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<br /> � •�- - :��y ` ��_�'r.'��..:'�:�...:��:�'�- � � � `..- . J� a II , �•% � .. � � � -_ ' ___._...
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<br /> a t .'` �'°'r -::, "• <. ? i ?'�'�' i �' rc �'.L�—'-- . ... . 5� ` _ -�.
<br /> � '"�, s.. `� {-' 7� �..ys_...,r Q �l:J.��i •ki�_- __ �iu _ _.tv... :.;i
<br /> _�.�,- �., . _ -2t., .,.��L�`.-��nc:. t - - -- -- - -
<br /> � . � : + _' .�.,r �,~.. . . - ` -
<br /> � `' ... .` , . , � � . :i '` '
<br /> �s at_c�z�...-.:.-,.',• " . �: � , .. . -o . � . . � ' . � ` . ' � � �Y<„ -
<br /> a `- . .. ' , . ' i_ ... �4 � ` � y ��v * .
<br /> " —_— _ _ ��ll�_������_�_ — �.__ ' " � ` ' ——_ . .. .__.. ._'_ __.
<br />�� • , �. �}��RVVFT�aII tI�c impm�vementsaaa+r or he�ac�edon the grog�sty,aad alf��utenaaoesrand .
<br /> _: � now oa t�eiea8ea a_patt of tha prapetty All taptacea►en�and additiaus sbaLi•atw be coveted by tt�s Sectrrity .
<br /> a;- - __ ' Inste�umenl.Alloft�foregabagtsraf�tointhis3ec��itpinst�entasthe'�iparty.". � . . .
<br />� '�ORROWB�70V'BNRN'l"3tbat8oim�rerss IawCouq soised of 4�esiaeehenby convayed an�h�s d�a r�ht to gxart aad� ,A
<br />�'�,��� ` " oom�y the Pnoperty and tLat tha Pmgerty is onencumbared,�ept for eacumbrancesaf record Hoervwerwareaats aad will — —
<br /> °-°°�— defead generalip t�e title to the Prope:tq a�t ai!eiaia�s and demaad�su��e�y easumbraaces of r�r� ---= --=- - -- -- --
<br /> -� TffiS UMHKPnombiaesim�'otm eavenanis for nas�oaa�t�ead nun-unifurmoasrenanls�GmiEed � —
<br /> �� --._: �--- _ naaano�sbqln�is�i�ioa��a�taoe���ry��n�o�e�a���,�pe�cy- - -- -.-- -- _- ---- — - -
<br /> 1� . � � ,. �
<br /> ` ; . 1. � ������snd �nd Borrativer sbal! when du�the _
<br /> - �'� �. 1. ' � �'.. -�.�� I�� P�P�Y PaI► '� -
<br /> ���
<br /> �_;��s��-,��,;�; priaapat of aad�oa t��t evi��:�ythe N�te a�amqpic-�ycneataadlaLe cbarges d�e under We Note. :` -�`';�:-�=�------
<br />-::� .�,M t. F�m�s tos 1hYes astd������o apgS�2e law or M a arrit�s tGffiveF bp I.ender,Borrowers6all pay�r: -_--- -_
<br /> =�`� �. �; '"' . Leaderontfiedaymoathlypa3me�sa��a�ii�ertheNote,nnt�tl�el�i�teispaid,br�,.asam('F�tish for.(ajyeazIy�:=:. _- _—__—
<br />_-. _ ����r aad assess�o�ich may aitampriurY�pms�;�his Seauiiy Insdn�a tiea orctlee ProFe�Y:N?�Y IeaselcoidPa9�¢s: — - --
<br /> �,, � �.-�;,�f���.�, o�gmirtdre��svtheFroF�Y.��►Y CF�3�►b2�zardor pmperty€�rrs3aapsetnium��djY�'IY,��P�... � ——
<br /> �'-ry � �,� • " '�.�y;{e)yearly mortg�eimvranse gr�if any;and(tj a1ry svws payablefiy�orrower to�nder,in acaardans��� �- .��-����
<br /> �`='�°Y�'""'�rt •�; � :�fJ's��ai'avisions of paragaph8,un lieu of t��aymentof mo��gei�nanoepremiwas.These itemsare�Iled��ms.': .�,-
<br /> ..,: a...: -.,.� : ;'..,:��. �,t.��',*;
<br />_�� �`:�``:,,.�,�::�::;=:�� ;�Zdar maY�ai any time,caflect and h��ads in an amo�t noi to eaoeeed t�s.ma�imum amo�t a lead��$�der3liy :c;�'.�,_._—
<br /> 3
<br /> " ` •y: r�a`tedmo:[pgetoaamayrequireforBoIISm�ver'sescrowa000uatunderthefederalRealFsmteSei�lementPraead�ses�lci.af � " --
<br />�.> µ ,.• ` "-,:
<br /> K � � 1474�s ameadedfrom time to time„1Z U.S.G. Se�ion 2601 et seq. ('RESPA�;,unless aaotherlaw tTiat applies W�tteFaad's " _---
<br />_ ���-=���T==:�?.-;_=-.=�= seb a tesser amonnt.If sq Leader may, at aay time,ooltect aad hold Ptmds�in an amount not to exceed tHe i�sser amouati °r'- °"D`----=_
<br /> _ � ,.
