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<br /> _ - _ rnc36rt�ek wm�v�d�e improvaaa.a� nuw�a Iw�e.n«e�c�ea o�a�e propMy
<br /> �m1 Axpuw aow ot MrMller a pR of a�e prop�aty. �lii repi�oemoni•wKi�S3iti�w�ti al.:.�aa:��;i�.w..'"sssft;
<br /> I�wwnaM. All d IM ta�e�oin�i��ofarod b iw d�Seauity Inwun�t n the"PtnQe�ty."
<br /> 80RR011V[iR Ct�VBNAM'S th�t Aotrow�er is Lwtblly sei�ed of the aute haoby oonveyed And hu the risht ta srant
<br /> +wd oonvey tlio Pnopaty�nd that the Property is w�atcum6ered.exapt for a�cumtxsnce�ot roroM. Bamciwer w�nt�and
<br /> will dd�nd peerally�he dtN w the Propaty+pinrt all cWms�nd darwids.wbjec�to any aicum�aaoa d rawM.
<br /> Tl114 SFCURI'IY lNSTRUMBNT oomWnec witarta oovau�nts for nRtiaal ux and non-uaifam oovanmts with
<br /> Waitt+�d r�1�bY�u�dict�n to caut�due�w�ifatm�ecuri�y insuumeat covain�tr,�!propeity.
<br /> UKIPQRDA.COVENAM'S. Bomowa�1 l.enda cova�ant�nd ag�ee�foUow:: whrn due the
<br /> t. Ti�ry�It or i'rMdpN�d t�tenst;Pr+epqr�e�c�ad I.�te clu��`Eiorroc e�i��r the Nate.
<br /> P�+P�of.ancl itltatcu on the debt evlda�cad by Ua N�,t�o�nd�nY P�'�MY�
<br /> Z. FhndM�a�71tx�at snd l�wra�ee. SubJect to�pplicable l�w or to a writte�w�iver by l.e�xkr.Bormwu�11 p�y to
<br /> Lende�on t1Ns dtry mcnithly ptymenw ue due ut�der the NotG.untU tt�Nota is paid in full,a sum("A�nc1s")for:(a)yearly
<br /> uueaY�nd tseessme�nts�KShich may attain priority aver thja SecwitY Instrwneet as a licn on the Prope�ty:(b)YwiY les:ehold
<br /> ptymantf or ground•raata an the Propaty. if any:(c) Y�Y ��°r {x'OP��'�Y insurance p�mlumc: (d) YeulY flaod
<br /> in�ur�nae ptxmiumt�xf any: �e)Y�Y ��'�Sa�e inaurance premlums.if my: and(� anY sums p�y�ble by Borrower to
<br /> Lpxkr,In�000�dtwtipa with the p[ovlsions of p�graph 8,in lieu of the payment of morigage lnsannce premiums. These
<br /> itams arc c�ilad"E�aaw Items." I.e�der mwy.u�ny dme,collxt�nd hold E�nds in An unount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> amaunt a lanckt for s.fodaally �elAted mortgagc lwu�.mAy require fa Borrowcrl�escrow�ocount w�der the fedual Itul
<br /> F.�tata 9cnlememt•PtAaadut+es Act of t974 is�mended from tjmo to time,l2 U.S.C.$2601 et seq,("RESPA").unless upthet
<br /> I�w thM rpplies ta thp 1'imds secs a lesser amounG lf w,Le�xter may.at any time,colloct u�d hold Fundr in an amount not to
<br /> � � exceod the lasser simpunt. Lender mAy esamue the amount of Cvnds due a� ttie bRSis of current data artd reasonable
<br /> euitnAtes of expu�dittrc�s of Future Escrow Items or otherwise in accoNance wfth epplic�ble law.
