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<br /> � � Y 'fOO6"l7�ER WEi'H sU the impmvemeats snw ar AareaRet erected an the pmp�rty�aad all cascm�;s,.�pP �
<br /> z -�" {°_.,�' and Putures no�v or heceaiter a p:ut a�fthc pmpr�y.—r'E��a�ts#sd�iunz-����"•�$���. '^� = --
<br /> - r�,",�h� ,E�:,�°.�s Instrt�ment. Alt of the foregaing is cef�red t�n in thls Security inst�ument as the"Ptop�rty� ` ' .��--
<br /> .:�.:� �' •:� , $ORROWER�UVB1�iAN'I'8 tt�Homnwer is tawf�Uy setsod of the es�te heteQy.wnveyQd an4 t�Ih�rig�t.so�canc
<br /> -- :�.i;,� :y` z` ' ' and convgy tRe Ptape�ty and that the Plloperty is unencumbe[ed.except for encumbranoes of teGOrQ�.Bauioiver wat�tants suu�., _
<br /> �°, < . A, . �ritt defead generalty the 6tle ro�he Ptope�cy against all c2alms and demaads.suD�act to�ny ea�m�res O.f.;+wott�i.` .
<br />- "a•.Y � f`` � THIS �ECURITY.INSlRUNNISNf wmbines wniform cuvenants for national us�and non�u�ifa[�a,�Y� With • .
<br /> . .��_.�
<br /> �,,, ..<�� �° . ,`: , limli�d variarions by jurisdicaoa to oonstitute a eniform.seauit�r i�trument coveziqg reai pragErty..
<br /> ' 4`t�f.` . ...'.:`. _ .
<br /> . °a� - ' UNIFORM C�OVENAN7'S. Bomower aad Lender covenant ettd ag�ee as follows: •� ... ' f
<br /> � :�. . i. �ym�tot�rna�r�a��r.�ra��r���c�c� s��s��������,�� , -- -- - -
<br /> -- a
<br /> _ ' `� ., .:._r.. � �' piinc�pat of aud in�on thedebt evidenced by�o Note aud aaY prepaYment ans11aLecf�arges dwa tubtl�s the�i4�e,;;` °'� ,
<br /> ear
<br /> � . . `3 . t [�hc�dsior'i�es and Im�tuaAO� Ss�Qject to appl�cahle 1aw or to a writtem vsraiver by�.end�'.Battn�tstnaU pay m , —
<br /> �,o
<br />_ ° L�der on the day moathly paymQnts ate due nader ti�e,P'ote,until the Nats is Faid in fuU.a swsn("A�tf"?�'�or.(a)Y�Y --
<br /> ..F(' .
<br /> :,_ . . - taxes aa+d as�essmeats which may attain priarity over this Seauity Insa�unent as a lien on thal�tope�i�r„�6YY��Y teasehatd
<br /> ,• : S
<br /> - ',��`�` ..� � _ Paymeads arr ground r�ts on the Ytop�ty.if any; ic)Y�Y hazard ox pmperty i�uznuce ps�tuc►�,;��Y�9 Q�
<br /> _ � °v �„.=�< insurance p�miums:if any:(e) YearlY mortgage insutaace premivau,if aay:.�d(t?ani'.:cums�Fa7abkacby Bozmwer to
<br /> 1' `, � Leader.in acootdance with the pmvisions df patagr�ph 8.in tien of the payrpent of mortga�e iaqiunuce p�iums. `�'hese
<br /> ,_.: �._`�F items aze calted"EsROw Ioea�s." I.euder may.at any time,col�ea and hotd E�nds m aa amaunt not Lo ex�the ma�imum
<br /> �• �-�.T� :�- `',` amount a lender for a federally related mortgage Wan may require for Batmwa's esc[o�r eCCo�t+nt�6the f�daal Real .._._
<br /> ., . ��.,.:_ �._ ~,, Fstate Seutement Pmced�ues Act of 1974 as ameadad fivm time m time.I2 U.S e.�Z6t11 et seq.(°RESP/��:imless another - , - -- --
<br /> � �_��.��-�. .^.� . .,=.. -�4
<br />_ - '",a.: . . taw tbat applies to the t�tnds sets a lesser amount If so.iender may.az any tim�coltect and hoZd I�dRisr�tt aac�iint,tn . '-_ --
<br /> ��:: �i` _ exoced the �esser amown. Lender may estimate dee amauat of l�nds dae oa the Aasis of cum�ut,daia anQ t�(4�: .-����
<br /> _ . ' esqmates of expendiwres of fut�ue Escmw Items or othewisc in accurdattae wiit�applicaAletaW:. ,.•::- ��,�,.._
<br /> �' � ' '�e Rwds shaU be hetd iu.an insutitutioa whose deposits ace inswred by a fedeta!ageaey,��mentaliry.9r��►ZY ` � �����-
<br /> ms
<br /> ,z} ,.`' (inctuding Lender.if i.euder is su�an institudon)ar in aay Bedetat Houce Laart Ba�k. Lcnd�sh��ap�Iy the I�udq oo PaY _ -
<br /> _:�� . the Escrow Items. Lender maY dat charge Bomower for hotding and applyir�the FUnds.ann�all�'aaalyzing the escmw , ---
<br /> �.
<br />- . - ` � e000un�or verifying the L�scmw items,�mless l.euder pays Bomowet interest on tht.i§�.tds amtt..appiicable law pemiits :��__^--
<br /> • � ' L.ender m m�ake such a chatge: However,Lender may cequue Bamower to pay a on�ti�e chaige for an iadependeut c�eal
<br /> m aRe
<br /> : t ' . ' - ``�' estate tau repomng service used 6y Lender in wunacaon witb tl�is loan.unless applic�ble taw.pmvides othetwisG Unlesa ao �'�`'_
<br /> ��<<.