<br /> Lendermay estimatethe amo�of Fpnds due on Webasis of c�urentdataaa��ableesamatesof eape�of future ` `�
<br /> .; �_� iu . -
<br /> Fscrow Items or otheiwise in�oordance with applicable taw .. .�. ' ` ' . ���` �--•-
<br /> �, z� ��•` The fimds shall be held ia an`m�titntion ahose depos�are iasurcd by;a:�ra1 ageaeY� instrttmentaTity, or entity
<br /> � ('mcindiag Lender,if Lenderis surh an i�on)or m an}r FederalHomea,oaa BanIG Lenders6al}aPPii'theFands to pay the � �t�,
<br /> • �, ,':'` Fscrow Items.Leadermay nut c�aa�e Horriowerfor holding and aPPly'iag tiie Prmds,anaualty anatyring the esctow a�t,or . <�r. -�
<br /> � �' veri{ying theHscrowItems,l�F��earPagsBonoweriate�estontheFtmdsaadappticabletawpe:mitsl.endrsmmakesac�c "` �;;.ff,;�.
<br /> '� , acharge.However,Lende�sr�a��a�e�trowertopayaono-timec6argeforaa�independentrealestatetaxrego�tmgservic� 4 {��� ,,r ,
<br /> f, ased by Lender ia connedion with t� �aa, unless applicable law.�sovides athernnse. Unl�s an aa�eeementis made ar� _ , r�
<br /> ;:,� agplicable law reqmresinterestto be gai�,flandersLall noi be reqairc,�t�a pay Bormweraay interestor eamings on t6e Fuads. ' '�'.'fi�:�'
<br /> . . �, - :�.
<br /> � � .:" Borrawer an3 Lender may ag«e in writiug;Lowever, that u�terestsba�6e paidon the Fuads.L+emder sLall give to Horrowe�, �: '.'',`� _�� ;
<br /> �_ � ` , � �
<br /> °. : without charge,an affival aocounting of the Fuuds�showing credits 2zsd debim to tke Fuads aad the purpose for wtuch each� "4 �- � .. ,�}
<br /> 2 • i :. �. a.
<br /> , ; debit to the Fuads was made.�&e Fnads ara pledged as addi6onal sectsriry for ali�s secuaed Fip this Secvrity Tnstrument �=��+''��n�- � � i�'-
<br /> . :.... ..:. .. .. . .,�.ti IftheFundshetdbyl.enderexceedtl�eamouatspecmittedtobe�e2dbyapplirablelaw,LeQdeas6aUavcounttoBorruwer , ,., t
<br />-`�` � :;... fo:the excess Fuads in ascordancewith fP�requuemenisuf applica3�le[aw If the amount of the F�.r�s held by Lender ai any -' ��,-..{�-.,:`
<br />=: � `..� � 6me is aot sufficient to pay the Escrow Itesaswhen due�L.endesmay so noWj►Borrowerin writin�aad�in sucb case Borrower� , � �r`:`.f��
<br /> � i �� :;�;��� .� - shaU pay to l.ender the amount necessary to make up the defiaenry. Bonower shalt make up the deficiency�a�n more than �-_- �s
<br /> r : - � � twelve monthiy payments,at Lendcr's soie diccretiom . � ::,
<br /> .;'�'.
