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<br /> OO�d�11�0�Of OIVf t�[i 0/��ft 11��M�1�OpMllh Of�Of OORY�YMC���MI a�N����d� .,,,_
<br /> i�iis��jiit3=�+L'w�±6".
<br /> ta tM�wrt d�wW uki�'d dw P�aparty� �h!peoe�ds.ha4 be�pplkd to da aan�Mc.�nd bx d�1 9�arler
<br /> lna�tent.wbrl6ar ar not dren�re.with w�y�aoe�p�a ro 8orr�cwct. ln Ihe event of�p�ertW qkin�ot IbeRopwry�u
<br /> whtch da hir m.ricrs v�Mie d dx P�rope�cy iaMnedi�ely befa�e d�a�aki�i�equa!a or jnMer thm d�e,mount of d�wrn�
<br /> r�cu�ed by dd�Secutiry Irnpsunont imnwdi�cely b�e�fore the tAlclnj.unlea Bamwer and Lender otherwi�e�rpc in writinj.
<br /> dr waa�wrd by thi�S�cueity leMruma�t�lall be redi�oed bY the aato�a�t at the pmoevds rouldplied by the fdlo�vin�
<br /> 1'r�dlae: (s)the twal�mount of dre wnu tx�ued itnt�edi�tely befae the Wdn�,dlvidod by(b)the fdr m�rket vdue of the
<br /> Property iawnedLtely beforc the o�kin�. My b�lanct�ult be psid to l�x�er. In the eva�t of�paNtl ratcing of the
<br /> P�ope�ty in wfiich the fiir nwkat v�lue oE the Propaty imn�edfaely befom the Wcin�is lai dun the irraunc of the wu�u
<br /> �ecmrod lmnedi�o�+ly betae the talcln�.unles� Bcxrower Nnd Lernier othawiie ynee in writin�or unku�ppl{c�bk!aw
<br /> � ahawi,e provjde4.the p�ocad�,hdt bo applied a�he.um�t�ecurod by this 5tcuriry trw�umml wt�ha ar na We iumi a�
<br /> t6�a due.
<br /> lf the Plrapasy u ab�ndoned by Ibn+nwu,or If.after mtice by i,ender W Bamawer th�t the cad�mnor offen W m�ke
<br /> , an award ar�ettle a cLin fa d�dN�n.Bunower tafl�to nespond to Luder within 30 d�ys atter the date tho notia is giva�,
<br /> l..adoc is aud�o�ed to cdbct�nd�pply 1he procoodti.at its optloa.dt6er to restanutjon or vepir of tho Propaty or w the
<br /> s�uw securod by tbit Security Instnirtrcnt,whedKr or not tha�due.
<br /> Upkss L,ender�nd Bart�owu dherwise�,roe in v►ritiag.any�pplkatian of proceedc to principal eheJl na eztend a
<br /> po�tpone the due date of the monthly payments caferred u►in p�ra�r�phs 1 and 2 or chan�e thc art►ount of auch payrtirnts.
<br /> ll. dorr�ower 1Vot Reka�edi Pbrbar�oe 8! La�de�' NM �t Wi�[ven Esunsion of the time for payment or
<br /> ; modlfication of�noatizujat of the wms secw+od by this Security Insaiunau gmnted by Lender w any successor in interest
<br /> � of Aarower dult not opaate ta rc{ea�e the li�bility of the aiglrW Bamuwa or Bamwuy suca:wrs in intercst. Lender
<br /> eh�U rwt bo rec�u{red to cortur�ence pnoaodtns+sgelnst ony eucoes�in inlerest rx nfuce to extend time fcx�yment cx
<br /> otl�wise modify anoRiz�tion of the sums aecured by this Socuriry Instrument by zeason of nny dertw�d made by the original
<br /> Barowa oc Bat�nwerl�cuccessors in inteees� My forbeuuroe by Lenda in exercising any riQht or ranody shall not be a
<br /> w�iver of or proclude ihe exercise of�ny right or rcmedy.
