rp�'�`t ' . ':c�'`4`�� � x�`:'� ` �i;` �y �'.`�r:��� b� "•t�z�'�!F ��°�='f • � - p..`�r:";� _ -
<br /> .,� s:—.L �T.���:,� �- _ ` '' : . , _, __. ,. T � '
<br /> ,�. �',s�::� - _ �'��`� _. _ '���Ye .. . .:_"_ ��. j�.-...°�-
<br /> � .i. . � . � [ i 4 _ -����n�•.+�y �� � . .._..� scvn 4i-^?: 'Y_4� r. l•;L O l __
<br /> s� S ,�!.#
<br /> 4. F . - ' ' " . ..__ -.__. ._ �� — ._ _
<br /> � ' v .. , � .. . . - 4
<br /> _�i ��. �N� 'n.T�•�� . ' � . . . .
<br />-'t..� '.R_' r R�• _ . � ,
<br />-'°'. . .`o-:��c�V'`i�c�fi�� . '�Y� ���V •
<br />�- .a . ,E•. '.4.b-..�. .
<br /> . . ��\.v F:� . . ^ .
<br /> �'``� _.��..:: . wndemnndon or other of an uf the Pm .
<br /> o�a �; taking y pazt peny�or forrnnveyance in tieu of condemnation.a�hereb3r a�sigaed a� .
<br /> ., : , o-L . �,_ shs�ttbepaidiaCemier - ,---_ .__. ., -- --
<br /> �� � `� ' tn the event of a total taking af the Property.the proceeds shalr be applied to the suans sNCiued by this SecurItyr
<br /> ., �v, _.
<br /> . z �- taswmeat,whet2ier or not then due,wlta any exoess paid to Bor�ower. In tAe eveAt af a pattial taking of the Ptaperty ia � _------
<br />>.'' � •;��v `�:`. _ <n``� �vhich�he fitir market value of the Aroperty immediately Defom the takiug is equal to or�Ceater tban she amouat of the sums
<br />- , . - ' °`-`F-���:^.'�� secus+ed b t�is Securi LLSuument immediatel befoie the unless Bo:mwer an8 Lender otLecwise tn mitin , --
<br /> _ '��;:�.° . :. . .�� . Y tY Y t�l�. � � =--
<br /> -_ r � � � tAe sums secwed by this Security instrument shaU be reduoed Ey the amauat of the proceEds mu[tipli�by t�e following —��=-
<br /> k�•� :� �``�.•o`";. 6ac�ion (a)the total c�nouat of the sums secuied immediate[y Defote the taking,divided by N)thee fair ma�icef value.of the �� �
<br /> �� t �;�-_—
<br /> _' .'�';:=°= �"�-'--��-:- pbperty immedi�ty before the taking. Any�atanoe shaU 6e paid to Homawer. In the event of a paztial taking of�e -- --- �- -
<br /> , . - �'• Rogcriy in�vhicA the fair market value of the Pmperty iuzmaliatcly befo�e the taking is tess thaa the amount of tha sums � :��=-
<br /> � �:
<br /> � >-.•�'`'"- soc�ued'unmediateiy Def'o�e the taking.uniess Sorrower and E.eader atherv�ise agee m writing or natess appticab2e law �_ -
<br /> ` , ,,: - otAeiwise providesr the proceedv sha}!be applied to tDe sums seccned by this Securiry iastrument wheth�r or not the sums are '`°�` "---
<br /> - -�:�;' tAen due. ��^.,��=i_
<br /> : ; ,��; If the Pl+operty is a�utdoaed by Bonower.ar if.after notioe by Leader w Bmrawer 4hat the rnndemnor offers to make ° � '' - -
<br /> c.,. ' , � an award ur settle a ctaim for dama Bmmwer faits to �`'�. °- -
<br /> ��� y.<<, �: " ,;vr, ;_;.,.p� ges. respoad to Lender arittrin 30 da}rs,after the date tLe notice is giveo, �zs�-
<br /> •;. �-�:. �:�.,,;,:�>;.�� L e n d er is a u t h o ri re d to w l t e c i a n d a p p l y t h e p r�u c e e d s.a t i t s o p t i o n.e i m e r t o i e s t o r a ti a n 6 r t e�a i r o f t h e P m p e rt y o r t o t h e �_-�
<br /> - � ; `y'� sums secured D this Securi Instnuaea �vhetRer or not thea d . .
