r.� .- e-- ,Y .. . .. �ra�'Ri*=a . . � s �_
<br /> �'$�' � � tl_,� :i ��Y _ . �" a?i.�__`_ ;. c 'F��_� ...'-.�-.c: • .. t_ �
<br /> �' .z�-.; � r ��
<br /> _ .� ;���-' � ; V��. � _ _� 1. _ � ����*`"� , . _r - - � _�� _-- ---
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<br /> - ��x�ti:�:::������ . , g3- 10�4��
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<br /> - '"`�'c �` ' � „ pe�iodsthat Lender requims. 7he uutuance catreer providing the ins�noe sh�ll be chosen by Borrower snbject to Lender�
<br /> ,-. .„4 - _:`:_ -
<br /> �: �-�� t � . appr�vaf wiucu st��E be u�ueasa�bty wittdteld if 86nower i�s to m�cvverage descrii�a6ove�.E.eader iaay:at - -
<br /> _,�, � �ti,• � a+,,a; . txnder�soptian�ohtain covetage to protect Lender�eights in the Pmpe�ty en aocbrdance with paragraph 7. S
<br />�F,.,° � �,`�, �t-; � . AI!insurance policies and�eaewats shall be aoceptable to I.ender and sha11 iaclude a staridard mortgage clause. Lender �r • _.__ -=
<br /> . �; , shall�ve the rigAt to hold t6e policies and cenewals. If lxnder iequires.Bosower shall promptly give to Lender aU receipts �����
<br /> - � �`;ar � �. : of gaid pzemiums and eenewal notices. in the event of loss.Botrower shaU give pmmpt aotice ta the insutaace cairier and �'�`"2-�.�` 1
<br />_�'° �. r ` ; Lender. L.ender may make pso�f of Ioss if not made prompdy by Boaowec � _:` �;z-
<br /> � �..� �;
<br /> _�� �_ u r �:� i UnIess I.ender and Bomnwet otheiwise agree in writing.insunance ptoceeds shall be applied to testoistion or tepair of ��i�����,,���____
<br /> � =_ �F.- the Ptop�tY dasnaged.if the iestoiarion or�pav is eoonamically feaci6Ie and I.ender's security is not tessened. If the �'� r �,. .�, �,��
<br /> �' , � �: . k=�; restoration or tepair is not economically feasble or Lender's securiry woWd be lessened.the insmanee proceeds shall 6e '
<br /> -�"- applied to the stvn�secunad by ttis Securiry Instrumen�whether or aot th�due.with a�r excess paid to Boaower. If � � F a-
<br /> ' i ." � � ± Bomnwer abandons the Pmperty�or does not answer wubin 30 days a notice finm Leader tAat the insu�ance carzier hac V � ' ' r '
<br /> `:`' , � �� `'x�F offezed m seule a claim,then Lender may coIIect the insurance pmceeds. Lender may use the prooeeds to�epair or irswte . �<: `v �' �:
<br /> . the Propeity or to pay sums secured by this Secarity 1nst:umen�whedter or not tnen due. '�e 30�day periad will begiu when � � D �x
<br /> .�,`;. � the noflce is givea. �.�
<br /> �� � � UnIess Lender and Borrower otherwise agcee in writing,any apgiication of p:oce�ds to principal shal�aot extend or _,;i,__�� c
<br /> '' > r',,,;`� Pos�one the due date of tha umnthlY PaYmenu refermd to in pa�agraghs t and 2 or change the amoum uf the payments. If G . r + �.`C�
<br /> . - ,r��� uader Qazageaph 2t the P4ope:tyris acquiretl by Lender,Borrower's ci�t to any inswance policies and pmoeeds cpsuIting �';�,', ' '_
<br /> �{�°`� ° &om damage to the Fropeny prior to the accp�isition shall pass to Leader to the extent of the sums seeuied by this Seauity `r
<br /> .c`;t :-'T-. ._ � :, . ',.. ,f.,.. �. :.
<br /> �.3 s��.� Instntment immediately prior to the acqnisefi�n. � - , -
<br /> - �� = -�u"'•- . � 6. Oteupaucy, P�esesvatlo� Matiatpnance si�d P1^ottcttou oP tlte Propeety; Borrower•s l.oan AppUcattoa; ��� s�:� ' ,� �.
