T _._. �r,�r y � ..... • --
<br /> ,,,:� — — _ ._
<br /> �:�_� . �
<br /> �__ -_- � �3- io�4�e
<br /> — . TOOE7HER W11'H �II th�NnprovMnmts now or h�ndl�► �nd�ddNions sh�ilso� b�oov�Uaiis� �owNN Inannw►t.
<br /> alw.. now or n.r..11.r.{wc a uu arop«+y.rIN►.a�U
<br /> AM d th�kx�paY�p M rM�nd to Yi thw awwqY In�tnx�+t w th� •Proprty.•
<br /> � QOl1lt0'IMEI1 COVlNAHTS tlrt sanoww k hwA+N ��d th� wwt� Iw�by oawM� � hu th��Ipht to �nnt rnd
<br /> -- — - -- �ry q� ka�pwlY �nd thM 1M �op�td K uiNnawNb�d. �wPf iw w�aw�rw:: w r:�r�l. 8a:fa�::�:�:�� �ed t:+! —
<br /> d�Nnd pMw�My!M 91w 10 th�Prap�Ay+0��1 dl oMN'�M�d d�nd�.wbj�ot to�ny ma�ribnnas W naxd.
<br /> THI� aECURm �N�rnuMEl�rr oombN+.. udfae+ oora+ma +o► n�lo�w u.. .nd nonrx�No�m oor«wM. ww� 1Mwe
<br /> va�iMlona bY lwkdot{oR to oonstNul��w�lorm uowMY In�tunMnt covwk�p nM prop�►1y.
<br /> - UtrlFdiM COVENANTS. BartowK�nd L�nd�r oovrrwd �nd syrM a�lolowr.
<br /> 1. �ynNnt d�Pd and Ini�►� ���� ChM'O�s.eonowr siwN P��N P�Y+�3Nn
<br /> - dw tr,.�no�a•�►e w,i«w�on u,.a.�wia.�a.a�r�n.�a..na�,y p►.wymm�.nd w�a�.ro»�,•�•►a+.Na..
<br /> -- Z. I�unds for Taws and le�wna�a�.subJ.a a .pp�c�t►t.w�w«w.wMa.n w.w.�ey�.nd.►,ea►ow.r an.r p+y
<br /> to UndK a►ih� d�y ma�thly p�ymmb w dw undu ttN Not�� untM th�Nob k p�{d In ful���urn ('Funds'I lor (�1 Y�b
<br /> . t.x.. .nd asMSSm.na w�ra� m.r�► pdo�My owr t n i� S�a w i t y I n s l n x n.M a s • r.n o n t h�P r o p�r t y: t b) r�N ��
<br /> p�ym�ntt a y�+nd rmts on th�RopMh. N�nY 1a)YwN��°f P►o{�ty Inw�no�p�r�urns; (�Y+�r1Y Aood inw�na
<br /> = p►M�xn�.N r►Y ��l Y�Y�0����a P�'��•N any;�nd(1}�ny wm�P�Y'I�W�bY Darowa to Und�h a000M�nw
<br /> _ --�-- wKh th�prpyMion� of p�r�qnph 0. h Ilw of th� qyin�nt d matp�y�insunno� pr«nMim�. Tha� R�ms an w1�d 'Esaow
<br /> —_—='°_��� Itw�M.' LM�d�t m�y, �t anyr tl�, coMrct �nd hWd Fund� in an rnaMt �ot W �xcMd th�nMxYrwwn �►xwet� Mnd�t 1or a
<br /> �-?- --=�Y=� I�dw�y nW�d mortpaq� lo�r► nry nqufn fo►BoROw�►'��scrow �ocount und�►the i�dual Rwl Est�3�lttNnwat Ptoaduna __
<br /> --��. Aa1 ot 10T�as�nd�d 1►an 1N►w to Um�,tZ U.B.C.�2E01 �l s�q. ('RE9PA'). �x�Mss �nolh�► I�w thut �ppM�s to tM Funds
<br /> srts a INa��mouni N Mo. L�ndrr nwiy. at�r►y ti�n�. aW�ot�^d hold Fundo in an amouM not to �xw�d th�Nss�►�rna+nG
<br /> l�nd�►m�y�tlm�u th��max�t of Funds dus on ths ba�is of cwrmt d�tR and rwsawbM�stlnw�t�a of�nt�fur�s af tutun
<br /> Etaaw It�ens a oth�wM�b accordma with appYe�N Mw.
