�� � .,D.`.� Yi,�`� t . - t� - - �?� ��'ii -_^_� [ • ��.. �`b� - _-__'--._
<br /> � �
<br /> _r _cc _ ' - - 'c e.'+'
<br /> >.t{i s,�.. � � � �.�� llLZS � �_ `'_�� ' iSt :..�"1'� —
<br />–t, � ~' .l.`C.t.y>.`•• 1�'; _ ��i[ C-� _� `:-' _ � J�--1J _ _ T
<br />�. �C J6 t� � . ._. _ .—_•— i�it. • . . . .._.... .. .._ �Y �` . . .-��,_T''�—� .. . -..- y. �-�. _ -
<br /> - �... .. __�.�'117tx.7�'-�� 4. � . .- , � _ , . . . -� • � ,_ ' 'a r r� _-�__. .
<br /> ` �� . � . . g�►�os�8 �
<br /> `.: , 4, , ` . � - � . _ � �s �—
<br /> S. Hil�f�0�'�p��E. $�tQWGt 5�18�I k�E�C �t'11Y��Qt9 ilQY/�t�VF Iitlg3��F Q[��f�0' �-__
<br /> = ---- wIti�it!t�e t�m1'a[teade9 oCVeet$a'.encl atql other ht�uds.:�,d.''t"..
<br /> . ==--o=------
<br /> — t` � 8nasis or ftaodin�a:far arhi�t.�der.•�uir�s�tasu�a�oe.1'6is insur�nae sha13 6c rosiattilao¢!in'ct�amounts en�!E'ot tQe.perfods
<br /> that I�tdat t�gaitsts�'E�e iitsvratrso c:txicr pmviddt;g t�te iasurat�ae�Gatl be cttQSen�y Borenwr�t su�ject.to I�tfer's�vai
<br /> ; wht�h ehap nut b�:a.R.s�e.rtsenaDty wit�h,ct�. if Sorrawer fafls Yo mai�ain cdvarage desc�6�ed obave,Lender ma�.at l�ader's . �
<br /> — �'�' optEau,uRfi�iu ao��ea gmact -'�"s�i�si�th�pe�apemy in��xitL►parageap!►?. � , � ;�: _- -
<br /> - s� -All insurnnoe�•�EeFcs<aud cca�wats s�1}6a acoepoable to Lender end shall�Inedu�a atsnd�d matt�age denx. Iau�er
<br /> sbtil��have tt�e ri�talt�2�.lt�e��ne_newals.U Leeder t�uir�s.Bonuwer s1�I 1'�'a14P�Y 8i�e to i�er alt naeipts of _— -- -
<br />_= paid preadums a�r9 re�c�a1'natia�.In t�evau of loss.Bo�rna�er shaU give pmmpY n�tIoe to the insur¢no�w�ei ani�Lsnder.
<br />� -- -- - t;att�uiayrt�a��Qlt�e+ssi€�����o�awe�:---- ---- ...:.. .. .� --�=;-- -- -- �_�
<br />� - --- -- --- __-- - -- . — ---
<br /> _ ' ; Unte,ss Lead�.a.�d Bonraaer��e ia anitIttg,insaiahoe proceods sball Qe applied tu restota�tioa or regatr of the .
<br /> - _" PmFertyr dam�a4:ii�he re.stara�ion or regmr�S eoo�mically fca�'6!e and Le�der's s�uitY is�t lessenod. If the tesWrattoa or
<br />-_-- - repais is not eoo�c�21y Pea�ble or Irader's se�vdty aaWd 6e Iessened.tht iasa�a g�apeeds�sball be apQlied W tae svms
<br />_� -- secu�bl►this�In�m, wiWher or not tLeio due,wit�aAy axoes�psid w Sorrower.if BoAOwu asa�dons the
<br />=--� - - - , piogertyr,�dae�:c�at nasa��vithin 3f!day�s a notia fram Lender that tbe i�u�ce c�rier has offea+ed to stttle a cla�m.thm
<br /> Leader may call�xt the iasuranoe pmceeds. �nder may.we the pmoeeds to�repair or r�swre th�Fmp�sy u:to pay sums
<br />-- seaueQ by ttis�rity Iassrutne�t;arh�her or not then fi�e.lTte 30�dey peribd w�!begin aR�the no4iae is g�veu. - _
<br />_.. --- _ .._ ... -- -- �- �- -- � �----� � -�---.�- �,- -� --- -- . -�---- - p .. =-�--- - -- � . _ _. .-
<br /> -.: ntess an� wea u a �n , �nny cauon o w �t or -,- � _._._
<br />° postpone t�e dtne�ace of tme aioathlY I�Y�ref�rred to iu p�aiagrapA� 1 and 2 or change the aa�ount of tha paym�ats.If _
<br /> - nnder Faragrap�2].t6z Property is acqut�ed�yr Lender.Bonower's right to aay�'�.**A�policies ead pmoeads re�vtbng from � =�._.
