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�'�". �� E .t:� �� c. � i .�..��� - , o�._. - .� t'" � .� 4 � � –= –T <br /> _ f t „�`�+i�,' �f°`3?w _,.��. �sa_ c ��tv a.t* <br /> - �'S'4:s"�. �`�.�� ,��,_TZ'-�'.��i `��= �'."�i � °. —�` F` - - <br /> . : -:� �' �; �- , c � � a <br /> �� ,F .i -�,,f . sk-•�,�r�...:,�.jS�,�s}- . t ,�_ t i - - I _ . . -- - ?��_ _ �..�•.�-- _.�_- <br /> � .�. . _ . iar. <br /> '� ... ' . �..."::� ' :[: �-.�JL.� ��qa�� .Y�EAtiJ�`lR«• . ' C v.h � . .4��• <br /> 1 ��f��Yi���Y 7711�fi/CAR�Ii.t"d�i� ••�.•�,r � `� �as�'wowv�� i.. "___ __ <br /> ,�: �Jt-` � � . . .' � _ . � ,` ` . C ' . . ____ — .. — . __.. ._._ _.__- —. o �_ <br /> __ _�.� _ � . � �3•� i�93l9� <br /> ----- - -- � a?.�er ot the Frr+pe�q qr�e Ben�Ida�Yutcrest ta 8oraow�.ff eli or auy part of the�Propeity or�►y intecrst tn ic . � <br /> - -- -_- - - is soid ar.uttnsfen�(ar if a ben�ictul intacst iti Borcowar is sotd or transferred and Borrower is rtot a ciaNrat persoH)�vithaut . <br /> - -- -- - - �.�___ �-.-_ <br /> - - -- - Ta ��uPtio��.-�-r�idmuediafe'PsYc�ent-In-fitti=t�f-�2�Stm�3�..� ..� -- <br /> _ - Security�N. owev�r.thia op�€Qn sh3l!not:be�aer+cised 6y Lender if exerdse is prohibited Oy fed�al law a�of ih�date <br />--- . of thls S�tity G�tume�nt. � � : <br />-- ------__--- If#�Ber exercisea t�is op�on.L,eader shalt giv�e Sosmwer nottce of eaoeteratton.l�e notIoe shnil pmvtde��eriad of tmt <br />__ ---- ° less th�o�3�.days from the date t6e cwtPae is delivered or maileA wit6ia whlch Bonnwer mvst pay s�li sums secuced by ihie, ' � <br />-°~�: Socurity:Ltstruc�ent. it�umoi�er fai[s to pay thae sumc prior to Ne ea�piration of this per�od.Lender may tnvo�e nny n�nrtedies '.- <br />_�: Pemattad.b�this Seeurlty Instniment withwr fiuthrr not�eeor deamnd on 8arrower. _ � <br />�- 1&�.�f�rfow�r's to Retas�te. tf Bonnwer meets certain oo�difions. �orroarer shal{ hsve tha tight ta havc � - ---- <br /> � enforoems�st•of this S��c�ry InsWment disoontinued at any time prior to the eaztier of: (a?��days(dr sucit ather peri+od as -- <br /> � c apptic3bl��ta�+ may apecify for reinstatetQCnt)before sale of tAe Pro��pursuant_to any,power of sale wntained ia tf�is _ <br /> �,.,.��1= - 5eauity�•Itlm�ument:or(6�ensry of a judgaient eafarcing th3s Sesvrity ent.Those couditions are that Bomower Ca)PaYs - - � w - <br /> �.�.��.`��- ,. L�udee si!lt�b-ums which thea wauld be due under this Seatrity tnstiument and the Note as if aa asceteration i�ad ooau�d:(b) - .,��:Q.�,.:."_ <br /> ��=�,::,;=;;�..� au+�s a��default of eny otfler eovenantg or agreecnents:(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing tl�Is Security in5 �*n ^t. ��---=��:. <br /> �� •a�,�'�;�,;; ins[udin�s�bnt aot tirtritad w.�easonabie attorn ' fees:and(d)takes such action as Lensier may�easonabty require w assum �_v���=— <br />= ' �;• �, that tfle.ti�of ttis S�usity Inmument.Lender�s ng1�ts in t�e Pmperty and Horrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by �=_�.-,�_ ------ <br />-�' .�y�N��.i.Y.. . " �t,�--��__ <br /> '� '.,���"`�;�;;__ �is Seeatiry Ynstrument sl�al) oontiaue�uacttanged. Upon• reinstatement by Smmwer::�his Security I�cniment and the - <br />-J{, ;:.�„��•r^.,:t._ , obfigaeiQns se�uced Dereby shaU cemaia fuUy effective as if no acoeietation dad oocurretl.However.this right to reinstate shull �, <br /> � r ;--;,-� not appSy,�n tha case of acaeleration under paragraph 17. ' : <br /> grap <br /> f��`' ��s_ 19��Sa[e o!Note; Change of I.os�n Servtcer. 'Rce Note or a partial inte�+est in the Note(togcther with this Security - ._���- <br />- ' ';�=''_}'�? --.