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<br /> ._----- . . .. .. . .. . .. , �� .
<br /> .
<br /> aM d �e pw��t b�af���
<br /> ----
<br /> .�lio.a�.1i1�m�r �r wr nio�a�anaK)a.lon. �'�P'�' .�o.e�.�r IY�t eon�owr: c�
<br /> �c�ri�r it►�tlnmeMi ot l01�ay 0[a�ap��wn dwwv'ta,i t� '.�ee�ry - -
<br /> - Nqn I.e�dtx,�II•rumr whkh diaa would be due u�d�r eNt S�awit�In�ntiat �nd d�e Nalt ar if no�oode�Mlon la�d
<br /> a:cared;(b)��nY dot�ult of any a�ber oavaarwa cr yeeenw�;(a)�Y�W axP���eunad ia aitorrin�t6ir S�cutity
<br /> a.awnent,it►o�txtto�,tK►t noc limitea ro,ra.�bte iparmy+�r.on:�na ca) Wue.�ucn .csjo+�µ cpda m.r r�non�blr
<br /> nquire a�ura th�t d�e tbn ot d�4 Sa�rity Irt�.!�1i ri�ba in die Aopaty r�d Barow��obUpeioR to p►r the _
<br /> � �ocutod�by thi� Security Imauma�t �h�ll oondnue u�ed. �Pon � b�' Bonow�er, dsis 3ecvrkY
<br /> I�wwr�tW��a►d�ho oblt�tio��ecurod I�bY�ll ran�fri fa11y effective a4 it ao acceteradon h�d accuired. HoMever.d+1s
<br /> ri�fit to rdtt�uqo�lu�ll not,�pp1y i,►tl,e can oi acr,etv�tion�ad�prynph l7.
<br /> 1!. 8A{a ot Nole ClM�p�f IwM Srv4w. The No�e ar a p�ttLl lnterat in the Note(to�e�er wfth thi:Se�utity
<br /> Insdwt�aUl,mnY be�o�d a►e a more times without pclor��due w�dar tbe Nae�nd thii Security ain�t�ll�a�e datyo
<br /> (knorvn�s tt►a'I�n Sexvloer")dut collecti monthl7 MY�^U
<br /> m�y be ax►�x maoe ciu�nges of the i.an 5wica unrcWed to s We of dre Note. l�abovefand��icabk w. 'Ibe ndlce
<br /> Bamwer wjll�be lt��writte�notice of th�chu�e in aosad��oo wlth p�ph ments ctwnW�ba made. 'IUe notloe will
<br /> will M�ta tila n�ma�nd�ddresa of t1K new Lo�n 5eivica�nd the ddra�to whkh WY
<br /> �bo 000tt�n�t►y nther infamuloe requiled by applie�ble law.
<br /> 20. HN�arclou�Sub�ta�ces. B«rowcr atudl na c�use a pe�rnit the pnesenoc.uze,diapoal.ataa8e.or retease of u►y
<br /> HuuKbus 4ubata►oes on a in the Property. Barowu ah�ll not do.na�llow�nyone else to do.anything�ffectin�the
<br /> Pno�atty tt►�t ic in Wol�tion of�ny Fu►vironmental l.aw. '17n procalinQ twa smtences�1l ��y� the p�.u��
<br /> uoatge ao tha Progerty of saall qwntitles of Haz�rdou�Subst�nas th�t ue�enerally roco�n �PProP�� _
<br /> nsidenti�l!uens and to mainten�nce of the Property.
<br /> Baatnx�t shnU promPtlY�jva I.endra�written notice af any invatigation.claim,demand�lawsuit or otMa'action by�ny
<br /> govantncnt�l or rcgulRtory agency or prlvate parcy involving tt�e Property�nd any Ha»douc Subst�nce or Environmcntal
<br /> Law af which Bwmwer has accu�l knowledge. If Borrawer Iwns. a is notified by aay govemmenW or ngulswry
<br /> suthority,ttuu�ny nmov�t or od�u t+emediadon af any Hu.�rdous Subst�noe affectin8 the FroQaiY ls n�o��Y.B°R'°wer
<br /> - chall promptly ttke all neassiry remediat actions in acca�du►ce with Fnvimnmental Law.
