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<br /> , . �. . ' ..y �• _•�. , . .. --....c...<_-:-.:.+�+:.iawr4... '4.:"'. - - -r--° - --- --- -
<br /> _ _. " ' _.. ' . . . ` ' . . . ' . . _ . . ` � —_- _
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<br />_ - f '^Lt �� . � " . . . . ._-.
<br /> _ ��� `"4�'` 9 ' � s .`appl[ca6t�taw may sperlfy for reinstate�tetst)befot+�eate o!tho I4oi�eRy putausint ta at��p�w r�Ote��ed i�s tltts --- — -
<br /> ` ::' � �:r�, • nf n. enf thls Securd Inst�ument n 7Ttose comdida�ta�ttt�t Bonawer: (u)� .� . �` �.
<br /> - ��.���-���i► I�_ � t!► _ -
<br /> � �,t � ° � „ - - - Qays l,�adet Ni sutns whicfi thee woutd�dne under tNa Securiqr Insuument aad th�Note os If nb accet�ttloa h�__ ; . ,� _ —_
<br /> ° ,' ����.` : accumed:(b)curea any defaatt of nny ot�er rnvenants or a�reeme�ta;fc)pays all expeases incurceA in enfdreing�is Secwtty � 4 < < r --
<br /> - � -����:�� � � �° insaumen�Including. but�aot limited to�ceasonaete nttomeys•t'eea:and(d)t�kkca such uctton as Lender mag rr�sonabfy � :}�`4-""� --
<br /> - ;� � ��;c �...:'`4 rer�uire to assure that the Iten of tTda Securlty lnsttument�Lender�righta in tRe P�operty and Bonower9 o blignt�on ta payr the . • ` .�'� __�
<br /> :F .�, : �,:•°.,� :�� ausns secured by Nis Securiry Instrument shall cantinue uacdangeQ. Upon reinsuuement by Boirower. this Secwiry ` f�:;_-,-_,r
<br /> _ ` �=`��` ��-��.: : •.��4:. r Instwcnent an�the ahligations securad bCceby ahall rematn futly efferdve ag it no acoeteraHon had oecutred. However.ltils ;::�.-< ���_==—--
<br /> ,.__ �, _� ` � right to reinsmte shaU not e�ply tu the cas�of acceiersuton under parxgruph 17. � � �`�?,.��,��, -
<br /> � ��� �° 19 Sate ot Note;C6siig��at 4aut Servicer. 7tte Note or a pamal irrtecest irw the Note(together wit6 this SecurIty "-�� � �;n�.,�;,-
<br /> ,_ � 6
<br /> �_ `�` Insocument}Qtay be sold"cae oimote t�nea_wlthout prio:aotice to Bonower. A sale m�y result in a change ia the e�tity ..,� � �r,��•_
<br /> ��; :� `{taiown as the"Loaa Servioe�"�'that co�Iocts monthly paj+ments due under the Note aM this Serurity Instnunent There also ' �'�': ,� .
<br /> er
<br /> � r''� may be one or uiore clianges of the Loan Servicer unrela�ed to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loaa Servlceq ' `�^_�F__.� `� _
<br /> , �.�"�:�,:�.'',: Bonower will be given wriuen aotice of the chaage in aaordaace with paragraDh 14 above and applicaeIe law. 'Ihe notice "� "*..,� `
<br /> gr
<br /> wiU state tIle aame and add�+ess of the Qew Loan Servioer and the address to which payments should tre made. 'Ihe notice wiU ;f� �:�:� °a`�'
<br /> ��� � �'° aLso oontain anyt oiher infarmatfoa requi�bY�PPficable law ; ">.=``�2`<:A-�``°
<br /> - Z0. �rdoas 3nbs4anae� Boaower shall aot caute or pennit the presen/�p use disposal.storage.ot retease af any .~ `'�' -� -����°
<br /> . �`��..�.'. .���•._ MM f c.+� J�;�y��. k ;
<br /> _ ` Ha2azdous Stibstanoes on or iu the Propeny. Borrower shat}not do,aor allow anyone eise to do,anything af�ecting the ��� ; '���� � �°
<br /> %:. _`����" � ' �' -� '_`'r '-'s-::.µ`r5`
<br /> �• " ��•�:',:��.��=<�,�`�: Pcopetty that is in vtolation of any F�vuonnieatal Law. The pseceding two senteaaes shall nat appiy to the p�eseace,nse.or .z_.t�� : ,. ;
<br /> - `:� - = storage oa the Pmpeny of s�nall quantiaes of Ha7ardous Substances that are generally recwgnized to f�e appropriate to normal ` ` �;, _�
<br /> ' � ..� residential uses and to mainteaaace of the Roperty. ` „ `
<br /> ��5 ,� t
<br /> _ _ •�,��:.,�1 �.::.�::. ;. ...