` r= Insdum�t t t)may b e so l d one or more times wi t hout prior notice to Bortower.A s a le may rest�(t in a c i�a n ge in t he en dty(&nown �=�_����:�--: <br />- .,�-��,.. �, : - _ -. <br /> .� 't,"='=`'°�=�=h'=-�'`+` as tQe,°Luaa Servieer')t6at rnllects momhlY PaYments due under the Note aud tAis Secuii Instnunent.?her�also ma be one �<='r"���=__- <br /> •:��r or mom;d�anges of tite Loan Senricer unmlated to a sale of the Note.If Were is a d�ange o€tythe I,oau Servioer.Botrower will be �1, z - _�_ <br /> � = "�� �� g iven:�vatten notice of the c h a n ge in accordance wiW p a r a g r a pb 14 above and a p plira6te taw.The notioe wili st��+tg the rta�and � . <br /> ,;��yst=�_�;::'.�> ''�_-';:����' a�dressof the new Laan Servicer and Ne addiess to which payments should 6e made.The notice��ll also contain any other "�'��`� �=:-- <br /> - �M x?�'� _ ''-� infomr�tion requina@�Y aPPlicable taw. . . , :�---- <br /> "( ti� ` a. ; 28:Ra�ardous Stibstance9.Borrower shall not cause or permit the pmsence, use. disposal. scarage.or releace of aay . Y 1 - <br />� R `��� ' T�aaardous Substances oa or in the Property. Bormwe�r shall not do. nor altow anyone else to do, su»ything affecting the � �� �`� <br />- �'zz t yi�,.r:%a'°,•..' '';;c- <br /> �i������� r : Ftcmeity•that is in violation of any Environmental law.�e preoeding two sentenc�shal!not appty to t6e �� <br /> =:� � , ��;dn the Property of small quannities of Ha7ardo�.s Slrbstances t�at ac�e generally�oognized to be appropaate to nom�al '� , <br />� �7��� � F �;.�:,;� �ist��ad to maintenance of the Progerty. . t,��:- <br /> 3,; :t�,.,.,`.} , _,f��;'�; �t:ower shall prompdy give I.ender wriuen notice of at�y investigation. claim, demand.lawsuit or other action by any ,: _, ;�`: <br /> 5��: , f, � ,� guvernmental or negulawry ageney or private party involving the Pnoperty and any Hazaidous Substance or Environmental Law _ <br /> ,,, � Y� :r ��?:� of wluch Sorrower has actual tmowledge.If Bomower leams.or is notified by any govemmentat or t+egulatory authoriry,that � �, � <br />_ _ ,�..,�„i� � • ' s�tiamoval or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Substanoe affecting the Prugerty is necessary.Bormwer shall pmmptiy take :,�= <br /> �'`f ;;,�;�SS�?;�ks1�-- ' a t l n e c e s s a r y r e m e d i a l a c t i o n s i n s o o o r d a n ce w i M E n v i m n t n e n t a l L a w. �`- <br />_'�� �'�`���`'�>'r'`' ' As nsed in this patagraph 20, 'Haraniuus Substances'are those substances defined as toxic ar haTardous substances by ;�°-= <br />__`�;�t ��•'��° ,�>��.�' �.:- : � °• Environmental Law aad the following suls�ances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable ar toaic petrolewn products. touc ` � � ��.-. <br /> :4..� '..i:, �.�.,... : '" x� <br /> ��� � ` ;:r. • . pesdcides and herbicides.volatile solvents.materials containing as6estos or fora�aldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in �... �..- �...'� �•: <br /> i '�.``4:�"%�:`�:•�.•� ' this p�agr'dpA 20, "Environmental Iaw° means federal laws and laws of the juiisdiztion whem the Property is locat�that � }'. '-- <br /> ,:.��,:.:. , . . <br /> : ,�t��,�_,:,, ' relate to heatth.safecy or envir+onmental protection. `:�,•' " :: <br /> . � ��R : NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'f5.Borrower and Leuder furttter covenant and agcae as follows: ��= Y ' - <br /> -� � Z1.Aaeteration;Remedies.Lender si�all give Qu�ioe to Borrower prior to acceleraBon Poltowing Bocrower's breac6 � ' ���� - <br /> . _ �.