i� r— . � , . . � . rt . .
<br />— . _ �t. '�:}: : . . �� x rr,s _ . d L�;t i, z.� ' - ^' -
<br />-�i � ' t ~ � - ' 'l�''�i ( -- :x.
<br /> �. � . `. --=--rT- _�=-i .:c.:._ ,~T-- , _ '_s` - � __ . .. _ . ''__ __ _, - , _ �;`
<br /> �� G�t ��":$�}'++�'� � . � ` ��3������r. .,,' .
<br /> . �
<br /> :'c•c._"��:.; . . . � � ` . .
<br /> ,F� .i���4�`.�. , .
<br /> . �_�,_,�..> .oondemn�ion ur ather taktn�oR say part af the t�topertg.or for conveyerue in lzeu of condenpnatFon:�ra tiaeby Rssig�st c�d
<br /> . ;-'�'�,-,��:�;{���':L:��>� ehall6epaidtoL,cr.der. , p --_= -._ �� `� � � � _
<br /> _���,���i:�..,?J�`�; -- . . �-:---�-�"b;YC��'a-Z�-���.z.xc�_zfr-�-���°`����� �^ ,
<br /> �.� �,�::,. Iastnnment,wAether or aot then due.with'any excess pal.d to Ban�ower..In t4e ekent of a partial t�in�of t$e Ptoperty L'(�
<br /> f Y�;};�,; -.;;..'�` wtuch tfle fair atarket value of the Ptoperty imme�iatety'6efo:e the taktug is equal,to or g�ater d�an We nmount uf the sptns .
<br />_ _'•"t''�c�$�`�`` secured by ttds Seru�it�Insnument ia�medittoely.Uefote the taking,nr�tess Bmrower aad Lend�rr othenvise agt�ee in w�ittng,.
<br />_�'`�
<br /> ��R s�;�,,;,'T `,��� . tGe sums secaued Dy t�is Secutiry InstNment shall be teduced isy the amount of the pmce�s muttiplied byr tIte foIIoWring
<br /> �:_;°'•tip=`<.o�r•: -- fcaetion: (a)the tota!amount of the stuas secuc�ed immediately�efoce ttte taking.divided by(D)the feir marke�vulua of the
<br /> �,�;�`� ,. ` .;.�=A°�' Pruperty imme�eately 6efore the�Idng. Any bataaoe sHa11 be patd w Bonower. Ia the event of a`patttst tatdng of`t6e
<br /> �'�,_»'�-''-�L.`-`. 6efoie the teldn is Iess thtut tde�amount af th�&wns-. � . -----
<br /> - -�--- Pra�rtY ia�uhicb tice fair market vaJue of the Prupetty i�n�nediatetY S, ,
<br /> �----- ,. .. _,.
<br /> :.: �: s ,� •
<br /> �� secured immediately 6efare the takiug,.unle�Borrow�r and l:ender othemise agree m writing or�atess a�licable taw
<br /> `__ �
<br /> . `� �y� ` -Y o3he�wise provides,the�roc�eds�hatt be applied m the s�s secated by tH�s Secarlty btsuument wieeth�s or do�thc su�ai�ste - �-.- -
<br /> _ ��. .�..,. ,,.._,�.. thendue. � �
<br /> " Y" `y���'� �� � If the ptogerty is abandoued dy Bomuwer,or if.after notice by I.ender to Barrower thas the�andemnor offe�s w make - -
<br />_ �:�:<.. - f..,y::
<br /> ..�::,.w,,,.. � :
<br /> .:,;,: an award or settle a clai�n for damages.Barrower feils ro respand to Lender within 30 days aRer the date the aotice is giveti.
<br />-- ;-`�� � � : '''� Lender is authorizeA to coltect and apply the pin�s:ai its opdon.either w testoratioa or t+epair of the Ftuperty or to tQe
<br /> �, , , sums sec�d by dus Secariry Lisbniment,wtte�her or not then due. •
<br /> �`~`�. '_°:^ ��T�,``::;.:.:`� ; Untess ixader and Bomower othenvise a�ree in writin8,anY BPPlicatian of pmceeds to principal sha11 noi e�etend or
<br /> __ - . .Y ..�.`.;� p��ne tIle due due of We monthlY PaYments�efeaed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sw.,b payments.
<br />�;....,�, :;,�..:.:_, ;;.• :
<br /> � 11. Borrower Not Reteased; Fbrbearauce Bg Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the riu�e for payment or
<br /> � '- �� � ,i:•' �odificatlon of amortuation�f the sams secuced by this Sec�uiry Insuumeat graate�t6y ten�er to any suc�ssat iti i�t�rest
<br />�� ' � -� ..;% of Bormwer shall not op�erate to release the liability of the ori�ival8orrower ar Borrower�s succe.ssors tn imerest.Leades —_
<br /> r�'� i`"'' `� � ` shatl not be,iequired to commeace pmceedings against aaY succe.rsor in inteiest or refuse to extend time for payment ar -
<br />��': ..`� `':. :•Q� ';,�' otherwise modify amorti�don of the sums senrred by this Security 1nst�ument by reason of any demand roade by the original
<br />_�,. , . �
<br /> .'L .- �. � `�� Bomnwer or Borrowerls sucoessots in interest. Any forbearance by I.endet in exercising any right or r+emedy shalZ no�be a' —
<br />�?, ,,' ' � -� ±•":; waiver of or preclude the exe�ise of say rigtd ar remedy. �. . • -
<br /> °4��-(,_.. - � 1�. Sticcees�ots and A�Baua�daia3 and Sxvers!Lt�a6I![ty,Caslgaer�:The c+ovenants aad ag�eements��i.s . _ ..._ .
