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<br /> . �a+r,wv rmq► aw suoh . a�wrt rw �M+�tMs.a pr�orMl.e In p�r�h t�, b aMNIM tN� aotlon a �oeNlry w,e�
<br /> ��w��nily MM.In LwMiw'�4e0d 1nM�dMM�AM�Iia��p�dudM UAIW�d 11M MnwIM't�oWrM M M��111 M
<br /> . a1hM�Mid M�pM�M d IM Mn aN1M by� Mowlq M�MunNM a L�nd�ts MaWNy k�nst M+nwMw Mw Mu M h
<br /> d�A+R M�ertewo�duAnO�b�n�m Ix��.P��rl►IY�M M�wwl�MM�ee a��Ma M L�/M W
<br /> --- - - - � MMA:Iq:p1pIMM tA�1iw wNi� �n�► �Mii i�ae�w�j ii �w.-�w:;;� .�:r ii�iare wiii.u.i ir�f w.:iri� w:r+i�, biw w«
<br /> �WMd �10. �q�wMMla�s aono��i le�w�'� eoa+Pral► ol IM Nopuq M � �wpi n�id�a. M yiN varN►
<br /> hM��nt f� m� Iw�hoid� Owteww N� eo�iplp wNh d tM P���d IM 1�. q �onoww�iM�w M�IIIN t�IM
<br /> F�ep�rb�1M Iw�hold�nd IM 1�MIM�lwl not nwy�t�s LwKiw�rr�101M n��r b w�Minp.
<br /> 7,Ihvoaala+ of L+.ndK'. Iliphls M��M'roweey.N�a,aw�r w te p�rlon�a�.ooywwM.o�w.a��
<br /> aonMl�Md M thk Mariy in��M. a Mwr M �1�1 Proo�q 1hM �Y N��IMorNry�al L�nd1�tl�hl�1� tb �ro�l�►
<br /> � (wct��ra a pocadhp in bankcuP�Y� D►ob�t�,tor�ondar�na�on ot tal�tun or to�nlaroe I�ws a repuh4tw►e).N►�n lw+drr�+�y
<br /> do.�nd pry lot wh�a N n�owwy to ptol�al 1M wAN ot 1M Aopiy and tsnd��dphb In M��l4apwy. l�ndr'��N
<br /> �N �+ok� P�Y�O �Y swro s�ow�d by • Mn whbh ha ploiNy arr 1hN D�ouiMY In�Mnun�^t,�PP��O b oar1.P�l�
<br /> n�anM�M�tlonwys'1�and MMMinO an th� Pr+q�rqr b nMkt np�r�•AMUo�qh��ncilr w0l 1��o�on tneNr tlrt pr��
<br /> 7.L�ncllt do�not hw�b do w.
<br /> /ln�n,r�ou�ib d�bun�d by LrwNr tx�ir pr�pr�ph 7 a1w1 b�oon�addYoiwl d�bl W 8arowr s�ar�d bY 1hk �exMM
<br /> hMnrnwM.,tJni� 8onnw��nd Lw�dR�M b otl�twm� d p�y�rM, tl�amot�nb �h�M bMr kA�rwt f+a.:�tlN dq�d
<br /> �NiT*MIIM1��At thi NOt�At�i�ld�ANY b�Pi��Wkh M�t,WlOtl 1Wtlq*ptl l.Ntdrl t0 BOtfOWlf fp11M1�10 PAYm�•
<br /> 6.�MAM� InN1rAnC+s. M tmd� r��fr�d matpp� in�unno�a� • oondYon of m�kMq th�lo�n ��ar�d bY thM
<br /> S�a+�rNfi.MamnrMnt,Bonr�w�►sh�l P�Y�P�� ►puind to mdrM�n th�rt�o�lpnq�b��a In Mf�ol.M,lor�ny n�wn,th�
<br /> mvrtCl�Y�h�a oowr�Q�n4�rid bY l�nclw I�pea�or e�atM to b�b�6 BaRO�w►thaM prry d�prnniun�nq��lr+d b
<br /> o6�i.ow�+ubst�nlMN«�ulv�i�nt ta th. macp�q.in«N.na p►.�IouMy In Mfra. a a ooa «�b�n1W�►qulv�nt co M�.
<br /> owt to 8arowr► M th� mortp�pe haimma pMowy in NNo1, irom an 8t«n�te n�at� b*unr �PP��� bY��'. �
<br /> �Y���0�0�Inwnaics oovNp�Y not�vaYWR Bonowr shr p�y to Lw�da Moh maMh�wm�quM�o
<br /> . on�trvdllh of th�Ywb��fN����P�� �P�b1► Bort�ww v�n tM Inwr,�na oovu+�p�MPt�d a ars�d ta
<br /> - -- — a.�.n�a. i.«�a.r�.o�, w..�a�w...p.y�w,�....ioe.�w. r�� a mw+o.o.��.. �o..�..aw
<br /> _ — aMr+«�a may no wn0.►b�nq�,lr.d. M th.optlon a l.nd.r.If masp.ps in�ur.nao cov«.O.Qn th•.nw��nt and tor u�.p.toa
<br /> tlMt lancNr r+4uM'�s) Provki�d b1►�n inw� +�rnv�d by LM+dr aqYn b�ca►Ma avibi��nd f�obWrMC1. BoROw�► sIW p�y
<br /> '- th�pnrWurns raqdnd to m�Mitak�mcwtp�ys Insw��b �Mac.t,or to provkM a bsa r�v�, untG the nqulr�nt for n�ottp� --
<br /> ;;�•• YMUr+rio��r�da h�cootd�nrA wkh�11y wRMten apr�rtlMq bMwMn BorrowK and L�ndK or upplo�bN Mw.
