /> �' rMadnp b indu�trlal h�rglElna or�nvlronrr�ntat probcdon(eo�lsctively rotarred to hsroln as"EnvlronmsnW Laws'7.Trustor stull
<br /> �'� kMp th�Properly fise from alt subafancea deemsd to be haz�rdous or toxlc und�►any Environmsntai l.�ws(colkctivoty r�t�rnd W
<br /> Mr�in 6�s"Hazardoua MAtttrii�is"1.Truitor h�reby wartants and�epresenta to Lender that ther�ars no Hazardou�Mat�riais on or
<br />___ und�tlM P�qperty.TruqipcMlrN�y aprNS to tnd�mmy and hold humiess Lender,ib directon,officen,employe�t and ap�►ti��nd
<br /> �ny succ�uan ta tender'r InbnsR hom and a�in�t any and ali clafma,damayes,bsss�and Iiabliiti�s�riWnp In conn�ctlon with
<br /> __{,- � M�t pret�nc�,use,dlapodal or transpon ot any Husrdous Materi�is on,under,irom or about the Property.THE FORE(301NQ
<br /> 10. AsNynmiMt of IMMs.Trustor hsreby asstpns to Lander the ronts,Isaues end profits oi the Prop�Ay:provided that Trustor
<br />- �"°-�'s� ah�ll,undl tl�e ooaurronae ct an E�ent of Gefault hsrwnder,have the ripht to coiiect and ratain such rents,istuss and proflt�at th�y
<br /> � ,;'�' ��. . becartso duo and payoblu.Upon th-ocourrence of an Event of Default,Lender may,elther in person or by apent,with o�wlthout _
<br /> brinpinp�ny aation or proceedin�,or by�recsiver appointed by a court and wiMout repard to the adequacy ot its sacurlty,enter
<br /> - upon and take po�saaslon af ths P�ope►ty,or any part thereot,in its own neme or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts which it
<br /> � - •.a` dNma nec�ssary or du�l�nbla to pranrve the wlue,marketablllry or rentabiiity ot the PrApsrty,or any part thereof or intareat thereln,
<br /> InarN�s the inaome ther�from or protect the sscurriy horeot and,with or wlthout takinp poasesaion of th�Propsrty,sw tor or
<br />_ ' .��•;��:{`:t • otherwfss col�eot tho rantH,itews and protit�thareof,inctudiny those past due and unpaid,and apply the same,bs�coW and
<br /> •��:• -�-=� �xp�►ses of opereNan and cdlcction Includinp ettorneya'fees,upon any indebtedneaa secured horeby,alt in such ud�r as Lendsr
<br /> , �"��'� may dstermine.The e�tallog upon and takinp posssasion of the Propsrty.iha coilectior of such rent�.Issuss and protib and ths
<br /> �.. '.` r.''�;:
<br /> _ . k;14}„�h appflcadfon thereot aa atqntsaid,ahatt not cure a waive any aefault or notice ot default hereunder or Invaliciato any act dons In
<br /> � � nsponse to suah de(auit or purauant to such notice of default and,rtotwithstandinp the continuance in posseasion of the Proparty or
<br /> -__ l�'����:�•4' . y��e�IwRpcm,raaeipt and agpltcatlon of renb.issues or profits,and T�uttee and Lender ahalt be entitied to exerciss ewry riyht
<br /> , ��,�,�'�'i'��'. { provided tor in any of ttie Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of Default,inciudiny without Iimitation th�ripht
<br /> '.::?.:•r--r.:r•. .
<br /> �.;}��.;•• •:;;.�.• i, W exercita the powor of salo.Further,Lander's riphte and remedies under this paraqraph shali be cumu�ative with,and in ao way a
<br /> :�_� l ''` ' Ilmitution on,Lendor's�lphta and remedies under any asafpnment of leasea and rents recorded ayainst the PropeRy.lender,T►ustee
<br /> sM f...,;", i�;..
<br /> ,���:r....... ..�.
<br /> ���:�,`�5',•i'�•<• u�d ths receiver ahntl be Oable to account only to�those rents actua�iy received.
<br /> .;'.�;r,'�` F�,.•.�:�I . 11. Ewnb W DNw�R,The lo�lowinp ahail canstRute an Event of Default under this Deed of TrusC
<br /> �9�=;f ,
<br /> • ��?`�..C,..: ,,;,`.. . (a) Fafiurq tn pey any Instailm�nt of principal o*Interest of any other aum aecured hereby when due:
<br /> - •.�>r:,4c%� , . . (b) A brqech of o�defauit under any provision contained in the Note,this Deed ot T�ust,any of the Loan Instruments,o�any
<br /> � .:�,,, '��i�,: .� other ilen or encumb�onca upon the Property; -
<br /> (c) A writ of lx�aurion or attechm�nt or any similar process ehail be entered epainat Trustor which�t►all b�como a Ilon on
<br /> � ,_;p.fi;,;Y( '„ � _ the Property ar a�y portion thereot or interest therein;
<br /> �.fK_,. ;� .. (d) There shall bo i11ed by or apafnst Truator or Borrower an action under eny present or fufure federal,stete or other
<br /> _"�'� . "� � " etatute,lew or rog ulutlan ralatinp to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reltef for debtors;or there shall be appointed eny trustee,
<br /> , :.u,+c.� • . • , •• recefver or liquidator ot Trustor or 8orrower or of aii or eny part ot the Property,or the rents,issues or protits thereof,or Truitor
<br /> f ' or Borrower ahatl mnke any yeneraf assipnment for the benefit of creditors: _.
