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<br /> .p�iod,dat t.ader�i�w. .'IUe�oe aui�r pro�vldYy�Y.w�r�..dwlt w d�o�en ey eono,wr a }'-� -
<br /> . �i'pt+owl+MrioN MYI Ilot IM wMw�olMOry wiaieio. T'i oui�is::'�� '� �'�"-. ••••v�:
<br /> � [,�dRti a�pAion,abtdacawry�w pn�t I.�an�ier�n�bb in��P�apaty ia acsardrw�p�ryrMph 7.
<br /> All in�+�ue poiicia�ad naow�4 tlall be�ooept�b1e to .��der�nd�I!i�chida a n�ndrd�cl�w• lwidr
<br /> �U Irve ehe rljht 10 Laid dw pdicies and t�swds. It Laadec iequiret.Bo�rower�U p�vm�NY five ta YI ncaipb
<br /> � d p�id preaaiweK aad ratewal notloe�. In dre event d IoM.8nrrowK�Mll Sive prompt mtjoe to We�MSOe c�ier�nd .
<br /> I.w�der. l..ender m�y make proof of los if not mrde p'adptly b!'8a�'ow'ar.
<br /> tinb�1�aWor�nd 8amw�er di�erwiso ap�ea ia wntius,aw+r+utioeprocee�{c�w11 be a{�Itcd w rcstayttlon ot KQsir of
<br /> the Yroperty drnyed.if d�e ratan�oa ot repair i�eoa�ornM�IIY faW6{e�nd l�derl�iecurity is nat lemened. K the
<br /> reilontian ar repair i�nat ecanaeicaUy towibk ac La�lerY seauity would be kwened.the inRUrsnoe p[a�seA�o6d1 bo
<br /> �ppljed to the surt� �ocurod by thi�5ecurity lnmun�au,wl�ethex or nat dren due,with�ny exaw paid to B«rower. U
<br /> Barnow�ar ab�ndort� the Aope�ty.ar doa not�rttwer wlthin 30 days�aotia fran l.ender thu the inwtanoe c�hu
<br /> oftered to settb�cl�im�then I.ender may collect tbe inwrance prooeed� l,ender may u:e the prooeeds to nep�ir ar re�to�a
<br /> the piq�erty at w pay wms�ecwed by tl�ia Secutity In+�+�rne�K.wLe1i�or aot d�ea due. 1be 34dsy period wiU basi�n wbm
<br />� the notia ls�iven.
<br />' Unkss l.endcr and Bamwa aher�wLe s�ee In writin6,anY+�pPlicu�an of procaed:to prir�cipl s1aU�wt exomd a
<br />' poctpono the dwe date of dse monlhlY p►ymeota refemed w!n pu�graNl�s 1 and 2 or chaage the amount of'tho pa�yment�. If
<br /> ��P�B�+P�21 the P�opeity i�a�quit�ed by Lu�dar�Bomowerl�dght to any irtsunnce poGcies md pnoeeds rewltin�
<br />� fram damsge to the Aroperty pia w the�oquisitbn�I!p�as w I.endar to the e:twt of the wms secui+ed by tbi�5acunSty
<br />' Inmumu�t immediAteiy ptior to theacqw�aitla�.