<br /> _ —�.-�:.;:,�:r,sv�. Th�Fundt shal M hMd In an InstiWNon wAos�d�po�ts an inwnd by a f�d�ral�penay.Inshum�nWilyy,or mtkY(Indudin0
<br /> -- - — Lwida,M Und�r M sueh �n InstlfuUon)a h�ny F�d Homs Lan Bank. L�ndr►shaM appy th�Funds ta pay th�Eto�ow —
<br /> --.. rL,.�W It�. UncNr may not ch�rQ+ Borrowr fo►ho{dinp and �pplyinp th�Fund�. anm+�Y�Y�O th��saow aocount�a vrrltybq
<br /> � ':d,�%�..�:R--.-. th� Esaaw R�ns. untus L�ndr p�ys Bortow�r fM�r�st on th� Funds and �ppW�.�bM Ww pamits L�nd�r to make such a ___-
<br /> '.';.�;F>�ki;_�: •y ch�rp�. How�v�t. I.�nd�r tmy r�quln Barow�r to p�y •on�tNrw charp� tor an ind�pend�nt nd �stat� Wt nportk►p arvic�
<br /> • �:.,:►, �. ... us�d by L� in oonn�dion wilh this lo�n, u+�Mss � I�w proWcMs oth�nwis�. UnNss an apna►Nnt a muM a
<br /> . ap�Ycat�{a{aw roqulns int�t to b�pald. Undet shall�ot be roqukeci to pry RoROw�r�ny int�nst or Mrt►inp� on th�Fund�. `_
<br /> .: „ .,. , BonowK�nd L�ndsr may apn� in wAlfnq� howwr, that ht�nat ah�N b� pdd on th� �unds. L�nd�r ah�N yiw to Borrow�r, �
<br /> without eharpo, an anoua�aecainUny of ths Funds,showYin etedit��nd d�bits to th�Funds and th�purpos�b►whbh �aeh
<br /> ,':. ;, ' .,- • , , d�bk to th�Funds wu nrd�. Th�Funds�n pNdp�d as�dditionai s�curfty fa aN sums s�-�d by th�S�w�ity Instnrm�nt.
<br /> • • • H th�Funds hNd by UndK�xcNd tha amounts p«n�tt�d to b� hdd by appYc�bi�Mw.L�ndK shM�ccount to BotrowK
<br /> :::±'�.::,-�..�... ' tor th��otc�s Fwids in aeoord�nc�wkh th�nqukwmnts of y�►Me�bl�kw. It th��mouot of th�Funds hdd by L�ndr�t any
<br /> ° .. . tlm�Is not wMident to pay th�Esaow Rwns wh�n du�.l�d�r m�y so notqy BarowK In wrHtnp� �nd. h wch asr BorrowK
<br /> - • ��'` shall p�y to Und�t th�arnamt n�easwy to m�k�up th�ddci�nay. Botrawa shaM m�k�uP tha dMid�n�Y h no�non than
<br /> :..;.s.:'�s.''�
<br /> ), �' twdv�monthN P�Y�►�tu,at L�ndK's soN disa�don.
