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<br /> • 1�. MMo�MMN�tO�Mia�.
<br /> (y�lo�rew�r Net IIMNwd.ExNnWon ot tM um�ta p�ym�nt a modfNC�tbn ot � ���d by 1bt�
<br /> ONd of Trwt by I.�ndK b any wCCNror In InMrNt of 8orrowr�r�hall�ot ap�r�M b rMNM��n anY rt�ew�.flw M�bMNY
<br /> ol tM orlpkMl M� �nd BonoMr�r'�succ�a�In k�Mn��L�ndn�hiill not b�n4ukM0 b oamn�na Pn�eMdi�p�apMiM�
<br /> -�-- wah suc�c�or or rMw�to�xMnd tlrrN kx paynNnt o�dhlrwiM mmt�ldity�moNzatlon of thr aum�MCUr�4 by fhb OMd of TtuM
<br /> - b�r n..on a.nr d«eanas m�d.nr the o�lpinsl 9orrow«and eonow«�•w,cowwr4 In rnUr.�t. _
<br /> i. (b)LMd�'a row«�. wx�a,�.n.cnrw a,.n.anti a any WAM Wqon II�bN fo111M1 pl►Ym�nt of�nY ob�pl�lbn f1�Mn
<br /> m�nMon�d.and without�ft�ctlnp fM H�n a ct�rp�of this DNd of Tnnt upon�nY Patl�r►M tM Prop�iY not tMn a 1hmMolon
<br /> � r.�.a..a a s.curity lor a,.ruu.nwunt a.��unpdd oatpanons,l..na..ro.y.h�n am.m tut».na wnhout noac.(q n1..«.m►
<br /> pKSOn�o II�bN�lii)�xt�nd dw maW►ity a alt�r�ny ol th�t�rms d any wch obilpaHon�,(ilil 1i��M�dulp�cM.(ih nIMM
<br /> a nconwY.or c�u�e m b�rNMad ar��conwy�d at any tlnM d Lrb�s opt�on�nY P�rwl.Palion or all ol lfN Prop�rty.
<br /> ---- (H t�k�a rM�any otMr or�dditio�l wcuriry to►�ny obUWdon haNn m�ntlon�d�4r(�)���a otl�
<br /> -'=i�°.`_°�"-- ° �an�menb with d�blors In r�tion thwato.
<br /> (c) Forbwnna by L�Mr No1 a Wai+rM.My torbe�ranc�by L�nd��in�xarcitlne�ny rtpht or��dy he►�under,or
<br /> - oq�rwlq�Mord�d by appl�abN law,shall not b�a waiv�r of or pnciud�th��xerci�a of any wch right or rsrtNdy.Tha
<br /> prxursmsnt of insuranco or the p�yment ot tax�s or other Ii�ns or ch�ry�s by Lsnd�r shail not b�a waivK ot L�nd�r's ri�ht b
<br /> aco�l�r�M ths rtyturlry of ttn Ind�bL�dn�st secur�d by thls D»d of Tru�t Ttl�cov9nanb and aarNm�nl�h�►Nn con-
<br /> — (dl Suo��ors and A�Npns oow�di.IoiM M�d�N LI�bNM�;C�pMoM�
<br /> _ --- - Wrnd ih�ll bind,and tl�riphb h�r�urxler shall inun to,the n4p�ctirs succewiura an4 a�stpno of LNidK�nd Trwtor.All
<br /> - cowrl�nb and wr�Mnb olTni�a�11 be�dnt ar�a.wer.�.rn.ca�noo.and►Mna+na.o�a,.p.�n�.a a�a o«d a
<br />-- T�wt ore tar convenienca oMy and aro no►to be ueed to InterprN a dMtn�th�pravi�lons h�not.
<br /> (e) Rpu�lor NoYeM.The pardee hereby rsqueat thtt a copy of any notice M dMni�it hwwrW�r�nd a copy d any noYc�
<br /> - ot ql�h�raundsr bs m�ifed to e�ch pArty to this Ds�d d Tru�t st the addnls��et Mrlh abov�In ffN m�nn�►Pre�ctib�d bY
<br /> , �;`•?�, : !.* `"' aPPticabk law.Excspt br�ny other�ouce�equked under eppllcabis I�w to b�plven In anothK mann�r�anY��P���
<br /> io►In this Oa�d of Trust dsali ba q►ven by rtwiiiny�u�h notice by certified mall uddrataod to tho other partiss,at ths addrsN wt
<br /> Oa d
<br /> Y .. lorth abovs.Any natice p�aided la in this De�d d Trust shall bs N(ecUve upon m�iili�y in th�mann�r dN1pn�Md►�nln.M
<br /> -�:�,�.: ;�:: . Truua ia mae tha�one porson,notice sent to d�e addre�s wt torth�bova shail l�e rwtice to ati wch pKSOns.
<br /> (�I�p�efion.Londs�m�y m�k,e or caus�to be m�de reasonaWe�nai�s upon an�f irnp�cUOns of tlw Prop�rty provid�d
<br /> '-n:,� that Leod�r shull qive Trutta notic�prior to any such tn�pecdon fpecifyinp rMSrmabte uus�ftNr�for rMa4d to L��s
<br /> � ints�nt in the Prope�ty.