<br /> i. Occnpiec� Preurr�Na�. MaUte�nce aod Protectiat at tbe Prapertyi Borrowerti Lon AppKcNjoa:
<br /> [,cssef�olde. Bomower Rhall oc�cupy.establish,iu�d uoe tLe Ptopexty as Bomowarh principd�sideace wlthin:isty d�y�aflar
<br /> j the exxution of thia Security Instwnent and shall continue to occupy tf�e E'rope�ty es Barower'�princip�l raidenoe for at
<br />! kast an� ye�r after the date of occupnncy. unless Lendu othe�wise �s in wrlting. which cansent slWl not 6e
<br /> unneua�ably withbeld,or unless eateauating circwnstxnces e�st which ara beyond Bortower�a cantrol. Bortowu shdl not
<br /> dtstroy�damago or imp�ir the Hnperty.allow the Property to deteriorau.or commit waste on the P�+ope�ty. BorrowCr sholl
<br /> 6e in default if any fafeitura action a�xqceeding.whdher civil ar crimiru►l,is begun that in Lenderl�good fiiith jud�ment
<br />- ' could rcsult in forfeipue of thc Propecty or otlunvise maurially imp�►ir the lien cneated by this Socunty Instrumcat or
<br /> Lender�stcurity intercs� Boetovier may cune such a defiult u�d reinstate,�c provided in pua�l6,by caus�ng the�etton
<br /> a p�ncooding W be dismissed wlth e mUng thu,in L,rnder�s good fdth dotermin�icx�.preclu forfeitum of the&xrowerY
<br /> interest in the Prupecty or otl�er maud�l impaimunt of the lien creatrd by this Security Ia�nt or Lenderti sec�rity
<br /> intercu. Bomower shall also be in default if Borrower. d�ring the 1Win applioadon process, gave mate�idly false a
<br /> Laccurate infornsation or statements to Lender(or f�kd to provide l.�nder with any materi�l infamat�on)in connection wlth •
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note. inclucting. twt not Itmited to. representations conceming Bomowerk occupancy of the
<br /> fi'u�RY�n pr3s�cipa!resid.,-s:ct. rf ihis�sxarir;Insssumas!is an s learshold,Bflssnwer sltall comply wi�l�al!t►�rmvi�iona
<br /> of thc lease. If Borrowe�«:y.,`�res, fee tide to the Ptopetry,the leasehold and the fee tidc slwll not mer�e wless L.ender syrees
<br /> w t1x merger in writi:,g.
<br /> 7. Protection ot Lender's Rights in the Property. If Bonower fails to pecform che covenants and agroemente
<br /> contained in this Security Inshument. or there is a legal proceeding that may significently affect I.eader�s rights in th�
<br /> Property(suoh�.s u proceoding in bankruptcy,probata,for condemnation or forfeiturc or to enforce faws or regulndons),then
<br /> Lrnder may do and pay for whatcver is necessary to protect thc value of the Property and Lender's rights in tho Propaty.
<br /> Lender�actions muy include paying any sums secu�ed by a lien which has priarity over this Security Instrume�t,appearing
<br /> in court,paying rcasonable attomeys'fees and cntering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lendcr may take action
<br /> under this pa�graph 7,Lender does not huve to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disburscd by Lcnder under this paragraph 7 shull became addttional debt of Botrower securcd by this
<br /> Securiry In�tcument. Unless Barrower and Lender ugrce to other terms of payment,these amountc shall bear intenst from the
<br /> date of disbu►sement at thc Nae rate and shall bc puyable,with inter�est,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requasting
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> 8. Mortgoge Insurance. (f Lender reyuired mortgage insurnnce as u condition of making the loan securcd by this
<br /> Security Instrument, Borrower tihall pay the pmmiums requircd ta maintain the mortgoge insurance in effect. If, for any
<br /> rcason, the mongage insurance coverage requircd by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay tlx�
<br /> premiums rcquired to obtain coverage suhstantially equivalent to the mortgage insur;uice prcviously fn effect,at a cost
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in effect,from un altemate moctgage
<br /> insumr approved by Ix.nder. If subuantially equivalent mortgagc insurance coverage is not availablc,Borcower shall pay to
<br /> Lendcr each month a sum cqual ta one-twclfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bein�paid by Borrower whcn the
<br /> inxurance crnerage lapsed or ceased to 6e in effect. Lender will Accept,use:u�d retain there payments as a loss reserve in licu
<br /> oF mongage in,ur.ince. Loss rescrve payments may no longer be requircd,at thc option of Lcndcr,if mortgage insurance
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for thc�peria.l that Lender requircs)provided by:u�in�urer approvcd by Lender asain becomes
<br /> nvailublc und ix oMaii�ed.Borrower shall pay the prcmium�requimd to maintain mortgrge insur,u►ce in cffect,or to provide a
<br /> loxti re.ervr,until the rcquircment for mortgage in+uruue ends in accordanee with aoy written agrcement between Borrower
<br /> wid Lcnder or applicable law. -
<br /> 9. inspection. Lender or its agent may make reawnable entrie�upon and inspcctiom of the I'roperty. Lender shall
<br /> give Borniwer nuticr at li�r tiai�uC ur prior tv;►n inspecticx�+pecifying reasonable rau�e for the impection.
<br /> , 10. CondemnpNon. The procreds of:►ny award or rlairr.f�r damages,dimct or conseyuential,in connection with:u�y
<br /> Si�tk Famity--Faa�k N�e/FYtddk Mac[�KIFURIII INtiTRI�MEKT•-Cndcxm Cu�rnants 91�Y r�r,��?�jn pag�tl —
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