.nvr c�,o ..��..�����,:-r� Rj `-. --- ��-�✓. � -" L �� � � � �
<br /> I ; �'`;�_ ti.�fn'. µ � , ti�'b u2_� i�v —
<br /> � y Z'S�; �•� tc +-x ._ .�_ — -° -_ .._. --. _
<br /> c�'C-ti� � ��.�f,�(c�_C •. " y � ---ta,d ..F'- +].� — _'.
<br /> C'.-J:..-�,. .C?�.�T`,.,�_vi — ,� '______ —
<br /> --`. .u `'�,' _+ , .k• f4 � . ` . _ ` . �� ,'� � _c`,. ' - '� . .. - n• -- =t'
<br />!��- _,:��-,.:ii�.�a - ` , e. ...�1. .. . , '.. � <�,� � . ',4 `•K^ _ � ° .c � � � C ` Y �+.
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<br /> . � `<. _: ._ . � � ���i,�.. 3.,
<br /> " ' �. �L����ff�!'I�h7�.���Si1d�t1C'C$�![�f jkRV�1�O.�SMl1F�R00 31L4��.Qd C�6Cf1�R��VlI_6tk�►J�CL�f.�R�F�f �� �, .
<br /> •, �
<br /> • . .. .. . • . -;
<br /> __�.
<br /> , . , . .m�vr_�t__ .
<br /> — . t.e�t�optto$,ati�covez�gs o��toct Y.epdec'�rt$Htn i�ttie Ptiopert�►itt acoonti�ce witb`paisgrapb;7 . ; -�� -
<br /> ` `AU i�sunncag�ltcies sad�+mcwslss�all Ds' tti Leitd�r atx�sT�i�l�id�as at�a0srd�nctAaaa D.ender ..�;
<br /> . ; ah:J!�ava tde ilaht to QoYtl t�e policies ewd i�ewfL��ndtr�quirea,Faa�aer sLaII�P�uipt�Ygtve to i.end�er aU toceTpta� ' �;
<br /> � � aP patd prem�ttuas ar.e i�isws�}q�tIoes.�In d�s nveqt o�'toss.�rrowar shali gIva�npt notice to shb instF.�a c4rriei'�t1� -�<
<br /> — i:epigr. Lenderm�q�g�aafafIuss ifaota�apr�imptiY t►9 Boaowe% � , � .` ��� :: : � ' �;
<br /> — < � Untess E�eflder�ad 8oaowea othesarLs�.agrea Ia v�iting,#nsur�ca�imoee�s st�all.6e,appl�ta test�ation ar tt�aafr'of°� .. 'u�.
<br /> . --.----i�e P�sy et�a°ea,-#�e rrsmration b�.�epuitis e�a�natcal�y-fer:�lle�td I�d��sts�rItyr is n�t.te�senei�.I€_c�._ - ;�'^-
<br /> :� resto�tipa or repa�is aat econo�nis�lI7�.fe3'sible or Lendet��Eauity wonld i�e lessened.the msur�e pmo�sds sha11 be . �'�
<br /> -- ---- : � -----= -a�pii�t�i���su�-s�e��bY�is��r-�effi;�iv��rcfa���n�a�vvir�a�y�a�paid�t�B�bwes�if ---,•.- - _
<br />-- — � . $onawer ahaadons the Ptopehy,or daes not aaswer v�nthiQ 30�ays a notice f�om.Lender tbat die iasivanc�catrier haa�,:�;;:;� .
<br /> offeted ta seuIe a clsim:then Letcder ma�r oollect`the in�uaace pmoee�s. t.ender ntay ase the p�ds to or r�:..,:,
<br /> � the Fi+o�textgsn to pay sdms sean+ed by t�s Seauity rns�arh�tfler ar aot then d�'Rie�s9[����►��fi:�,
<br /> . the QOtiee iS�ivCA. : . : : �b � .
