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<br /> „ � - �`c>=-- nefercc�,_,in_ at��:��o�chanSe the amouat of excess pr0000ds over an amovnt�required to pay all � -
<br /> — - - - � P. s�►-payme°ts•Aay -_ . ._-
<br /> -- ��. ':. � outstanding indebtedness under theTiote and[lils Se�:vrity k�stnunent shali 6e paid toihe entiry Iegs�Ij►-entitled�eie oT-. . _
<br />_ :�. `�.,._ =:��� '. , . .
<br /> k.:v
<br />--._z' •'��°�., ,; �t:�, &Fees.i.eaaer may coliacc fecs and cnarges suthoriz�a by tne secretary.
<br /> ��- . . . _
<br /> -- ;� ��-:..:::' ' �
<br />_-_�. '���;�. �_�. .?;�:� 9.Gmunds Por Aoeeteratlmo of l�t. - .
<br />-- �-='-, :}
<br /> _ ��,•'• ��_�;��;,;':::�. .
<br /> .?-: , ._
<br /> -- ;-�-��-"-`-,": (a) Qefauit��Lendex may.except as limitod�X regutasioas issaod by tbe Secret�y in the case of paymem defaultg. �
<br /> � �� • c�aquira immediate paytnettt ic1 fuU of al!sum4 secured Dy tius Security Insttument if: — _
<br /> � � (i)Bomn�vec defaulu by failing to pay in futi any monthty{fayment roquired by this Securiry insuument prior to ot �
<br />-'" ` ' oa tke due date of the next mnnthty payntent.or =_
<br />--�^; ti� �.� :}�s; _ (ii) Borrowac defaults by failing, far a periad of thirty d�ys. to perfoap any atAer obiiguttons�nntoined in thia =
<br /> j.. :e-- �c-��-•-T Security In�tcument. --
<br /> �R,' �:�' �.._Z _ �� ,
<br /> . o- �,.,:.,. _,_ ,1,.}, < .
<br /> }' �;;�,;_;��:.;.°F � .;;� (b)Sale Wttho�t Credit�Apprnval. Lender shall. if permlttcd bY apPlicnble taw and with the prtar nppravnl utthe ---
<br /> _ "...<; ;��'.i� :. = Scrnetury.rcquire immediate payment in fuli of nll sutnx eecurod by tAis Security instn►ment if �
<br /> , ' . :.�-::'�';�" (i) Atl.ar part of tDe Prope�y. or a aeneficial interrst in t►tast o�ming all nr patt of the Pmperty. lA sald or �,v-_�-
<br /> ' w � ' ` � w:} othPnvise unnsferred(other tAaa by dcvisc or descent)by thc$orrower.and � '
<br /> _ � ° (ii) The Property is not accupled by the pun:haser or grantee av his or her principal residence. or tRe �w�.-_ -
<br /> �� t� . � purchsisser or grantee does sa occupy the Pmperty but his or her c re dit has not beeo approv e d in soco�d a nce wi t h t De •1;�=�
<br /> r Cj '�:f:.,-
<br /> ,; , '� :•s� requirements of the Secretar�. >.-,.:1.�
<br /> :�,; •:�
<br /> .�
<br /> - - . _:�
<br /> .;_ ....
<br />- (c)No Wafver.If ciraunstances occut that would pertnit Lender to requin immediate payraent in full.but i.ender does � =--
<br /> :��r.�� not require such payments,l.ender daes not waive its rights with respect to subsequent events. €��'�����;
<br /> ` �r�r.. ..�,�. :"`-��
<br /> 1r�5 t =.� ��
<br /> , ,t:: _:,,: • :•�. , (dl Regula8ons of HUD Setretary. In many cireumstances iegutauons issued by the Secretary will limit I.�nder's :: ` ..
<br /> �-f t , r�- . rights in�the case of payment defaults to cequire immediate payment in full and forectose if noi paid. This Securiry 4=., �.��}�
<br /> ; 4,��� • Insuument does not authorize acceieration or foneclosure if not permitted by regulallons of the Secr�etary. �4i ;;� -
<br />-_ � _`t.i�l::i:�u.:,,_�: :�r:. tt' _
<br /> �, "��G�r�'�"r]i� �•k'iv':�0 �<'yt-"C -
<br /> _=�::,� �'����`�'°' �- (e)Mo�„�age No2 insured.Borrower agcees that should this Security Instrument and the Note secured thereby not be �i�'; "��.���-'+,
<br />�,'a{:.' " �,a�'�.-`.ft�:., ,'�;'' , �#�
<br /> _.�.;, :'i�r;:.�,� :: � eli e far i ranee nnderthe National Housin Act within f0 da from the date hereof.Lender ma .at its o doa :;:''•�'��=�'.� -=��-�
<br /> � ,� : � � 8� �► 8 YS Y P _ ��`
<br /> ;.. ,E. � : .��
<br />-° c3 `�..E,zvr.r, _ .. .: ;E� < .. .:.:--
<br /> �':� .�,;C�.;�_;S i t:? :� � and non��cthstauding anything in P�B�Ph 9. re�,luire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry . , �,...:... : ,V;�
<br /> -:�=� ti�i'�{?��"�.• ��- Instrttment.A written statetaent of any authosizea agent of the Secretary c�aad subsequent to 60 days fmm the date ?5���'-=` �!'