<br /> -.`:..T.�.��'-���--v.�.�.�'_
<br />�,t .,,.�°,.;.°-°� ,: � � Security Inst�ument shall bind and benefrt t�successms and assigns of l.ender and Btt�ier.subject to the p:ovis%a�o€ .
<br />�i'. , • �'�;�.:, ':;;< u•� Paragtaph 17.Bor[ower�s eovenants and agcc�ents shatl 6e joint and several. Any Bor}+'nwes who co-sigas ttis Security ',
<br />�'�• ` ` � ` Tnswment but does not esecute the 1►Iote: ta)is.casigning this Secuiity Instcument only to uzortgege,gtant and convey that ;��>
<br />�.�. :''- ,�, , , :�:`,�:�:; Boaower�s interest in the Roperty under the temis of this Secuiity Insuumenx (b)is not personalty obligated to pay the surns
<br />�11,.�. �
<br /> sectued by this Security Instwnen�and(c)agrees that l.ender aad any other Boirower may agrec w exuend.modify.forbear
<br />��.:�;:-`� �: _;,s' -` ,�;;:�� or matce any accommadations with regaid to the temis of dris Secunry inst�umsnt or the Note wiihoµt that Bomuwer�s _
<br />� °. �. = coacen� ''
<br /> � " 13. Loan Cdarges. If the loan secnred by this Security L�suument is subject to a iaw wd".di sets manimum ioan
<br /> '"` ``' . 'V�°,,� charges,and that Iaw�is finally Interpreted so thaz the intenst or other loan cLarges coliected or to be collected ifl oonne�oion .
<br /> - �up.�,.'.:.c.� '•�' � '
<br /> �. ;,-,��=... . ,..� with the loan excced the permiued limiu.then: (a)any such loan charge sf�a11 be c+ednced�y the arnount necessazy to reduce
<br /> •�-,;,;��:Yt::� �' .:` the charge to the permitted limi�and(D)any sums aiready cnlIacted from Bortuwer wbidi exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> U.:i.t :Y•R�`: �.
<br />_ , .,���,�-,;.•��::: iefunded to Borrower. l.ender a�ay�choose to make this cefwid by neducing the principat aa�ed under the Note or by making a
<br /> . • direct payment to Borrower. If a'refwtd reduces principal,the�eduction wi11 be meated as a pazHal prepayment arithout auy
<br />_ � .' . :' . pnepaymeat chazge nnder the Note. �
<br /> z��...�..�... > t 10. Notices. My notice to Bomower pmvided for in this Security[nsmtment shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> i , : � :, I mailing it by first ctass mai!unless applicable taw requires use of another methad.The notice shall be directed to tAe Properry
<br /> -. ?�� �•'�'�<�`��.'' • Addr�ss or any other addnss Borrower designates by no6ce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fitst class
<br /> s• ' � maii to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates 6y notice to Borrower. Any nouce provided for
<br /> � '<,•, �> ,• � in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bomower or Lender when given as provided in this '
<br /> � i ' . paragraph.
<br /> � � '. . : �� 15. Governing Law;Serera6ility. This Security Insavment shall be govemed by federal !aw and the law of the �
<br /> _ ":.;,r,y,�: , jurisdiction in which the Property is located in the event thac any pmvision or clause af this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> `�`•a� '.� conflicts with applicable law,sucb conflict shatl not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can
<br /> . ,:�.�:;.,..
<br /> ;-�t,���:��' be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are
<br /> � '�`f`�' declared to be severable.
<br /> ' • � � �� 16. Boerower's Copy. �a�rawer shal!be given one conformed copy of the Note and af this Secuaty Instrument.
<br /> , �' 17. 7Y�ansfer of the Prm�ty or t►Beneffcial Interest in Borrowee. Cf a!!or any part of the Propeny or any interest in �
<br /> � � . it is sold or uansfemed(or if a berreficial interest in Borrower i+sold or transfemed and Borrower is�at a naturat peison) �-°
<br /> � witpwut Lender's•prior written co��sen�Lender may.at iu option,require immediate payment in full of a!1 sums seaued by ==�.
<br /> ' • this Security lnstrument. However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibitea by federal ta.w�as of ;t.:__
<br /> ,� :� � " the date of this Security Inswment. =. ''-
<br /> .-.,. f� • ' If Lender exercises this option.Lender�haJ1 give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of <^:_,�
<br /> ;,,�'; �• • � � not less than 30 days from the date the notice€s delivered or mailed within which Horrower must pay all sums secured by this •
<br /> t,' � Sec�riry Insnument. If Borrower fails to Pay theye sums prior to tfie expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any � ' •`_
<br /> ' cemedies permitted by this Securiry Instrument without funher notice or demand on Borruwer. -� �'"`'�`
<br /> ? �'� � ' � � • 18. Borrowe�'s Right to Retnstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have ��-'"�-
<br /> � �� ,,,}: .. :;..: _
<br /> ;.�, •� , :. • . enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (�)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> ���`',� . ' ' SingleFamily-•FnnnieSlae�fireddlebinel.'NIEURrtitiS`fR�:11F1T—UniformCavertants 9l90 /pQRe4oj6pages) .
<br /> ;; •'i;t�+i�. • . • ,
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