<br /> (y) p�conwraeq.Upon payment of all eums secured bythis O�ed of Truat Wndqr ahail�pwatTrutt�e W reconwy th�
<br /> �K w, j��41�r�..;'AF � Propsrly and shall surnn<ferlhis Deed of Trust and all notrs evidencln�indebtedn�raaund by this De�d of Tru�t b TnuM�.
<br /> � ".:+a ►�1.::. TfUffe��II recorn�y!M PrupKty without warcanty and without ch�rye tc ths persan or p�no�s Ip�ly�ntitl�d IMrMO.
<br /> _ `'�'f�.r. . Ttwtor stiall p�y�II cab d recordaYOn,tf any.
<br /> --- ,`�a ,`., `.`;_.�+� , (h) P�sonat Piop�rtlr:S�cwib Ap�Nmnb As additionel sscu�ity for the paymAnt ot th�Nots.iruscor i�snb�r prnnb °
<br /> ' . ' ' Lender under the N�braska Unitorm Commercial Code e security inleroat in ail tixturte,equipn�nt�nd otlN►pwson��Prorw�'ty
<br /> . �,•,,,;,},, ;� used in connection wiih the real estate or lmprovements locsted thereon,and not dherwiso dsclared or daMn�d to bt a put of
<br /> �,;;���,� .. ihe reat esteta iecured hereby.This Instrument aha1l bo conatrued�s a Seeurity M,ve�emnnt under said Code,and th�L�ndM
<br /> �;��,�'•�" `��. ahali havs ati ths riphta and remediea of a aecured party ander seld Code In additlq�W tfi�!riphts and remedtei crsated under
<br /> �'''+•��"° � I� �`' and eccorded the I.�nder pursuant to thls Oeed of Truet�rovided that Lender's�iyhu4�nd ransdi�t ur►d�r ihb ptu'ay►aPh�fti�ll
<br /> ."..`�,y1:� be cumuiative with,and i n no way a limlWlbn on,Lender'�riflhts and ramadiea undsr any ott�wcurity apre�rH dprwd by
<br /> . �;�, . .. Borcowe►or Truttor.
<br /> ��) �N�Md EncuinbnncM.Trustor hereby warranb and repnsants thet tfien is nq dNault und�t the provisions of anY
<br /> - . mortpape,deed oi trust,lease or purchase contract describfng ali or any part a}thn Proparry,or other convacR insuumK►t or
<br /> �,. ' apreement constituUnp a Iien or encumbrance agalnst all or eny pert ot the Property(c4tlectl�ely,"Lient'7,extsdny ss of tlH
<br /> date of thts Qead of Trust,and that any and all existinp Liens remein unmodifled excupt�s dlsciossd W LendK in Tru�Wr's
<br /> �r,: � ��� w�ltten disCtosure oi Ilens and encumbrances provided for hereln. Truator shal�timely pNlorm ali of Trusta's ob11pa1lons,
<br /> covenants,repreaentatbns�nd warrentfes under any and atl exisitinp and 1uWre Llens,shHil promptiy torward to L�r�oopl�
<br /> of ali nodces oi defeult sent In connection with any and all exfsting or future Lfen$,an4 shall not without Lender's prior wrldMo+
<br /> �. ' . � consent in any manner modify the provisions ot or allow any tuture Advancea under any axistinp or fulurs Ll�ns.
<br /> ; � Q) AppNc�tbn of Pa�nb.Unless otherwiae required by lew,eums pald to Lendor hUnunder,includfn�wilFwut Iimffafion
<br /> _ s paymenb of princfpal and intereat,insurance proceeds,co�demnatfon prxeeds end►mnts and profib,sh�8 be�pp�Md bY
<br /> ''.� Lender to the amounts due and owiny lrom Trusto�and Borrower In such order as Lendor In Ita sole diacredon desrna desirabM.
<br /> � (k) Sw�rabNitr.H any provision of th�s Deec!ot Trust contlicts with app�faablo�ew or is dec{ared InveNd or othsrwits
<br />' unenforceabts.such tonilid or invalidity shall not aflect tha other p�ovisona ot thfa Desd o1 Trust or the Nob whiCh can b�
<br /> = .,.�. � � yiven eHect without the contllctiny provlsion,and to this end the provfsfons of thic O�od ot 7rust snd tha Not�and�ci�nd bo b�
<br /> , � severab�e.
<br /> - •w'��; ,' S (I) T�.The te�ms"Uustor"and"Borrower"shatl include both afnpuier and piurol,And when tho Trustor and Borrowa'
<br /> •re the tame person(a),tho�e terms a�used in this Oeed of Trust shall be interchgnpoabb.
<br />_ �;,,,, (m) Gpvenin�Law.Thla Oeed ot 7rust shali be governed by the laws ot th StBte ol Npbraska.
<br /> ;.; Trustor has execufed this Oeed oi Trust as of the date written abov� y _
<br /> :.�� �,� � 1�p G
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<br /> _�?�. : :: . Krl in E let T stQr Huaband
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