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<br /> , ....,.__� � � - .
<br /> p�'� �`.J'1Slrw^`�' ^"Eh�.:' . • . . � . . �'i£r��_____
<br /> _r •� � . t�`.'�� • . � •� . �-�?4s —
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<br /> F _� : ��. � •' ���� -
<br />-- � ,r�,Y.,.� ���.y Pedada that Lettder requires. '�De insumuce c;atrier prrnrid'dfg dte insuran¢e shaU De chosen by Boxrnwer au ecrto.l.ender� ,,,�., �
<br /> �� F� _ approrai whi�ch sfia1F riot 6t wuza�abZ}wi� If Ba=t���r�aits ta maiatain cos�dcscd�abat�.L:�ata�:ai. - - `"'� -
<br /> r `' :4:, l.ender�option.abtain coverage to pmtect Lender�rights in the Pmperty in aocc�Manoe arith paragaph 7. � __
<br /> r`-'�' pri ins�rnnce policFes aad renewals shall be aooeptable ro L.ender and shall inclade a standaed mortgage clause. I.eader . - � �r
<br /> ''���`: ti..�'� s h a l l b ave t he ri g ht to ho t d t l�e po licies and tertewals. I f L e n der cequire.s,`Borrower shaU promptty give to l.ender all t e ce i pts � `.. �: :
<br /> �S�°�:� `� �"'�� o f p a i d p m m i u m s a u d te n ewal«oteces. In tEte event of toss,Bormwer shall g i ve p r om pt noti C e to the inwrance catrier and •< ' �.�
<br /> �'�< _ ��.
<br /> `` I.eader. Lender ina make of of Iosc if nnt made m b Bomnwer. '
<br /> �`� ���,.._• "...`"�� y ma pro P� PuY Y. .. . .
<br /> `� �`. •,a=�, Unless Lender and Borrower otlrerwise agree in writing,inswan�e procceds shaU 6e applied to mstoration or npair of �
<br /> '�--�--=-s `" the Prope�y�damaged.if the mstflradon or repair�s ecoaomicaUy feasible aad l.ender�s security is noi lessea�d. If the. - — _
<br /> ��y � ri� restoration or�epair is not eoonomically feasibte or I.ender�secutiry wou2d be lessened,the insumnce pmceeds shall be � �
<br /> �'_� k�__' ' ..
<br /> '� ' applied m ttie sams secute�by tl�is Security TnstmmeaA.whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. if ''
<br /> �,�,� ��.. �,''.��- �� � '=`�° @ormwer abandoas tfle Hvperty.or dces not an5wer within 30 days a natice from L.ender that the insu�ace ca�rier has '- • • -- . •-
<br /> `�.�_�,-;`�:�{ �,°,. ° offered to seule a claim,then Lender may coileet the insurance pmceeda Lender may use the proceeds to cepair or r�estore ;,.�,: .
<br />-� ',T�.•�;' `"����' the Property or oo pay sums secnred by this Security 1ns�uumen�whether or not then dae. The 30�day pedod w�l begin when . • .� �
<br /> �':`" ._ .`:`.� the aotice is given. . . ' . '
<br /> � ��=`..�:.,' .
<br /> Ct.� 4 S-. . ,.l . .
<br /> t � � . < Un2ess Lender aad Bomower otheswise agcee in wtiting, any applu�tion oF pmceeds to principal shalt not e�ctend or � ,�
<br /> � .•' " ,�:-�<. . postpone the due daoe of tIIe monthly paymeats refemed to in patag�aphs 1 and 2.or d�ge the amount of the paymenrs. 1f r
<br /> �� 4� ` under paragraph 21 the Ptopeityc is acquited by Lender.Bonawer�s rigdt to any�ce policies and pmeeeds res�Iang �z , `i
<br /> ' `` f 5nra damage tu tke Peop�ty prfnr to the aoquisition sl�all pass to Leader tu the exteat of the sums secured by this S�cwciry >, : �
<br /> . ? ,�..
<br /> t ` � Iiuuumeat im�&atety prtaa'to dis acqui-fitioa. . : � ' ' �`'�
<br /> " , `. �';;''- 6. � Pr+e�ervatFoa, Mainteaance and Protection of the Property; Bosrm�er's Laau A�a6£s�it�� - f?^s��fix
<br /> "� °=t` �.�>F; l.easeholds. B�ower s�atl ooa�py,esmblish,and use the Propeity as Bomnwer�s principal tesid�ce within sixty�da.ys i�'s : '!;r'i•, ' ' �s�� _..
