i��:'�,.,'— ...`. � }'�� .. �� .,�.f �w�- 4. y_�c^�..�cy ai( ru°''fr`�;r:y�i}y . . , . '� - , a. _.
<br /> � -i. . �,� . .' yl
<br /> � 'i eYu � �� �i � � `� �ru _ - � " ^ .n:. 'cs? . "� -
<br /> .. .- _--' ' l^ �.rs— :F "1t. 7: � �o.Y:.:aa��i . ,,. _ . � -. ,.,�,c.�''— — _.j .—
<br /> ° � _--....d�.a.�-.X-sr;.._—Tr--- ._.:a��s��sa,t�_�.�t"':��.
<br /> - �=�'{.,: .i�. L.+- %+.6... S . ___ -
<br /> . . ' v ` • . ._ _ ' . ' . . . , . ' . _—_'"—_ .--____
<br /> d -)< -1,��=�.'� . . . . , , � _
<br />-i.. ..r`�,n`'��'�. , ' . . , . . . _—
<br /> �,-�.��; c~ ���4�2l9� . . .
<br /> .� �_.� • � °° - - ---
<br /> ° `- .'�_ c�mdemnaGon or other ta1dng of any part of ttie Propercy.or for conveyArece in lieu of ca on.ase hece y a4signed and- �� — _-
<br /> ' ",�'; i���_ ' shatl be patd to Lender. � ' --— --
<br /> ,� �— �-=�,R. tn the�.we►t:of�-toteS-ta�ig aF-she�1y�sl�attx�s sbsll���lk�sa-:i�'��ao'-by�is-S"��- a�—
<br /> " ;�. ` "��.., , tnstn�mtnt.v�etker oc not then due.with uny excess paEd to Bwrowcr. In ihe evcnt of n paniII!takirtg af dt�Property in =___
<br /> k �4�'f<, d;,��°� �vtuch the t�ir ma�tcet vutue of tke Fmperty immedintely before thc taking is cquul to or greater than t�e umouni QY the suma '��`° __ �
<br /> :a ;� TM_: n secutr�by this Secaricy�Instrument�immedintcly before th�taking.unteas 8arrowcr.und�I.cader otherwise ognee in wriung. ' ��
<br /> : ; �.� , _ • the swns sec�re�by ti�is Seturity Inswment shali be reduced by the nmount of tAe praceQds mutdplied 6y the toltowing �-�•re�h �- --
<br /> fracdaa: (a)the tetal amount of the�snms secu�ed immedfuteiy:before ttte tnkiag.dividcd b�r Yb)Ihe fair mutket vulue of the ����
<br /> ` . `r� ::'g.. --
<br />_a�: ;�`•'; :�� ."�::;-�:`.,:` pmperty lmmediaoeiy before the taktag: Any �aiance sh�lt be paid so Bomower. In the event of a pa»!sl wking di the . .:�'�;`�_-�'--�_:
<br /> Ll _ s ... t-C �'�"'`�
<br /> ,�, - ...x Pmperty in which 1he fair mackat valt�af the Pcopesty immedtately beforc the is less tfian tfle umaunt of the sums � . t ,,.�
<br /> sc�ucd�immediateip beFose tha.taking,t�n2e�Boanwer anQ l�Rder othenvise s�in.svriting ar usless applicable_Ittw ���: ��s�'� -
<br /> � :' athenvise provIdes,d�e pmceeds sh�ll be applied to the sums secwui by th(s Sscurity imstrument whether or not the sums are �4�j.��� -
<br /> ' ' ��If the Propert�is abandaned by•Bomnwer.or if.after notice b�nl.ende�to Borrow�er that the cundemnor offers to make ` � `�, ��
<br /> � � -��'��"`''"` en award or settie a claim for darnages,Roaower fails to respon�tc�i,ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, _�� `•'" - �• - �
<br /> � t , .�. .