<br />.— 'ti�,c'.�•I�;J�l,�_.. '.. �, UP� WY�t M►/uM of aN sums s�cund by this S�writy InsWm�nt, ��ndr shaY PromP1N Mund to Borrow�r any Funds
<br /> .. _i�!'r_.:�.�_�:•��=_t- _
<br /> —�—� h.W by i..nJ:i. it.�undc�psr��rsph 21,icnder sha�!e�quir+!��x+�M ihw PrrybAy, L.�nJer.Qdo►to th��cqWsltbn or saN ot the _
<br /> ' PropMty, sh�N apply any Funds hMd by L�ndr at th�tin» of acqulsfGon o►sab as a a�d"R ay�lnst the sums s�wwnd by thla
<br /> f• ;'�,, �
<br /> �3�Appitcatton af Paymsnb. uni.ss aP�rc.tte aw �ov�des oinerwia., ar paym.nts racMwd by L�ndK under �
<br /> '' ."' , p�nyraphs 1 and 2 shaM be�ppii�d: tkst,to any propaYment chup�s due under the Note;s�cond,to amount�p�yebt�undx ,a.,,,
<br /> - par�aph 2;thkd,to Intenst dus:tourth,to pdndpal due;and I�st,to any I�U charqes dus under the Not�. °'-'"`�
<br /> 4. Chtfyos; U�Of. BortowK ahaN pay aY taxes. ass�ssmenta, ch�ryes, Iines and YnpoaNbns attributabie to the �"�'�
<br /> PtopeAy whkh may aU�k► priorily over this Sewrily InsWm�nt.�nd le�aehotd p�yments a yround rants,d�ny. BoROwer shW �='=�
<br /> � psy th�s obYpd{ons In the m�nner prorided In parapaPh 2,or N not paid In th�t manner, Borrower ahW p�y them on Ume �
<br /> t Bortowsr ah�i promptly tumish to Lender nll noticea of�mounte to be pald under this ��"
<br /> � dkecty to ths penon owed p�ymen.
<br /> ;!. parapnph. It Bortoww m�k�s th�se paymmts dincUy� Bortowar shaY promptly fumish ta Under r�ceipts wid�ncinp the k,.
<br /> y'r WYnments. j
<br /> '�t Bortower shaN prompty discharqe any Nan whkh has priority over this Security Instrument unlsas Borrowar. (�) �pre�s In �
<br /> �1 writlnq to ths p�ym�nt oi the obAqaGon secured by th� Ibn !n a manner acceptaWe to Lender; (b) conbsts In gaod taith the �
<br /> Nm by, or dM�nds aq�k►st�niorcemunt of tho N�n in, Ieg�i procee�9s whlch tn the 4endK's opinlon opxats to prw�nt ths
<br /> � entorcemx�t of th�Ilen;or c) eeeuros lrom the holdK oi the Aen an agraeme�t satisiactory to lender subordinaUny the N�n to
<br /> � this 3ecurity Instrume�t.�t L d�r det�es that eny part of the Property!s aubJect to a Ilen wh�h may attain prlority ov�►this � ` �`
<br /> �'� SecurHy InsUument, Lender may give Borrower a notice Identlyk►q the Ilen. Borrower ahall aaUSty th�Il�n or tak�on�a mon ot •
<br /> :� th�actbna eet tath above within td days oi the givinq of noUce. �
<br /> 5. Hu.�rd or P�op�rty Insurance. Bortower ahtll keep the knprovementa now sxlstfns�or her�rftx erect�d on the ;
<br /> �� Roperly inaured apak►at losa by tire, h�zards Included w�thtn the term 'extended coveraye' and any othx huerds. Indudinp
<br /> flaodc or 1louding,for which Lendar requkea Inaurance. This Insunnce shaY be mdntained In the amounts�nd tor th�perlods
<br /> . �, • l th�t L�nder nqutres. The inaunnce cartier provldinp the Insurance shaU be choaen by Bortowur eubJact to LendK's approvai
<br /> whiah �h�A not b� unnaaonobty wfthheid. If Borrower faN�to rn�inuk► covenig� d�scrib�d �bov�, L�nd�►m�y. �t L�nd�is
<br /> opdon,obUin cowraye to protect Lender's�Ights in the Propaty ki�ccordance wfth p�rayraph 7.
