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<br /> S. __. --_._.. \ ( � I ��� i— � � � -- .. .. __ -
<br /> ' � prpp�rty dasucede�'a�3osg�jt�re.I�a�atds�IICludsd cVith3s the tGr�'CatEIIded Co�rat8gd'urtd eDy OthEt ba�rds,�achtdm�g-. �---
<br />'�.� 'Qoads ru ttaattc��oi�ar�c�Leade�t:equic�a in�uraac�TGts iasuranc�shal!6e mamtaine��a the amountsaad for the paioc�g =_--
<br />�`.« �tbat 1.eades rcquir�a'1'�e insuranoe curtar pmvcdnog the iaswance shall 6e diosen by Borrnwtr subject ta Leadcr's appnuval --
<br /> .- .
<br /> - s -----
<br />- .,:r :. . w$ic6 c�iaII aotbe uaaeas4nabtywit�held.�ii Borroa+er�s m mawiaiaoavera$e d�abuve,Leudesmay,at Leade�' -
<br /> �,. �. o�tion�obta�s coverage to prctccx Laades's tig�ts ia the Praperry in a�d�noa�ffi paraBapb 7. ; `�� - -
<br />�' �� �r �— - -: A11 ins�m3aepo�ics�endrebawats�sLati be aeoe�a6leto 1.eaderaads6ali iia�dus�ea standardmortg�gec�e:leader - �.�-
<br /> u
<br /> _`� � _� � '. ` sttatl hsve t�e rtg�it W hQM thepo]iaaa aadeen�wats.If`Leuderrequires;BoirowersSaU promPBYg�ve to Leadcratl reoelptso� �'i�i:� °��, -
<br /> .�.�., 5' � . pa��p r amit�aadrenewalaotiees.In the cventof��Bo�sL�girr�pramgt �� ,t -
<br /> aot�aetalheiasatan�e�andl.e�d�__- E-t.�b-�''a��
<br /> L �" �+� Lender ma malce maf of tass if noi made m 8 Bon�oarer. �`.� F �*=f
<br /> �., Y P P mP YbY
<br /> , � ' iJatessLenderand8osioweratLeea+�seag�+eeiawritiu,g iasivancepraeeedsshallbeappliedwreswrationorrepairofthe � `_;. -
<br /> S:1 _ � . -
<br /> .,c � �aT Al- �+. J+
<br /> � - - �A�Y��►�therestaratitonurrepairiseoona�icatlyfeas�►2eendl.endez'ssec�nityisaotlesceaedlftheres�oratioaar ,�,, ' ��� '
<br /> .: . � re is not eooaomicali feasiele or Leader's seauiht wauld be Iessened,the ins�uanoeproaeedssleall be appliedto the sums .'�� "; t
<br /> ' j '' � seco�redby this Seauit�►Iasuament,whether or teot tUen due,wuh anY eAO�ss Paid to Boirower.If Bomower abaadamstt�e �Ei� 4{�� } ;=
<br /> �, �� LX . uitS �,� a �:
<br />_ .`° aasover a dtbin 3 0 da a notioe finm p.eader tbat tH$iasureacec�rrlerbes offered to settie a damn,t�en , ;���,:,� .��`'��
<br /> � -� k Pmperty,or does not ys 1r •`,� S .
<br /> °. , ;- -- ''� , � Len,d�t may_colte�t the�suranae p�1� �Y Pr��to repair or restore the Pmp�tjr or to paY sums :� � � 4�` � �,
<br /> {iGi �i Yf� � k�.r
<br /> _ _ . r or noi t�en due.The 3�dayperiadcui'�begin wheathe notice is g,iven. � ,;,° � ��---,` t -
<br /> �: �,'�,.< � sec�aed6�this S�curiry�ent. �:i �i�
<br /> �p . Uuisss I.ender and Boirow�r oth�arise agree in ariting� anY aPP����P��P��s b a ll n u t e a t e n d o z �4=i, � `s ,x+� `
<br /> YF y_ 'S' _ . .
<br /> �.;.�,.-� .. . �;� postpo�ie t7ie due date of the montSlY Payments tefetred to in puagaphs.i aad 2 or ebaage the amonnt of the payments.If �{�' ���"'
<br /> ' :.*�;� t..�;.`r`*-:
<br /> =�3 '��.. , UII(l�f�8p1121 L68 PYOpC�}►IS 8CQQ1ICd13}►I�IIdCi�B01iOWCt'6�IQ 819g7 iaS11la130e�OltQCS 3II�1lICCCC�SfC51111117$fI0II1 �i `
<br /> ' '�Z � dama�to�e ProP�h�F�w tl�eaoquisitioadraIt pass W Leuder W the exteuE of ttie swms seauedby tbis Securuy IasWment �''� T�--°
<br /> ~ � � . ---- immediaC��.Prior to the soquisitiom ;;`�� � � � .�-=�
<br /> - �� �' - ��pan�y,pr�s�yattoa;�inLeaanae sud FroLectton oi the properly;Botemiwr�s Loaa AppW�tion;�e.�.nnta� �;;�n`;- `.t:��a,=�-
<br />��'� �<� . .- . Ho�roaersball ocaigy estabfish,audnse the Properiyas Borrower's prinapal residencewitLin su�y days `=" ;•
<br /> 4•t`• . y , aftertltee�oaof �,;� �s.
