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<br /> '. .- - P:� -^}h 'S"{ _ T r(_' r`�`�'�.-�'�. '_ _ _ - _' - __ -- -
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<br /> . .. .. � . � . � . . . � - � _. .. - — - -
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<br />- �.� - • ;�� ` - . . � • . �9�- so�3�- , . . _ -
<br />= ���.���� - � . t b��:; � --
<br /> �`��-����;� • �i?.Z�an.st�r oi tbe Propstir ota Bm28da1 inter�!ta Borea� If all or ea �iantof t�l�ettYoz m4►int�t�it - - - ---
<br /> ' �,t�':.�:hR;:.,�: , . � -- _ - _-_-__-
<br /> s'-'-"'- - tlOWEti8II0t8�l1l81 W1i11011T -`-�� �
<br />�EF r'_a�'43:Y� =;.' � � iss�o2�araansfemed{arifabeneficialiniens�InBorroarerissolQortra�,demdaad F� �W�s--���
<br /> "_--� . -�==:�,e�C+s-Qs1o��:t�nsgat,-l�r3na �_A gg'_ :mmedia;nn�vmeat ia[ulloi altst�ms___-- -_�..� -_
<br /> ''' . .�� � Se�c�u'i!y InstrnmentHowever,t�is aption shaII uet be ea��l�ade�rif sxerdso ia pmhib`�tedby�ederattaar as of'the date ' N '�� �-
<br />- ' �t°j r� O �JS.SCCItl1�f�t1S�t11II611t. • : �r d-`� � -
<br /> �° ; ; :.: tf L�endesexerases t t�i s aptian,L e n i k r s 6 a l k B o r b w e rao t i a e o f a o a e?s r n d o n.9�e n o t t a o�4 a l tp r a v i d e a p e i i a d o f a u t r s._ .�; -a-
<br /> ��t_: ,: _ ��;. . °-
<br /> _•`�r:�<:�;.� ; tess�tban 30 da�fmm ttae date tne notice is de�d or mai1W aiihin ahic6 Borrower must pay a D sttms seaued bl►t�is . ���� � s�:i,,..
<br /> <; � � ,,,. � Se�uity InstrnmeaLlf Boiroa�erfa7s to pay these suma prior to thee�iradoa of this per�ad.Leadermay iawke any cemed�es %'3'. :,.�'�--��:---
<br /> < u
<br /> �� ..- permitted by tt�is Sesuiity Iasoniment Without tinther aotice o:demand on Barrower. . �� �---
<br /> - T-�:=-,--.�-�.,:= i8. Bornaw�'s Ri�1►t.m Bdn�ata If Ban+awer meets artaia aondit�0ns, Bonnwer s6all have tlte tight to Uave� _ �_ w �';�ri
<br /> `� , , � „ eaforoementof this Secunty Insuament d'�sooatiaue3 at suy 6-me dur to t�ie eartfei o�-(�)S days�ar sac6 att�er peiiod as , � : � :�:
<br /> e � �- app}icab2ala��ak-sPeeifX for��astatement�6efore_sa2e of the � rti►P��.to aay power o sate wnmine i j tbis F rr�. ,, r !� � _
<br /> � _ �as a
<br /> � � � Secu�iry Instcumen�or(�)entry of a judgnentenforcing thls Seavity ent.Thase oond'itioas aietHatBortower: a
<br /> t:\ ` < �� ' ` Len+der a I l sams w L i c b t k e n wo u l d b e d ue me d er t II i s S e c u ri ry I n s w m e n t a u d t h e N o t e a s i f n o a o c e l e r a ti oalmd o a a��r e� � {_ �� ;'�
<br /> '.,,j, . ':+�: aue,a aay defanIt of aay offier etiveII�anLs,or ageemeut�(e)Pa all expeases iacurred�in eafo�tbis S�r.tnstrument, ,:
<br /> Z` �,
<br /> ��' , ;_ : iaclu�,but aot 6mited tq reasoa�bleauameys'fee.s;and( takes such action as Lendermay reasoaab.ft,y�requueta assure , s � .
<br /> tbat the�ien of t[us S�usity t��� � Lender's ts in the perty and HQnaarer's o6� OIL W�S��i1L S�lIO.S�� 4�-�-•n t'
<br /> '` r i `;� dhis Secu�y 7�ast�am�sba0 ao�mue �chang�tT�on rei�tatement by Bormwer,�Secatnty:Iastrument and the � .,�t�¢��
<br /> :r �' ,:
<br /> h�.,,.; �:: <.> ���'�� o6li�s�t�er�y s6aI1 r�a�antfully effearv�as�no accelerationhad occurred.However,tHis r�t to reimsQatesball ,;�2 y�� Y, �
<br /> •i:"' h17. f� F:.. ., ,..
