�� ` i `.�� :r12 t � f r �, : � Y � 1 :�' i - _ . ` . ` .< - �x x x�t.� � --
<br /> - � y� � _y_ " � ay. � t . .<l , 3 � •i L s•' � - i . s
<br /> �ll� �Ar.� _ Z ` .� f z �� . l -i � �� � l�"�-1-T - ck"x'! �`�
<br /> �, �F - i':C.'vx2'� a�,-rt-�r----�"tit �" -�-r _��J. . : - . . . .-.0 r ?�' ' " '_ ' ..
<br /> _' . . -�-s. ..� _�" - - �'r^ :`5x��:CYf'�'�i:uk`�'aiar'".--�:' wc'�b-�'_.'�'�'_" — - __.-_-
<br />-�•_ ,,0 4`1.:11...' '��'.0 � _ . . M� v����� . .— ..
<br />—_— ':i.��w:c� . ' .
<br />, _'_
<br /> ._";�_—�--�_W''-v�c.s •. . . _ .
<br />_-_��=�--��-"'° . . 1Z. Bound;Jotmt end 3everel Y.tabili • Oo-S crrs.The oovenants aad of this
<br /> -__ �� S7aub��rs aad A�. tY. t� ,. �� -
<br /> -�-�-=�--��-
<br /> _��rFt}-i�t-�alt hia�=��E th�sacc�sars a��ssi�-of 1��Bort�wer. �t,t+'�_i�.th�Qmv_i.doac ot�.__.... _ _
<br />�_=;���'°� -. pgragtapf�9.6. �omawer's covenants and agreemeats shali 6e joint and several. Any Bo�rower who ca�signs tGis SeWrity _
<br /> __���� : ,
<br />�" - � --°;- lasuument bus does not executs the Note: (a)is oo-s�gning thts Security tnst�ument o�ly to mortgage.g�ant and oonvey that
<br />�-�—,=��,� -
<br /> �,.�-�"`-�i= Borrower's intemst in the PropeKy under the terms of t�7s Securiry Inst�ument:(b)is not�ersonatiy ob�igatgd to�paY the sums
<br />�^=' .. secured by ahis 8ecurity Instrument;and(c)ege+ees tbat Lender aad any other Borrower may a�:ta auendpm�fY•�bear or
<br /> �`- •i�''`'� maice any a000mmodations wIth ce�ard to the tenns of this SecvrIty InstnuQent or the Note whhout tAat Bdi�t+aWCa'�s consent. �-�
<br />_i� "�?�t��: � • . _�
<br /> ,�'��" ,` __ �_
<br /> ,;� , , l3.ATotices.AnY nodce to Bonower pmvided for in this Security It�aucreent shap be�iven by deliver�ng it�nr by maiiing �
<br /> "'�''"-a. � tE bsr fissf cE�s ntait�snless appltcabte latv req�ir�us�of anather rttethud.'fh�aotice st�all t�directed to the F[age�ey Addr�,ss _ �
<br /> ;�1�� —
<br /> ��,�y or any other address $ornuwer designates by notiec to Lender. My nouc�to [.cnder r,hall be given by first.class maI! to ����-
<br /> �s, >.;"��ri
<br /> L"�--�-. . ; l�cnder's uddiess statod herein or any uddmss Lendrr desisnates�y nodce to Borrower. Any natioe provided for in this Security y.�,._:��:�_; ��_
<br />- '�t �� `��-•r`:�" Instrument shatl be deemed to have Seen given to Eorrower or Lender wRen given as pmvided in this paragrapA. '�`=";��_-
<br /> �,_ ` _ ��r�-. =�:---------..
<br /> �- � �r�'_��_ �"-
<br /> ..i.=:
<br />-' '� ?�� �:r� 14. Goveming I.sw; SeverabWty. Thfs Security instrument shall be govemed by federal !aw and the !aw of We � � � �"` ?
<br />'`� Y'-�'�`_:;.�T�.:- _ ''.M1
<br /> - `�-=��,�• �• junsdidion in which the Property is lacated.In the eveat that eny provisian or clause of this Secarity Instrument or the Note ..�.�-.�-
<br /> - ��,..�_.: � =
<br /> �'= '`f'�'�- `�� conflicts wit6 lirable taw.such conflict shaU not at1'ect other rovisions of ttus Securit Instrument or the Note which can be �'•-r ��:-�T.
<br /> s�... _ .. aPP P Y . . ��',
<br /> _ '-r.u. 'I 4:�f..:•'
<br /> given effect without the oonflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note aze declazed �. . �,�a��,, _
<br /> .�. ,-y� � _
<br /> �. - • : to 6eseverable. ,� ,�
<br /> ; �x- °.��__'
<br /> * _`.' .- .: . �:,,;�-: .
<br /> �; 15.Eorroweti's Copy.Bomower sha116e givea one rnaformed rnpy of this Security Insaument. `'
<br /> �:, - _ ' #'�'; . .-
<br /> , �.. �,'�_ ' .,:� .•..'_ . .f.:..4 . . 3.
<br />_. � y>__,�;._..":_�_�:._ --__-:�< Ib. Assi�nment ut Rents. Borrower unconditionaliy assigns and transfers to L.ender all the rents and revenues of the - _ "s`'�`�-=
<br /> . ,�'=; Pruperiy.Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender s agents to milect the ients and rEVenues and hereby dicects each oenaat of the � >��
<br /> ` - ' '' propetty w pay the rents to L.ender or Lender's agents.Howeve�.�rior to Lender's norioe to Borrower of BomowePs breach of '� � �,��`
<br /> , any cpvenant or agreement in t he Security I n suument,Borrower s�l i co llea a n d�aceive a l l rents an d tecenues o f t h e P mpe r ty `��`
<br /> t
<br /> :.�._.