<br /> ' �`'S ���'``�"����' .,` hereof;declinin to insuse this Securl Instrument and the Note secured there� .shall be deemed rnactasive roof of i` '�'�-
<br /> �. ,�•c�;r::. _ � �Y Y P ��},� �_. vf
<br /> � :4 � �y;.y`,�, , . .��?_�......,:_.. ..�'_._.
<br /> . �,��7S;t� such irteligibi lity. Nntwi t hstan d ing t he foregoing. t his option may not be ex�cc3s e d by L en der w hen t he unavai l a bi li ty V,,� � j
<br /> �.r;�. of insurance is solely due to Lender's failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the Sacretary. ��;: � � :� � :
<br /> --.. '..2,5•: � . •,j,.� .�• .
<br /> 4� f: i ! C_.
<br /> ��L4��14. . . "
<br /> 1
<br /> � �r,i:i.' 10.Reinstatanent. Bormwer has a right ta be reinstated if Lxnder has req�ired immediate payment in full because of ��'�a�< > ;_
<br /> �°�����:c;;;: � Boamwer's failure to ay an�unount due under the Note or this Securit Instrument.'H'tiis ri ht a lies eveQ after forectosure ��'��;i>�'``'~= �;'�' �`_
<br /> j:iy��Y,." ; P Y S PP �,����,
<br /> al�`..r� - i... ,
<br /> .:;;�; ',x� � , proceedings are insututed. To reinstate the Securiry Instrument. Borrower shalt tendec in a lump sum all amounts required to w,s��;�?. �_.�'�'':...:�
<br /> �.:•, �:,�%`�4';" 5't!`�.. ' 'tt-��=
<br /> �����:�.�. . - bring Borrower's.accoun t cu}ren t inc lu ding. to t he ex te n t t h e y ar e o b li g a t i o n s o f B o r r o w e r u n d e r t h i s S e c u ri ty i n s u u m e n t, ,.> . . � �
<br /> -�`'`s r'''?c'�` ' _ �� � foseclosure costs and reasonable and customary attomeys•' fees and expenses properly associated with the forectasure. �� •.��`�,; ' .s'�-�
<br />="};:, - �?�,::,..,. �. . '��. . . •_�:...,:_
<br /> i ._l''i'`:. ;s,y„�
<br /> s� ,,e , proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Horra�ver,this Security In�trument and the obligatians that it secures shaU remain in effect
<br /> ,� ���Y� .. . '��` as if I.ender had not reyuirect immediatc payment in full.However.Lender is not reguired to permit reinstatement if:(i)Lender � La�,�ti �� �, �:
<br /> �1-,,� ��Fr��,+,�. has accepted rein4tatemenc aftec t6e commencement of foreclosure pmceedings wic�,in twa years immediately preceding the �� `«i�'4 -- . `'- -�
<br />_,�•`� ��' : commencemene of a current foreclosure praceeding. (ii) reinstatement will prectude foreclosure on different grounds in the 4°,'4',�`, ; '•
<br /> ,,�; �`�4fi�.l ti. � , future,ar(iii)reinstatement wili adversely aifect the priority of ihe lien created by this Security Instrument. �t.
<br /> ,�� . 1,��� -�:,
<br /> '.��: .��.�.t; , .
<br /> _ �.�Y^?,. -• , -��•i ��r`::Y,.: . ..
<br /> =";��( ;�,� tP � 1�.Sorrower Not RetRased;Eosheaeunce By Lendcv Not a Waiver.Extensio�e of the time of payment or modification of '��
<br /> �. ') �:��1�5;.�., . ,;:� �-,: *�i't ' �!, i.-�:�� :.
<br /> �+,, zj, �,, ,, amortiuition of the swns secured by this Security Instrument granted by l.ender to any successor in intemst of Borrower shall �;;t•t
<br /> �4�t� ' nos o rate to release ttre liabilit of the ori �nal Borrower or Borrower's successor en interest. Lender shall nnt be r uired to �', ` , f•s.=,;
<br /> : •i; '��,,
<br /> �A:.. ��' ;;+r��,...: ..� � Pe Y �. �
<br /> =�;t,. •�;.�;�.t:, ,. commence proceedings against any succe�sor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or othenvise modify amortization �..; � ����::�'• �;,-
<br /> -: ,;� f�'?���•� . . � oP the sums secured by this Security Insttument by reasun of any demand made +by the original Borrower or Borrower's S�'`.,::',' '.": ' .•
<br /> ' ..,. .`���t�7�llr... . ., ' t��.,t„t-:.. .
<br /> �� .��i� successms in interest. An forbeazance b L.ender in exercisin an ri t or remedc shall not be a waiver os or reclude the , '�
<br /> 'i'y� �'��g„�;. - - . Y Y S Y St► P t,y,.�.1,:..' .,
<br />;',��.?� ;y i' �•+� , eaercise of any right or remedy. �';�y4.�. :,ti.�, .
<br /> �;`' r� '�t:`r'' . '�:
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