<br /> {� ,z` tbis Secucity Instrumentaad sball oontiaueto aocupy the Property as Borrower's prin�ipat residenoefar at least one yeas a8er , �z,
<br /> ecu i
<br /> - . the date of occupanry,ua2ess Leader otheraise agrees in writing wtuc6 conseni shall not be�mreasonabty►wiWheld,ar tm2ess s,•' � : r �;:
<br /> ' e�enuatiag circumstances e�st which are beyoad Boaower's controL Boaower shaU not desoroy� damaSe or impair the -�' � �`_
<br /> �s . ' , PlropertY.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property.Bormwes sball be in defanit if aay forfeittue .�r", :'
<br /> . � adion or pmceediog,whcther civ�or criminal.is begun that ia Leade�s gaod faith judgment coutd resutt in forfeiitwre of the :`' ; -
<br /> �`,_
<br /> �+'i;�': , . � _ Pmpertyor otherwise materially impaic the lie��atedby this Security Iastm�eator Lender's sewsity►interest.Borrowermay : ,. ' F�-
<br /> � - ctue sa�a defaWtars+dseinstate.as provided'u�p�a�graphi8,by causing the�ion or praoeedingto be c4'ismissed wiW a ntiiog .��. :� s�r�--
<br /> ;� 5 � � 'i�in Leade�s gaoa faith debeimmation,pre�udes forfciture of the Bo�dwe�'s interest in the Praperiy or other material �;��, ; �
<br /> ;,� �' •.•>�, ''� of the lien createdby tl�is Seautly Instrumentor�.ender's secvrity iaterest.Borrower s�all also be in default if `'::.�: - ' ��``
<br /> ,. _ ����• ��G'-'_:
<br /> ..� , . . aYUi43�i t_;
<br /> `: � . , Borrawer,.duringtheloaaapplicationpsocess,ga��emateriallyfalseorinacia�rateinformationorstatemeatstoLeader(orfailed �. � �: ;it :�-
<br />. �'•, � ` � � ' to pmvide Lenderwith aay materialinformarioa)�oonnedionwitii Weloa�evideacedby the Note,induding,but aot limited i;�.:� :� §� �
<br />_ ` . t0.represeatationsooncemiagBortower's occupansy of the Property as a prmapal residence.If this Seauity Instrnmentis on a � ;. �; ;
<br /> .�,°,�, ' �;.'� - Ieasehold, Bonower shall comp2y with all�the provisioas of the tease. lt'Bonower acquires fee title to the Property,the 1,., . .. _ . ��
<br /> leasehotd and the fee titte shall not me ualess l.eader ees to the me r in arri '��'
<br />- ;�_ ,: . , , . � � � ti°& 3.,:� .'�;_.
<br /> � � . 7.Peote�lon oi l endei's Rig6ta in the Peoperty. If Borrowecfa�s to perforn►the covenantsand agreements�nntaiuedin #�:� �i�
<br /> ' � � � thi�Securiry Iastrumeat,or there is a legal proceedingthat maY signi6caatly aifect Leader's rights in the Pcaperiy(such as a s'.���
<br /> : � . . , ':«.
<br /> pmoeediagm bankruptayr,probate,for condemnatioaor forfeiture or tu e�sforc�laws or regulations),then Leadermay do and � � •�
<br /> < � pay for w6atever is aecessary to protect the vatue of the Property and Lender's rig6ts ia the Property.Leade�s adions may ��; � .
<br /> � indude payiag aay sums secured by a iien which has priority over thic Security Insd�ument,appearing ia court, paying �;� . . . _
<br /> �� � � , • reasonableariomeys'fees aad entering oa the Propertyrto make repairs..4lthougb Lendermay take actioa uader this pas•agapB t��
<br /> ;���� � �� � 7,Leade�does not have to do so. t.�� . _ : -
<br /> ' : h��+ � Aay amounts disbursed by l.ender uader dais paragrapb 7 shall bevome additional debt of Borrmver secured by this �.; . ,
<br /> �� A .'. • Seturity Instr�ment.Unless Borrower and l.ead:,.°�agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interBSt from the �j
<br /> �� ` date of d"csbursemeat at tJSe Note rate and shall be payable,�th interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower reqaesting � �
<br /> '�� . paymen� �i. ,
<br /> .� :�; , , S.Mort�age Insnraace.If 1,eaderrequired�ortgageinsuranceas a condition of malangthe loan securedby thic Sect�rity �; �
<br /> "'�� Instrument,Bonower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance ia effcd. I� for any reasoq the �
<br /> ., 5 •�
<br /> `�;'' � ���� mortgage iasurancc coverage requ"v�dby Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect,Bonower shall pay the premiums requiredto ; •
<br /> ' obtain coverage substaatialty equ3^aL°ni w the mortgage lnsuJau�e previously in effect,at a cost substaatially equival.�°nt to the �
<br /> ;�,� cost to Borrower of We mortgage ca�wance previously in e�est,from an atteraatemortgage iaswer approvcd by Leader.if i� .
<br /> ;.�r substaatially equivaleat mortga�e iasurance coverage is not available,Borrawer shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to . . .
<br /> ' '` � :; one-tweffth of the yearly mortg�age insurance premsiumbeiag paid by BorroR�r when the insnrance coverage lapsed or ceasedto �
<br /> be ia effe�.L.enderwill accept,use and retainthes�payments as a tass reserve in lieu of mortg,age ia;urance. Loss reserve '
<br /> � ' Fam►3 8l90 ' • '
<br /> t'.' � /� /� � a•
<br /> _ �.� .'�`�� ��BRWq m2tst v�e3o�s aritiu��R�(3,�/�� , . .
<br /> it • .. . .
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