��� � ��� ��1��t,� ���tF �:a��ier �� �� Y -�� .:t .ai..'�u�'._a_ `_ . ._ __.e �� � - — - -----
<br /> __�.-,`` . ` ` ' . _. � ..� . ... ' ±' , —�.Q< --�
<br /> _. �. • - . ` , . , ` � . ' � , . ' � ���f �`��� ` t � ' P. s` _ .
<br /> -- ' `� . �E�3 I11�j�1f4�06�CT ti0�OQt1�tE�8t t$�Optt01]0��CCIldC.fr�f tY14M$8$¢.1U�311rHA08'1?DYiTi�C(;R�.affiQs1nI��Ql"fSL�Q3 —
<br /> � ��hat E�aader�reguiY+es}pmvl�Qv ea insurar app�+ovad by Leudet sgain baom�avaitsbic�b obnia,ed.�'st�1�Y -_
<br /> __ � .' dse pmiaiciais taqai:rd tn as�nui�mortg��ans►uanaa m e ar to. a� teserva. __� -� T. ,
<br /> ins�coe cnds ta5�coordaacb ait�Sn�r wc8ten a,g�+eemcatbetwaa Botrower and Le�d�or�liabie ta�►.�� . . � ` �.
<br /> ' ._ �.�.Ltlif�Cl`0!Il�;iSt3�ID8Y Qi�C01+tSSOD3�Ia CI1it1CS i1poD�d�Sj�CtiCb4 O�tbEt Ptaptilj�.L�E!8�1�$�1t0 '
<br /> --— � Banoa�er notice at tt�e�me of ot p{ior tu an in�a�on.speelfying rta�onab2a c�use fo�the Inspecatai. <>� c.
<br /> IQ.Co�aandiaa.'[4�piaoeods of a�y awat�t or ctaim for damages.�or cuaseq¢ffitial.ia eRnnxfiop with any
<br /> � �d,emaaHoa or oth�s telc�ng of any paat of the Praperty.ar for�arnayanoe{n tiw of oondemastian._ate hta�by s�sl�od sud�� �
<br /> . _ _ _ _�_ �__ . . . - ----
<br /> _ sbatt 6e patd W Leade.�: ° . .. . _
<br /> -_ �-'_-�-�aih��ce�tQf$t�t�g of t4e_rmge,rty=,she pmc�eds saatt ba e�pliea!eo c1t�suals�red by d�is sea�isy-. — - - . ._------. ._._.....
<br /> ;, In�.. `'
<br /> � wl�er or aflt th�n due.witD any exass paid w 8ornuwor. In the eveut oF a patial ta4ing+bf the P�pttt�r�l whic�t th��3r
<br />�a� msrket vaine of the Pmpertjr innmodiarelY befor�the taking is e�ml to or g�ater t�an ttie aatount of the sa�sea�t�t!Dy ihis
<br /> Security insa�t immodistely 6efo:e the ualang,untas4 Boaower and Lendea�t�rwise agrea tn svriting,the suuts sec�red bY ` :
<br /> -- — this Sxurity I�uwnent shall be radaoed by the amount of tha pmcbeds�miltiplied by the foltnwing fractioa: te)t�e tat�1
<br />� amrnmt of the snms sewred�iately before t6e ta�tng.divided try(b)the fair matket vatue of the PpopPrty imme�iately
<br />�. � 6efore t1��8. A�r balaace s1�aU be paid.to 8oerower. In the evena of a partial taking of the Pm�paerty in wbi�tl�e�fatr
<br /> -- `' matket vsIue of the Pt+vp�rty ifnmediatPly 68fOCe the tak3ng is tess thau tfle 8mount of tlte sUri14 s0cutied-�eidY 6efo�+e tho ,
<br /> _._. .._.�dng.-untesg Borrower�and-Lst�der otheiwise ag�e�ia writing-or�niess spplicabie-!aw�rise prnvtcles;ihr prooeeds sha,U---. . .
<br />�`? shaU
<br />=i`' be appfied to the sUms sec�u+�d by Wis Seauity instrament whether or nut the�su�s are th�n du�:: . —
<br />� If th�Property'Ls abaudo'ried by Bormwer.or if.after notice by I�ender to HQavwec tit�t$e oondemaor offers to aralce an �_
<br /> - award or seWe a daim for damages,Borrower fails to respoad to Le,ndea witiaf�.3�d�ays�er the date the nouoe is given, - —
<br />= �. �._.<. ._: �.. L,eader is authocitied to ooltect and aPDjY the pm�eeds.at its option,either to��ation or t�epair of the Pmpe�Ry or ta the snms ;;;
<br />_ `�w,-?"'k�-'.•`�:.-�` . SeCUted by this Security in. �m t.avhether or nut then due. � --
<br />_ i, .� � � Untess Icnder aad Bonower othernrise agiee in writing, any appliprion.flf pmc�eeds to princ�pat ss[►�all not extead or
<br /> _ ��postpone the due�ate of t�e moathly payments refetred to in paragaphs 1 and 2�rd�ange the amouat of sud�payraents. .
<br /> ; - Y :� � li.Borruwer Not I�eleased;Forbearaace By Lender Not a Waiver.E�siaa of d►e tlme for paymeat or modifca�on
<br /> ��� ' �� of amortiiation of the sur�senued by thia Se�wity tastnunent granted by L�der ro aay sueo�or in interest of Borrower shaU_
<br /> =r�•��.r
<br /> .y,;;����"�` noi operade to telease the liability af the original Bomnwer or Bosnsarer's s�cooessors in iat�rest.Lender shall not be tequirad W
<br /> • `", � .' oommease prooeedings again�t any sucoessor in interest or refitse.ta extenc!ti�tar paymeat ar otherwise modify aznortFzation --
<br /> � ,�5;Tf. :.,e.•�;,•r� ' _
<br /> , N.:_, --i. .