<br /> As us+od in this pRragraph 20."Hazu+dous Subttanoes"�r+e tlwse wbat�nces d�fu�od u toxi�w'haz�rdous subsanas by
<br /> Environmont�l I.�w�nd the following substances: gssoline.kerosene. ottier flammiWe or toxic petrol�um products.toxic
<br /> pesticides�nd herbicides.volatile solvente,m�tedals conuining aabatos or formaldehyde.and radio�ctive mate'rials.��
<br /> used in thic p�ur��ph 20."Environmental Law"mew�.c fedaal laws and laws uf the jurisdiction where the Pmpaty.
<br /> - tt�t nl�ta to hcalth.safety or environmcntal procxtion.
<br /> NON�UMFORM COVENANTS. Bartuwer and Lender furthacovenant and agc+ee as follows:
<br /> 21. Accder�tlon; Remediea. L,ender slwll�ive notla to Borrower prlor to acceleratlon tdwwiag Bon'ower's
<br /> brwch of Any covep�nt or a�reement in Wts Security I�strument(but not prior to accekntiioa uader pnrsW'aph 17
<br /> - - ` - � "-` ° uniese�ppiica�Lia ii�w�avi:a atl��es�ttu). 'lT:c mctlte sha!!spssit�: (s?th.�1.tsult;(b)tbe actlou required to cure tbe
<br /> defiult;(c1 a datc�aot kcs t6an 30 dayR h�om the date the notke is g[ven to Borrower,by which tl�e detaalt must be �
<br /> -- the wn�s secured by this Secu ity I��define t s�nd sale ot the�Propen�y. 7�'hei�wtke shaY fYirti�rer iaf Borerower of
<br /> — the ri�t tq retnstale after s�cceleration and the right to bring a court action to pssert tl�e non-existence ot a defstult or
<br /> any uiper de�ense of Barower to accelerAtion aad sA{a It the defwult is not cured oa a�before tfie dA4e specitied in
<br /> - - the notiee,l.eader at its option may require immediate p�yment in tull at all suras secured 6y ihis Secu�ity Instrument _
<br /> wilhout I�rther demand And may inv�ke the power oF s�k and any other remedies pe�a�itted by applkable law
<br />, ���, I.ender shp1U be entlQed to collect �II expenses incurred in pursuins the remedies provided In this pArAgrAph 21,
<br /> �.�' induding,but not limiled to.reaisonAble pttorneys'fces and cacts oi titk evidence. -
<br /> • If tho pow•er af ssde is invoked.'Irustee shp0 record a natice ot default in ench county in which any part of the
<br /> —�i�,,.�, Property it locnted and shs�ll rtwil copl�►of such notice in the manner prescrl6ed by Appticable I�w to Borrawer and to
<br /> � ,�.�� the other peraons presc�ibed by Applicsible law. Atter the time required by xpplicable law,71�ustee shall give publk
<br /> . � notice of sale tn the persons and in the mAnner prescribed by Applicabte law 7lrustee.witho�+t demAnd on Borruwer.
<br /> , shall sell the Property at public aucNon to ihe hlRhest 6ldder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> tMe notioo of snle in one or more pArccls and in any order Trustee determines. 7Yustee ma�•�ostpone sak ot all or ony
<br /> psrcel of tho Property 6y public�nnou�icement nt the tlme and ptace ot aay previously scheduled sak. l,ende�or its
<br /> detiEnec mAy purchase the Property At any s�le. -
<br /> ; •:•�;L�S �fy,. Upon receipt of payment oP tho prlce bid.'Ii�ustee shs�lt deliver to ihe purchaser 71�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ,. t �;; propert�. The recitAls In the 1Yustee's deed shatt be prtma facie evidence of the truth ot tfie siatements made therein.
<br /> :•.,f��:%��•� 'llrustce sbAli Apply the procceds of thQ w�le in ihe folluwing ordcr: (s�l to all costs�nd expeases otexercWng the power
<br /> .kl�t,
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