<br /> Tbe,FuncSs sh�ll�be held in an instiwtion whose depc�sits an insu�ed by a fedenl agency. inswment�lity,a entlty
<br /> - (includinII Lender.if Lxnder Is such an inuitution)or in any Federal Home Loan E3ank. Lcndor shatl apply t!�E�nds to pay
<br /> � tix, Escrqw Itams. Lender may not charge Bortowu for holding and applying th� E�nds.umual�Y ana�Yzing the�scrow
<br /> accoun� or varifyin�the �scrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower intcres►on the f�nds and applicable !aw pertnits
<br /> Lendar w mxka suah A ch�uge. However,Lender may require�wer to pay a one-time chwge for an independent ceal
<br /> estata tax rcporting service used by Lender in connection with th�s loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br />_ agroemant is mAde�or applicable law requires intercst ro be paid:Lender shall not be rcquired to pay Bornower any intercst or
<br /> epmings on dto Funds. Docrower and Lender may agree in wndng,however,that interest shall 6e paid on the Funds. Lender
<br />'- shAll give ta Botmwer.without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits a�d debits to the I�nds and the
<br /> putpoae for wMah each debit to the Funds w�.s made. The Funds are pledged as additionAl securiry for all sums securcd by
<br /> � , rr.�:Security InstrumcnG
<br />= If tha Fundc hBld by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be heid by appticable Iaw, L.eader shaii account to
<br />:,M •.� � , xer far thii excess F1mds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> _ Lendcr at any tima ls not sufficient to pay the Bscrow Ytems when duc,l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and.in
<br />•�:a�, such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary ta make up the deficiency. BoROwer shaN make up thc
<br />-' deftciency in no morc than twelve monthly payments,at I.ender�s sole discretion.
<br /> - Upon pwyment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,Lcnder shull promptly refund to Bocrower any
<br /> � ���"''�`;" Funds held by Ixnder. If,under puragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender.pdor to the acqu[sition or
<br /> _,,,�_,,� � sala of thc Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crcdit against tha sums
<br /> � 4�,=� �: secnrcd by this Security Instrument.
<br />- 3. Applicatlon of Payments. Unless applicable law pravides atherwise, all payments received by Lender under _
<br /> - �'` � ' parn�rnphc I and 2 shap be applied:Crst,to any prepayment chnrges due under tl�e Note;second.to amounts payable under
<br /> ».,'.�
<br /> •^•• °^• K� {H►rngrnpb 2;third,ro interest due;fourth,to pri ncipal due;and iast,to Any late charges dne under the Note. -
<br /> - � ';",v,�t�:`��'� : 4. Chur�es; Liens. Borrower shall pay all ta�ces,assessmenu, chazges, fines and impositions attributable to the
<br /> �••'�f���'�''•"• ` Pruperty which muy attain priority over this Security InstNment.and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> � ;,,';;'`;' ''` '- shall pRy thnce obligations in the manner provided in puragraph?,or if not paid in that manner,Horrower shall puy them on
<br /> iS�:�',:
<br /> '�• " � tima dir�ectly to lhe person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all noticet af amonnts to be paid under
<br /> , , this part�grnph. If Rocrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shaU promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing _
<br /> ���~ tho paymo�nts.
<br /> ' "'' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bortower:(a)agrces -
<br /> a ' - -
<br /> �:�"" In wridng to the payment of the obligation sccumd by the lien in a manner acceptuble to Lender,lb)contests in gcwd faith the _
<br />,-;;n ' lien by. ar defends against enforcement of the lien in,legul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion aperate to prevent the
<br /> • • -�. enforcement of the licn;or(c)secures from thc holder of the lien an agreement sutixfactory to Ixnder subordinating the lien
<br /> � to this 5ecurity Inswment. If Lender determines thnt 3ny purt of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain pdority
<br />--- ��,. , over thf s Socurity Instrument,Lender muy sivc Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> _ �.�,' . ana or mara of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the givinF of notice. _
<br />',�, •�';�'�•��° . 5. Hurard ar P�operty InsurAnce. Burrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> �,: Propedy insutied against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended cover:�ge"and any other hazards,includi�g
<br /> ' floode or flooding,for which L.ender require� insurance. This ins��rance shnll be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> rr;:i:.._ . ... .
<br /> Form 3028 9/90 I�x+ge:nferx,Res�
<br /> �!' -
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