<br /> damage w tne Pro�e�ly prios tQ die ac�uisitton shaii pass w Leader w the extent of the sums socured by t6is Secvrity Inst�n�ent `"'"�"`�'.
<br />- . , ��, - � -
<br /> s� jmmediate3y prioi t�the aoqa�isibian � ' rs:=—
<br /> --f'r'�.-�- �;��`�`_�:=�;`Y Cr.Oocursan�gr,Pre�vati�Br�viufceiance au8 Ft+oEediun o?the Fi+upety;Bot4+ut9�'s Laan Appl�attoa;i,�ho�dv. - -
<br /> .� u8 �=�
<br />_=� - Hoa�awes sbal�000�,�.�tab�iste.�d nse the Pmperiy as Bormwer's g�c�sidame��vlit6m sixty d�ys afteF the esecution of ��_�_
<br /> �`_ +' �' dus 5eeurity Ir�ameat an�shali oontinue w uaupy tbe Pcaperty as Baa�'s piancipal recidenoet'ai at Ieast one year eRer
<br /> .;. � �,,. , -�:
<br /> =�r r�t b.,,� �, �i:�: ttie dk�of oaa�y.va�ess[.e�der otherwi..ze agrees in wiitia�.wkid��t sha1I unt be un�as3�abiy withhetd,or uniess � ;�` :
<br /> <.` ��:��'`' ciran�oes ex� ��ich ane be ona Bomawec's +oant���amower s�iI��ot d e or ' the � ` ' _
<br /> -��v �;': �S Y � estro9, damag �mPair �
<br /> � -� ';t; �;. ��h, aliow t�Aropecty�tn�eriorate.or wa�t vr.�va..t►�e.4�vPertY. Borm�irer shall be in de�ilt if aay forfeitui+e � � `�''? ,':
<br /> �. �,: -
<br /> -- aaron or praoeedc��,ar�ether ci�or criminal.is beguu t�aL�re:�,eRd��gaod fiuth judgment wnld t�vlt in forfeitune of.tke #. .;•_ _�_
<br /> . -` � .i.r� - :
<br /> �k;``. ' . = Property or otnerWise materisilg impair the liea cceated by�ti�;�aui'ty I�avnaent or Lender's securiry inte�,st.Borrower may : �_ -
<br /> r: -: :�:f;'".f' cttre�snc�a de�im and reins�a�as pmvided"ui paragraph.I�;�y causing�e aaion or proeee�ng to be dismissod with a niling ,. �:. �.: '��--
<br /> ;;,z�'�F��'.;5.;�; ° . t t r a K,`iu L e n der's�o o�t'a i t h d�i a a t ion. prec lu des f o r� o f t h e B orrower's in t e r e s t in t he P ro p e r t y ar.o Wer m a t e r i a l . � ",;�,r�-- '�
<br /> ' x�3?� �ent of tI►e iiecr c�ea8et�L�this ''.��'�=�:` —
<br /> . �� •-`s%` Securiry Instcument 4��uder's sec�trity interest. Boirower shall alsa!ie fi}�r�efautt if �,•,..... ---
<br /> '`���rY•��-f . ;,'f:.�i1;��."
<br /> . :,,�,�;' _,�y'�� . Bom�r,d�uing tl�eeioan a�p3"icr�oa pruc�ess.gave materi�f�Ise a��uate information or statements to L�:C�,failed .,:;^,•., '�;
<br /> '. ;;�`��• to prmvide I.end�.coit8 any material information)in oonnecaon'wuh�tfielaa�s evideacad hy the Note.iacluding.but noi Wnitad • ' ,., �, -r_
<br />�`` '' �j��•` ta�isrns�R:erairt Bamuwer's of the Pro al resideaoe.If this S�tti Instrument is oa:a 't .
