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<br /> -'��•. �..�r. r.. . b�_._
<br /> �- ..� ��.1 =`_- ...._
<br /> � �
<br /> — _ , •• � .T'L!t RERD T111a�sOIIE tK�NW�3� I�a�• ��
<br /> � T�wMOr yndwaWbs IhW IIM doowMnt that T�upot M�bwd b�x�euM Is�DMd of Trwt�nd eol�m�x10p��nd Ilwit th�oowK
<br /> ol Mt�M'a�id�d lor In 1M O�t�d ol?n�st provW�s wbwnWilly dHfAnM NpMta�nd oWlO�qa�b TruMOr qMn�morq��Mt MM�wrk
<br /> of�dM�Wt a bn�ah of oblip�tlon und�r tM DNd oT Tn�W.lnaludinp,but no�AmiMd eo,ctM I,�ndK�rlpht b h�w 11�P�apNi�r�old
<br /> wbt bMDn � ���p��id��,Tru�Eor,nprM�nb�nd wart�t th�l•Ibb�oltnowbdQMnmt w��xpa�Md b!I
<br /> _ ,_.._,.-,.�----�---- --� � ,s.
<br /> 1Mlv n S Ql on. T Nwbsad
<br /> r '
<br /> — �nd Dorot6 L OLto�usto� Mti�
<br /> THIS DEHD OF TRUST,b rt�as ot,Wa_93iL...day ot liov. ,14�.,by and a�nonp
<br /> �T�� ll�lvin E Olston i And Dorpthy L Ol��on , bu�b�ad and M13� �
<br /> Rt 1 Bax 121 � Ch�pMn (hsrMn"Tru�:'�iMt�o�i�a mor�l.
<br />--- wno..m.u��p.aln..a
<br /> ; th�Trupw, Five Points Bsnk, a N�ebra�i�a Coraoration � —
<br /> - whw�maUinp addr�ss Is P•O. Box 13�7 Grand I�land. NE 68602 (hK�in••Tru�w'�,and
<br /> _ �g�y� Fiw Point� B�nk .
<br /> � wtio�maillnp addr�ss is 2015 N.. Sro�drQll Gr�nd I�land. MB. Es68�2-1307 (hKNn"I�ndw�.
<br /> ,,;;
<br /> ! FOR vAluAeLE CONSroEwmmON,Inaludinp L�nder•..xa�aon a crad+c�d.r�uasd nereln toM�lvin E Ol�ton
<br /> � And Dorothv L Olston (herel�"Borrowor",whether one a mors)and tiw auK hwMn cnatod,
<br /> the recNpt of whlch Is h�reby acknowladged,Trustor hereby ir�wocabty pranb,t��n�tera,conveys and a�lyns to Trus1M,IN
<br /> � TRUST,WITH POWBR OF 3ALE,torthe banaflt Aad seaurity of Londer,underand wbJeat to the tsrrt►��nd conditiona h�rNnafb►wt
<br /> �_ fo�.iiN nai pruptny.�sc�+t�a u�ossaws:
<br /> „ , ,:t,r; • THE SOU?HERLY SIX?Y EIGH'f FBBT t 68') OF LOT OME t l) IN BLQCH FOR?Y 6IL3HT t�81
<br />''�;::
<br /> ;'. . . "r't';:.-;. ' , �
<br /> ���,,�� „�r::�:::'
<br />.. .�ii'.v.��'b':�.l•x�: �wR,'.
<br /> z ti•,.• . • • • Toqsther with ail buildinps,improvamente,ltxturea,otreets,al�eys,pessepeweys,eapements,►iphts,privilepas and appurts-
<br /> - �•"k°"`��`��'•�'�"` naacee located thsrenn or In anywNe partalning thereto,and the ronts,lasues and proHtp,raveraions and remaind�rs thereot,and
<br /> �'�"'''��.'� �'"�` wch personat prop�rty that I�wttech�d to the improvements to aa to conatituto a 11xWre,Iealudinp,but not Iimit�d to,hasUnp and
<br /> - ��� • � cooUnp aquipment;end tc�yether wllh tha homastead or merital Intereata,If any,whtch Intorostaare hereby releaaed end w�ivad;alt
<br /> .,' -���*+�,L+y�- •• •�•��c�,' ol which,Includinp repl�cements ond additlane thereto,la hereby declared to be a part ot tha real estato secured by the Iien ot thls
<br />:� �;6�:�t�,� Deed of Trost and aii of the forepoln�befnp referrod to herefn as the"Property".
<br />-� p��a�a,�.w.��
<br /> �.•. ,,.t:�� . Thb D�sd of Trust�hall Ncur�(a)the payment of the principei sum and interest evldenced by a promiwory nota or ondit
<br /> :i�,,p,: , ,
<br /> ,tir,�'•:',. � apreen�nt dat�d .�[su�■wor t.t t 99^� ,hpvinp a m8turiry dete of Novo�hor 1StR 1�
<br /> . _ ,��;.:;.
<br /> - �� �'�'`�'�'' � In the orlpinal principal amount of S 18 022.08 ,and any a�d all modiilcatlont,extonslons and r�nowats
<br /> �a:'��'r�`'� ��' thereof or thereto and any and all tuture advanaea end readvances to Borrower (or any o1 them if more ihan one)h�nunder
<br /> :.,.,.�.;;• r,.���h.