<br /> '.��;xrs�-
<br /> , :;-:,s..r�•.
<br /> � : as tretstee for the bene5t of Lender and Eorrower. This assignnient of reats cons6tutes an absolute a�ignmera and noi an - . :Y��-'�'_
<br /> ,�., essigtsmeat for additional security only. ; �:
<br /> : . :�- : ,. .
<br /> , �`�•• � If tender gives uouce of breach to Borrower. (a)all rents,a�axived by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as tra�ee far y�� \'�� y ` '�i�����':
<br /> : �� �� `:,-•5:�{ �.:� . . : -<,�•��.-�-
<br /> _•�i s i� �;� benefit of Lxnder only,to be applied to the sums secured by the Securiry InSwment;(b)l.ender shall be emtitled to rnIIect and � .: -,�--
<br /> ' r �. reeeia-e all of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Property shaq pay all mnts due aad�a3d to L.ender or � -==
<br /> _ � ,,;;�; I,ea�ee�'s agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. � z�. � t��<< :�-
<br /> -. `.,.' �' r}'����
<br /> , � ,. �, � `
<br /> � . ,��Y' ,: $oisvrrer has not executed any p�r assignment of the rents and has not and wi11 noc pe�form any act that wou�d p�vent '`�t;��'� ' _
<br /> . . ' • �- Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph 16. ��°'"r'::���:�'�4"�•• - '_
<br /> S ._ _ 4 f�`L' 2 .�
<br />. Q - � , �._;.' - ��` ;
<br /> • L�ec shap nat be requiied to enter upon.take cantrol of or maintain the Praperty before or after giving notice of b[each � �
<br /> ' • � �.� to Borro�r:•However. Lender or a judiciuliy appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a bmach. Any appliration of �� .. , • '�°
<br />� • mnta�ha:t mot cure or waive any defa:Flt ar invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender. This assignment of re�is of the �'+� ', , ;'!"
<br /> _h ,.�_
<br />_ •:�� ' _ Pmperi}shall terminate when the debt secured by the Securih�Instrument is paid in full. , =
<br /> z .
<br />_ ;�� � NON-iTNIFaRM COVBNANTS.Bonower and Ignder fiirthec covenant and ap�ee as follows: �
<br /> r .-. . . , , . .
<br /> �' � � ' I7.1Fosec�oswr Pracedure.If Lemder requlres imtaedir�te�ayment tn i'ul!under parageaph 9.I.ender may invoEce t�e � '�'�� � • ��
<br /> ; , , ., �:i;;t . , ;,t,;�`;;' � .,
<br /> • .. . po�vcr�03 sale and any other re�e�ics pertnitted by appDtrable la«. Lender shall be entitled to coliect a11 e�scs s r � �
<br /> � iacurt+ed In pursuing the eemedtes�der tUis paiagraph 17,iaclading,but not timtted to,reasonabte attorneys'Pees and ` i rL .
<br /> .;���� �` .. costsoYtitteevidence. , .�'.. � ,
<br /> � �_ . . _ If the po�ver of sale is invaked, Trustee shall record a notfce os defaWt in each munty in whicb any part af the . �,� • ��:��
<br /> �` '� Pro�rerJi�s iocated and shaii mail wpies of sucb nottce in t�e maaner prescribed by applicable law to Borro�ver�uaa!to ' �:,���`.: p•�°� . �
<br />_�.'�, � .. . : l� P Y PP �1 Y Pp � P ,. '','<,,•.�•
<br /> : t6e atl��€ rsons rescribHf b a ficable law.After the timie uiced b a licabie law,Trustee shal! ive ufniic tsattce � �. .
<br /> •' ,t+��. � of sate ta the person4 and in the manner prescri6ed by applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Borro�rer,s�alf seil ' �' �
<br /> °`�'=� t#�1?�gerty at publtc aactton to the htghest biddgr at the time and place and under the terms designated in the uotice of� � 'j s : � '
<br /> _ �� �. � .
<br /> ,.,• .. _
<br /> ;,, , sale 60 ome or more parcels and tn any order Trustee determines.Tn�stee may postpnne sale of all or any parcet of the .:�"';.:., �
<br /> 'r�- . Qa+o�by public annountwmeat at tlte time and piaae o�any previously scheduied sate. Lender or tts deslg�er may '' �
<br /> �" • ' � �ase the Property at any sale. . :."� . '
<br /> . " � �i4'Z�1V�� vape 5 of fi _ ' . .. - : .
<br /> "t 1 ,,�.�h.rF'•'"„1. • . :, _ ' •
<br /> .t s �.74,. ' _ .
<br />- ~ vlG�^sq��;'ria �.r....,-+i+ . . ..c. . .. •�n � i. � .•
<br /> .i�`.�'�•b' � _ ' _ . . �-� .-. .. . � . . ' ' • ., �
<br /> .� �.... �Y�-i- . � . . � ' � . ; ' . . '' � . ..• . _
<br /> � "°i`liijF - ' .. . - - ' . . . .. . . . -
<br /> � -�Ia•�.: . . - . . . - i� � .t ` . . . . .
<br />— S a- . `�. . - `. \.'.',1 . . . .. � .. ^ ' , , '
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