<br /> ` �,�r` � d.`• .� Lc-asehoids. Borrower shall arcapy,establisB.and use ttr��eperty�as Bonower's principai residence withu�sixty days after ° ::5 �:�� r=
<br /> ��,�T��� �<�• � � � r�e execution of this Sec�rity Inshument and shall can��ce�o aecupy the Propeny as Botrower'�principal iesidence for at .��-
<br /> �„t` � -. '• t�ast one year after the date of oocupancy, unless i.�3er otherwise agrees in writing. wluch conseat shall not be ,,'-`;��:.. �
<br /> �3
<br /> `����; � .;�:1 un�casonably withheId,or unless extenuating ci�umstances'exist whic[c are beyond Borrower's rnntrol. Borrawer shall not •' ,. 't: ` '"-
<br /> _ : ,; _�� r v s destroy,damage or impair the Propeny.altow the Property to deteriarar.�or commit waste on the Propeny. Boirower sdall } •A �� "�=
<br /> - :�:t'�.�;�;:`-.�:.�.�-�..; be in default if any forfeituce a.tion or proceeding.whether civil or c�aiiaal,is begun that in Lender�s gaod faith judgme�►t °.' •;' :�: �� " -
<br /> - }`.;=��.��� ' � coutd resuit in fmrfeiture af i�e Roperty or otherwise materially i!~..�,s�the lien a�ated by this Security Instrument or �, . '� `
<br /> it �:1;1h P� .� ` t�� " ..
<br /> }>,�;:Z=�• ' ° ,� Leader�security interest. Eec�ower may cure such a default and reinscxt�as Qmvi�l in paragraph 18,by causing the actioa : ',; ;
<br /> 'r�_•r'���� or proceeding to 6e dismissed with a niling that,in Lender�s good faz�c�ermuta�air,prec[ades forFeiture of the Bom�wer�s ':'`�Y .� :,�,,:;.;�,�..-
<br /> . ,� .., iaterest in the Property or other materiak�npairment of the lien�9 by this Security Iastniment or i.euder's securiry . �,• �
<br /> - ' �� interest. Borrower shaq also be in de�a�t if Bomower, during�e loan application process. �as�e materially false or - r�:,` =
<br /> _ ' , � {�� - inaccurate infoimation or statements to Lxud�r(or failed u�gratiideLender wiW any material infom7srion)in coauection with _ � �
<br /> '� � t t�ne loan evideuced by ehe Nate,ircclading. but not �C�ed to. representadons conceming Bomower's oa�of the ' �,, ` ?'��. :�'
<br /> ''r � �r� � �OPertY as a PrimiPal.t�esidence. If this Sec�rity Instrwme�t is on a teasehold Borraa�er shall rnmply with all she�nx,visiops :r'-°:�.,� ,i.' �'
<br />-- �_ ,..Y;.�'� ' of the lease. If BomnHler acquires fee tide to the Fnoperty;the Ieasehold aad the fee m[e shall not merge unless L�,�er agcees '�`
<br /> �i'' �_.,`}<: to the merger in writing. . ,.*�,
<br /> 3 �, �,� ' '>. l. P�+oted[on of Lender's Rig6ts m the Property. If Bo�v�er t�iis to perfarm the oar•enants and agreements ? '� �
<br /> i
<br /> ��� ' �kf,�£i'� �- � oontained in this Sec�uity U�.swmea�or there is a legal praceeding that may s��nf€'ccanUy affed[.ender's rights in the ,�,�5�� , ' `"-
<br /> > � �;'�',°���Y�_� _ ..,:� Property(such as a praceedin�in bankruptcy.prabate,for rnrtdemnation or forfeitua:oc to enforre iaus or regulations),thea '•.;s"si r;;�>�:'>;;,y'�.- '`-:'
<br /> r„ � �,}�a,,�� . Lender may do and pay for afzatever is necessary to protect the value of the Pragern and Lender's rights in the Property. ' ,�`�°�,
<br /> ',; � � �:i • � Lenderis actions may includepaying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry acec this Securiry Insuument,appearing �:�F�� � � r�; �`
<br /> - :�?'; ;-> '.'`' in court,paying masonable attomeys'fee5 aad entering on the Property to malce repairs.Although Lender may take acdon ' •• ,�:;{`;�t� F`
<br /> :�'
<br /> - ' t•.` ,. �� under ttris paragraph 7.Lender does not ha�•e te do so. . _
<br /> . � My amounts disbursed by Lender ur►der this paragraph 7 shall become addiuonal debt of Bomower secared by thls • � ��i:����? i`�
<br /> � '� � _ '.s- .,
<br />_ , N •� Security Instrumem. Unless Borrower and Lender a�ree ra ocher tem�s of paymen�these amounts shall bear interesE fiom the ';� �=
<br /> ' date of disbursemeat at the Note rate and shal!be a��Ie,with interetit,u on notice from Lender to Borrower `�
<br />- ; � ' P 3 P requesting :�.•. . , _ £.