<br /> ��.,::�.,� pursuant to one or more promlasory noteo or arodit agreements(herein celied"Note");(b)the payment of other aums advancsd by
<br />_ :,{�;�r,, . Lender to protect the securlty of the Note;(a)the perfarmance o(att covenants and a�reemenb ot Truator set lorth horeln;and(d)atl
<br />_ - '�s� , present and Wture indebtedness and obligatlans at Borrower(or any of them If more than one)to Lender whether direct,indiroct,
<br /> ' absolute or contlnpen!and whether arl�inp by note,querenty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Oeed of Truat and any and all
<br /> ` �� „•��� � � pth�rdocuenWthatfscuretheNoteorotherwiaeexeoutedinconnectiontherewilh,IncludinywlthoutllmltaiionpuarpntMS,NCUrity
<br />• "�'�� * �pnsments and assiynmenu ot te�ws and rents,ehali be raterrod to heroln as ttw"Loan Instrument�".
<br /> �j-"�%;�-, ,; Ttunor cownanto and apreet wtth Lender as fa�lowa:
<br /> �; ,��+i;� . � 1. Pay�wnt of Ind�bbdn�ss.All Indebtednes�teaured heroby shall be paid whe�due.
<br /> � -' •� 2.TiW.Trustor ia the owner ot the Property,has the rlyht and authority to convey tho P�operty,and warranta that the Ilen
<br /> �•�� `�� ' � i9 Crsatsd hereby is a tint and prlor lien on the Property,except for�iens and encumbrances set(orth by Truator in writinp and
<br /> � ��f� � •�' �.�,,. ds8vered to Lender beforo execudon of tfil�Oeed o1 Truat,and the execution and delivery of thls Deed of Tru�t doos not viotate any "
<br /> � ' .
<br />'�'~ ���� � '�� conVact or other obN��Uon to which Trustor te subJeot.
<br />�e �„ , � �'��''r'•"�"�� 3.TixM,As�m�nts.To pay bsiore delinquency al�texea,epeciel assessments and ali other char�et A�ainat the Prope►ty
<br /> '�: ,- now or h�re�ner Iavied.
<br /> " .�"''��`` �. In�unnc�.To kssp Me Rropsrty insured against demage by iire,hazards Inciuded wfthin the term"extended covera9e".And
<br /> � �� ��'�'.��.r.:... �. wch oth�r haard��s L�nder may requfre,in amaunts and wlth companies acceptable to Lender,naminy Lende►aa an�ddltlonai
<br /> � •�• . named insund,with loss payabte to the Lender,In case ot foas under auch polloies,the Lender is authorized to ad�u�t,coilect and
<br /> •.�n�r:,• comp►omiss,�II claims thereunder and shali have the option ot applying all or pan ot the Insurance prxeeds(f)to any Indsbtednsss
<br /> t�aund h�nby and in such order�s Lender may determfne,(It)to the Trustor to be used tOr the repair or reitoratlon of th�Prop�rty
<br /> Y-'� or(ifi)tor any Wh�r purpos�a ob��Ct satletitctary to Lsnder without aNectinfl the lien o}this Oesd of Trust tor th�fuil amount toCUr�d
<br /> ----= Mt�by bMor�wch paym�nt ewr took ptace.Any app�iaANon oi proceeds to Indebtednets thali not entend w pos�on�tht duQ
<br /> � - d�M d�ny paym�nb uncNr the Now,or curo eny defauft thereunder or hervund�r.
<br /> � E�o�w.Uoon wriM�n d�nd bv L�nder.Ti�uetor theil pay to Ltnder,in such manner as LsrxN►rtuiy dKipnab,suHiclsnt
<br /> � wms to�n�bf�L�nd�r to pay�s Uwy b�com�due one or more of the followinp:(i)�tt taxes,�ssesdm�na ana ottwr en��a�pansz
<br /> th�Propsrty.Iii)tM pr�mfuma on tlu prop�rty inturonaa rpulrad heraunder,and(Ilf)the premJums on any rtartpep�Inwranc�
<br /> — nQuind by L�ndK.
<br /> g, M�N�Mn�nq�p�p�k��nd Compll�ne�wHh�awr�.Truator shnll k�ep ths Property In pood condidon and npalr.�hali
<br /> promptly npN�,or hptac��ny Improv�rn�nt which may be damayed vr do�troy�d;shatl not commlt or pwmk�ny wuM or
<br /> d�Mria�tion ot tM Prop�rty;shaU not removs,d�moli�h o�subtt�ntlalty a�tor any of the Improwrtwntt on the Prop�rty;shall not
<br /> oon�rnit,w(Ar or pemN�y act Lo bo don�In or upon th�Property fn viol�Non of any law.adin�nc�.a rpul�Uon;and�II p�y and
<br /> �xompMy di�charp��t Trusta's cast and�xp�n�all II�nR�naumbranaw and chup�s NvNd.impa�d or as�Nd�pain�t th�
<br /> propwty or�►y put tMr�of.
<br /> 7. E��t pqNMr�.��nd�r i�hw�by a�elpn�d all aompeneatfon,�ward�,d�mpN�nd otMr WYm�►b or nIIN lMninaftor
<br /> "ProcMds")In c�rNetbn wNh cor�nnatlon or od»��Iclnp of the P�op�►ry or Part 1Mnot.a la conwyrna In Ilw of cond�mna-
<br /> 1{pn.LN�d�r N�11 b��nfitl�d at Ib option b comm�nc�,appar in�nd prw�aut�fn Its ow�narrN any aatbn a procMdinp�,and
<br /> thaM�Mo b��nlNNd m m�k�sny compromlN a�t In conneotWn wNh such t�ktnp a d�+p�.in��vr^t�ny portion of
<br /> we aw�w.wwwro..��.�a•�
<br /> O�sNM�w�w�t.rc�..M.�T�wtrww��wrr.n�w.r►wrnr.
<br />