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<br /> �'.�� � —.:_:.�3-C , •
<br /> r '�;;� •�.� geriods ahat l.ender�equires. TRe�nsurancecazrier prov1dirtg th�tasurance s�ail be c¢iosen�y BoaowersuDjsct ta Lendt�����
<br /> � �.4::.�. .. ,µ�.�,`
<br /> - -, z _.�_'_. ' . .�pyal��II4L�i1rL��11�t Wit��._�.�fC[3S�tOlIO2�11�D COiICld_g@ dCSL'7���O1tC��lit3��8L ==
<br /> _- .. _` . -;. 4��� . - Lender�s op:ion.a�tain c�vera$e to pmtect Lendc�9 t�g,6ts iit the P4v arcocd3ace w�t�pamgrap117-__---
<br /> ,!``�°`��' <�g;;..ti. � • A!1 iasuraace policies and reae�ats sfiali be acceptab�w L��aad shaU ittclude a 6tsudar�ataxtga�e ctaus� l.ciad�r .
<br /> �..;., ,
<br /> `.`�.a,�k t: � °a shall bave t�e rlgM to ho2d the po�c�es and reneweLs. If L�nder reqniras.Homower stial[promptiy g[ve to Lender all r�ipt� :
<br />�' ` . �� of paid premiums aad reitewal notices. Iu the evsnt of iass.Brnmwes sball gave probpt notcc�to t�e instueace cenrier and
<br /> =� �'�� Lender. Leaderma,y m&�Pmofof ioss if notmsde gmmp8y by Bono�rer. - � , .
<br /> - :�" ';` ,:�, _ Qntess Lender and Rmmwer otLenvise ag�ree in writing.iasurance sGall be apgtied to reswr•uion or c+epai�nf
<br /> _ {',�;`�t`.z�s"`.�`. ..��� (��l'OFCitgt�it�*If t�[C$tOt8tt0II Qi fC�t L4_@�ODlit�y�e3��CII�l�62Ciil�l�►�S $Ot ;GSSCIl�. �i2t6 . —
<br /> ;: -,_-__._^�s=�_ � _ -
<br /> - c y reswration ar repair is not.ecoitomically feasibie or Lender�s�cuntgr wauW t�Iesseuea,the iasutaace pmceedv s�taV b�
<br /> ..
<br /> ,. :.
<br /> , �,_,--�- �.`'� �; ap�lied w st�a sums�d.by thig S�mity�.insticuracnt�whal�r�nnt then�se,�arit�soy excesspaid to�i�owe�:`If-.
<br /> - -,.�,:... :: �.:�" Bomnwer aliandoas the Ptoperty,or does aot answer within 30 days a notice from i.ender tbat the insurance ce�c�bas -- - -
<br />-. - " `,`:�;'`' : offered to senle a claim,thet►Lender may wIIect the insuraace pmoeeds. i,aader may use t�s pmoeeds to r�epair or aesLOra .
<br /> : :�, . „ ;:, er
<br /> `�t;r r,,`- ��; the Property or to pay sua�secured by this Security Ins�umen�whether or aot tA�due- 'ihe 30�day period well Degin whea
<br /> _ . . `�` Y'.'u:._�• .
<br />_ '. � ' '�".; . ,"-r t�II0t1CC IS g1YP.�.
<br /> ,--'•;. �� _:.y.v�-•�L: Unless Leader and Boavwer otherwise ag�o ia writing,any agptication of pmceed+t�piincipal shall aot ext+ead ar
<br /> �"r,
<br /> � =.�",_`.`'-;:'.;,::.,....
<br /> - t<:. :
<br /> - •.. - . postpone the due date of the mmuhlY paymentc refeaed w ia paraScaFhs 1 aud 2 or chaage ttce amouat of Me paympnt�. I �
<br /> - .: ' �°� uader paragsaph 21 the PmpeRy is acquired by Len�dzr.Bmcovrer�right to aay insurance poliaes and pquceeds tesultiog
<br /> � 4:_`^._ .; :.:: :. : �;.';_ from damage co ti�e Progeny�Prios to the acqmsifion shall pass w Lender[o the extent of the s�s secuced by tflis Securiry
<br /> _ >:--�- -�_._ -..-'•. Iastnuneat immedia�Iy priot to the acquisiaon : .
<br /> _ i;::;,::;;..- . � -' 6. Qccupancy.�Yreservattoa, Maintenauce and Protedton of the Pnuperty: Bnrrower's Laaa Applirattoa:
<br />- �,_ �_. _. ,.:. . � .
<br /> �>._.
<br />-�. `�"`'�'��:,i:.<',�'a���-� Leaseaoids. Bom�wer shall occupy,establish,and use the Pmpeity as Hotrower�principal resideace wit�in sixtq days s�es
<br /> .� `''�` dce execudon of Wis Security Insu�.eat aud s6all continue oo axupy the PropeRy as Bormwer'�priaciQal�sidence.for at
<br />_.{, r ��.; ....�:,.�;
<br /> t��,, - °� r�;,�s'��ti least_one year aRer the date of.oa:upancy. untess Leader othenvise agcees in writing, whicL oonsent shal! uot De
<br /> `• .f:;" �': unrEasouabty withhetd,or unless exteavating cincurustances exist wbich aie beyond Borrower�s oontial. Bomower shalE Aot _______
<br /> _ destrvy,damage or impair the Prnperty,allow the ptoperty to deteriorate,or oommit waste on We PropeAy_ Boimwer shall - =_
<br /> - .-- - -- he in defautt if any foifeiUUe ac�oa or proceeding.whether civ�7 or criminal.is Degun that in i.ender3 good faitb jadgmedt = ---
<br /> - ' .y couTd cesult in forfeiture of the Roperty or oti�ecwise materially impau the lien created by tttis Securlty tnsuwaea�•a� _ _
<br /> "�•r=-.',U��:� Lender�a security interest.�Borcower may,cure such a default and ieinstate,as pr�ovided ia patagraph 18,by causing the act�on —_
<br /> `' "" or prooeeding ro be dismissed with a niling that,in Lender S good faith dete�mination,P�ecludes forfei4tte of the Boaawec�s °`_=�_
<br /> ,'rY. , interest in the Pcapetty or other material impaitment of the lien-cceated by this Securiiy Ins�mtent or Leader�sec¢iity
<br /> . •.
<br /> Y�;,.:.:: . .�. �R_-�
<br /> ;�"�`��.-`'`��. �4��...'%� ' intemst. Boisower shal�also be in defaWt if Borrower, during the toatt apQlication pmcess, gave materially false or
<br /> i,���.;�� . , inaccurate infomiad�ar statements to Lender(or fa�ed to pmvide Lercder aritA aay matcrial Infonnation)in cnnnecaoawith : �
<br /> ';`"��` �` the ioan evidenced bg the Note iaduding,but not iimited w, iepresenta6on4 conceming Borrower�aacupancy of the � • �'_'"'
<br /> ;y,``; ``':'��.�„�� Pro as a riaci al residence. fftius Securi Instrument is oa a leasehold.Bomnwer shall com 1 with all the ns �__
<br /> : .�., _. - ��,�;;� �nY P P. tY P Y P!'o� ----
<br /> • 's,?y�•,`� of e lease. If Bomnwer acquims fee i�to the Property,the teasehotd and the fee atle shaU not merge unt�Lender a� �''�=
<br />