<br /> S. 111sp�Cl1011.lendw or ks�ant may m�k�nasombM�nU{�a upon ind Intp�dbns of th�Rn�Ay. L�nda shNl�hr�
<br /> °-- Bosawer notio�at Ih�tMnt of a pla to�n Inap�iian tprdfyb�naaawbb cwso tor th�hsp�ctlon.
<br /> ; 10. CondNnnatlon.Th�proa� ot�ny�Hwd a d�im for d�rt�t. db+�d or oona�qu�nU�i,in oornecfion wkh�ny
<br /> �Uor► a oth�r Wdnp ot any�rt ot tM P►opMty. or for conv�yria N Yu of eandNn�tlon� an Iwrb1►�s�ipn�d+nd
<br /> �_:� shM b�p�d to Und�►.
<br /> In th� w�nt ot a tohi hkiny ot th• Propwty, ths prow�ds �h�l1 b� appY�d to the aum� s�cw�d by thls S�auRy
<br /> In�6um�nt,whath�r a not th�n dw,wkh any�xcaas pMd to BortowK. in th�rr�nt ot�p�AMI takinp ot th�Prop«y b which
<br /> '°�:� tM 1dr muk�t vaM�M th�Prop�ty imm�dwtaly bdon th�taking b�quat to or prwtw tiw�dt� anw�x►t d ths sun►s��cund
<br /> • . ._�`�. by.tNs g�axity Instument inrn�dktMy bMore ths lakiq� unNss Bortow�r �nd L�nd�r othenWq aprM In wrtilnp. th� w�ris
<br />- tYt�n�.3�,.i-..�•.:.r:r:
<br /> ;r :, . , • 1: s�a�red by this S�cutily InsUumr►t ah�l bs nduc�d by ths artwt�nt of th�proc«da nM+itlplfad by th�foMowln�hadbn: (�)th�
<br /> ,`~,`�,r•��`:.,'� tcw amount ot th�sums s�u�d 1mm�dG�tNy be(on the taWnp,dNid�d by(6)ths bik mwk�t wkk of th�Ptop�ty Mrrn�dl�tely
<br /> ..M:.•.r,...,:-.,..,�.
<br /> '' • ' � ��:, b1kr�ihs tvctny.My bwna shaN b�p�W to Bortower. In the�v�nt of a p�AW t�khp of the Roperty in whkh the G�k mwlart
<br /> � :y±?f�``�=:;:�`.:� � . vdue of th�Propwly knm�di�hty beton the Wdnp is Ias th�n th��mount ot tM sums seaurd fim��Yat�iy b�fon th�fakhp,
<br /> ��T ..;�,'���M. • uNess 8arowa �nd Lender othwwla� ayrN In w►flhp or unpss �pMc�bl� Mw otherwise provW�s, the prooNds �hal bs
<br /> -� °"�•�.��. �� � �ppYad to ths sums a�cund by thii Securky Insfrum�nt whdha ar not the sums�re th�n due. „�-�_
<br /> ' �, '�'f:� ���' � .�.',� �:� N th� Propwty is abandonad 6y 8orroww.or q, �R�r notice by Under to Batroww that the condannor olfws to m�k��n
<br />_, �•, � awrvd or sMtl� ■ ddm for d�pes, 8ortow�r tails to respond to Under wkhh 30 daya +�fler ih� d�ta !h�notia it yt��n.
<br />__ �'i`:-.' lw�d�►is wthatr�d ro coMat and apply the proeMds, at ks optlon, Nther to nstoratlon or npafr of th�P►opaty or W lh� ��-,,
<br />-�'! . • sums s�cund by this Ssoudly InsWm�nt,whether a not then dus. `� �"
<br /> - ..�a :`e.,.•. � , UnMss L�nd�r and Bortower othe�wise a�ree h w�itiny, anY appYution of procaads to prkicipal ehall not axt�d w 'Y-
<br /> �" � postpon�ths dus dat�ot the monthy p�yma�ts referred to in Winpr�phs 1 md 2 or chanps the amwnt ot such p�ynwnts. ---
<br /> � " 11. Bwrow�r Not RN�as�d; Forb�ar�enc� By L�nd�r Not a Waiv�r.Extension of th�tknt(a puyment w r r_,_
<br />:� " � rrndiAqitlon of�mortizaUon ot the sums seaxed by thb Seauity Inatrum�nt gnnted by Lander to any succeswr in int�rest of
<br /> • • 8orrawu shall not ops�te to rowsse ths Y�bi1Ny ot the oripin�t Bortower a Bor►ow�►'s wccessas h htrest. L�ndK shall not �`"
<br /> ;.,�... .