<br /> . t - .. � Paymen� . : �
<br /> � � : . 8. Mortgage Insuraaee. If l.ender required mortgage insurance a5 a condition of making the loan secured by this ,'� t�s 5�`
<br /> :Y,'`'� . _ ,��; a�t av .
<br /> Securiry Insuument. Bomo�ver shall pay the premiums required ta maintain the mortgage insurartce in efrect. If.for any ., . .e;• , :
<br />:?A::'` >=` :.' .� � ' reason, the mo»gage insurance wvera e uiied b Lender ! =�` 'S ' : .�• �•.`
<br /> ��`t� g rey Y apm or ceases ta be in effect. Borrower shall pay tha ,{��°`��... . _,1j�,
<br /> -'�' " i",'�'���� ` • remiums u�red to abtain covera e substantiall e uEValem to the mon a e insurance reviousl m effec� at a cost f�t;:?;;: �..,; •.�
<br />__y�� .,<. v��rr: . P �l � P Y �E � S 8 P 9 � , _
<br /> substantialiy equivalent ro t6e cost to 8orrower of the rr�orcgage insurance pmviousiy;n effect,from an altemate mortgage ' 4`�- '
<br /> �� .:�';�;s�`'f . . - .
<br /> • , }:�' ` .' . insurer approved by Lender. If substanti.!ly equivatent mongs►ge insuranee coverage is rcot available.Borrower shap pay to � , �'
<br /> - � � .- ' Lender each month a sum equal to one-tueifch of the yeazly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the +'.�� �� .:',:
<br /> . . :�., ,��;��,.,..;
<br /> - insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payrnencs 3s a loss reserve in lieu �. :�,�;��,., :
<br /> �'�� � ' of mortgage inswance. Loss reserve paymen�5 may no longer be required.at the aption af Lender,if mortgage insurance `�-::: ':�'S�..
<br /> ' `�. d covera e(in the amount and for the riod that Lender �`� �
<br /> `• � g pe requires)provided by an insurer apptoved by Lender agaia becomes � �_' '
<br /> `t -.,:�:,: . • �t; : available and is obtained.Bomnwer shall pay the premiws�s reyuired to maintain mortgage insurance in effecK,ar ca grovide a � •��•��c,.'•��. : �
<br /> ' ' ��'r:�- ,. . loss reserve.unti!the rcquirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower •�5,..; _:�
<br /> :� ,.ti . ,_' , .� � and Lender or applicable law. _ . .s i: ...
<br /> -;;i.; •� �,,. _ .. , ••, . •,��.�:
<br /> t,��, „..ti. .._ 9 Insp�cNon. Lender or iu ugent may make re,.vonable entries upon and inspections of the Propeny. Lender shall . • _ � �_' . . •
<br /> ' - ' give Bomower notice at the dme of or priar to an inspection�pecifying reasonable caa5e for the inspection. �
<br /> �� `��i'"�`N4' ' 10 Condemnatlon. Ttte ptoceeds of any award or claim for damages.direct or consequential.in connectian with tiny ,: ;,: � �
<br /> c t:5r-., . . A . -
<br /> _. ,f =:��``pn�`�;,. _ .• . ' . .
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