"T J�.�� )IY�S � . , . . . '�Y"ji . . . .(t --
<br />-- /;�.,� '•-�i= � _-' -�' . 'F�i1 � i� „2 . /� �.t.j Y'.`� , . . ,. _ .[� C ' __
<br /> �� x ' ^ " ' .%' .S._ .. �[; . . _ _ _ — _..
<br /> - �J :7�'� S� -�T �` ` — - 'y � -' - .e�--cs.� -- - - --------
<br /> , .4� . _ �_ Q '�a ;�.. . ti �p"F-�' '6�p�{' �. . . _ , .
<br /> .- ' �G "� � _ _,�. . _��--^�c . — __ _
<br /> � � � , � .S " . '. ._ ' • . " _ .` - '• • . . . 5 . , _.�
<br />-. _ . , . . - . ' - - ' , . . . , . . . � , � - .. , �
<br />± ��,�. . - `:�� �t.�,.he atthe aaofLende�if�o .. -iasuranseooverege('mWeamo}iataad.forthepe:iad-'�
<br /> - �. , F����4�N��t ��d�,���,�� � ��,�}� tf
<br /> . ' _" A - `y�{�/� LQl2"3.:=�:� r_.�.._ 1?il(,BtA�•n���Q E�_il{[{il8�l��`�JL�: �.
<br />= St":'�'�'� �� —__$�-1°R°� -_� .. . .
<br /> t�eprealiums�equiiedto maiaminmo�insu:aaceia eHe�or to provide ala�ms�eiva�untit thniequiaer,�ewfor mort�;ge . , .
<br />_ . + ` �:°��,'= i�sivanadaends m a000rdaace vsrith a�r wr�tien�neemeni between Horrawer aad Leades mr app�Cable laa
<br /> � ' '� •�-° � � ' !� �narpartl�Lead�ror its agent a�ay maiee reasoaaD2eentries upon and insgeesions oi the Ympeety.Lender s6alf g�rs ` . _ -
<br /> �.�..i: , -
<br />�:. ������ ;Bonaarer,noSce at the time of�or prior to an oospe�ion sg.�img reasonable cause for the iaspediom_ ° . ==_
<br />_ ,,,�vr'�?.v.'��. - --
<br /> _- � ; < �,,. !0. Coademngltam 'T�e.pmceeds o f any�w a�d or d a i m f or damage�,d i r e d or ooasequ e n ti a},in c o a n e c t ian w i t h.a�► ��' ,Q,,.- - ---
<br /> � � ° f'�� ` � aondenwationat otherta�aog,o�any gatt of the Properiy:.or for ooaveyan�ia tieu of coademnatio�,are herebq assigaed aad . ��,�
<br /> ���- �` ` 's`tia11 be paid toLender. . . �
<br /> � � ��f
<br /> � - 3 y p.: . . . .. � � -a. -,�L .:�:.`°
<br /> +� ,�"�s �• It1 t�[8 C�f�tL Q�a�QfA1[81�P Q��}8 PtOQBt[y►*thC j1lOOCe�S8H811�fC Bpp�1Cdt0 tIiCSIla1S 6CC11IEa�fy tbis Selali[[j/I11St[IIIItCIIt, _ �,s�,
<br /> �: ,�`'�,`: : -w�er ornQt t�8ue}with'auy[�e�tcess Pai�m Bonower.In tt�e event of a pattial�Cing of tEie Proporty m w1uc8-tffe.fair - -- , k �-`--� _
<br /> f, ,, a .,. . . _ �,�'
<br /> �tvaLi�Qf•i��bpti�t7titdm .ea'tFiteIy6efare the tat�g is eqva!tu or g�+eatertLan the amount of the snms seaued by t6is �:�..'' '-
<br /> s �S�oaritgl�umeiati�nme�at�'lieforethetaking,untessBarro�verandLenderothenviseageeinwritiag thesmmssecnredby �`�:.- -
<br /> , . 3 C '- -, "4`` r � , r •
<br /> , ` ` tI�.S��entslialt 6e reducedby the amo�mt of the prooeedsmWtiplied by the foltowiug fraction:(a)the total .��. , -�
<br /> Y �/ ' F Y
<br /> ,�'r'k �.;.,: � �` a�eqtmtofitti8�s sean+edimme�atetybefonattte�akinp�divided bY(1►)tbe fair ma�cetvaltte of the PropertyimmecGateIy � � ' r� �- -
<br /> ;����'��`'' , ,s�'•,',,:� be'Ea[B.4Ite►a�Auy ba3z,.��2ll be paid W Bolro�.�n the event of a paitial haking of the Property in whidi the faic �s;} �^��'
<br /> ':x,h������� t • mat�etvaIueofthePropettgie�ediatelybeforedtetaki�gislessthaathe�nno�mtafthesumsseauedimmedia�eipbeforeti�e .'. �
<br /> ' � � � �
<br /> .' ���';.4 „_=v �udessBnnowerandi:eaderuthe�viseag�eeiawtttin$ortmlessapp�icablelaw athdcwiseprovides,the@rbeeedsshal3 � � �,N -.