<br /> �: ��•�R the executioa of this Secucityr Insavmeat and shall cnntinue to oceupy the Prope�ty as Borrower�s ptincipal�side¢z�ffer� :�t'�`�' �
<br /> ;.�, _.:;:�:`"°..:•:�:s2 't•z aE,:;���_.:,.,,�.�.. ��:
<br /> i. : .....r.Y, kr;':.z?� .: \ ,1��,.
<br /> teast oae year a8oer the date of ocxupancy, unless Lender otth.twise agrees in writing, which consent s-�atiE ao3�U� � �',< .r.�
<br /> -`"_ . .�;.t_�,:.r:a.. r�:�;���;:_..,.��s.,�.' R``.
<br /> �• *s: unreasonably wathheld,or untess extenttaung circumstaitces exist which aze beyond Borrower's control. Bocrowershall not. t;}}�; a � ��.~
<br /> -f- �;s;'` desiroy,dau�a�ar impair the Property.aliaev the Hvperty to deteriorate,ox rnmmit waue on the Propecty. Bomower s6ali �`�'=��`��„-��� ,`,;-
<br /> ":- - • be in defaul�i€�iy fodeinue acrion or�aceeding,whether civil or pintinal,is 6egun that in l.ender'�good faith judgment n•�• � �`���'�,�'; �_tL:
<br /> ��: "�:
<br /> �4 �-���'-"����,..
<br /> ,.�.�-•� •�. could result �i�atfeinu�e of the Propeny ar otheiwise materially impait the Gen c�eated by this Security Inswment or •�. „4 ���:�=t�;.:'r_
<br /> �.�; '<-_•'<., �;::-
<br /> _ - L.ender�s secwi'ry intecest Bnauwer may cure such a defauIt and ccinstate.as provided in paragtapb I8.by causing the ac6on ;;4:�� -`:;.�;,4;
<br /> �;' or prooeeding to be di�issed with a nding that,in Lender's good faid►detemunation,pn�cludes forfeitura of the Bomower's ��';;���+'`•��.�' f � ;;
<br /> intemst in the Propeity or.other material impaument of the liea aeated by this Security lnstrument or l.eader's security � ' . _, �,�
<br /> _ ._" _ interes� Sozmwer st�all aiso Ge in default if Bomnwer, during the ioan applicadon pracess, gave materially false or ' --
<br /> �� ' - ;�'�~z, inaccutate infinrmation or staiements to Lender(or fa�ed to provide Lender with any material infomiarion)Im m�nection with � �
<br /> - .;' S •; the toan evideaced by the Note. including, but not Wnited to. cepresentations conceming Borrower's Qocupancy of the . . ; x :
<br /> : ;�,�f'"� r z; ;; �operty as a principal tesidr�ce. If this Security Luum�nt is on a Ieasehotd.Bomnwer ahall comptyr with alT t�e pmvisions ��� �,, � � '
<br /> ,� � �x�s�`���� , ,. : �€t h e l e a s e. I f Bo m n w e r a c�;:re s f e e d de t o t he P r o p e c t v di e l e a s ehold and d�e fee t i de shall not m e r g e unlessLe�d e r a g e e s -
<br /> � , ,.�, '.`Y f,� �themergerinwriting. •. -
<br /> ' '' � ,�� . 7. Ptotect[on af Leader's Rig6ts iu the� If Borrower fails to perform the cwenants and agreements � }^���
<br /> � ' � 'i�'���`�s� "�`"° contained in this Securi Inmument,or there is a roceedin that ma si icantl atfeet L.ender's ri ts in the -
<br /> : r;�...�, „. .•: ty � P g Y S� Y P� � G:;`-.