<br /> ' .�.: %5:;:°' 4 y ry --
<br /> ' �s:'`, ::'�-i:R:L=�"° Unleas Lender and Bonower otlienv`�se � -- -- -
<br /> : .i agree in writing,aay applicatioa of prooeecEsto principal shaU noz exoead or =-
<br /> ::��:.: ._ `- , postpone tRe due date of the monthly payments refeired to ia paiag�aphs 1 aad 2 or change ttie azaonnt of such payments. __- - -
<br /> - � - --=-�-::�,. s���
<br /> 11. Borrower Nut Re[easQd; PorDearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or �_____
<br /> :;�,. �,: modifisation of amort'v.ation of the sums seeu�d by this Sacurity In�t�umeat gcanLe�by�er to at►y suco�ss�r in int�est _----- --
<br />_ :,..�<<. _ _ �_�;�.:__.. ---
<br /> ,�-N�.�~' of 8onuwer shall nut operate to release the tiability of the origiaal Baimwer or Bormw��s successois in inte�est.Lender ' '°"°�=
<br /> �:a��� � • sLall not be r�quired to commence pmceedings againsc any s�oessor in interest or refu9�to eatemd time for paymeat er -=
<br /> ''. ��5.-"_..
<br /> - - 'P" - '?_ ', otherarise madify amortizanion of the suras secu�ed by Uvs Sec�uity Insa�eat by reason of any demand made by the oiig�2i =--
<br /> � • ' • = ° Barmwer or Borrower's suocessois in inter+es� Any fo�bearance by Lender in exencisiag any righi or reiaedy shall aot he a - ��"�`
<br />_ _� �' =``J waiverof or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. "��:�==?__ —
<br /> =�-o_,�:;;,=;'-�: - f,��---
<br /> .- � 1�. Saeces�o�s aad Asstgos Bot�nd:doiat and Severa!Idabilitq;Co-stg�ess. 'ilce oovenants and ag�eemee�s of t�is ,�
<br /> _ ;'':�.- - ' � � Seciuity instrument shall birtd and benefit the sucoessors and assigns of Le�tder and Bomnwer,subject to the provisious of �� "�
<br /> " ::,,.z�,�- �:-" para h 17. Borrower's covenants and a ments shall be'omt and several.Ac► Borrower wha co-si ttis Secu�i ''�""'""
<br /> S�P � 1 � Y 8� �Y ::�-� � �
<br />= - �'� �i�.�. - Insuument but does not execute the 1�Iote: (a)is co-signing this Security Instnunent only to mortgage.grant and oonvey that r�`�=.
<br /> �= �,,:`. ..; : - gorrowert�utterest in the Peo under the terms of this Securi r��,,,m�±�
<br /> �.. •. .: P�Y tY tb)is aot parsonalty obligated to pay the Fums —Z-r�
<br /> - �,,.,-.�`.�. ;; . ., �.- secured by this Security Inswment;and(c)agc�ees that Lender and any other Ba�mvuer may eg�ee to ext�d,raadify.fo�ar �.�"s:
<br /> �'�l�� ` y gazd to the tenas of this Sec Iast�ent or tbe Note without that Boimwerk �'
<br /> �,� �� ".:, :: -� _ or make an accommodations with�e ,..
<br />_ � ��� �;, � �:�..�_
<br /> . ° consent • s-
<br /> t;E•��..� .• �`l�
<br /> `.4.E;;._;;:�"�r�_�;;,;�.:..,�. 13. Laan Charges. 1f the toan secured by this Securiry Instmment is sub3ect to a taw wtuch sets maximum toan :�'.-.��?•�
<br /> '':yrV�•��:°;�:,:F`a���+i.�' charges.and that law is finally inte�pieted so that thc interest or other[oan c6arges voI�ec�d or to be coltected ia connecaon _=-- ° -
<br /> • �,,,'i'.tir�"��`;,`:;`��-°"' . : _..:: with the loan excced the mutted limics.theo: (a)an such la�n e sGat�be iedu� the amount n �------�~
<br /> � ..... .-.•, Pe Y �S bg eoessa�y�to reduce ��__-�
<br /> • �-� f a '-� the charge to the pennitted Gmi�and(b?any sums alceady col2ecoed from Borrower w[rich exceeded permimod Ilmiu will be �--�-�
<br /> i t�' �. � .�::'-. :-, ? .�� �_°=�_-
<br /> . nefunded to Bonower. I.ender may choose to make this�+efiind�y reducing the principal oa�ed under ths Note ar by making a ��-�
<br /> •,�: . .
<br /> . 2.:. .•:_ �` .2
<br />-.,t - dimct payment to Bortower. If a oefund ieduces principal.the neduction wiU be heated as a�etiai prepaymeat without aay ��.�_=
<br /> - • - pmpayment chafge under the Note. ��,;--�
<br /> -� '�'''"� � 14. Notic+es. My notice to Bo:rower prarided for in this Security Instrument shaD be given by delivering it or by ���
<br /> - €;;:N: �:�'::�:;�_..' F. Y PP. �i . P�Y :R �aR.....x�
<br /> �a,�. . , . mailin ►t b first class mail unless a ucable taw wres use oFanotAer metAod.7f►e notice s6all be directed to the Pro .�- ��.,-_
<br /> {�;��;: "."' Address or any other addmss Bonower designates by nodce to Lender. Any notice to Leader shal!be given by fusc ctass --- -
<br /> ,:::ti. �;..'. mail to l.ender's address stated herein or any other addiess Lender designates by nouce to�arrower. Any notice provided for • �'�
<br /> � `'�':``� ��f��`Y�:�" in this Securi Irtstrument shall be deemed to have bcen «n to Borrower or Len�ss�en �ven as ravided in this � �;��
<br />- i��,-.- ...:�.�,�c• tY P 8 P .