�•..,: <br />_ ';,�` : '. •_ of aa oovenant or ent in this Security Instniment (but aot rFor to acoeleratfon wtder ''-�� 'f - <br /> '�.:-.::,•-... Y � P P�taPh 1T unless _�,: . - <br /> • ;�:.. , applicable taw pruvides othenvtse).The aotice s6at1 speeify: (a)the defaWt;(b)the actfoa required to c�re the defaWh, • ' � ' r_ <br />- r � ' (c),aot less t4an 30 days irom the date the natice is given to Borro�ver,bv�vhfch the default mus!he cured;and � � t'° ,���z^ <br /> 4.. .. ' . . . ;,�._.-. <br /> , ,�.;. • .,. (d)ttnut failwe to cure the default on or beforn the dlate speci�ed in the notEce ca�ay rault i»accelerattoa of the sums . ,�_o <br /> 4, se�aned by this Secudty I�ment and sale of tRe Ptroperty. The not�ce shaU fartder inform Borrower oY the dgt�t to ;-. <br /> ��•. r�nstate after aoce[erenon and the right to brtng a court actton to a�sert the non•cxistepce of a detault or any other ° � - <br /> . defease of Borrower to aocQieraNan and sate.If the defautt is not ca�on or before the date specified in the notice. � ' " � <br /> �' � I.ender,at its option,tnay require immediate payment ta fuli of all sums secured by this Security Instrument eithaut � - •• <br /> ' fr�rther demand and may invoke the po�cer of sale aad any Mher remedIes permirtted by eppltcabte taw.Ixnde�shall be .;,�s; � -• • <br /> � '`:'•',c:� eafit[ed to wltect all expenses iacurred in pursuing the eemedies pruvEded in t6Ls aaragrap6 Zl.includiag,6ut aot limited '.�,::•;��� � <br /> ' �.; °�`�'��� • t�►easonable attorneys'fees and costs of titte eWdence. '�'�� � • <br /> � � �''��'�•' � iP the power of sale ts invoked, Trustee shali record a not��f default in each county in whtcb any part of t3�� " ' <br />- ' � � ' •� '`���� 1'POperty is�ucated and shall matl ca�ies a8 such notice in the maaar:r prrsc�ibed 6,r applicaD[e law to Barrower and to � =-t���4`y <br /> ,'`� ' • ` . .:i`, ' • . ,ia�;;.' . : <br /> •-.�, � tIIte other persons prescribed by appttr�[e ffaw.After the Nme required by applicable law�Tru�tee shall give publlc nottce � ,. .{,.. <br />-- +.; .. . . � '���;:' oS sale to the persons and in the maeaaer Qsescribed by applicabte taw.Trnstee,�vithout demand on Borno�rer,shall se11 � �� <br /> `� t'�` '� 1 tBrs�roperty at pubfic auction to the highest bldder at the time and place and uader the terms designatcYl in the ttoitce of ' . • <br /> " '� saGe in one or more pan�tls and In any order Trustee determin�.Trustee may�anstpane sale of all or eny parcel of the • �'' - <br /> x: . . <br /> • rty;. - • Pr�pesty by publle announcement at th�time and place oY any prevtously sc�ceduled sale. f.ender or tts deslgnee tnay . -�',���?���� ' ' <br /> i.;;o, pw�chase tlte Property at any sate. �,t,�.'.. <br /> �.:;,, <br /> . ;` i.`?`: .::, ; . . . '': . � <br /> �v.,,•i 5• <br /> Zz... <br /> r..�l`'•''i�f •, - � � <br /> - Fortn 3028 9I90 . - <br /> :+�:�.. . . . Page 6 0/6 . <br /> . �, � � <br /> dii�`� �'�... . � r • '•�e.��,•. <br /> , �...^'. �{ . <br /> �t`;`��'. � �•�� . ' .. <br /> . i �:�. ,.�� . , �,�����:: . ' <br /> c��; ' • � . _._.__.. —..�._.- — . . •------.__.. , � . <br /> '`t: ��. • . . ' , _ _ '–':.. . . . � . . , , ' <br /> - �� �� � � � • . � � � � . . . .. , <br /> •�,,, � � _ . �, . .. � � . , . � ' . . . <br /> . -..J, � � .. . .. , � <br /> .j* : . . . • <br /> ; �' ' � ' . � • . . . • . ' . , <br /> i '.. . . . , . . � . � .. . <br /> - -------�----� •-__ _ -- - - <br /> °-- -----°------- — -- - --- -- - -- - -- --- -- -- -- - - - - - <br /> —._ �. _._ - � _ <br /> -----�------ �._. _ _ .._..... <br /> - - — .�: �-__ .. . -_------.-_...--- --------- -— ---_...----- -----...__, .. __. - . <br /> ,. � . . . � _ .,. <br /> .►.f.' . . . . , , • c. . . . . 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