<br /> :,. ......,.. �; _
<br /> .�,�,,.v+ (e) Tha sai�,tronater,lease,asslynment,conveyance or further encumbrance of ail or any part of or any interest in the .
<br /> Property,eithor v�luntarlty o► involuntari�y, without the express written consent of Lender;prqvided that Trustor shal� be �
<br /> `' ' pKmitted to�xaoutr a teasa ot tha Property that does not contain an option to purchase and the term of which doet not excoad -
<br />`,p � ; �:�a�t��:.._ . . one year, �
<br /> .M� y; (f►Abandonment qf the Property;or _
<br /> � (p) if Truetnr ia not�n individual,the lasuance.ea�e,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total __
<br /> -_ •r• ,� of percent ot(if e corporatlon)its issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnershfp)a total of percent ot �
<br /> �.��.; � : partnerahip interaste durina the period this Deed of Trust remains a tien on the Property. _
<br /> � ~�',; � 12. R�►n�dir�;Actcdrratta�Upon DNauIL In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,without notice except as requfred by
<br />_ law,deciare ail i�dobtedneas secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shail thereupon becoma duQ and payabte
<br /> �..,•• , withaut any pre�entmont,demand,protest or notice of any ktnd.Thereafter Lender mey:
<br /> �-••`� ' � (a) Demand that Truotee exerclse the POWER OF SALE yranted herein,and Truatee shali thereafter cause Truator'a
<br /> "' `°' intentt In the Propo�ty to be aold and the proceeds to be diatributed,ali in the manner prov�ded fn the Nebraska Trust Daod�
<br /> ,�,,: . •c'�'` _
<br /> �� . ... �: �k
<br /> �^;:;: . (b) Exercloe anY snd all �Iphts provided for in eny ot the Loan Instrumenta or by law upon xcutrence of any Event of _
<br /> �^ =-=�', �� O�faui�and
<br /> ..P_ ..<< �� �
<br /> _ (c) Commanoa an action to toncioee thls Oeed of Trust as a m��tflaye,appolnt a receivQr,or spacifiully enforc�any ot th� v
<br /> -�. ::;��;;;?��;�..� •�� cov�enanb hereoi. _
<br /> �°:�.� •;;i);,:;,,�. _ No romedy herein conierred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other ramedy henin.in th� _
<br /> �+•��' � Loen Instrumants�or by Isw provlded or permiKed,but each shall be cumuletive,shall be in additlon to every other remedy 9iven
<br /> ' `� •,i� h�nunder,in the�oan Instruments or now or hereatter existinp at Iaw or In equity or by atetute,end may be exercised ca�currenGy.
<br /> -_1�.��,�;,Y,�„�r� Indp�ndendy or aucce�iveiy.
<br /> `_���"-�'°'�"� 13, Ttw1N,'fhe lYuatee may reaipn at any Ume without cause,and Lender may at aoy tfine and wlthout cauee appoint a
<br /> - - wcc�sea or subs8luteTrustae.Tnalee shali not be liable to any paAy,includinp without limitatan Lend�r.Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> purChas�r of the Praparty,for�ny loas or dama�e uniess due b reckiess or wUltu�mlaconduc�,and shail not be roqulrod to take�ny _
<br /> — �ndon in connscdon with the enforcem�nt of thio Oeed of Trust unlaas Indemnilied,in writinp,for all cosb,compM�utlon a _
<br /> -�---�_.......�.w._.. nt�.d w.�D.nn..A.n.rYr�.t nr
<br />.. .-� ��IItO�N�IlICO RNI�r O�iifVGiwiiti ineiiiieiii�.u��Y�iiuviq'nw.�o..—mj.rw.....v�p.:..................:��.��.�.�..���..�„__._._. .
<br /> und�r tM power of saW prented horeln);pottpon�the eale of aIt or any portlon ot tM Propsrty,as provldW by law;a a�ll th�
<br /> - Propa►ty as a whotu,or In s�p�rat�parcels u tots at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> 14. FMS�nd 8xp�n�.In the evsnt Teu�tus aells the PropKry by exercisu ot power of qle,Trusbe shatt be rnUtNd 0�apply _
<br /> any w{�procMd�1lrstio pnym�rtt of all cASts end expanses ot exerctslnp pow�r of sat�,Ineludinp all Tru�'s 1esa.and Lsnd�Ps :
<br /> and T�ustM'a�ttom�y'�hy.�ctwlly incuR�d to�xtant pe►mitted Oy sppllcabb Iaw.ln the�wnt BoROwK or Truttor�xercl�sa��y _
<br /> �ht provid�d by iaw to cun an EvMt ot ONault,L�nd�r sh��l b��ntlWd to ncovK irom Trustor all cosb and�xp�nsM actwlly
<br /> fncunrd s a rpuR of Truslor'a dMsu1R Inoludlrep witl�out Ilmit�tbn all Tnist�'s and af�om�y't 1�,b tht�xMM PKmitMd bY `
<br /> �ppRaabM I�w.
<br /> 16. FuM�n AdwK�oM.Upon rpw�t of Borcow�r.Undsr may.at its apflon.maka�dditional ar►d tuWn advinc�s�nd n-
<br /> • adwncM b Borrow�r.Suah�dv�nc�s and n�dvancrs,wltl�In1K�st thK�on.shall b�a�curW by thfs O��d ot Trwt At no tlm�shall
<br /> �p�incip�l amouM otllw Ind�blydnNS wcund by thls DNd of Tnut not incl�d�p a�mi�dvanc�d to ��s�unty ot tnl�
<br /> • Owd M TniK�a�d tM otlpin�l Princtp�l�nwunt staMd MrMn.or i Z�•�"� ,whichswr Is���1K: .
<br /> .
<br />