<br /> All insunnce poAclea and ranewats sha11 be accspuble to Lender and sh�ll InGude a stmdard mortyape d�uae. Landx
<br /> " shall h�ve the tipht to hotd the polfcles and renew��s. If Lender requires. Bortower sh�il prompty yfve to Lendx�II recelpts ot ,
<br /> ; paid premiums�nd renewal notkes. In the evmt of loss,Bortower ahaA 9ivQ prompt not�e to th�Insuance c�rtier�nd l�nder.
<br /> . Under may make proot of loss H not made promptty by Borrower.
<br /> . Unloas Lender and Bortower otherwise agree in w�iting. Inaurance proceeds shali be�pplled to testoratlon or �epair of the
<br /> ' Propetty ci�nwyed, it the restoration or repak is economicaliy ieasible and lender's securlty is not Isssened. It the restor�tbn a
<br /> i ;. •�• reptlr ta not economlcaily feeslbie or Lender's secudty wouid be lessened, the insurance praceeda slutll be�pplied to the sums
<br /> r,� secured by thls Security Instrument, whether or not then due. wlth any excess pald to Borroww. It 8ortower abandons the .
<br /> Propaty, or does not answer wfthin 30 days a notica trom Lender that the Insurance cartler has oticred to aerile� ciaim,then
<br /> - � � Under may cotlect the insurance proeeeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or reator� the Property or to pay sums
<br /> w• , � s�cured by this Seeu�ity Inatnrment,whethcr or not thm due. The 30•d�y perbd wiA begin when the notice is given.
<br /> �:' � Uniesa Under �nd Bortower otharwise agree In w�itinp, any appNcatlon of proceeds to prtnGpat ahali not extend or
<br /> � � ' , , � poatpons the due date oi the monthly payments reteRed to In p�nynphs t �nd 2 or eh�nye th� amount ot the payments. It
<br /> under puayraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lander. Bortowers right to eny fnsurance poAdes end proceeds resulling 6om
<br /> � � d�may� to the Property prior to ihe acqulaftion sh�ll p�as to landcr to the axtent of th� sums by thls 3�cwiry InsUUment
<br /> �, � _ � knm�di�tNy prior to the aCquls(tbn.
<br /> _� w_ ��_ _s u.� s..� �.r.» �� ��� �w
<br /> . ' -- �—�._, - - - 8. Occupancy, PrYSOrvation, M�inivnanc� M�tM rrviia:uw• w s�or �.vp�.y� v...:..�.+ ....�.:
<br /> Applta�tlon; I.�u�hotds. Bortower ahaY occupy, establish, md use the PropMy as BoROwar's principal realdence within
<br /> sbcty days aRer the exacutlon of thls Security Inst�ument and shdl continue to oc�upy the Property as Bortower a prtndp�l
<br /> � residanae tor at Is�st one ye�r atter the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise ayre�s in w�itiny. which conaent ahtil not
<br /> :`'� be unrNSOnaby w(thhetd,or uniaas exNnuating ckcumstmc�s exist whkh ue beyond Bortower's control. Borcower shall not
<br /> � �{� desVOy,d�tn�p�or impatr th�Prop�rty,allow the Propwty to deterlorate,ar eommit w�ste on the Property. Bortower ahall be In
<br /> i; t I ddauR R�nY torbkure�ctiai or proce�ding. whsthK civY o►aknimt, la b�yun that in L�nder's good laflh Judgment coutd resuR
<br /> in totl�ltun ot!h�Roperty or othawise mateti�lty knpatr the Nan r,�e�ted by this Security Instnimmt or Lender's se�curtty interest.
<br /> ' I- • �
<br /> . . F1316.LM0(9N3) p�q,•�o�5 .{J� �
<br /> + -
<br /> t � .
<br /> 9Jt6� '
<br /> -- .__._ .rrra �---- -._ . . .___. .
<br />