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<br /> ' �o: .� _ ` . '— .�_. _—_. _ , ` .c�—_ .__ : '.
<br /> -h-�r._cc�._,.r.��.'. 4� . ` ` . . c � . - ` � � . � _ . . - . � � (e
<br /> �_ 1 � c (� [ ` ``� �C: � •` '� a . ' ; . •�. ``• � • •��`� .
<br /> . �, y � � �7�#'��J�W�D�`�. ��' ` _
<br />— - .�. ` cond�n�a�oa�ucr�her tal�g of�y part of tAe Pivpe�ty,ar far cunveyanae in licu a€condaamatlan.at�t�b��As�Jgned�;
<br /> - . .t e�uDtp�I W t.eed�., . �' ` _ �- _ - . �
<br /> ` ,Ia�tha aveni af a to4at'talting of�he P4opetq►, thep shall�bs app13�to,tha sums s�uial by this�5ecmtet�r�
<br /> ' � tnst►ucnent,whet�e;r or pot ths�du�.wtth a�y exa�ss pa� td o 8o�mower. In t1�a eveM�og a partia]t�cia�oi the R�e�ry ia .
<br /> � ,. ` whicb't1�e fa�mark,�t vslue af t�a Prn�rty immediatety�efore the tak�g is equal to flrgseater th�tIla amount of tlie syme .
<br />- - ' se3wred hy this SerurIcy tus�umencimmrdtately�fon the taking.nnkss Bomp�ver and'IBadet ottt$xwlse agt+ee ia wridag, . :
<br /> _ . the sums s�by Ws Secusity I�1sim�dent shn1E be t�educed by tt�ar�unt of tha prat��"� Ey the followu�g - .
<br /> _ . ° . _ &acdoa: (�j t�e totai�mounkof the sums secUnd immediately 6eforo the ta�iag,divided by tb)ttie�martcet vatue ot the �
<br /> .. ° _Ptnperty immed�ate2y 6efoie the mIdng.._Qhy 0atanoe shatt be paid to Hoanwer. tn WB eveait af a partiat ta&aig of the -
<br /> _� Property is!}vhiFh the fair market�value of tfle Property iminediatcIy_6efaae the tu�gis,iess than the amouat of t$e�sums� ' -- - ---
<br /> -- — �'�me3'satefy hefaie tbe�teTn�unfesg'�otrower-and Lenaer othsiwise ag��m wn`dng or untess agpfioaTil�el-sw -- :-
<br />'- � bthetarise lnovides,the pmceeds�shati be applied to the s�mis secxired by ttus Sc�aidty In�nrmnent whet�`t or uot die su�s ace � =�-=_-
<br /> thea du�. : , • _ ;. . `_ . �g �
<br /> If t6e Pt+cpetty is a�aadoned by�atrou�,,ar if.?�a,otice iry Lender w B�4et�C�:��:��innor affeas to make � a �°'°"�"-
<br /> 'an aw��ar s�t!�a ciaim f:arc�a��'��. -�d�4u��_'����x�`r�e the na`ut�.,-�.��, ;': _ _ -
<br /> : � � ��:
<br /> — ` � : �� ��S�,��,�de� .�9�e,��'*�}�..�,��SS�:��v�aYt:or zepaii of the Prope�t�ax<�tfle , :,� ' - _
<br /> - '� � ,����1�mS�ta'���Tt���a��ts�h�rornot�ast.�e. :�:::' �� .;: ; �� ' _--
<br /> �� - <:c' ` ;;.,::'i��s;��sr�r�i[�r othcrwisc agtee in writing+anY aPPliation a€p�ds to�principal shalI not exoend or. —
<br />-=;9 — � pi�sarie.tlis�e'¢;�te of themo�thly..gay�ents refem�dta in.pardgtaphs 1 and 2 or.daan8athe.amoant of.such�ayments, . -- --
<br />=� . ti. Boreawcr �tot Reieased; �brhe&rance Bg I.eceder Not a Waiver. Extension oi the t�me fc�r paymeat or . '—�_-
<br />•*--- � mocti&eation of amoiti7atia�n of ti�suut�scsxued by this SecurIty iasuumeat granted b}n Lettdet to any suoee�sor tn Intetest
<br />_� < ,�=- -�_ � of Bon+ower sl�aU not operate to reiease the liability of the original Bomower or Boisower�suocessots itt interest:Lender �—`
<br />� '' '� shaU not be required to commence prdceedings against sny successor in interest or refuse to exiead ttme for puyment or -•
<br />_ + t ottie�►ise modify amortizution of the sums secured by thts Secwity Insqument Dy reasan of any demand mude by t�e origin�l --
<br /> Botrw�er or Bosrowerh successois in interest. Any forbearunw by L.ender in exerc[sin�any right or oemedy shali not 6e e 'a�-
<br /> - -- waiver of or pnciadc the oxercise ot rs=y sFgkt ot r�. _ �-=�_-
<br /> - .. 1� Bucces�ore sutd Asslgne BoeteA;dolnt sutd�vera!Lla6llby=Co�lgnera. 7'he cnvrnants and ogrcementa of this ��.�'-�
<br /> � Securtry inswmeat shnp bind and beneflt the successort+ond assigns of Lender wed 8n�u�ver.subject ro tha provislon9 of ��
<br /> pumgruph 17.Bo�rower�rnvenants and agteementg nhaU bo joint arcd severui.Atty Bn�rower wfio co-signs this SeFUrity �'"F�-
<br /> ``< Insqutnent but does not eaecute tt�e No�e: (a)ia co-signing this Security[nsuument only to mortgagc.grant and convey tt�t �?-�;",
<br /> Bortowerb interest in the Ptoperty under the terms oF this Securiry[nstrumen� (b)is not peraon�lty obligated to Puy the sums ---"f.-: F_
<br />_ -f �: secured by this Securiry instrumen�end(c)agrces thut Lender end any other Bomnwer ntay agree ta extend.modify.for6ear ;:��k:��=
<br /> - .� or make eny accommodations with regur�d to the tenns of thts Security Inswmenl or the Note without that 8ormwer�s - "{�
<br /> '` �°�:=. consen� '::�����.-
<br /> : ,'::- .�f-._�:;��
<br /> '`��_;.;,;�;.��. 13. Loan Cbarges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan L::.�.:��Y
<br /> -, �','��''`: ' charges,and thai law is finalty intetpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection •.�`�,�,;.�,...