<br />_ � �°,;�„=..:'-:i,:= = nota 3j►mtl�ecas�vf acceIeratio�a�mderparagrap ..� •��i�f�- ,`
<br /> , p� ��,• �,
<br /> ��'4`° k-;��ic <•;,��- � iSR 5ate ad Nc�(�ange o4 ka� Szsvl�r. The Nofi or a pa�tial interest ia ttie Note(tagetFterwith this Seauity+ s.. ..
<br /> ��r t'` �`_�'�� Instramentjmay be sm&3�une or moretimeswithou4 prior notioe to Borrower.A sale aQay resWi ia a cLangein tite entiiy(Impwn ` � ,:;���� r
<br /> _�� .:�;,�� as the"Loan Service�'}that ool2ects moa�tY paYmentsdue uaderthe Note and this Security InstrumentThs�ealso may�be onz . �::���.�.:.�
<br /> :� ... i.-r�tir .� � "
<br /> =, -� « ormoresbangesoftfiel.oanS�vioarumelatedtoasa2eoftheNote.Iftflereisa�oftheLoanSecvic�r,Boso�rr.�mUbe . ����"
<br /> � �:;�'�r��` ��.s givenwritienaodoeof thachao,gei�a000rdanoewith paragrdpPil4 aboveandapplirab 1aw Theaoticew�shatethenameaad - ��, <, �,"
<br /> ;°� � addre�of the new Loaa Senrcoer av,�d tbe addressto a�racD payments should be made.The notice w�i al�conta3n a�other : : .:;A�s��c r;
<br /> � .. information rc9uite�@sBa�Pficable taw -_, -:'x -
<br /> .�' 2p Baza�dasu.s�stsuaes.Borroarer s6aIl aot cavse or permit the presenoe,nse, disposal, soaragc,or:e2ease of any � � ,, �-
<br /> �� � �.a , � Ha7ardousSubstaaa�s�a or ia ihe Properiy.Bnaower sball not da� nor atlow�anyoae eL�e to do, anythiag affecting t�e . �:�� , � +;�:
<br /> l�� ' . � ' P r o p e rt y t L a t i s i n�o t a t i o n o f a�►E m i m n m e n t a l L a w T h e p r e c e d i n g t w o s e a t e n c e s s 6 a ll not ap P t!►w the p r e sea v e,u s e,or ; . �,.�' -.�,..,. t:.
<br /> � � �� stora�e�oa the Pro p�ertyof small qnantitiesof HazazdousSubstanccstLaiaregeaerally reoo�.edto be appropriateto normal �� �Y,���Y� ,; � ,;
<br /> rt
<br /> �� ��"':� � �� �''� residentialusesand3�maintenanceofthePro�erty. ti�r,�,ts���. �t �-
<br /> i � .� � , Borrower shatE�comPS3+give Leaderwniten nodce o f aay inves t i g,atioq c l a i m,d e m a a d,l aas u i t or o t her a d i o n b Y�Y + I:.�,3;�t �
<br /> ' � . ., - govemmentalor�oryagency or te party iavolving the Pro aad any HardrdousSubstaaceor BnvironmentalLaw ;., ,•x'y 1';.���,��?.`�.
<br /> perty ar �:��'�.;;..,,j::.. �
<br /> Y` � 1 1�' �`�•t�
<br /> f <:.. •�',. ,,. , :- „ ' of wbich Bo:rower has aetn a l kaowt�e.If Borroaerteams,or is n-o t i fied by any�overamen t a lor r e g u l a tory authonty.that �-,,�.�:.:.',���`�';°,_
<br /> aay�rdlor utherremediationof any HazardousSubstanoeaffec�tiagthe Property�s aeoessary,Borrowershall promptlytake �t � (c x; � 2<j� .
<br /> ,; � .�a; � all Qe�sary remedialactioas in accardance with Environmental Law }Fr< ���s:5 `�.�'_ 5 ,._
<br /> _ ;V • '1;L�;',t- � ��sed in this paragraph20, 'HazardousSubstaace�are thosesubstaacesdefined as touc or hazardoussubstanoesby 1'•••l,�CqZi}•,���3�.�''y��..65. <
<br /> ,:i�.: erQaramableor w�ac etruleum mdu toxic �'�'`+ s� ����: f. ",�
<br /> � ti��-'=•'� F,a�om�eatal law aad the foltowing substances: gasol'iae, keiasene,oth p � ;� u..�. +� �.°:,�
<br /> ; : . � �,�a�.,, � R t:L` r,� � :�'..'.