<br /> $arrower shall promptIy give i.ender writien aotire of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsnit or otlter actia�a by any .t�s:<�s�.:. ;.,;=;.,;�;�:`:
<br /> �,;�.. .;;ts.,`:� J govemmental or cegulatorY aSency or grivate party iavolving t�e Ptoperty and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental ?,:<<.,��:<;:'.��__
<br /> '<,- Law of wfich Boirosver Uas actuat amowledge. If Borrower leasas, or is notified by any govemmental or regulacary `•�f'�.,r^•,�`';���-�-
<br /> - ` ' �'�� `'t< " a�oriry,tEz�any iemoval or other nemxdiation of any Hazaraous 5�bstance affecting the Pro�erty is nesessary.Borruwef- :��. �•:"-��';�+s,:�,�
<br /> ��.( ,, } ��:�� f�, sfla'!3 pr�a���take all neaessary remec�ial actions in accondance wid��onmeatal Law. s�;�`••:, : e �, o T
<br /> t 2� ' As�erl ia this pa�aagr�h 20:"I'lamsdous Substances"are Wose subsr�nces d�ued as toxic or ha7ardous ss�bstaaces�} `���{ • }� '.
<br /> , �` -x`�F` '—�` ` -
<br /> � ;�.? ` � :: �m�aoIIiueaial Law ars3 t�folldwing su6stanoes: gasotine.Ecemse�e:offier#�aini�able or toxic petrnleum p�od�act§.toz� � � .
<br /> 1��`� . � ! .' .pes�cides amil herbi�id,es,valaule soi«nts.materials co ininv as�bestos or fnsmaldedJ;de,aad ra�ioacave�ta.'�eriats.`As. � � ': �y`�� _
<br /> � f , ; used in��:s}�agiaph 20.�"Etrvuonm�ra!Law"means fedeial laws a�3 Iaws of the jurisdcction�ti�ere tIle Pcnperty is to�. : 4..�` . _
<br /> t. , L :<<•' � '. -
<br /> �:-, . . .� , _
<br /> ; �;;' ' , _ -`"�' that telate tai�eaith,safety.ar envimnmenmlprotectioa. ' �'•'Y �:�`;:- �. —
<br /> ' �" ��� ` '_ hm1�I-iFi\'IFORM COVENANTS..Bouower aad Lencler futther wveaaut and agree a�foIta?a�s: .��..` , � ,
<br /> ��
<br /> .. '�a • ` .� Zl: Aooet�ratton;�3emedte,s. Lea�+etr st�aII give_nati�e ta Borrower piams to acceiei�atton foIIowing Borraa�ete's ri - _ �t `�
<br /> ei� �
<br /> ��`s;�.� :t �'. �reach of aay oovenant ar�agreemaiat in this Secarttg Ilaslr�msnt @ut not p�to a�?'fe�on uades�paragraph,�� ��.-'.�,
<br /> �,,r�'' _.' ���,��:. un[ess applicaDle taw provides otlteu�+,use). The noSce s6aU spec�: ta)ti�e at�an�ft;{d��t.�e�dion reqaQed to ciue�tae . ':��: ',,,�-;-
<br /> . ;. ` ��4�•� defautt;(c)a dat�nat les4 Wan 3Q dnys from tQe dste the aorieg nsgiven tv B�rriawer,�S�sH'rch the defautt must� : .,,r,�.��
<br /> ' �.., �' . `���;, c n r e d;a n d(d)t 4 a t f a i l n re t o c u r e t h e d e f a W t o n o r b e f a re t h e d a t�-s p e d f i�d u��d t e n o t I c e m a y r e s u t t i n a c c e t e r a t f a�a� t��Z . ��{��
<br /> L '��'�i�� � ` We snms sc�cured 6q this Securtty Iagtrument and sate of tbe Property. 1'�ne�adce s6a11 further iaform Borrower a�� u�€'•.`a'�s,�'�".`�; �
<br /> l;f'�,{�tt`.:.; tlte a�fg61 to refnstate atter acceteratton and the rfght to bring a murt acttoa¢�m assert t he non-e x t s tence o f a d e fa n lt or � ;: . —
<br /> - � s�� any at6er defense ot Borrower to aoceleration and sat� If the default is not cured on or before the date spedfed in .. . �� T
<br /> :�:�.:,�:,,';,: ''.; . tQe aatioe.Lender at its optton may cequire immeQiate pr�ymeat in fu0 oYall sumg secured by thLs Secndty Iastrua�ent -' _-
<br /> i; '�- •` w(tttout further demand and muy tnvoke the power of sa2e and eny other remeNes permitted by applicable law , .'. �� �
<br /> � . � Lender shaU be entitted to ooRect all expenses incuKed ia pursuing the remedies proWded 6n thLs paragrapb 2I,
<br /> ga
<br /> . � i a c t u d i ng,b u t n o i l i m i t e d to,r e a s o n a b t e a t t o r n ey s'f e e s an d c o s t s o f t i tt e evt d ea c e. , , ,' ��,:
<br /> n
<br /> '•'t` ' . . � . � I t t he po�rrer o f s a le L s invo k e a.7 l rus tee s ha U reco r d a no t Ice o f de fau l t in ea c h couo t y i n w h ic b a ny p a r 4 o s t h e � • ;;�;�
<br /> �� � Property iv lacated and shall mail copfes of such notice i�the manner prescriDed by eppltcabte[aw to Boerowee and to • . : �+1.:�'R,:"
<br /> [� � • the otl�er persons presc�iAed b�r appNcabte law Atter tAe time required by appltcuDte law,'I�ustee sDaU give publtc � -
<br /> ��• ' notice of�Ie to the persons and tn tAe manne�prescribed 6y appllcaDte taw 7Yustee,without demand on Borroner. •
<br /> � �° ��:'��•. s6aU sell the Property at public aucNon to the highest 63dder at the time and place and under the terms destgnated in , _
<br /> �°,' . . �� the aottce oY ssde in o�or more purceis and ia an�•ordee'll�ustee determiaes. 'Ihustee may postpone sale of sU or any , .
<br /> ; • � � para�el of the Property�bS publtc announcement a1 the time and place ot any prevEousty scheduted sal� Lendee or fts • . � ,..�°, :�
<br /> " destgaee may purchase the Property at any sale. � : � . ��.��
<br /> � i��'.�::_ . .,
<br /> :��:.:� � � . Upoa rece fpt o f paymen t o t t he pr tce b t d,7 Y u s tee s h a l l de l iver ro t he purc haser 7 t u s tee's d e e d conve y ta g the �.: t. � '.
<br /> �� � . - _, � Property. 'fhe recitaLs in the 1Fustee's deed shaU 6e prima iacte evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. . `�� .
<br /> '� �•;;:.;.. 'iirustee sdall apply the proceeds of the sale in t6e following order. (a)to eli rnsts and expenses of exerctsing the power �. � ;" � • _
<br /> .; `��}."�F, ., ,
<br /> z'i ki� �. .<,
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