<br /> °'. '- ` Lender is authbri�ed•to_oollact and sPpIy the proceeds.at its op ,= �•. - :�•. �
<br /> . 'e tia�either to restoration or repair of the Pmperty or to the r
<br /> ., sums secwed by afiis Sectniiy tastiument;whether or not thea due... � . ;�_� �
<br /> ...'*, s. ' , UnIeu Lender and Bdaower othe9wise agree in writiug,aay�application of pmceeds.io principal stiall not eatend or .. K , s�, �
<br /> � r ;;�.��� ': .: postpoae the due date af the monthiy payments refer�ed to in paragra�hs 1 and 2 arc�ange t!�°amount of such paymeats. �. . �
<br /> - � y''z Il. Borrow� Not Released: ForDearaace Sy l.eadgr No9:.a Waifer. Extensi�n of the time far payment or , {; :
<br /> ' � modification of amoitiTation of the sums secozed hy this Security•Irtsdument granred by Lender to any successor in mtex�st ' _�_
<br /> ti
<br /> �r� ` s t-.F� - of Bottower shaU not operate to releass the tiability of the ori�nttf�Horrower os Hornnvrer�s successors in interest.L.ender �-'
<br /> : :5 �' f } . hti „_'i sf�all nat be iequim�l to commence pmcee�ings against any snccess�r in interest or nefuse to eatertd time for payment or I ' �� � �
<br /> . : �,���� =.��: •. - othe,ravise mndify amortization oFt6e swns sec�ued by this Securitr i�nsument by reason vf any demand made by the origiaat :� 5���' -
<br /> r '' ., .'t ` - Banuwer or Hommver�s saocesso�in interesc. Any forbearance lr;L'ender in exercising sny right or cemedy shall not 6e a � ��'`F;� ,-�j ,��"^ �
<br /> `?� ;� ,.��,E t 'r � waiver of or prec�ude ihe exencise of any right oF�emedy. �
<br /> '� r r:°� 12. Suot�'ars�nd Asdgns Bound;��¢mnd Severa!Lial�cEi�y:Co-sigaers. 1�e covenanrs and agreemenu of this �- = � x��°''�
<br /> �� 5�,�- s�•;��` ' Scc�rity Ins����hall bind end benefit,the s�oessacs and.assigns a�Lender and Bomuwer,snblect ro the provtsions of k;` r s'�.� _
<br /> ;'���y ,, p�p t�I�.H�m a w e r's c o v e n an t s a n d a g t+e e e n e n t s s h a l t b e j a i n t an d�s e v e r a L A n y B a r ro w e r w h o c o-s i g n s t l u s S e c u ri ry �, "�
<br /> " y�����` i s�c�m�r b�t d o e s n o t e x e c u t e t h e N o t e: (a�i s e o-s i g n i n g t h i s S e c u r i t};I n s t n u n e n t o n l y t o m o rt g a g e,g r a n t an d c o n v e y t h a t _ :.: ��"ti: z��'`:
<br /> . . `'"�4,.�'�,�� •..�; Bomv4�8 uste�sth►the P r operty un des t he ter�s o f t h i s S e c u r ity I n s t n u r�.e n� t b)i s n a t p�o n a l l y o b l i g a t e d t o p a y t h e s w n s �:'��`�,,�.. _
<br /> r::, - ;_ � `�. �i�� ���„_
<br /> ; >� '_ sec�ned�y tf�ris:S�aixity Instnunen�and(c)a�that Lender and any�nt6er BorroRie.r cez�agree to extend.modify,forbear � y a .,ft�
<br /> "t:'�, or make any.accammodations with regard ta tEce terms of this Securit}-.Insaluceat rr t��Note withaut.that Bomower�s . � -
<br /> ��,� s��`t�i�':
<br /> :t�.".�c,".•',y: CQT1$�i.,. � ' ' y � {�y� ,
<br /> , • s��,� ,n..,;,� , � �.oaa�es. If the 1�serus+ed�y this Securiry Instrun*eat is sub�to a[aw which sp.�s maxim�t*+* loan 3;cr�l�'r}�Yr ��.,-
<br /> �F�'Y h
<br /> � ',��`���4�r�.,.p cfr�ges,and t6at daw is�inalty iate�gret�d so that the inte�or othcr�lcan chaiges ceLget�3�m be:codte:qed ia coans�ion , �z�,+�{k� �� =-
<br /> Y a �Y��j� ` with the loan eaceed tfle tted�imics'then:.(a)an such toan char sEp.E!�e redaced ts}the�ount�i to seduee .:��t.��v�',�};rt?,� +�—
<br /> ;� t,,t{Y; Pes�mi Y b'� ��`. : s �.a, � —
<br /> , � }.,•�;�.�' the charge to tt�pe�utted limil:and(b)an�scuns already coliected irorret.B�►:vwer which exceeded pee�zciued li�ruts will be ';''.�:;.'?�����:�'� ��
<br /> + . ��;.� , F:;�.:-
<br /> �. �`�� � ;.::`.�� � , . � refunded to Bomoa•e� Lender ma chuose to make this refund b redncin t� nci owed under the A'ate or b makin a ±�`'�` �'� :i.��.:.��� —�»—
<br />- �`� ' � direct a ent to Bdrrower. If a yrefund redaces rinci al.the r ductior►wilt�m�.��as a artial mpayment without a�r� ;; � • ='�:i;`. i;�
<br /> � �'`;r`.;I_ � prepaypcne t charge under the Note. P P P P Y '�. �_ -,.:;,,,.