<br /> - - • ., . pesis�esandherbiades,volat�esolvents,matuiaLscontainingasbestosorformaldeL�rde,andradioactivematerials.As�uedin �'��E;'.� �;'�
<br /> • p �. P:,;���::�'' ':.: 's#' �
<br /> �a :°, , • . this��a�apL20, 'Environmental lav�' meansfederal laws and lav�s of the jucisdcetion where We Pm e �s �ocatedthat ��. . '1�.
<br /> ..:.�.: ..,�_Y �
<br /> ,,:_� : relaa,e�ca healtL,safety or environmentsi pmtedion. . .. _ : ;�
<br /> I ". " -:I��:� � �,.�DN-UNffORMCOVENAN7'S.BorroweraadLeaderfutthercovcoantaadageeasfollows . . cw �..
<br /> ; •"�:::;° : Zl.Acceleea8on;Re�edies.I.eader shali give nottce to Borrawer psior to aecRleratton[oltowing Boerowes's breacb .
<br /> "�:_:;:
<br /> . t ' _ . ot any coveoant or agt+erment tn tbls Se�urify Instrameat (bnt aot pdor to aooeiera8un under para�apL 17 untess +�
<br /> �4 � , applicaWe iaw pmWdes othe�wlse).�e nottce sDali specif�rs (a)tne ddaal� (D)We adion requIred to cura the defanI� . �`� =;
<br /> � • (c)a date,not[ess tLan 30 days tbom the dato the notice is gtvea to Boeemr�r, Dy wbic6 the defaWt most be cae+ed;and �(°�
<br /> :: , � , (�that failw�e W wre the detaWt oa or Defore the date specittPd in We nofloe ma�y result in aooeteratioa o!the sams t :��t
<br /> . sec�cu�di Dy thts Secnriq+ Iastruc��and sate oi the Property. 'lLx aotice shall ttuther inform Boerowee ot the rigpt W � . , '�':_
<br /> �after acceleeaiioa aad al�e rigbt to 6ring a court actton to asseet 4he aoa�eadstence of a defaW!or aqy othes E � `
<br /> � � def�e a?Borrawer to accele�u�a and sale. It the defaalt ts no!cu�ed oa or Defore the date specifled In tae aottce,
<br /> ; ; . • Lend�. at its o��n,ma,Y ImmedfaFe payment in fhl!o!aU sums secu�+ed by tbls Secorlty Instrament wlWout � ' �
<br /> :; �, , turWer demand a�di�ay inv�e power¢i sate and aqy offier eemedIes permitted by eppltcabte iaw. Leader sdall 6e
<br /> . ' �''�� entltFa�to calte�a79 eapeases tnc u r r e d i n p u s s�b n g t 6 e�+em e d ies pm v l de d i n W s paeagrap b?J.f a c l a d i n g,�n t n u t l i m t t e d � • � .
<br /> 1:;i,��` � " _:. G to.�aabie attorneys'fees aad costs ottltte evtdeace. ; . • ,
<br /> � �• .. .:.'t.. �the pawer ot sale is invoked, 'Itivst2e shafl record a notice oi defauft in eacL�onnty ia w�htce aoy paet of the ; •
<br /> �� , ' : Pro�Is locate�aud s6aU mail cop3es o!sach nottce Io the manner prescribed Dy appucabte[aw to Boreawer aad W � �,�
<br /> � '•�,:: .
<br /> ,�� 4; ' , � � � the ot6er persons�scrlbed by eppllcaDte l�w After the time�+equired by appltcable law, Teustce sda11 give pnbuc notice : • •
<br /> � . �. of sale to the pers�s and tn the maoner gnese�bed by applIca6te taw. Tenstce,wiWoat demand on Boreower, sLall seU �
<br /> . the�isoperiy at pnbltc auctioa tm E�e htghes�C�idder at the tlme aad ptace and under the terms deslgnuted in tDe notice o! � �;
<br /> ' '`-� sa9c�une or more parcefs am�b�amy order Trustee deteemines.7Yostee ma,y postpoae sale of alt or an,y pae�el of the
<br /> � Yrr��r by publlc annouaee�a¢ihe ti�ae and pface of aoy Qaevtously sc6eduled sale.Leader or its desigpee may ! :
<br /> • _ pnrr�ase the Pmperiy a3 any sale. j
<br /> ;, ; . �„ . ,
<br /> .s . .
<br /> � • .
<br /> � .� ��': ; .
<br /> r. . . �
<br /> ' � � Form 3028 9/90 ,
<br /> . ,� • . ��'i54.`�1�ss�s► vaaeeote m�ads:� , .
<br /> ;�.° � � ' ��� .
<br /> -� � �.__.__----. . . .. __ .. . . ... . _ _ . _ __ . .
<br /> ; . , , . . .
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