<br /> �� s �� �}� •,.; be ap*Pjtied to t�e svms ses�d by tbis Seaa�.y Ia�rtt�cent whether or Qot the sums are tleen dme. �
<br /> -Z . 'µ , r 4•.��L . L ttie propeityis abandonedby Bozr�r,or i�after notice by L�nder to Borrowerthat t�e x�+ndemnoroffers,to make aa Y� - �t � _z�� j :-
<br /> { �= ��? � �w'a r d o r s e t t le a daim for dama g e s,Hoir�er fa�s to r e s gond to Leader within 30 days a8e=the dat�the IIotice is gven, .��
<br /> ♦ i�'.� F•`•� .
<br /> : -: • ,:�erisauthorizedtocallectandaPPIYt�groceeds►2titsoptioa,eithertorestora6onosrepazcof.theProgeetyurtoWes�ms �y����:< t �T -
<br /> � �=' ,� ..�a�ed by t�sSecuritp buMiment,arhether or not thea 8ue. . ��`�4` _ � ' � _
<br /> �;� � =
<br /> �: Unless�nder and Borrawer othe�wi�agcee ia writin� aay appliration of prac�da�o�c�iaapal shall not effiea�t aa : `� ;,:
<br /> � ; ` one the dae date af the monihi enis refecce2{to in l�s 1 and 2 ar t.�te�mount of such a ents. ' `�t' `� ' s
<br /> T - postP Y PaYm ParaB*aP �� P Y� _ � ��
<br /> ± s.; !1. Borrower Not Retease�Forbearance By�der Not a WaEves. F.xieasaaa vf the tnae for payme�or modiScation : ?<' �,= '� � ��.
<br /> �...
<br /> f �:ti ;�,,;� ,,���1.�. ofamonizationofthesumsseciuedbyt6isSecuritylas�ent�antedbyLendertoariysucce�orininterestofBonowershall ' �;��:,.� . ;�,_,, � '
<br /> e
<br /> �- uot operateto reteasethe liab�ify of the origjna�Borraweror Boaower's suocessorsia interest Lendershall not be requiredto ��,�.;�`,�... �; , Y
<br /> _ � .. `-',�°: .: �: �..-�" vommeaceproaeeding�a&vnstanysucoessorininterestorrefusetoeatendtimeforpaymentos,oshecwisemadifyamor6ration .,.•���� �::. ;..;°_--
<br /> ' -i � . . �c.':.." •
<br />-:� � �• of the sums secured by dus Sewrity Instrument by reason of any demaad made by the orig�ai Borrower or Borrower's �- � ����';��
<br /> ;� � : .:r �:��;
<br /> . �l�,.", ;. . , st�coessors in interes�Any farbearanceby Lender ia-�erasiag at►Y rig�t or remedy sbaU not.be a ara�ves of or preciude the �?�� . : �
<br />,� ' a. , �.G:. .�c- ,
<br /> ,'s 5� � �.��:t� M
<br /> .i.,n�,`. , c�eerciseofaaYrightotremedY ; ��F�a�� .. ��6;.'�
<br /> =` `': .,", ]Z. S�teoessois and Agstgng Bouud;Joiat a�c��erat 1daLfitty; Casigners..'l�s cove�sants aa�aga�ementsof this �.,.�.. . ,.�•
<br /> : , .. ,� ;. "..t. _ •��
<br />- �� . - �ecurity Insirument st�aU bind and beneSi ihe sucassors and assigas of Lender and Houawe�,subject to tms pmvisions of '.��?. ;-� `�'��.