<br /> ' . UnIQSS I.ender aud Boamver a�ag�e ia.wdtin�,anY apPlic�ion af pmc�eeds� ` �T3,��ot exoen�air` •
<br /> ,., the dae date of t�e monthtx pa7�rti�nts ief'�to in panagraphs 1 ead 2 ar����G:��pnent� I� .� ' --
<br /> nt ,
<br /> _ c1�����21 the Pruperty,���,���:Houower's rigbt oo an�,ms��and prs�r���,, ` ,
<br /> -- --- _ ,.���to the Prm''.;�cr�a�rt��t�g�s ta�tder tQ tlt���c���e�s secuced hy this Sec�f _i 't
<br /> ' . �'�aedietel����'� � z� � '�� "; ' ?;:
<br /> �..�-. --- `��� �. ��.��.��re��c�isi 3he Tr?,�p�,��awer�s i.oan ApP��i;�n •
<br /> �a�`�.-`� . I.��.=�'imi�o�c�#o�j*tn�b,a�d�e�cei�t+egt��as Bmrrower��i�cipat�esidence witbia sixiy days aften;;:'
<br /> _�'�""`�"�— the exerat#cuf of this Se�iuity Tnst�i��and shaU cominue to c�ctupy�the Ympeity.as Borrower�principal tesidenoe f4r ati�;�� �
<br />_ ---- least o�'g�ar,atter the daie of acc�pancy, naless Leader o�iwfse a�s in.wtitiag, whIc�t consent shall noi U�:;
<br /> - umeasoa�Aly withhetd,or valess extenuadng circumstaaces eaist wLich are beyond 8errower�contml. Bomower shall ttutt�,
<br />- — - ----. ..-- --destraSt.�"airage ar impair the Pnopetty.allow�he Pm�r to det�i�ate,at commit waste on the Ptoperty. Smsa��sfl31l�'-i - • --� —
<br />-- be in default if sny forFeittu�a acaan or praceeding.whetIler civil or criminal,ts begua�dat in l.euser�gQOd�'aith judgment� ���,.
<br />_-- � . eoWd seseilt in forfeit�ue of t6e Pcopeny or otherariise materiatiy imgair the lien cieated by this Secvrlty IpstrumeAt or :
<br /> _ Lenderh senaity intetes� Bonower may cure sucb a defaWt aAd ieins�ate.as pravtded iA patagraph 18.by causing the acitan �
<br />� or procee�iitg to 6e dismissed with a raling tha�in L,ender�good faith detenntnadon.pcxludr.s forfeitura of the BotrawCr9 :;
<br /> � intcrrst in the Property or other mateiial tag►aitment of the Uen create�by dtis Socuriry I�stnunent or Lertderh sa�uity
<br />= interes� Bonowet shaU also Qe in defaWt if Bomower, dtuIng the loan applicatfan pmccss.gave materielly false or
<br />�_ inucxuiate inf�madon or statementa to Lender(or faited to pravide Lender witb eny materIal L�formadoa)in connecttoa wtth �
<br />�� the toan evidenced by tfie Note. inaludtng. but nat limited m. ccpresentations concemu�g Bamuwer�accupauc}r uF tha .�
<br /> �PertY�8 P��PaI res(denoa. If this Securiry L�suument is oa a IeasehoId.Borro�ver shaU ecimply with all.the pmvtsions`�
<br /> ofthe teasa If SorroWer aoguices fee tit�e to the Property.d�leasehoId and the fee tlUe shaU not merge unless Lenderagrees=
<br /> �> to the m�sger in writing. .
<br /> : �� - ��-���' � 7. ProtecNo of l.eader's .
<br /> , , :s�. p Rigt►fs tn t6e Property If Bosower fails to perform�the wvenaats aad ag�eertteMs�
<br /> �� �;•.;-,.� ,� � contained in this 5ecurlty Insmiment,or thete Is a Iegal Pmceeding.that may significandy affect l.ender� rights in��tia.
<br /> •�w '- '�.'�;�`` ProPeKY(such as a roceedin �n bankru
<br /> '� ���� '• .���. �.:: ° � p g' ptcy.probate,for condea4aation or forFeinue or to enforce laws or regulations);iHen�
<br />_ ..a.ixH;:• c.-, k.