<br /> .%-.w:z�::. . .:•,,:�. . : .:..
<br /> _ :;�,_•�,:•,; ;��.; wIt6 the Ioan exceed the pemutted Gmits.then: (a)any sach ioan ctiarge shap 6e ieduced by the amount necess�r to teduce ,;:�:�;•-:
<br /> ;��': ..�-:� . ' the charge to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums already collected from Bonnwer which exceeded peimitted limits will be = �;?°�.�':;:;-
<br /> a� ^ ' ` refunded to Boaower. Lender may choose to make this cefund by reducing the prineipal owed under the Note or by making a � .'` • •:��.::
<br /> � . direct payment to Boirower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction wip be treated as a partial prepayment without any `��� °- �Pj'�`
<br /> : �"` . . prepayment charge under the Note. ;�_"���:., �"
<br /> �. - 14. Nottces. My notice to Boriower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by : 1, �•�`
<br /> F;3 , mailing it by first ctass mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.'Ii�e rtotice shall be directed to the Property ' �i..
<br /> ti_� ` ,_. � '. Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nodce to Lender shaU tre given by first class °�.',�, ' .`,;1"�
<br /> '••i` ����;�t'��:�>•�';- ' �' mail to Lender�s address stated he�ein or an other address Lender desi ates b notic�to Borrower. M nodce . aded for ' '�'?�a���'�°" ""'�"�'��� '=
<br /> �c >:x; � Y S� Y Y I�v a.. �;.,,. . ,�.....;��
<br />_ , �;• .;�:�>�����;•' ��,;�;; ics�tis Security Inswment shalt be deemed to ha�e been given to Harrower or Lender when given a� pmride� in this '+'�;i4��ti�''���..''�.�{',+.
<br /> •t.
<br /> ; ;�`y,, � :ts : paragraph. ..� `;. t;6 _
<br /> t'•, f, s 1S. G���nSng Law;SeveraDility. This Securiry Instrument sha{t be govemed by federa!Eaw artd the law of the N�,}• -
<br /> r . s ,:�. •. •.�:«c. .
<br /> • ��;..�`.•_••.. .�:«• jurisdiction i�cs��h the Properry is locaced. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiig Instrument or the Noie ° "
<br /> i��'�' ' '`�~''`��� conflicts with Sicable law,such conflict sh�ll not affect other rovisioas of Mis Seeuri Instrument or the Note which can �
<br /> �'��' . ,,.;�zs�' �� � P ty . .. -
<br /> ��`;:I>� '• �. be given effect without the conflicting provision. Ta this end the provisions of this Securiry instrument and the Note aie • � ,
<br /> ' . . .. declared to be severable. _ -�
<br /> �''� ' �� 16. Hor�wer's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Nate and of this Security Insmunen� �� � �
<br /> � _ �� 17. 1�sk'�r of t6e Property or a Bene�icia!Interest in Borro�er. if all or any part of the Property or any interest In ' .• ' `'�t
<br /> •� - � ��. ':.� . • it is sotd or trartsferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or uansferred and Borrower is not a natural person} " ': •".��;�;._; :.''..
<br /> -'�;'� �''``���`'���• � without Lender�s prior written consent.Lender may,at its option,reyuire immediate payment in fult of aU sums secured by
<br /> `Y��. �.r'-�rd�n?i;• • .` . � ' :-i.: . ' .....
<br /> t, ,�,'�;}� this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercis�is pmhibited by federal law as of , . , �
<br /> ; ::; , „��,,�t .. � .• ' the date of this Security Instrument. � •
<br /> � •��':��°• � • '• �'' lf Lender exerci5es this opuon.Lender shall give Borrower notice of accelerution. 7'iie noticP sftall provide a period of • ��;,��.''; '"•
<br />-�,":1�: �: � ,.��.���:;,,; �:.�:�-,�' . .
<br /> - � �',�•�:,ti.ti;. ,..+��� not less than 3'�days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wich"r.�which Borro�cer must pay all sums secumd by this �
<br />-. . ; �.g;=<r�-:�":5<; 'l'`�; ..(�.:..
<br /> - • • ��•..�••� � �:: ,,.; Security Instr�wnt. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior ta tf-e expirution rsf this period.Lender may invoke any � ••
<br /> ,_ ':�'ii:i�;�:;';:�:' . �.
<br /> i�t ��:�:=:.;,,�� � remedies permitted by this Security lnstrument without further notice or demand arz Borrower. � ..� ' -.
<br /> ' �• ��>3x�'� � 18. Borrower's Rig6tt ta Reinstate. 11'Burmwer meets certain conditions, Bnma�ver shap have the right to have � •�-'
<br /> . '.�tti:' : ' . .
<br /> �.��.� � . enforcement of this Secuaty Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of; t�)5 days(or such other pedad as � • • �
<br /> , . ,
<br /> � ``'���'. � Single Famity•-Fannte�fae/FYeddk Mac UNlFOR1!INSTRUNiiVT••Unifom�Covrnant� 9/90 Ipa�e 0 njb pagtsJ ' � .
<br /> • ,: . . . _
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