<br /> f s .��^�• • ' � b� raquked to cann�ence procNdhyt �pdnat any wceesaor In interast a reius� to extend tkn� for paym�nt a utherwl��
<br /> " modity amortix�tion o4 the aums eaund by thb Sscwity insWmant by re�son of any dKnand tn�de by th�orlyhai Borrow�r or ��,
<br /> Bortowa's succeason in hte►est. My iorbau�nu by L�ndK in �xrdsinp �ny �lyht or r�nrdy shaN not b� a walv�r of or
<br /> • pnciude the uc�dse of�ny dght a remedy. -;��
<br /> �,�,. . . , 12. Succ�sson aed /lssiyns Bound; Joint and Sov�rai Llability; Caslynoa. rne covsnAnts and �'�`
<br /> , �pr�nmts ot this 3xwdly Instrumant shW bind and b�r►aht th�succeesors and�siigns ot Lander and BortowK,subj�ct to th� ''
<br /> provistons ot pvayraph 17. Bortowar's covenmta and��rMrnenta ahaN be Joint�nd esvxal. My Borrower who eo-slpns this -•
<br /> �x ± S�cutity Instrum�nt but do�s not execuh ihe Note: (�)is co•atyniny thia Security Inswm�nt only to mortpaqe, prant�nd convey
<br /> ! ' .; ��M th�t Bortow�r's int�reat in the PropMy under the tertne of thls Security Inawmx►t; (b) is not pwsonaMy oblip�ted ta pay th� •
<br />. sums s�curad by thia Sscurity �natrument: and(c)aprees that Lender and any other Bonower may agrN to extend,modity,
<br /> torb�u or mak��ny �ccommodations wfth royard to iha tertns oi this 3ecurity Inat�um�nt w the Note wfthout th�t Borrower's
<br /> ::�" consant.
<br /> •�• 13. LOilt Charqlls. It the Iwn secwed by this Secwrity Instrum�nt Is subject to • �aw which s�ts m�xk�wm Ioan
<br /> f• ,r� ehar�ea, �nd th�t law is fimAy interpreted ao that the intertst or other Iwn char9ee collected�r to be coMected k�eonneetion
<br />•=f , vdth the ban �xceed the pertnitted limlls,th�n: (�) any such loan charg�shall be reduced by the�mount necessary to reduce
<br /> ,�• the chuye to the pem�itted Mmi1; and (b) any sum�atrs�dy coAected hom Borrower whlch exceeded pertnitted Ymtta wIN be .
<br /> � rdunded to Barower. lendK may choose to mak� thld relund by redudny the prkidpai owed unckr the Not� or by making a
<br />� ' "� dkoct paymwit to Borrower. it a relund reducee prNdpai, th� nducUon wW be trwted as a parUal prepayment wfthout any
<br /> �
<br /> ' pnpaym�nt charpe undK the Note.
<br /> � � 14. NOtIC�s.My notke to Bortower provided Icr In this 3ecurily InsWmenR ahaA 6e yhren by d�Nvaing it or by maNhq ft
<br /> by Nnt d�ss nnG unkss �ppltcaWe law rsqukes uae ot another m�thod. The�otke ahaM be directed to th�Proparty Addresa
<br /> a my other addteaa Borrower d�ai�tes hy notlaR to Lendar. My noUee to LendK shaN be gNen by lirst d�ss rreY to
<br /> �-�. ���.•• '_�_,—. landr•s addreas aLted heraki a anv othar addrtss L�ndrr desionat�a bv notice to Borrowar. Mv notice orovid�d tu in thfe
<br />�•= . ^ ^ —] 3rcurity InsUunxt�t sh�M be de�ned to have bea�phren to Bwrowx or L�nder whan qiven as provided in thb p�nynph.
<br /> ' � 15. Qov�minp l.aw; S�V���bility. Thia Security �natrument shaN b� govemed by tede�i I�w and tht law ot the
<br /> i scifctlon in which th� is tocat�d. In th� event that an
<br /> Jur( Propwty y provision or ci�use of this 3�curtly Inswment or the Note
<br /> si �, canflkis wilh appYc�bN I�w, euch conAict shaN not aflect other provisions ot thls Secwriry InaWm�nt or the Note wh�h can be
<br /> - ylv�n�Il�ct without th�conlYct4�y provlsbn.To lhia and th�provisbna of this S�auity Instrum�nt�nd th�Not� an d�d�nd to
<br /> ., b�s�vr�bl�.
<br />; 18. BOnow��'� COpy.Bonoww sh�A!�e yiven an�conlortned copy of the Note and of this S�wrily inabum�nt.
<br /> 4'. . .. �
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