<br />-_;,=_ ,Yi,;�. ::•:.:;;�t:�h. , Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender�s rights in the Pcopptye
<br /> �•. �+st.. Lender�s actions may Include paying aay sums secured by a tien which has prioriry over dris S�urity Inam�ment,appeaditg�
<br />_. � . > �� ' .f•;�Z;�� in covn,paying masonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to ma&e repairs.Althvugh Lender aiay take atutam
<br />_ :: . :`,� :'''::a',•'"` under this pazagraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. - -
<br /> -� ��' ' �� . ' Any amounu disbursed by L.ender under this parasnph 7 shal!become additional debt of Boaower seciued�by��ttlis �'�~�-
<br /> i
<br /> �.�;;;`.�•; �- . Security Instncment tTc�Yess Borrower and Lender a�ree to other ts�ms of payrtteat,these amounts shall bear inte�est ftnm�ttie :�;:>:;s:-
<br /> '���''�':��;� •'. �. ': date of disbisr�sement at tha Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon nodce from Leader to Boaawer requestiitg� � ":••` `
<br /> t,i � P ,. . , ,��a.,.
<br />- ; , € :`:':� a�8.�Agortgage Insvranc� If Lesder required mortgage i.�rance as a condirion of ma�cing the loaa secured by.tttis :.•"q Y=�___
<br /> ��''` ` Securi Insnvmen4 Borrower shall �` �'*��*`'
<br /> ;> . ry pay the premiums zequired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effec� If.for any i<a' __
<br /> .. . reason. the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Barrawe�shall pay ttte �`"
<br /> , ` � � premiums required to obtain coverage substanrially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost_ � `._
<br /> : , k�,;,; substantially equivalent to the cost to Batrower of the mortgage insurance previousIy in effect.from an altemate mortgage � --_
<br /> , •:;t;,i�;;.�;,,: insurer approved by Lender. If suTostamiaUy equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avz;"�abte.Borrower shall pay,�[o� F' ' :}4'v'��;i"�-��F=
<br /> • �, , % ? � Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium�irc�paid by Borrower when @le t • �'x ����,„:`
<br /> �' ,^.. '' ::•. ,!{;,��� insurance covera e la ed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will acce t.use and r�etain these a ments ag a loss reserve in 1}bu� F � �''''' +��•;
<br /> Fa ;h.4' . ...:,,,,, .. S PS P P Y .!: . . � �•��,
<br /> . ..,,•�� � '�`��-,.;;,, � of mongage insurance. Loss�reserve paymenu may no longer be required.at�.��apt:an af[.ender,if mortgage insuranre �.; ., �� °'!�`�
<br /> � � coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by a�s-ssrer approved by l.ender agaln becomps - -' "
<br /> . ..�;.;j:��r,,.. : t.� .. ..� .rsr•.: :.
<br /> '•'.. , � � „ availab2e and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage inssirance in effect,or to provldo a �.�: , �-.
<br /> � loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage ins�rance ends in accordance with any writ!ert agreement between Horro�ver, )'" t�,�
<br /> �; , �'�' � , and Lenderor applicnble law. �:.,. 6.-
<br /> '� • ' : � 9. Ictqpectioa. l.ender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon aad inspections of the Property. l.ender sha1U
<br /> ;,s . , �. � .
<br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or priot to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. � •� , ..,: '�
<br /> '.� . � � 10. CottdemnatIon. The proceeds of any awazd or claim for damages,direct or consequential.in connection with�any� � �•r r,;,�;,;`',��
<br /> }�•�', � • , � Singie Family--Fannte Mae/FYeddte Mac UNIFURM 1NSTRU6I�NT�Uniform Covenanc� 9190 fpuge 3 oJb pogea)� � � ��L ''�
<br /> , lateat Latte 6ualn�Faem�toe.■ ,�
<br /> t
<br /> ��' To ONer CeLL 180b5.7pB390 O PA1l Bt6791•l18f� •
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<br /> _ .; ';:.� . , , . --- . . . , , . � . , . . . . 1� .
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