<br /> _ j ' :' Upon payment in fWl of all sums secured by tLi4 Sec�uity Iastrument,I.end�r sLall promptly refund to lc�a¢�cra�r ai�y - .�. = ..;.,;„.
<br /> = % ' � `':4±. Funds he2db Lender.I�under b2i, Lendershall a wre�r sedt the Pro e Leader�prior to the a ws�tcca¢a s�,.°e �
<br /> Y P�eP �9 � P rtY, �9 ...
<br />- � ' ' `�t;,� of the Property,s6a11 appty any Fuads hetd by I.eader at the 6me of aaqaisitioa or sale as a credit agaiast We sums s�b� - "" �
<br /> ,:1 ,
<br /> ::.� this SecuritylasWmen� }. � -
<br /> � � 3.Appftcation oiPay�e�ss.Unlessapplicablelaw�rovidesotherwise,alIpaymentsreceivedby Lenderuatderparag�agFis E'�� •� ' �' .
<br /> • 'i,;�`;``� . 1S 4:':.5'"•'
<br /> � . ��.�f:; 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepaymentcharges due undar the Note;secoad,to amouats payable under pazagraphZ; � .•. ..
<br /> - , . �d to interest due;fourtb,to priaapal due;and last,to any late cha�es due under the Note. � '.,;�_� � ,�,i��=',:.�
<br /> ' � 4.Cbaige�ldeas.Borrower s6all pay all taxes,assessments,clsarges.fines and imposidons attr�'butableto the PropeRy � ;;;� ., � � ;�;`�;.
<br /> '. � wluch may attaia priority over this Security Inswment,and leasehold paymeuts or grouad rents,if any. Bomawcr shaU pay � 'R�`;�: , '�'=��`:
<br /> ���'� theseob' tions in We marmer rovided in p ' P Y �Y ( �
<br /> .,;�;..�, � liga p parag�aph2,oa if not a�d ia tLat manner,Borrowershall a them mz�tccae dire .. . ;
<br /> . : . �; to the person awed paymen�Borrowershall prompdy fiu�is�n to Leuder all aoti�ces of amountsto bc paid uuder eLus paragraph. . ,•.;;;;. .
<br /> - ' If Botrower makes Wese paymeats directJy,Borrower sha�l prompdgr Furaish to Lender receipts evideacing tfie paymeats. � :: �:�,����
<br /> - : `':.� �-'" �`, Borrowershall rom ti disci�ar Len which 6as no ' oves this Securi Iastrumentunless Borrower: a w - . , ���.`.;"
<br /> • P P Y Se�Y � P� *�Y �Y � )�g� ,,,,,
<br /> �� �' writing to the payment of the obliption sec�uedby the lie�in a maaneracceptableto I.cader,(b)contests in gaod faitL the lien .
<br /> ? ��..:;• '
<br /> .•�.:.•:. : � •
<br /> , by, or defends ag,ainst enforae�ent of the lien ia, tega4 groceedings which in tfle Lender's opinion operate t�o prevent We
<br /> � ;� F;.�;;�;.�:''. . enforcementof the lien;or(c)sectues from the holder of che lien an ageemeatsatisfactory to Lender subordinatiagthe Gen to �
<br /> ,c . ,�� 1 � '`��+� tLis Securiry Instrumen�If l.eader deter�in.°sthat any part of the Prmperty is subject to a liea wlucb may attain priority ovex ; .
<br /> ' ` ,:�:���_ tLis Seauity Instrumeat,Lendermay gice �onrowera uotice ident�'y��tha lign.Bonower shall sati�fy the�iea or tako oae or j �
<br />- ' `'• .. .• more of the actioas set fortb above witttin Ila d�ys of the giving of cotic:.
<br /> c�'; � t .
<br />_ �� �;� �e3,pZQ 9�p � i
<br /> 1 • ��RINE!mzul Pamt o+e t..tim:f' !��
<br /> '' ''� V 4
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