<br /> � ;-;� � ..- agreement is made ar.�pplicable law tequires inteiest to hc paid.l.ender shaU ttot be�quited to pay Hamst++�aay intetest or `�=�-_
<br /> � . . . . eamings on the Fund� Bormwer aad I.ender may agnee in writiag,however.that intearst shail be�paid oa the F�nds. l.euder �s'_�;�w-=
<br /> � .` .. . - a�. _--
<br /> shall give to Borrower,witleout c6arge.an annual accounting of the Fitnds,sMwing credits aad deBiu to the f�ndsaasi the .g__
<br /> i- f L ' . Puipose for which each debit to the Fhnds was made. 7he�Lnds are p2edged as add"ndona�Eecwiry for all sums seeai�bY �-�=- --
<br /> .�,: this Security LunumeaL :� ': _---
<br /> = If the l�nds 6etd by �xuder eaceed the amaunts peimiued to be held by epplicab�e.faw.L.ender shall a¢coimt''to —
<br /> xn
<br /> - . � Bomower for the excess Fands in aaoidance witit the nquirements of applirabie law: If the amuunt of fhe�nds held by
<br /> :; ; �. � . Lender at any time is aot sufficient to pay the Escmw Items when due.LeneZer may so notify Bonower Rs wridng,and.in :,_ '.;.
<br /> s � , such case Borrower shall pay tv�ader the amaunt neoessary to make up the defcex�cyr.. Bomnwer�iall make ap the ��
<br /> ` � � deficiency in no more than twetaemonthty paymenta.at L.ender�s sole disc[etioa.
<br /> t ,�;:�i_-- '
<br /> � � :.�.:�:_�` UPon Pal�meat in fuU of eU simss secur�d by dus Security Inswmen�I.eAder shall prompdy mfliad w Boirower aay,
<br /> ' � :, �";'. Funds held by Lender. If.under paragaph 21.l.ender shaU acquire or sel�the Propeny.Lender,prior to the aoquisItton or - .
<br /> � �_ . � sate of the Pmperty.shaU appiy any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisitian or sale as s c�edit against the suias _'
<br /> � ., ' � . ' ' secured by this Sectuity InstrumenG ' �
<br /> ; * . ' 3. ApplIcat�on oY Payment9. L'Ness applicabie!aw pmvides othenvise.all payments �eceived tsy Lendcr iutder , , _
<br /> ' _ paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:f rsti to any prepayment charges due aader the Note:second.to amounts payabte�r' ` . _
<br /> ` � paragraph 2:third.to interest due:fourth.to principal due:and tas�.to any late charges due under the Note. � •
<br /> �. 0. C6arges; Lteas. Bomower shall pay all taxes. assessments.chacges.fuces and imposiaons attributabte to We =_-
<br /> ' � Property which may attain priority over this Securit�Instrument.artd leasehoid payrtnents or ground zents�if any. Botrower
<br /> � � , � ` shall pay these obligations in the manner pmvided in parag�aph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bomower shall pay them on �=-
<br /> • • time d�r+ecdy to dte gecson owed payment. Bosrower shall promptly furnish to Leudec till nouces of amounts to De paid under --_
<br /> t � ��� this paragraph. If$nrrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumisb to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> • `'`...��� the Faytrtents. �,-
<br /> _ :�:•',: :•
<br /> � . � Boirower shaIt�romptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security�Instnsment unless 8oirower:(a)agt�eees .i_�:�:,
<br /> • � ' in writing to the papment of the o6ligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable w Lender.(b)cont�ts in good faith the �•.,:�"�;=._
<br /> ; : ' . lien by.or defends a�ainst enforcement of the lien in.!e al roceedin s which in the Lender's o inion o te to revent the � - -
<br /> �:•'�:'�: '. enforcement of the iien:or(c)secures from the holdear of the lien an agreemene satisfactory to Lender sub�ordinatu�g the lien ��' _:
<br /> ,:�: ,�._..• . • to this Security Inswmen� lf Lender determines thut any parc of the Propeny is subject to a tien which may attain priority -
<br /> �'� �;'�ti;;:�.,,�,�;5.. over thes Securiry lnstrument.Lender may give Borrower a noace idenrifying Une 1len. Borrower shall satisfy the lien ar take � . _
<br /> }`R�,`,';�;;��•�.:,_ orte ar r�ore of the 2ctions set forth above within I O days of the giving of notice.
<br /> 1',•� � �.':.",;j��.,- � S. Ha7ard w��roperty lasnranc� BomQwer shall Iceep tha:improvcments aow eaisdng or hereafter erected on the . �
<br /> .,,,.. . ,;,.... . .
<br /> � `�.�-�'��:�"`•,��:� . Prapecty insured agsir�t loss by fue,ha7ards inctuded within the tem�"eatwtded coverage"and any ottt�hazards.including _ •
<br /> t�-``�''` `� tIaods c�r flooding.far which LQnder '
<br /> �.�� '_:..;,,:�; r mquires insumnce. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the ,
<br /> F . ' ;: ::}�; .:
<br /> . .�� : %:::�w;� � Form3�28 9/9U IDQ8�2o16Pn8e�i .
<br /> '.�. . .. . '
<br /> - ;,�Z. �
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<br /> • ,*., . . ._ .
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