<br /> ;.• i,�.'.;:.t;••��� ParaBraPh.
<br /> �\°�t _ :t>.:;��i;�^�" .
<br /> • ��`' ' !S. Govern[ng Law;SeverabUity. This SecuriEy Instna�reat shal!b�govemed�3�fedeial law and ttte faw of the �� � •'� �`�-°-
<br /> aF :c�t�;�?;.3.,.. .
<br /> `�` �'^�"`� ' ���'• `` jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that aay provision or cI3c:se of��Security Insuument or the Note •"'�` �'*�
<br /> ,-_i�:.:, .. ._ , �..._ ,�
<br /> .,'�:i�'= � . . � , eonfliets with applieuble taw.such eonflict shafl cust affect ather provisions of�s►is Seeu:icy Fastrument or the Note whieh ean "
<br /> S
<br /> {;.;�;::':': ::::, � � be given effect without the conflictin�provisioa. To this ead�a�provisior,s of this Secor;�}Instrument and the Note are - -^����
<br /> , t, �, decfared w be severable. • "'� ���-
<br /> . •a�. :___._
<br /> °���� �'�• .��, D6. �orrawer's Copy. Bonowec�alt be given one confaened copy of the Note azrd of this Security Inswment. ' • �°'��
<br /> :��';.�. ., �7. '1lraoster otthe 1'ro . � ` j-'. `.
<br /> : ,,,.,.;, perty or a�eaeficial Interest tn Basrowes If a!!or any pars of the Property or any interest in •
<br /> � ,,,:�� , it is sold or transferrad(or if a beneficial in[�in Borrower is sold or c�n.�fecred and Horrower is not a natural person) �-
<br /> � • ����':: '. . ..
<br /> ,:3T ; � without Lender�pr*cr written consent,Lender rt�a�,at its option,require is�rae�te payment in full of all sums secuted by • ' �� „
<br /> -�::; ;�•�� �• ` this Security Instrurr�ea� However,this oprion�shall not be exer�ised by Ler.d�if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of ' �">
<br /> �°� •`� •' '�"�`' the date of this Security Instrument. � �� � '
<br /> - •'rt:,;; •' ' .
<br /> ;+: ..: ,;:'. ;r;;`,�!; • If Lender exercises this opti�.F.�nder shall give Borrower notice of accelerauon. 'IYte raotice shall provide a period of ,{;�;-" "
<br /> • not less than 30 days from the date the nouce is delivered or mailed within which Borrower mu�t pay all sttms secureA by tltis �.�.�: .
<br /> ` �:,.��.� . . �? • Securlry In.mument. If Borro�ver fails to pay zFese sums prior to the eapiration of this period.Lender aray invoke any � � .
<br /> ��:•
<br /> s �`: ,. ` �. _. , remedies pemdtted by this Security lnstrumeni w«l;out further notice or demartd on Borrower. � -
<br /> `'` . . , � ° . 18. Borro�rer's Right to Reinstate. If Bomower meets cettain conditions. Borrower shall have tite right to dave
<br /> , ,. . „ ` : .
<br /> 4 enforcement of this Securiry[nstrnment discontinued at any t�e prior to the rarlier of (a)5 days(or such other periad as � . � . � �
<br /> . ,�� .,._(., ' � ' ' gle Family�—Fannte MaelFreQdte�fac L�7FORt1 I�iST{tl N�YI'—Uniform Cwenanb 9l90 ipQ�e 4 ojb pergtal . • . �
<br /> Sin ` .
<br />_ ,'�``.. . ' .
<br /> 1 F'..
<br /> '�{�:i4:`�
<br /> - '.�?c�.ti�: _ ,.
<br /> .Sµ `�`.
<br /> i c �J .
<br /> 1 r' — � .�t"��.ti s `„' ' ..' , . . , . �� t �''F,.,
<br /> ��,� � '���ir `v} �` � ' " ' . ' � . . . • �
<br />�ia�='if7i_ <f+y}-fj :Y� . �. . - �� � � . , . .. - . . ` , ` .
<br /> - t �Si,` . ' . . . . _ _ . .. . . . . .. . ' . . �� . � . . . �
<br /> .., �.i.'j� ��.r 6f - . . ' .. �' .... , " ' - ' " . - . . ' . . ' , , .. ,� , , . � t' • . ,
<br />. . i t3a � � , . . „ , . � � � , , ' . ' ,. �' ', � . . ' . , . ' .
<br /> y � ' '� '. .. .. � . . � � . . - .:`` . •. . ' . ` . . . .F� s. _-, ' . . _
<br />�,'� _- ,�j`,'� { . ' . ' ° . ., • • , . . -
<br /> +1C'_ !`E✓':� � . . . • . . . " , . . .. - � . . , . . . .
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