.� _ �� �T - , r
<br /> . � . � ' . ...� �
<br /> -; _ _ _ �. -- - �i�. 93- j,09��9 �
<br /> . 17. T��� d!t� Peop�ly or � �11o�N b�b�rMt In �oeYUw�'. M �i"a rry p�rt 1M ProprN a'
<br /> Mry hwwt In N M�old or t�nNMr�!(a M�bwMAaW hM��t h dortowu M �aid a b�nM�rt�d and Qatow�►M nal�f�rd
<br /> . �wn)wNhoul LM�dr's p�far w�MMn aonwM�L«Mu mrY.d Ils cDMon.n4�1►+Nw�d�t�D�Y�K In lul d NI aimll ��aind by
<br /> _ - iii�owwr inw�r��.C�;a:r•r�tY«:c;s�.."s:!�rsa!�a:��+by l...���ae M em1�eN�d I�y Mdr�i�w� d Ilw _
<br /> aw a w.��y�n.+n�.
<br /> M L.ea.r.�«oU«a�i.opllon, l.«+a.► dw o!w ea�ow�►nafo.a.00Mn.tlwi. Th.nollo..n�r pnovw..pMqd a na
<br /> IMS th�n �0 d�n 1+om tM dM�Ih� naYo� M ddvu�d a er1�d vdlF.h wF�loh 9ortorwr mwt P�!► � � �tx�d by ehls
<br /> �qrNy bNn�nwA. M QarowM 1�M W P�S�1� wm� P�W d��r a thM Wrlod. L�nd�►nM1►Ywak�any,nrM�s
<br /> P�r�i�d bY tl�s�a�rNY In�q wkhoul ArUw nollo�or d�nrnd an Bonowu.
<br /> �--�=� 16. Bw�rQw�r'n R1pht ta Rotnstab. a eorrcwx m„te cara�n aoncMbon., earow.►shM hw.tM rlpnc w.nw• � -_-
<br /> _ � a ehM S�arMY Itutrwrwnt dMooMkM�d at �n!►11nN Pdor to th� MrMr o/: W 6 d�y� tor �ueh oth*'P�rk1d W
<br /> � �pplo�bM Mw m�y sPrdtY lor nin�lNn�nq bMo►i wit M qw Prop�rly Paw�nt to my powr W uM oont�InM h ihi�B�owMY
<br /> NMM�rn�n� or(b)rntry,o/a Judpn�►t�nforokp this S�ankY k�s�nt.Thos�aond�ions w tlwt soe'ai+�r:(�� D�Y�lend�r �II
<br /> NMns whieh tlNn w4uld.bt dw uncM�thM 8�a�MY Insfrinwit and th�Nol�ss M no aoo�IwrUon hild oea�nMd: (b� au�w anY
<br /> d��lt d�nyt.othlr eo+nnant or aqrwnwnb; (o) P�n a1�P��Inwrt�d in�nlordnq thts S�a+rM1►.1nRtium�nt indu�nQ Out
<br /> nat ImlDrd t0.t+e�ton�bN attom�ya't�: �r�d(d!Wus wch�clion�s L�nd�nwy msaw�blY h4�+�►M ta w��tlMt th�►lui,of
<br /> _- -----_-�-� thM g�q�Ny Instrunwn4 L�ndr's�ipiq� in th� PropM1y �nd Bortowr'a obli�fbn W p�y tik wma s�awMd 1rY tM� l9�ncMty —
<br /> instnrn�nt sh�M oo�tYtw unch�n�d• UPon ninstatrn�nt by Batowr, ihis S�arNY NuUtr�wu�t�nd tM�obligWans s�aund
<br /> — hw�by sh�N nmrh 1Wy�MciW�w R no �caMnUon h�d a�rnd. Howa�r.this dpht to nlnspt�sh�N•�ot M�y►in tlut.ns�
<br /> d aoodu�lnn und�t p�npniph 17.
<br /> �� 19. 8MY Of NONi C�� O�f Ir0�11 S�rviCK. Th� Not�or a � MrtW IntK�tt In the NOt�(tqp+thar wilh this
<br /> __.__.��� g��N�stnMrNnt)m�y b�sotd on�a mon tkrMS withaut prio►notlos to Borrow�►.A s�N may nsult h a cha�qe in th�rntity
<br /> • (Ivwwn�s th�'la�n S�viai�')th�t cowats monthly payn�wib dw ut�d�r th�Not�and thk S�aully InRtnytuN►t ihvn atso frwy
<br /> �r�•
<br /> ' �,`'.�,i,:;t,�.,.2°':' b� on� a moh ctw�pa M th� La�n S�rvk.�r unnl�ted to • �aM o( iM Nola Ii th�ra Is a chango ot thr Lo�n Servieer, �- .