<br /> ' gas
<br /> # . �' p a r a g r a p h 1 7. B o r m w e P s c o v e n a n t s a a d z g e e m e n t s s h a ll b e j o u i t a u d s e v e r a L A a g B o r r o w e r w h o o o-s i�,n s t i�i i s S e c u r i ty ,t�``';�-' �',°.� :';�:;�
<br /> s � v
<br /> ' Instr�mentbttt does not execute the Note:(a)is�iag Wis Security Instrumentanly to mortpge,grant and convey that at`i 4�;. � , ;,- 4{ ; ;
<br /> � F . , - �- Boaower's interestin the Property uader the terms of t6is Security Iastrumenr(b}u aot personalty obtig,ated to pay the sums r.{' � ' ; .;, i"
<br /> .; ; � , , secnredhytLisSeatritylnsWnaeat;and(c)agreesthatLenderandanyotherBorrowermayagreetoextend,modify,forbearor ����:;":� , �_.. :-.E; ;�
<br /> � , �` �.r make any accommodatioas with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note wiWout that BonowePs ooasea� � • �,: j `
<br /> a .r „•' :. �-�
<br /> . �•:;.e. 13. Loan Cbaagea.1f the loaa secured by this Security Instramentis subjed to a law which sets ma�dmum loan charges, � , a
<br /> � ' `' a�d iLat law u finalty interpretedso that the iaterest or other luan charges collected or to be oollected in connecbion wiW the . '�: ,.'��,:�
<br /> ,
<br /> � toan chaz e shaU be reducedb the amountn to red�ce the char e ����� : . '�'.� �•. '
<br /> � i . �1 exceed the permittedLm�ts,then:(a)aay sach g Y �a*Y B ;;�., , �
<br /> ` ' � � • trs the permittedWnit,and @)any sums already collec��dfrom Borrowerwhich es�eded permittedlimits w�i!Cvs refundedto :�'�,;:;:... �. . .' .
<br /> " '� -' �arrower.Lender may choose to make t�is refimd by redudng the principal v�rd nnder the Note or by ffiaking a direct ' '�'�� ' ,. .;,'
<br /> „ ::,,�'j: . :.,_; ..
<br /> ` � . . �:;.,;;. �aymeat to Bonower. If a refund red�:xs prinsipal, the redud'eon will be tseateS as a partial prepayment without any � :;. ::, .•;,' ;'`.;;'��'..::.�:
<br /> ;.,:, �repayment charge nnder tlte Note. �., ,
<br /> t.,,,:;.�.•.:� ::.
<br /> Y`��,,'� � 14. Nottces.Any no�ce¢o Borrowerprovided fos ca this Security Insicumem�ts5all be given by deliveriag it or by mailing ,. , -.�'`��,-�'��, �
<br /> '.'`�"" it by fust class mail untess�licable law requires use of another method The notcce shall be directed to t6e Property Address ° '��,'" ,� � �
<br /> i '. or any oWer address Borruwer designates by notice to l.ender.Any notice to Lender shaU be given by first ctass mail to � , � " �
<br /> Lender's addr�sstated6erein or any otheraddressl.eaderdesi8uatesby aotice to Bonower.Any notice provided for iu t1l�ris .°��!;.��.;�;•�
<br /> �'�, Security Inswment shall be deemed to 6ave been giv�n to Borrower or Lender whea given as provided in this paragraph. � � = ' �=�`'`:
<br /> :.._,,�, i. :.; . .,';
<br /> ;..,c;,.�� . 15. Governing law; SeverabiUty. This SeaircEy �nstrumentshall be govemed by federal law aad the law ofthe ,� ,, - : ,
<br /> - :'�'j'4� ' � �didioa ia which the Property is located.In the evec�t tLat any provision or datue o f t h i s Security I n s t r u meatpr t he Note •;;;�:�: �, � '�-
<br /> . contticts with applicablelaw,such wnflict s6all nota�ed otherprovisiaz�of this Security lnstrumentor the Notewluch caabe :`:i,� , `�`�,:_.'
<br /> E`- given effed a+ithout the conflicting provision.To this end ti�e provisiass of tbis Security Instrumeataad the Note aze dedared �', ' .
<br /> � � ; w be severable. �. � .
<br /> ;.p•;::�:, 16. Borroxrer's Copy.Borrowershall be given one coaformedcopy of tfie l�taceand of tLis Security Instrument. . ,,
<br /> . . r . �
<br /> •,' :•,:, . .
<br /> Fcrm 3028 9!�
<br /> � �,, � ��6R(1�1 tetoe� v,a•so�e p,n,y;�� :. . .
<br /> . � • . ���C7
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