<br /> _. .�,,, � of tIle sumc secvred by this Security Instrnme.nt by reason of any demand� by th$ origiaal Bomuwer or Bormwcr•s
<br /> ;- � .` `- sitocessois in intemst. Any forbearar�ce by Lender in exercising acry right or�dy shall not be�waiver of or precl�tde the � _ —
<br /> � � exetcise of airy right or remedy. • ' . ;:___.
<br /> �'.f�� �,���-;' 1Z.Suoocssois atid As�iga4 Bound;JOS�t 8Rd SeYelel L38hS1Ity;Co-s�ers• TQe caveaa�us and agreements of this �'� —
<br />- ` ����;���:"��, Seami Insuument shall bind and benefit the sucoesso�s and a�i of Lender and Boaa�er, sub ec1 w the rovisioas af � ��--
<br /> ;.�F� ea 'ty &� j P ��_.
<br /> :, ; • ti ; � paragrap6 17. Bottower's oovenants and agreements shaU be joint and several. Any Boav�er who oo-signs this Security
<br /> • :.;f��_;:;`.� Instrument bm does irot execute the Note: (a)is ao-sGg�ng tfiis Security Instrumem oaiy.to mortgage.ga�r and oomey that y�� = �_
<br /> ,:� =R: '�• .. � :�`�;
<br /> . - '•`�': ,.-=: -:•= Borrower s intetest in the Property under the terms o€this Security L�swment: (b)is rtot p�nalty ablig�ed to pay the sums x.
<br />- .. .,.:.f;`:.,� secuied b tUis Seari I
<br /> � � r�'=;:'�;::- . ' y ty nsuumenr,and(c)agrces that Lender and aay ather Bormwer may agree to exteud.modify.forbear or � '-.U.�L:k���
<br /> t;::..�. • ...r;z�. •......���:
<br /> • ; . .. make any aa�ommadations with negard to the teims of this Security Iastrument os the Note without that Borrower's conseaf. ..
<br /> ao
<br /> ' � � " �`�:,
<br /> ;. . � 13.Loan Cbarges.If the loaa secured by tfiis Security Instn�ment is suhsea to a law which sets maaimum toaa charges. � - ' �.,...,.�
<br /> ; '� . and that law is finally interpreted so tha�the intemst or other toan charges culiaxed or to be mllected ia connection with the _ . �. �',:-�•��
<br /> • ,� '.. ' loan exceed the peanittod limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduc�ed by•the amount necessary to reduce tfie charge � �:--
<br /> + � ,•�;y,;� �; to the pemutted limit:and(b>any sums alt+eudy collected from Borrower which excceded pemritted limits will be refundPd to � _ -
<br /> ''s� . Borrower. Lender ma choose to make this refund b reduci 4 the rinci at o�aed under the Note or b maEcin a direct ' '�
<br /> . ':`;_htiv?. Y Y � P P Y 8 • � . .
<br /> � :- ;�;p;.. ; •' payment to Bomower. If a refund reduces principal, the neduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any ._ . �
<br /> �� ' � ��'� ' prepayment charge under the Nate. � ��'��
<br /> . ��;�;�..,�... .�.• - .. :�: .`'.' - .
<br /> • . ,,�;; . 14.Nottc�es.Any notice to Borrower pnovided for in this Security Inswmem shall be given by delivering it or by muiling . - � _ � ;
<br /> ���"• � . it by fiist class mail uniess applicable taw requires use of:u�other method.The notia:shall be directed to the Property Address ��t;;�ti���;,:''`� •��
<br /> . _ � .,;:'r, � � �.
<br /> ; � .. :.,_.,, , ,., ,�.�. ,� ;,,..:
<br /> �.•t,:"� or any other address Borrower decigwtes by notice to Lender. Any nnti�e to Lendcr shall be given by first class mail to .; , �iv_;r•.: , �-� .
<br /> • :;e::t;.`�,• . •.�3..• .,
<br /> ;�•�. Lender's addmss stated herein or any ather address Lender designates by noti�l:ta Bc�rrower. Any notiee provided for in this _,
<br /> ��`� , Security Instrument shall be deemal to havc been given to Borruwcr or Lender wheo given as provided in this paragraph. • • , � � ,
<br /> � : i•,:ti'.. . 15.Goveming Law; Severabilit�. This Security Instrument shaU be �ovemcal by fcdcral law and the law of the . , �
<br /> . � � e��z,.v jurisdidiaes in which the Property is la;ated. In ihe evem that any pmvision ur clau�e of thi�Security Instrument or the Note -�•. .
<br /> ' � ��>ti�1:i��-. . . . .
<br /> _,,T�Y,. conflicts with applicable law.such contliet shall nnt aifect other provisions af this Security lnstrurttent or the Note which can be :.
<br /> .� given effect without the conttictirib pn�vision.To this end the pr+��isions of this Sec�rity In+trument and the Note are declamd . , .
<br /> ' � to De severable. - �
<br /> s .� 16.Borrou•er's Copy.Bocrower shall be Fivea�me ronfonnc�i cupy of the Yate and uP�his Security Instrument. �� . �.'
<br /> r,::. .
<br /> . ? .. Form 3028 9190 >..
<br /> . ��.��fi�
<br /> i's • \+ur;-;:ti vapeam6 `,��,'��.
<br /> �1� •��',:}``. . ' �� .
<br /> 7� .i••S• � l, 4 .
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