<br /> , ;ikli;k�Cr:;y'j�;��1�•'i 8oliowK w11 b�piwn wdlt�n noGo� ot lh�dwny�k1 �ocord�nw wRh p��nph 14 aWv��nd ap{�Ib�bb Mw. The notic�wiM
<br /> "ti?w:. :�.. "� �.'.•.
<br /> w-,., •.� -.,•� ... st�t�tiN rwn�and�ddnss of th�nwv Lo�n 8�rvlar�nd th�add�n�s to whbh paymmri shoutd be msd�. Th�naUa�wll also
<br /> oonWn any oth�►InfamMtion n4ur�d bY iWP�b�Mw. �-•_
<br /> t�,�+,; ...�.,. .. storay�� or rM�as� OI
<br /> �,z;;:..t��,,,;�a.ti1',r',4"n'`, 20. Hasa►dcws 8uMhnc�s. 8orrow�shall not cwse or p�rmlt th�p►�na. ua� dMpotat. -
<br /> . . any Ha:udous SucsWas on w in th� P�opwty. BoROwr shaN not do,na�Mow anyon�Ns�to do. anylhlnp dt�cttny th� �.
<br /> . r,� - ; ��; �`•"�: P,a,,,ti u�.�k �,�oi.uoe a.�►y ���«,�,,.�� �.w. Tha pr�.rdinp two s�nl� shaM not �pply to tM pr��no�, ua, or �;
<br /> :, . �..:
<br /> '�• '�:. ' on th� of sm�N Ud�s ot Fiaardous Substanas that w pan�y noo0ni��d w t»approprMte to nomyi
<br /> .c;•':.. :^ :�_.�- • �e«.w �h �na .
<br /> •`- • � • � � n.tla.n6al w.s ana co m�int«w,c�or th.RopKty.
<br /> �iri�!I�:r.;..:•.:;�,:,� Baro�wer sh�N prort�tly Ohr� L�ndv wdlbn noUe� ot any hve�Up�Uon. dum, d�nd, wwtuR o► oth�r adion by �ny e14`.-
<br /> "�`.;::` ` �.�,".�>, a �t� hvolvk�p th�R and�n Ha:udous Subst�nw or Envkonrt�enW L�w ot
<br /> qovwmtanW or r+➢ur�aY��Y P� W�Y �Y Y
<br /> - .�;,;•�.,_�1,� wMeh Ba►owr has aelwl knowMdy�. N Bortow�r Iwns. ar is noUAed by any yowmmmLt or nput�tory wlhoAty.that any
<br /> • nrrwvat ar oth�r ninsdiRtla► of �ny H�tatdous substanu afl�ctir►p Propwiy ia n�y. 8r,�rawar :hyt psam�stly take a!
<br /> • n�e�tsrry nm�dW�cUons In�coordana wkh Envkaxn�ntal l.�w.
<br /> . � As uad in this p�ra�nph 20, 'liwrdous 3ubstances' us thoss subttanas ddln�d as toxic or hazardous wbstanus by
<br /> � ''� Envkonrtw�td L�w and ths foNowing subsfartas; y�soMne. kKOSene, oth�r �bk a toxie pab'oMum produds, toxb '
<br /> p�stidd�s and h�Wcldes,vokWe solvents, m�teri�is conWniny asbestos a fomridehyde,and adioadivs rt�taWa. M uasd h f�� '
<br /> .. puaqraph 20, 'Envkonrtient�l l.aw" mNns f�d�t wws�nd taws o t 1 h�J u ds d k x l a o w hen t h�P r o p a t y i a b e a t e d t h�t r�t�to __._._.
<br /> '. � � hMlth, saUty or mvkorwnanW prot�tion. -_
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow�x and Ltndr iurther eovenant�nd ayrw u toMowa: '��.
<br /> ,;, �� �I 21. Aca�bratton; R�m�dios. L.�ndor shall qlva notico to Borrowor prior to accoloration
<br /> ��.