<br /> , 1�<:.. ..',-. . • '••=
<br /> .� ,; t�,": :" � . l a. N o B c e s. A n y n o u ce t o B o m o w e r p m v i d e d f o r i n t h i s S e c u r i g^I r,�t P W i e n e�s l F a l l b e g i v e n b y d e l i v e r i n g i t o r b y .,. • �,;.���� �
<br /> a! ,: _.;.
<br /> :�-_,
<br /> .� .� `•`�t:.; • . r:,:�t�:�:�":;;:�';�;_.
<br /> . ` , ' mailing it b}fust class mail unless apQlicabte law requires use of anotT�er rr.ett^.ud:Tlte,�osice shall be directed to the Prnperty i
<br /> � ' . Address or any other addte.cs Borro�ver designates by notice to Lender. Any rnotifie to•Lender shall be given by first class '�':+:;.�`>��''=�
<br /> ' � mail to l.ender�address stateQ herein or any other address Lender designntes ir�nesice ro Borrower. Any noace provided for ,. �,t. �- • ;`�'�'''���=
<br /> � {� . ' in this Security lnstrument shall 6e deemed to have been givcn ta Bo�vo�+�Yrtor�Lernier when given as provided in this . ` �'��%n�
<br /> •' � .. . • - • ., P��h .,' :::;:;`_,•_
<br /> ,� �. , IS. Governing Law; Se�erability. This Securi�y [nstrument shall bi:governed by federal law and the luw of the ».: 1�',, }�t,y
<br /> � ' � jurisdietion in which the Property is located In the event that any provi�iac►orrtause of this Security Instrument or the Note � ,+ t =
<br /> � �; r R,.. ' � confliets with appUcaoie law.such contttct shall not affect olher provisiony oF this Security instrument or the Note which ean , • �•` �'-�:
<br /> ' -• be given effect wi�hout the conflicting provision. To thi,end the proviwienw of this Security Instrument and the Note are "���•�". ;�_:;`
<br /> �� declared to be sed.er�ble. • � ��;Yi� '':
<br /> ^ �`� �: � � �``•��,s•�a;:,;..:.N ,. '"�,;�.�.
<br /> •�?��;, ��, ti,, 16. Borrowet s Copy. Borrower shall be given one confoitned�o�sy�of the Note and of this Security Instrument. , ;,> �";;.�;.*
<br /> � � • � � ��{ �!t:,� w; 17. 71rat�sfer of the Prope�4y or a Beneticial laterest i�Bo�rov�er. If alt or any part of the Property or any interest in _ � ',x,, i "•
<br /> e .• . ��•,tii+��:, ..�:�� it is sold or uansferred(or if a berieticial interest in Borrower is so;d ar transferred and Borrower is not a natutal person) .,,,;`��,+�...� ..._,f,�,;;
<br />- ` � � without l.enders pa�or written caasent.Lender may,at it4 option,require irr.rr.ediate payment in full�f aSl sums secured by -',:-�;°::?,'•''<� ���"�«""�
<br /> . �• ,i.� ,.,?1,,_�_.
<br />�� � `: '. , this Securiry instrume�t. Ho�•ever.this optioa shall not be exeecued by Leadec if exercise is prohibited�u federal law as of ;�,;iy;:.;2�°: �';:_?`� '`:;
<br /> `• � the date oithis Security lnscrument. ,°.���� �,��;t, s`�'S�`��-
<br /> ' � . ' . � • If Lcnder exercises thisop�vn.Lenders[�atl give Borrower noticc of acceleration. 'fhe notice sha11 provide a period of �,.;�,,;<<4��1 1�i¢��,< < °.
<br /> . : `�,,`':`�"� . '� �i' : not Iess than 30 days from thedace the notice is delivered armaited wiNin which Horrower must pay all sums secured by this �� � ` ,,
<br /> , �•. 7z � � � �
<br /> , ��:'• .,`' '� , Securiry Insm�ment. If Borroµer faits to pa1J tflese sum�;priorto tAl expiration of this period. L.ertder may invoke any ..:i;;r,4�,; ,: ` +'.���%
<br /> •� � . temedies peimiued by this Securiry Instrum�rt caz�hout further noticr ordemanA on Horcower. � � ;< ?' ��� l� �`
<br /> ' � ' ,:� 18�. Borroe�r.r.�Aig6t to Reiastate. If Sorrower meets certain�G�nditiony. Borrower shall ha�e the ri�ht to have -+k�, `, ,� :
<br /> '' � ' enforcement of this Securi tm�trument discontinued at ar► time r�ar to th�earlier of: (u)S da ti Ior such other rIad as � ' . �
<br /> �:,�t : ty Y P Y' Pe :�r,:{c,.:
<br /> i � , , , •;t„?,:�_��:' •.�' .,
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