<br /> �>:'
<br /> *• � to,re�sen S ooaqi'.t�cY P�rtY�����P �Y � {
<br />,s�;�: - � ',.. . .
<br /> �° - , teasehoId. Eorm��sl�aU comply wiW all the pmvisiatt�of.•�he.le�E�$ormwer acquices fee titYe to the Property, the . Y _
<br /> �' �' leaseflold and tRe fee titte sha11 rtot merge unless I.ender agees�to the mei�er in writing. ���:. �
<br /> . �,., , �`5: � ' 7.Protect�od�ff1.�Q�'s ,- -.. .:x
<br /> t ': ;;; ... Rights ta ihe Pcopetty.If Bomower faits to perform the covenants and agreements oontaitted in : .`'•,: ,.
<br /> � �; ' - .�f' this Security lnsmmsenc.or there is a legal prnceeding that may significau�y affect L.ender's rights in the Pmperty(suc6 as a �; . ' ��:�:1'..;_.��
<br /> ` ; � .. - +F. m in 6 ` .'r'�-
<br /> z ' ' .�; ;
<br /> proceed' g s�nItrupt.y,probate.for oond�on or forfeiture or to enfocce laws or regularions).¢hen L.ender may do and .,�.�-
<br /> pay for whatever ia reGe.csary to protect the va.[r.e of the Property and Lender's ri ts in the Pro ' �'``�-
<br /> ; . ,_: gh Perty.Lender's actions may .f :.-
<br />_ ; ; •� ' ;: iaclude puyiag anp sa�ns secured by a lien which has �rir�r;ty over this Securiry U;arr�ment. apPearing in caurt. paying Y: .,,,:, � -
<br /> ' , `�� reacnnable amorae}Ri fe�s and e�tering on the Property ro�Tce repairs. Although Lend�uaay take aetion under tltis gazagraph `•`��''�``� .� '
<br /> } :� •• '7.Lender daes aot 8nve to do so. �'��� �
<br /> ` � " ' � , Aay amoanl�disbursed by Lender undc�this paragraph 7 shalt bea�me additional debt of Bcirrowec securad by this
<br /> __,��`� .; . r, . ..
<br /> � ' Secvriiy Instrumene.Unless Borrawer and I.er�er agree to other terms af payment. these amounts sha1l 6ear interest from tlte '. };�`;':. :
<br /> ` � � ' date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, witA interest, upon notice from fxnder to BorroAer requestin •4n� �
<br /> ` eq g
<br /> ;: ' Palrment. � '
<br /> � . ;�; 8.Mortga�2 tas�ance.if I.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan sect�red by�s Security • ���r:,:;,, �_
<br /> " ,�, ��. "���,:;�: Instcumeat. Honowe�sAat[pay the pnemiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason, the � '��''`
<br /> �' mort a e insnrance covera e uirod b Lender la ses or eeases to be in effoct.Borro�ver shall a rhe ''�S���`�-
<br /> � .; S 8 S reQ Y P P Y PTemiums required to �
<br /> • i ��' • obtaia ooverage su�scindally equivalent to the mortgage ir�ur�nce previously in effect,ae a cost substanaally equi��[r.nt to the � �r ��
<br /> ;'.�';: :';:',, .. cost to Borrowe�oF the mortgage insurance previously in effect. fram an altemate mortgage insurer approved by ixnder. If
<br /> ���`''�'���=''� �'•'r ` substartiallg equiv�teat mort�age insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal ro �
<br /> t.: , .,; ; .
<br /> ��� ' �;�;�',��:.i:,, one-iwelfth of the pcarly mortgage insurance pmmium 6eing paid by Born��+er when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased ta
<br /> � �� .•�t`���,� be in effect.Lend�r will aceep�,useand retain these payments as a loss merve in lieu of mortga�e insurance. Loss reserve �
<br /> ib , ;
<br /> ;Z:_ .
<br /> '' •��:5:;� form 3028 9190 t �
<br /> � � . c�.•. P[go 3 of 8 � .
<br /> �,, _ . . `;`ti��•i � _ .
<br /> i ' �
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