<br /> _. ..�:5;��� :. p„� , ... �°''_
<br /> peny(such as a prooceding in baalauptty.probaze.fur condemnation or forfeitu:e or to enfo�e laws or cegulations).then � ��
<br />�. ��t4�•;��� Lender may do and pay far whatever is necessary to pmtect the value of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Prope�ty. ' ,: ��-;=,
<br /> � ��r.:. . .-
<br /> �. '�'���•� Lenderl�actions may include paying any sums seruted by a lien which has prioriry over this Securit�+Instrumen�appearing ' • �. °�`�.�
<br /> _ ' �::••, ,� - -
<br /> - `' ``�`;t.;. •; in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the l�tnperty to make repairs.A�though Lender may take action : � ��:
<br /> a' � '' under this pazagraph 7.Lender dces not have to do sa � � � ��.�;g`�;i
<br /> �' � �•`' � �'� � Any amounts disbu�d by Lender under this paragaph?shall become addiaonal debt of Bo�row�es secured by this . . ' .:`��:=
<br /> � �: . ...���� , �ti:.�-
<br /> s ��. �_,��•�- � �� Secuiity InsUUmenG U�less Borrower and Lender agree to otAer tem�s of paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> ;r,;��-
<br /> � �•.��,t�,�7. ,�•: .:•,� ••` date of disbursement ut the N�ote rate artd shall be payable,with interest,upon natice from Lender to Bormwer�equesting � ;1<•,;: ;,
<br /> C��`,t� : •; payment _ � : .
<br /> ' �i�,�:�'t�,•'.E , "A��. 8. Mo�gage Ins�ea�ee. !f Lender tequired marc�,��;e insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this ;,
<br /> - `,°�:�S�. . �•' ``:�;;�; Securi lnsuwriec�t Borrower shall a the remiums ired ro maintain the mort e ins�ce in effect. If.for an �``-
<br />� ic- ,,.r:,,.,_,,�. ,...t:;te t.: tY ttut P Y P � P�fi Y :.
<br /> - �� � •�• c:�. • ,.y<<, a� _<,
<br />- - ,,t,,��;�; :.:.. . .•.�..{, reason. the atoc�2ge insurance coverage required by L�nder lapses or ceases to be in effect. IIacrower shall pay the ,�� i,.,.�
<br /> promiums re�uired to obtziu wvera e substantiall uivatent to the mort e insurance reviaastg ia effect, at a cost Y �'
<br /> t f°?�aN°Rt'tni S Y �1 P�8 P � .: .
<br /> � �,�'�4���°; �bstantially eyeivatent to che cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect.from an aItemate mortgage ';:
<br /> rF•�:,ze��,� . ' . insurer�ppmzed by Lertder. If substantially equivatent mongage lnsurance covernge is not available,�omower shall pay to ��'�
<br /> ;.;�t;����.�.. .. ��: ,,:
<br /> . ,,.•,,. L•ender ezch s�o�th a sum equal to one•tweifth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bomower when the •i,.
<br /> ' ,.,,;,a.. : ,:,. .
<br /> .t� ,,, � ;,- . . ;,i. insurance coda�e lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accep�use and retain these paymer;ts as a loss reserve in lieu :�.
<br /> �`' ;."=L�',�.��,. � -•:,l�y. of mortgage insurance. Loss mserve payments may no longer be required.at the option of Lend•r,if mortgage insurance ;:y'-"�
<br /> v�?t�
<br />:-s:��i �:���?SS=`• � .cpverage(in the nmount atid for the period that Lender mquires)provided by an insurer appmved(ay Lender again becomes ',_•;� ••.';�:. . •
<br /> i•��� •:a�h�� � :c:aitable and is obtained.Ii��rower shall pay thc premiums required to maintain mortg�e insurartoe in effect.ar to provide a .�•�i;• • . ;,;,�:'..�_"
<br /> �•" �' '�`+��'`b�� � �: � G�ss reserve.until the requ�ement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance witfi any�r.tten�enent betwce�13omower ''��;;`;; ' "
<br /> i,,'` '��'+`+�9:��'.. .�;�`:`, •:'
<br /> -;-�.4 ;���;, n• � �3�nd 1.enderarz,�plicable taw. �,_� ;� � .
<br /> i.:;; , 9 �°,'.".. . .. . g, �..t. t, ' . . .
<br /> ,� �.�,, [r�p�ton. Lender or its ager�t may make c�easonab2e entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender sha11
<br />�3i�;:� • �+._ • give Borr�nw�r r,�tice at thc time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspectioa. :. , '� •
<br />_, �:d'ta.� ,�
<br /> � � � , , 10 Cottdem�ttatFael, TTte proceeds of any award'ai claim for damages.direct or consequendal.in connectian•with nny ,;'�'�
<br /> � � , i-_, . . „
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