<br /> 12. Suoee�or�and A�ts BouNd;JoWO and SevtrAl Li�biUty;(:o-si�aers. 'Ifie covenants and agroements of ehis
<br /> Security[nstnmxnt shAll binct snd benefit the successc�rs end assigns of[.ender and Barower.subJect to the provisions of
<br /> up ag�raph i?. Borrnwer's coverwnts and agrecmeots shall be joint and several. My Borrawer who co-signs this Security
<br /> Ynsau nt but doa not execute the Notr. (�)is co-signing this Secudty Insuument only to mortgage,grant a►d oonvey that
<br /> Barower�s Inter+est in the R�operty under ttie ternis of this Securiry Inswment; (b)is not personally obligatod to p�y tf�e sums
<br /> sa,wed by thte Securiry[nswmenr,and(c)�grces that L.ender and any other Barowcr may agree to extend,modlfy.forbear
<br /> or make �ny �coommodstiona with ce�ard to the terms of this Security Insttumeni or the Note without thu Bomowe�lc
<br /> consent
<br /> 13. I.o�w Ch�e�es. If the loan securcd by this Security Inst�ument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> " ei�rges,and that iaw�s nnaily inurprcco3 so rhat the intccr�t or�,ti,�r iu-a��ci��uKc���iia:t�i«�to t,c eaiiactc�i in�,a-�+x�tic,a °
<br /> with the loan exoeed the permittod limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced b}�the amount necessary ta rcduce
<br /> the charge to the permittod limit;and(b)any sums aiready collected from Bornower whicb exceeded pertnittod limit�will tx
<br /> �+efunded to Bamwer. I.ender may chooxe to maka this rcfund by reducing the principat owed undcr the Notc or by mafclns a
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. (f u tefund rcduce:c principal.the neduction will be trcaced ac a pa�tlal prepayment without any
<br /> prcpayment chargc under tfx Note.
<br /> 14` Notica�. Any notice to Borrower provided far i�this Security Instrument shall be given by dtltvering it or by
<br /> mailing tt by first class mail unl�ss applicable law requireti use of unothcr method.71ie notice sh•rll be dirxted ro tfx Property
<br /> - Address or any aher address Borrower designates by notice to Lcnder. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fint class
<br /> m�il to Lender�s address�tated hec�ein or:u�y other address Lender designates by notice to Bomower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security Instrument shalt bc ckemed to have been given ta Borrower or Lcnder when given us provided in this
<br />-- pwxg[aph.
<br /> 15. Governing Law;Se�ernbllity. This Security Instrument shall bc govemed by federal law und thc Inw of the
<br />— jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event thut any provision or clause of thi�Securiry Instn►ment or the Nate
<br />`'- conflicts with applicable law,such ccx�flict shaU not affect otUer provisions of thi.Security Instrument or the Note which can
<br /> ' be given effxt without the conflicting provision. To this end the proviseonti of this Security Instrument ond the Note s►m
<br />� declared ta be sevecable.
<br /> = 16. Borrowet's Copy. Borrower shall be Fiven one conformrd copy of the Notr and uf this Security Instrument.
<br />� 17. 7lranster of the P�operty or A Beneflcial Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of thc Property or any intemst in
<br /> - it is sold or transfemed(or if a bcncficial intercst in 8orrower i� sald or trw�sferrcd and Borrowcr i�not a natural penc�n)
<br />_� without Lender's prior wrinen conu�nt,Lender may.ut it�aption.myuire immediate pay►nrnt in full of all,um.securcd by
<br /> this Socurity Instrument. However,this option shall not be cxercixed by Lende�if cxrrci�e is pmhibited by fcderul law w af
<br /> - the date of this Security Instrumcnt.
<br />� If Lender exercisex this option,I.ender shall give Borrower notice of ucceleriition. The notice shall provide a period of
<br />_�� nat less than 30 days from the date the aotice is delivercd or mailed within which Borrow•e�must pay all sum+securcd hy this _
<br />-� ' Security Instrumcnt. lf Borrrnaer fails to pay thr�c sumx prior to the cxpirution uf'thi. period. Lender may invoke any
<br /> r�emedits permitted by this Security lnxtrument without furthcr noticc or demand on Borrower.
<br /> IS. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstate. lf Born�w�cr mcets rcrtain randitinnti. Barrower �hall havc thc right to havc _
<br />_� • enfoncement of this Security Instrument di,continued at an}•timr pri��r to the carlier ol': (u)5 d•ry.(or�uch othrr prrind ax
<br /> � Sinµle Family--FLank MrdFYeddk Mac UNIF(1R�11NtiTRl'NF.11t--Unitorm Covee�new 9/90 rpuxe 4�y'n NKesl
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