<br /> •�' � 1 followinp Borrowor'a lx��ch of any covonant or +ign�m�nt in this S�curity► Instrumant (but eot �: °`
<br /> ;'� prior to acc�loration und�� para�raph 17 unleQS applicabl� I�w providos olttuwisa). Tho ndice 'r,
<br /> shall sp�cify: (a� the d�hult; (b� th� action r�quind to cur�the dof�ult; (c) a dat�, oot Ivss th�n }• _
<br /> ' 30 days fram tha dato tha ooticv is �iv�n to Borrowar, by whioh the dafault must b� currd; and
<br /> , �; (d) that tailur� to aur� thQ dofault on or bofor� tho dato spocifi�d in tho nptic� may r�suit In
<br /> accd�ratlon of tho aums socur�d by this Socurity Instrumant and stlo of tho Prop�rly.Th� notic� ��
<br /> • shatl lurth�� tnfo�m Borrow�r of th� �ipM to rNnst�t� dt�r aaaolerallon �nd th� rlgM to brin� a
<br /> court actioo to assort th� non-�xid�nc� of • dohuit or any other dofonso of Borrow�r to .
<br /> ' �ccote�ation snd sal�. It th� dohuft is not curad on or befor�tho dat� sp�ctfi�cl In tiw �diao,
<br /> � , � � L�ndor At its optlon may ��qufro Immadiato payment in fult of �II �ums s�curad by thi� Socurity
<br /> . : ' Instrumant without fu�th�r domand and may Invoke tho power of sato and sny oth�r r�madle4
<br /> •'� p��mitt�d by apptiaabl� law. l.�nd�r shwll bQ �ntitlod to colluct pll oxpan�as incu���d in pursuing
<br />_ � � ' th� rom�dios provid4d In th(s parayraph 21. including, but Rot limk�d to� r�ssonobie attornoyls'
<br /> f�os and costa af titlo �vidonae.
<br /> . If tho power of sal� Is invokod� Trustea shall rocord a notico of dofauit in aach county in
<br /> vvhfch �ny part of tho Propo►ty is looated and �hall maii copies of �uch �otica In tho maneor
<br />' ' � pr�acrib�d by appticablo taw to 8orrowe� and to tho othQr parsons proscribad by appliaabl� law.
<br /> Ait�r the timo raquirad by �pplicabto law, T►uatoo shalt givo publio notico of aalo to tho porson4
<br /> ',', snd in th� mannor proscribad by appitcabte law. Trugtoo, without damand on Borrowar. shall seli
<br /> ��':� ' the Property at public auctian to tha highoat bidde� at tho tima and pl�cu and undQr thQ tarms
<br /> ;`; dosignated in th� notlao of sAlo in one or moro parcels and in any ordor Truatoo dotermines.
<br /> '� Tru�t�e may poatpone alv of alt or any parc�l of the Proporty by publia announcom�nt at tho
<br /> �. ! .. tima and placo of �ny p�ovlou�ly scheduted salo. L.ondor or its dosigno� msy purch�w tho
<br /> Proporty�t any salo.
<br /> :� Upon r�colpt M paymont of tho prlao bid, Truatea shall doliv�r to tho purchasor Truate�':
<br /> f- 1 ..�_ ___u_�� t.. ��� T......�...J� .t..�.i �I.�It i�a .�rin�� hnL �vlastu�s �
<br /> _,. --_. f—__, _ i Oo�o cvnv�yiny ino�rop�riy. .nv ttVttM�i .�. .... ..,.�.�
<br /> ..� �...-•- --�-- --•---•-- --
<br /> ' � tho truth of tho dst�m�M� msdo thvrvin. Trustoo shati apply tho�proco�ds of tho salo in tho
<br /> � toltowl�p ordvr: (s) to sll coats snd �xpons�s of �x�rcisin� tho pow�r of sal�� snd tho salo,
<br /> „ , inciudinp tht� paym�nt of tha Trusta�'s fo�s actudiy incurr�d. nat to vxco�d thr�►a
<br /> % of tha p�inclpal amount of tha
<br />; :. ! not� �t tho tim� of tha daclaration of dafauit, �nd roasonabl� attornay's fovs �s pormfttod by law;
<br /> �• (b)to sll �eums a�curod by this Socu�ity Instrumo�t; a�d (c) �ny oxcoss to tho paaon or penton�
<br /> i. ' ;
<br /> �. � I�pally�Mitt�d to it. /J
<br /> ' F1316.LM6 N3 Paqe�c}5 l,v_ ---,�����
<br /> (� 1
<br /> . ' �
<br /> k
<br /> i
<br /> 9St6�
<br /> . � _ _
<br />